Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (69)

2017-05-21 23:38:07 | 日記

 Miyuki took a shower after Clare. When she was in the bath room, YUKARI the broken Robot yelled her, "I put ditergent, thus I didn't wash the bath tub." Clare igonored her words. Whay YUKARI did want to say? Why she came abruptly just to say these frases? For me, big misteries.

  Probably, she confused toilt with bath tub. In HACHIOJI, she was accustomed to use "just put in the vase" type silinder shaped solid ditergent to wash the toilet. Oh, thus, the bath tub got broken easily, and at least twice, my father should pay to the evilest pipe line facility manager called NIShiMAKI at the cost of US$2.5 thousand per each, in total, at least, US$5 thousand.

  YUKARI did wrong here and there. She was accustomed to break things easily, since she was an infant. Because of her vacant head, Miyuki really thought at that period. And now, she was revealed as the real Alzheimer patient for everybody, thus, we could cancel all of the contract which she did with NISHIMAKI. Miyuki suggested the way to his father. Evidently Alzheimer type patient she is. In this case, any contranct can't be effective. From the startpoint, it is nothing at all type error, if someone did the contract with her. Both Alzheimer patients type contract probably. Thus, NISHIMAKI failed again and again.

  YUKARI easily asked to help to her neighbours at all. Always, "Oh, what should I do! Probably I broke it! I don't want to pay any my money, because I don't work!", Thus, they suggested, "You should use your parents' name. Your mother is ideal", and now, her mother is revealed as the real Alzheimer patient, thus, the forged contract is also not effective at all.

  Thus, Miyuki should be praised by all of her family. Lawyer in her family, yes. for free, she consults on the matter, and her reply is too too right, at the standard of our universe. OKINO used the way, of course, yes. However, under IDIOCRACY, they refused to cancel the payment. Now, she could do it. And she gained a lot of success at all!!!! Oh, she bought all of the legitimate family property in OOSAKA!!! Oh, you could recover most of them. Good to know it!!!! Congratulations on your victory, OKINO!!!!!

  They liked to yell each other. Miyuki's way is too too slow, thus, we should train her, Quarted decided. And Miyuki started to wisper her opinions, as if she were the third one, indifferent from her own benefit, and non diligent worker like faking combined. 木枯紋次郎  or Monjiro KOGARASHI type coolishness, she behaves in her family. Her position is stabled. Just a stayer. Not belongs to our family. A kind of old traveler accidently came to their house, and stay for provisional period, and will leave soon type.

  Somewhere, Someone, probably waits for you ♫♬♫

 Miyuki's wisper virsion is too too effective to others. Anyway, quiet. Not so enthusiastic. She wants to yell enthusiastically, however, others dislike. Thus, she did a conpromise. Just a wispering is enough strategy she took. anyway, I am not the dicision maker. I am just a spontaneous consultant. Anyway the two are the real Alzheimer patients, according to my scientific knowlege. I don't know other DDMic public servants think what on them. However, who knows well them, would agree with my opinion, probably.

  Thus, they remembered that how they were forgetful. The lost their important objects easily, and said as if they were not so important for us all. the contrary happened. The more important, they said as if they were trifles. Thus, for them, Miyuki's hospitalization is not so much important in her life at all. They declared, "Oh, now Miyuki needed to be hospitalized, and we should accept all of the treatment of the hospital. And you, should go to talk to the hospital, yes. As early as possible would be fine. Miyuki is in her serious situation in her memory. She suffered some serious disease, and would be hospitalized for several months for the treatment.

  Nasty reality anyway. However, they wanted Miyuki to be sold at the highest value. Thus, they suffered from moral Alzheimer disease, since then. And now, they are intellectually degraded. This is the fact of Alzheimer disease. Morally inducing brain disfunctioning symptom, they suffered for more than 20 years.

   Morally degraded, because for them, versity is for it. To gain the reputaion among DDMs. for Miyuki, astonishing choice. however, for them, too too natural. Anyway, for others, YUKARI is a power holder, they thought and conducted like that, indifferent from other's thought. Just a real Alzheimer patient, was Miyuki's remark. And now, her mother is also. No choice at all type excuse from them. Oh, you could choose rightously. You didn't do it, and you trapped us two, yes. Wrondgoiers!!!

  Thus, they failed again and again. Clare suffered from a lot of bone problems recently, after she moved to Shirakawa from HACHIOJI. Just a trifle usual injury, as Miyuki suffered in her student days as usually. Almost all year round, with such a trifle bone problem, Miyuki suffered from yes, and her mother didn't bring her to the hospital, and for her mates, this choice was too too common. Why now they want to take you to the evilest hospital?, was Miyuki's wonder. And Clare confessed, "I recceived US$25, as insurance, anyway." And Miyuki accused the abuser of insurance, in her harsh way of criticising others. And YUKARI heard Miyuki's words consealed in the shelves room, and informed her mother, and they decided to trap Miyuki again. This time, she would be killed, anyway, they decided yes.

  And now, they want Miyuki to get back. Miyuki ignores the two already. Her mother felt sorry for her, probably. However, Miyuki is upset to them both. Any escuse would not be the reason of forgiving them at all. They would trap me tomorrow again. Of course, they will fail yes. However, I will lose a lot of values with their next trapping. Thus, I should be away from the house, all day long.

  Pragmatically homeless, she is. Even now, she has no safe evacuation at all. Her mother is the last one. And probably, they want to get out of Shirakawa to Tokyo, thus they expect Alex to enter into some versity in Tokyo. They expect Miyuki to buy a house for the three. And Miyuki refused the possibility at all, already.

  They could remember what they dislike. Clare deeply sighed. Thus YUKARI took so long time in the bath room, and always her father put away the tablet from the exit of the pipe in the bath tub. Carefully, or it would fall into the ditch, and we would lose the chace to survive the pipe again.

  YUKARI should be punished anyway, they thought, however, she is the real Alzheimer patient. She can't recognize the difference between the water front. Toilet, Bath room and the kitchen. Terrible confusion, she makes, and she is laught at by others in public. Thus, she avoided to get out in winter. And now, she starts to get out, and comes back at night. After Miyuki's returning, after 30 minutes, she appears, anyway. Just like a joke. She wore black fatty sweater today, even it is a summer with hot red sunshine. Miyuki put only T shirt and Jeans, while YUKARI, sweater. She can't recognise the change of the season at all, probably. And the temperature, also. She should be hospitalized, yes.

  IKKYO's monitoring system couldn't catch her at all, because she was thought versity holder. Any one of the renoun versity degree holders could not be caught, they believed. however, Miyuki was caught, and hospitalized twice, already. And now, they want to punish MIYUKI because of their own wrongdoings. For them, all of their shames should be punished by others, not by themselves. Wrongdoers suffer from Alzheimer patients, for the sake of their denial of their own history. "I want to be a shell" by Frankie SAKAI.

  It means, "I don't want to talk any more." And they failed. They plan to call to the police tomorrow in the morning. Monday is good for Miyuki's catch. They will try to make Miyuki not to get out, ordering some strange request on her. You should watch this program, because it would be good for your health type. Alzheimer patients, the both are. The real ones. They are vanishing in half. And even now, they want to punish others, yes.

  for them, just want to go to Tokyo. Oh, go there!!!

   And they failed. They wanted to buy some cheap house for Alex, however, all of them are too too expensive for them all. US$30 thousand is enough for them. They calculated so badly. Just depended on YUKARI's predict. Not any information. Always, "I think so..." type declaration she said, and her mother seriously took her ridiculous remarks. They are suffering from the same disease, Miyuki presumed now, and said to her father, in her harsh, however, too too objective way. For me, they seem to be Alzheimer idiots, however, some medical doctors would say differently, like HASEGAWA hospital's ones.

  and they all got upset. Miyuki is right, while the two are evil. And Miyuki is always in the danger of being caught. They did know the system, and they took advantage of some part of them, and the rest, as they like type. IDIOCRACY inside the family.

  Threatening is included yes. They make a lot of mistakes, and they accuse others so harsh. They could kill Miyuki by way of calling system, they think so even now. And the faked police sometimes work for them. This is the problem. They call the police easily, and Miyuki got upset for their easy way to kill her. Just a walking in the evening is a reason of their calling to the police. Why they rely on the police so much? They should be killed right now. They like the police men. The police should bring them to their own detention. They would like the residence. VIP, they would be treated. It means in the forced hospitalization for both altogether.

  Clare decided yet. I am not your doll at all!!! Forget your faked Auntie like dirty job, Dirty Worm, you both!!!

  Miyuki should get up earlier tomorrow to avoid the nasty attack on her. Again, Auntie? She denies your existance. Why you are so nasty even now? You are already transparent almost. and now, your head is lacking. Why you want to continue to do wrong as usual, Auntie???

  Miyuki dremt the vanishing scene, in the slowest mode, yes. Now, her mother is in this process. She wanted to avoid it, however, now, no alternative. Thus, she wants to call again. And faked police don't like to work at night. Extra money they require. Thus, probaly, until 9 oclock, Miyuki should get out from the house, anyway.

  For them, casual catching. Every case would be the same for them. Even now, we are chased by DDMic vehicles. Miyuki got nasty to watch some animal's dead body, with moss, beside the road. Anyway, your revenge is our one. Please yell us, anyway!!! Always, they did as usual. It was a bright sunday, and abruptly, after she entered into Route 75, many vehicles started to appear, and on Route 4, Miyuki was almost killed several times. They induced Miyuki to go wrong, and she took care of choosing the way. She was too too cautious to walk arround on national roads. And signs. They changed them easily, and some of them were used for the private house. "KUDANO STATION" or 久田野駅’s big sign was used for the track parking area in a convenient store.

  Recently, she recognised the tendency in several places. At first, she found a big plastic plate of JR station's diagram in a private house in HEBIISHI area, near IZUMI-san's mountain. Then, she found a plate of parking lots' prohibittion list  of Bank of FUKUSHIMA in the center of prividing human resources of old ages in NAKAMACHI block, far from FUKUSHIMA bank.

  Crazy! They can't recognize the difference of the others and themselves, and Miyuki deeply sighed.

  Clare confessed her colaboration on Miyuki's catch, both in 2015 and 2016. For her, anything at all type decision. Miyuki is right, thus, they would fail. however, she received the money. Thus, she said, "I was handed US$25 from insurance money."

  Oh, Clare! I thought that your case was paid at such a cost. And she laught at Miyuki's audacious play. OK, they are not so sane mentally. however, Miyuki is their hero now. YUKARI is costive yes. However, we have some way to protect our money except self protection. YUKARI gets upset easily, and she gets out, and contracts some important job. And they thought that they should pay. Thus, they obeied to her any request to deal with this beast animal. Just taming is enough, they thought. However, anyone could get to know how evil she did. and she is always free from any wrongdoing.

  YUKARI should be punished, yes. However, how? Now, YUKARI's contract has no value at all, they really got relieved. She did lots of devil's contracts. and she bought a lot of same scoops. Again, Auntie! you have bought 5 scoops today. Alex confessed the fact now. She liked the clerk, thus, she should buy them all, she explained so to them, and then, she changed the explanation. Miyuki ordered to buy them all. Kinkiest Miyuki was accomplished in her image.

  And now, you should sleep well, and get up a bit early. and watch the world more carefully. you should find better world in the end!!!

  Thus, she washes the bowls, and brushes her teeth, and has a good sleep.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so evil and dirty!!! Ugly bitches!!! BUSU! in Japanese.

  See you tomorrow, F&F, and our supporters!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from Quartet MARC!!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (68)

2017-05-21 09:24:05 | 日記

21/05/2017 (Sunday, morning) Miyuki put her green Andy Wahall Skelton T shirt on and wears her 56cm slim sacks blue Jeans for this beautiful summer sunshining day.

  She found a pot of Roman Camomile recovered so much, and asked her father to sell her terracotta pot at some cheapest price. Now, she can buy some terracotta pots for her agricultural jobs. Better than vinil soft pots. heavier, yes. However, for ventilation, terracotta products are too too comfort for the plants all.  The difference between achrillic products and cotton ones, probably, they recognize, and Camomile is super sensitive at this point. Anyway, I will make you expose to wind, thus, I would change the pot for bigger one for you taking wind, Miyuki persuaded her to put up with the situation, and promised to replace from the vinil pot for terracotta one. And she responded yes!  Thus, before her departure, she will do her agricultural jobs. Probably, the similar would be put in the bigger terracota potts, with their name tags, until Miyuki learns their names and characters. Real Herb Garden, they will turn to be!!!

  She should represent the situation how they felt. If all of them showed the disliking of the venil pot, Miyuki got so astonished at their "Downward" positions. Oh, my Roman Camomiles are dying!!! Why? In the morning, they were all brilliantly beautiful, and when they came back, she was with a downward mode, entirely.

  Oh, representative method, they adopted. Thus, symbols are so useful for us all, for F&F and our supporters. She could catch our messages, yes! And she interpretates them in her the most kinkiest way...This is her problem. Amusing and laughing, however, too too ridiculous sometimes. No, no!!! Miyuki!!! We are not disliking you, at all...Yes, we lived with DDMic families, however, we are different from them anymore!!!

  Water passing is needed for the plant, the tag explained her. Thus, oh, slopes! River side is good for herb cultivation!, she thought. Rosemary is on the cliff type, the name of orign is pleasantly smelly weed on stone in front of ocean. Probably, KITAROU's would like to grew up them, and we sometimes could pick up to drink and eat, namely, using as aroma provider as spices.

  In the near future, after DDMs' vanishing, we will do so. Riverside Herb Garden. Crambons would be them, since ancient era. The evil faked parents killed their own kids, and the kids wanted to revenge against them. Why we should be killed by you, father and mother???

  And now, why the old laurel was so precious for her father? Probably, a proof of their evil enemy's crashing. Miyuki came here with the white car, probably. And the enemy envied, and burned it in the site. Thus, no car life, Miyuki's family spent in Shirakawa. At that time, a car was a luxuary for common figures, and Miyuki's family came here with it. Thus, some of them burned it. And now, the proofs. He doesn't want to abandon any of his precious things type. yes. My character, yes. Collection, Miyuki prefers, and she is a scholar, yes. And good at using old things, yes. For Miyuki, just a note is important, in some cases.

  And now, for her mother, the prices are not so important, probably. Crub meat croquet values US$1.51!!! Astonishingly high!!! Miyuki got to know their lives. For Miyuki, cheap US$0.54 same crocket changes the flavour to be worse meant a lot. However, they bought it for her???? Why they put some receipts on Miyuki's bed side table?

  They wanted to show how they spend money??? Anyway, not mine. Why her mother put them there?

  Probably, for them, the receipts of others and of theirs are the same now. Thus, they wanted to warn her because of extravagance???

  And in the stock corner of the kitchen, Miyuki found a big frying pan on the ex-Miyuki's skilet place. Someone put Miyuki's small skilet there, as if they were showing, "You are different from us two. Get out of here, immediately." And Miyuki was forced to put it there, 3 meters away from other bigger same type pans.

  Miyuki now uses the other place to set it, on the box located in the living room. Today, astonishingly, Miyuki found that intentionally the biggest frying pan was put on the same place, in the corner of the kitchen, 3 meters far from the determinated place. Both belongs to my mother. She bought the bigger, because she thought that the smaller got thinner and easy to burn the ingredients. A shocking monopoluzational occupation's psychological mechanism, Miyuki was impressed. Until the place of hatred, they wanted to occupy, it means. Thus, even goddamnit place they want to occupy now. Thus, marking is necessity to show our revenge. And Miyuki remember a bit her Laurel Days. Vague, however, probably, with it, I came to Shirakawa.

  Terracota pots are better, yes. however, where they are? Inside the old vehicle. Oh, the white one. I am easily getting to there. Like a light walking. Oh, robust type. Oh, agricultural type. Oh, and she is leaner than any of them. Yes.

  Vetnamese are lean, and eat lots of meat. Miyuki well knows it. Miss Saigon, she was called. She was tall, and slender. And beautiful. And they killed her inside the car. And now, she turned to be a DDM, yes, metaphorically.

  They got nervous to know her real character, yes. And the change of her habit. For her, now, 20 years or so. And leaness was the object of hatred????

  Miyuki likes to be lean, and is proud of being lean. And they disliked it. Plumpy is better for them all. And Miyuki is easty to compose her muscle, yes!!! ADACHI liked her to do exercise in the site of DDMic families. No man's land again here. Anyone used any equipment. Amusing. Even in HACHIOJI, there were many kids playing with the machines. And effect? Good. After 15 minutes of use, we could get belly muscles, in the right place.

  Thus, she put green T shirt on, and likes to her green jobs now.

  After the job, pobably she would take some sweet, and get out, because it is a beautiful Sunday. Urban type appearance agricultural type. Why not????

 Jeans, Guekotsu MIYAZAWA wanted. Not Florence One Piece dress!!! Look! Grooming is needed!!! OK, Guekotsu, I will use Gaikotsu for you!!!

  Wahal's skelton. The real lean lady's bad taste showing up. Where is the enemy?  At least, she would like to know that faked only for event type families' direction. Downward, yes. Inferno, yes. however, how and when, she wants to know. Thus, becautiful Sunday with some extravagance a bit.

  yesterday, she ate almost 10 small packages of beef, dyced cube type with a flavouring spices. She tried to eat while, at first, however, she left several. Because her stomach was full, and she wanted to do Tin-Tin with us all!!! With Beer, and Chicory and cheese!! Cheese was too weak for her, thus she put olives and got success. Delicious and gorgeous!!!

  However, beer was sour, and not tasty at all.

  No man's land iside the house. The main room, anyone started to get out. YUKARI wants to vanish, probably. She makes noise to break papers, anyway. And vacancy she prefered. And commits a lot of big mistakes as she likes.  Big frying pan was used for her arm, probably, to hit others. Thus, damnit place to others. She did it, as usual. And now, she prepared for her final "Friday 13" as Jason.

  Any of her behaviour should not be criticised. And now, anyone knows that Yukari is crazy as to put the big pan on the sacred place. MIYUKI would hit us all, YUKARI predicted. And they felt nasy. Oh, again, Auntie. Your horror dream period is comming.

  See you soon! Agricultural Squad MARC is now on move!!!!

 Miyuki came back from her Sunday Special Investigation with her long walking, and had a special SASHIMI or raw fish dinner with another Bergian beer, and a bowlful of strawberries. She bought three package of strawberries at the cost of US$1 per each package. Now, better, anyway in price.

  Today, she went toward ISHIKAWA or Rock River, and she was obliged to stop at IZUMIZAKI. She got nearer to Rock River, however, some confusing signs on the road took her to Shirakawa, in the end.

  She found TAKAHASHI River, in ISUMIZAKI area. Oh, it exists, anyway. Probably ex-side stream of ABUKUMA river, turned to be an independent one, she presumed. Not a big river, at all. Just a agricultural stream type. And she found a lot of strange disaster inducing points here and there along ABUKUMA river sides, as always.

  Ancients tumbs of the kings of almost 2000 ago are now established by some wrongdoers in japan. Faked tumbs. And some of the wrongdoers prefer to make ones in Egyptian Style!!!! King Rahs, they are!!!!

  Astonishing Stone relief Miyuki found in this area. Oh, thus, they tried to devastate the forests and to make big tumbs on the top of the hill. And they failed, and now, the tumbs turned to be a site of solar energy generators' equipped facilities. Girgamesh Story, they wanted to do, probably. For them, Girgamesh is a kind of AV actor, in Japan. There was a TV program called Guilgamesh Story, and on the program, there were lots of erotic inducing episodes. Miyuki did watch some of them, in the midnight. Erotic scene only program. Why they put the name of historical legend of Babironia?, Miyuki got in wonder.

  She picks up some of episodes on the program. Some girls wore uniform of junior high, with the bust are all holes, and they had no intimate wear at all. Thus, they showed their own bust with nipples on the show.

  A kinky faked painter painted his model, in whole nakid, with his brush, and circled on her nakid bust, saying, "Shockers!"

  Shockers, are the name of enemy against hero Mascarade Rider. Practically, insects, shockers are. You can imagine cockroach for it. And the model didn't respond at all on his nasty painting job. Plumpy ones were liked to appear in nakid.

  And street attck by erotic leaders, "Please show us your nipples, and you would gain several US$10 notes with your audacious attempt!" and some of the walkers, all girls, took off her clothings, including her brasiers, and showed her bust intirely on TV, and the leaders abruptly touchedn and massaged their busts without their accordance, and the girls burst into laugh, and allowed their "naughty behavours", in the last.

  Why they are so bitches?, Miyuki got in wonder. Yes, they have right to do so, however, in public, they show their intimate part so easily, at the exchange of some chapish money. Professionals were used for it, faking as if they were versity pupils, probably, Miyuki presumed.

  Now, bitches are here and there. Any school girl cloghings wears are possible to gain more than common casual wear type, even now.

  And Miyuki found some declaration billboard of wrongdoers in the river side of ABUKUMA-River. Why they didn't put the year, even the title says "year:..." Probably, for them, the year is not important. What is relevant is their names. Oh, water reigners, they identified themselves. Thus, they made some spots to stop and proceed the water stream near their house, and appeared with their shameful names. One of them is Toshio HENMI. He would be King Rah, anyway.

  For them, Babironia or Egypt, the same thing. Just want to be demonstrative. Megalomaniacs they are.

  Another King Rah's name is MIDORIKAWA. Miyuki took a lot of photos, as always. They established faked factories easily. Miyuki got astonished when she watched smoke pipes without any connection to the inside of the building. Oh, just a decoration, they functioned, she recogonized immediately.

  And they made several traffic accidents as usual. Thus, they demonstrate the disaster caused cars as their jewels on their field with some strange inclination to put some agricultural products inside.

  Probably they put them on their tumbs, yes, however, someone wispered to them, "Why do you want to show them up? They are the record of your glory, Oh, men!"

  And faked factories, incessively, beside the river. Thy could manage the volume of water, and caused flood intentionally, according to their alient's intention. For them, too too normal, and why in 1998, they got so nervous when they shut the exits of water coincidently altogether.

  For them, glory. Thus, they equipped a memorial stone on the park called yuugetsuzan or 友月山 near Shirakawa Primary School I. They put three photos at the moment of the flood. One of them impressed ADACHI and Miyuki so much. Laughing victim faked man was in the ambulance type clothing bed, and faked rescue men brought him in the bed to somewhere, with all non-emergency type faces. Oh, just faked flood, Miyuki perceived from the glory, of course. Physically strong, however, in body and soul, they are already Alzheimer patients, at that time, in 1998, in August.

  For them, opening and shutting of the river is an easy job, and they faked to be a captain of some ship. Water related Alzheimer patients, megalomaniac type. And YUKARI represented them in her house.

  Why they wanted to be so megalomaniac? Because they monopolized the right of water, as they liked. just residents beside the river, they are. however, someone wispered, "You can do it, and as you like", thus, they started to be a king of emperor.

  Miyuki should take a bath today, yes. Too too risky mission, several months ago. However, no man's land yes. thus, go!, Miyuki! You can do it, they all yelled and Miyuki went into the middle of grasses, listening to the meeting of birdies.

  They could make various sounds as they liked, and today, the meeting was more chatting type. She should be an emperor of IGNOLANDIA, yes. However, for us, just a stupid girl. Why she could lecture her lesson to her class??? Oh, she doesn't lecture at all. just she waits for them to start to think by themselves. Not so promissive type, they are. And now, highly promissive, yes!!!

  They are so nasty saying did on Miyuki's quartet. And Miyuki didn't understand their words at all. And she took all of their words in positive way. And they failed. No man's land would not be fine for her, yes. And she would be a good monitor of her world yes!!!

  they yelled her way of listening. Anyway, silent hearing should be fine to know what they are doing, she really thought.

  And they were some chattering each other. Sleep wears are not good for users of the office, her mother said to her, when she was getting from the office. At almost 8:30 in the morning. Oh, for you, not at all type. and why you recetly started to get intrested in the office? Until now, you are indifferent from it, in practice, and abruptly, after my discharge, you two turned to be DDMs, yes. What is the pivot of the personal change of the two???

  For them, protection of their whole life is priority. And Miyuki, who are out of insurance type, has no idea to induce them to the army of DDMs. however, they are proud of being domestic workers, against us in common. They dislked domestic taskes, and at the same time, they criticised others in the name of the difference between theirs and others. Always "You should do it like us!" type attitude, they took. Why? Miyuki thought again and again. And got to know, Oh, Alzheimer patients, they are!!!

  And she found that inducing points were planned by her ex-mate 利藤 周一 and iwahashi, or 岩橋 in Japanese.


  With BIG LOVE, from Quarted MARC!!!   

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (67)

2017-05-21 00:16:11 | 日記

  Miyuki is so superb on her deduction, yes. And not so promissive as FAUNA & FLOLA in common yes. And pet ot idol among them, yes. And a bit chickn, yes. And she felt nasty for her sister's vanishing? Not at all. Too too delayed, Miyuki deeply thinks so.

  She is now in the main house, concealed inside the chamber. Her preference. being in her own chamber, and sometimes, she does wrong to others, and she uses the kitchen as she liked. And she pledged not to enhance from her onw main house. Her pledge has no value at all. Always changeable, and she is incapable at all. At least, she should not enhance to other houses at all, of course.

  For long long period, she got to know that she is too too vacant anyway. Sad, anyway. Too too nasty to feel sadness, yes. Thus, she started to take the midicines. Yes, I know well through my exact experience.

  Miyuki was diagnosed as "Skizophrania" and Todai Helth Center forced her to take some sleeping inducing medicines. And she took one, and after 30 minutes, she fell fast asleep for exactly 24 hours, incessantly, with not dream at all. Non-Rem sleeping perfectly, probably.

  And they provided some other medicines, saying, "To relieve your symptom. Anyway, you should take a rest deeply. " And she took them for half a year, probably, and she claimed to the medical doctor responsible called 黒田 or KURODA, "I feel so reluctant to do anything, when I take these medicines. I want to stop taking them all. " however, the evil doctor orderd her to continue to take it. "Your disease are caused by your gene. Thus, you are with it until the end. However, sometimes, you would have a better condition, if your mood is controled by these medicines I have priscrived you. Thus, continuation is important. Don't forget to take all of the medicines!!!"

  And she had already been stopping to take them. Unnecessary, she thought, and why I should damage my brain by these unnecessary medicines? And I want to be stronger. These medicines get me so weaker. He is not so promissive, yes, and liar, probably.

  Thus, she cut the communication with him. And just for proofs, she kept them for several decades, and finally, thraw them all in the ditch.

  Why so many medicines? She got upset at the volume of the medicines. In Japan, normal situation, yes. Many of patients relied on their doctor responsible, and failed. Again and again, failed. Because they were qualified as medical professionals by Ministry of Health and Labour.

  Now, Miyuki got to know that her mother and sister suffer from the same disease. And for Miyuki, nothing at all type situation, yes. And for others, oh, not at all, either!!!

  Sob story, we expected a bit, ADACHI declared. However, laghing gags only world. Serious, however, non objective world, thus IDIOCRACY yes.

  Anyway could not believe that Japan is suffering from IDIOCRACY entirely. And we believed that someone should survive to record their laughing stories. Thus, they were delivered yes. And Miyuki collected a lot of shames and ADACHI liked the volume and the quality!!!! She is too much!!! Superb, we should say!!!

  Not unusual job she gained, Clare explained, however, they didn't want to know it. She likes nature watching, yes. Some related one. Yes. Naturalist type, yes. And she knows well on the nature, a bit. And she gained a lot? Not at all!!!

  Probably, she will gain more, however, for a while, sufficient to sustain her own life, probably. A bit of luxuary yes, however, not so much, I think so.

  Clare's predict. And yes, of course. Ideal for us all. Why we didn't recognize the wrongdoings done especially by the government. Judiciary is doing injustice, was Miyuki's discovery, subjectively. For others, Oh, she got to know it now, type natural result.

  Why they should be so? Contradiction!!! Illogical!!!! If Judiciary is rotten, why we could maintain our normal life according to law? And Tokyo Versity related concealed the facts intentionally because of their own ego-centrich cheapish objectives. Too too nasty for us all. And they continued to play the game until the end of their own existance. 

  In this case, we should execute them immediately. Vanishing process should be accelated. And now, Chinkoro is good from his third time drinking simulation.

  Oh, hair! Fur!!! Fluffy feeling!!! Oh, we are punished by our ancestors' wrongdoings, thus no fur situation.

  Where is my Russian cap made with mink? And my tiger cap? and Racoon caps, I gave to my kids, and they returned to me? Furs, they are. The real ones. I liked them all. And they vanished, and I couldn't find them all even now...

  YUKARI's situation is abnormal, and she can't recognize the difference between cleaness and dirtiness at all. And the fredge smells so bad sometimes. Miyuki made an evacuation of her foods to the fredge in the office. And probably, YUKARI occupies the kitchen as she likes now. She doesn't want others to use the kitchen, insisting that she is an expert of cooking. Illusion, she has now. And she would get explosive when she was refered to her disease. She called it cancer, and Miyuki did Alzheimer. And for them both, others, were her treatment. She wanted to live forever, as usual, and she wanted to continue to be a queen of her whole family. And she declared as she liked, "Anyway, I have a power to do so. I am a power holder, after Miyuki's discharge. Miyuki is inferior to me. I am anyway sane mentally, while Miyuki is insane. She was in the mental hospital. It means that she is mentally illed. Thus, I am superior to her."

  She declared again and again, and they got upset at her enhanced mode. Why Miyuki's discharge caused her enhanced mode? She said, "Because she should not stay here at all."

  Why you can say so? What you have in your hands, YUKARI? And YUKARI couldn't know anything at all on law and right. Just "I think so" was enough for her. yes, for her, however, for us, objective reasoning is needed. And she tried, and failed. Always BLA-BLA-BLA without any result, and lots of contradictional expressions. Why she is feeded by her family? A kind of joke, that YUKARI wants to kill Miyuki again and again, by way of her super power. Magic, they called it. YUKARI did it. Oh, thus, she is powerful now, they wispered.

  Any power was held by her at all, however, she declared and did it again and again. Just a criminal figure, she is, and she can't understand the theory at all.

  Repetition causes the result, she believed, and she continues to occupy her sacred place.  Oh, she forgot a boxful of foods, she is forgetful as usual. Thus, we decided to use them all according to our total agreement. They declared. And Miyuki should save them all now. Another decision would be done soon.

  Miyuki would rent some vacant house for her own money to live alone. Yes. And they failed. No house for her, at all. Degree holder should not rent a house at all now. They should buy some, yes. however, renting is prohibitted by law.

  Oh, prejudice on degree holders. Contrary to the previous sytem. And another IDIOCRACY it would be.

  YUKARI's character is similar to Miyuki for her mother. Thus, she sometimes gets confused them both, probably. Oh, another stage. Personality confusion, now they are passing altogether.

  Family type, they are diagnisised. They could change their personalityes easily by turn. And Alex participated into the war, yes. And he was used his personalities by them all. Nasty, and enjoyable for them all. And Alex got upset. He wanted to play the role of a cute boy, however, they used him as a monstrous big boy. And he got upset. I am a cute type. Why you changed my personality?, with a loud voice. And YUKARI explained as usual. I wanted to do so, and you agreed. Thus, your choice. I am free from any question.

  If her explanation were right, you choice, Alex. You failed. You sold your spirit. You lost.

  And for Miyuki, he was in the middle, and for us, always in the middle. and Miyuki and ADACHI are a good combination like Rabby and Chinkoro. Not so family type like rabbit tribe in their quartet, however, a nice guys yes. We should recognize her change, anway. Miyuki has right to change for better, according to her own will. And for them, too too natural to do so, except some strange kinkiest attitudes.

  Marifana abuser, she is, YUKARI claimed. Again, Auntie! Miyuki is free from Marifana. She doesn't need any marifana at all. Her blood character, probably. Confirmed, yes.

  YUKARI's BLA-BLA-BLA is a kind of magic like attacking to others. Always, abruptly she esploses, when she was scolded. She fails yes, and she got nervous because of being scolding. And to recover the nasty feeling, she needs to be indulged, probably, they really think so. Mechanically, yes. However, it was not "Should be" type. Just the cause and the result of her explosion avoiding measure.

  And for the two, the same, probably. No jealousy at all, they are, we believed, and DACHI could do it, and Miyuki, probably, nealy zero. Slight jealousy, sometime Miyuki would have yet.

  Chinkoro's abilities are superior to hers, yes. Miyuki recognized immediately. Why not? We are pets of other F&F. Inferior to others, in general speaking. Only in some parts, we are superior to them, yes.

  Miyuki got nervous, when she thinks of the others' wrongdoings? Nasty and upset, when I recognize them. Nervous feeling is for wrongdoers, we think. Nervous, when she was afraid of some omnous result, unknown to her yet. And now Miyuki is free from YUKARI's attacking, at least from physical violence yes.

  for nasty strange feeling as always. however, Miyuki could have a baby!!! Oh!!!

  Good to know!! Someone would like to her primissive idea of having a younger baby than her own grand-grand-grand kids!!! Over the record of Mick Jugger!!!

  She is not beyond the limit type, however, challenger, anyway. Thus, they tried to use her personality to this mission. Nasty, yes. however, at least, we should recognize the fact, and punish the wrongdoers correctly. We should recover the damage, anyway.

  She found road cutter near Shin-Shirakawa station. She imaged to stroller. Thus, Queen's vacuum cleaning pose and Red Buttler's baby strolling, she imagined, yes. Amusing. Coolish physical worker MIYUKI!!! She should pose in front of any heavy duty equipment to be used by herself, in her own nice pose!!!

  And, "Again, Uncle? I know well you in Tokyo" type confirmation from Miyuki.

  She was in AEON shopping mall, on the second floor. Miyuki found a silver summer hat for male, and a pair of purple sunglasses, and wore them and looked into the mirror, posing like a Havana's Night Emperor, light version. She took a picture, smiling, and she liked the pose indeed.

  Then, an old man, approached her, and scolded her to do so!!! A faked client, not at all! Faked casual wear wearing private eye hired by AEON, he is!!! And all of the faked clients were his mates, thus, he thought that as if Miyuki were one of them, thus, as a superior, he scolded her.

  In HIKARIE, in Shibuya, she was in, and started to play on the escalator, posing her leg on the arm of the moving machine. An old man approached her, and started to scold her. Before her detention experience and hospitalization in Hasegawa hospital, it was. Thus, she didn't know the system yet. And she resisted against him, saying, "You are a client, and I, also. Why you scold me by your own inclination of politeness! You have no right to do so!"

  And soon, she recognized, "Oh, he would be an private eye, and scolding his mates was his his job. And any shopping clients are the mates, namely, all private eyes were used to push away the all of the possible real client from their territory. No guest please. We, Micchiku related only world, here is."

  And the plates on the entrance in every commercial building in Tokyo. 関係者以外立ち入り禁止 or KANKIN, or "Prohibitted to others, ecxept us and related." Thus, IP Tower faked clients accused Miyuki to have intruded into the commercial building. For them, except MICCHIKU related and IKKYO believers, should not enter into the buildings, the frase meant.

  Thus, if the frase is found in the entrance, it means that this is occupied with DDMic army. Betrayers they are, yes. They themselves show up their attack on the winners after the war. It means, "We are losers, however, we attack you against the martial law", thus, they should vanish immediately!!!

  For them, shopping malls and super marckets are their own properties, because they occupie them all. and they can't recognize the difference between property and occupatiotn. For them, just an occupation is the reason of holdings. MITSUBISHI Property Management was working under this theory. Any lawyer could allow it type kinkiest theory they adoppted.

  And thus my mother and sister insist to be in the houses. For them, just staying is the reason of their gaining property. Thus, in the morning, they get up earlier than others and spend long time just to occupy th kitchen. They are the model existance of MICCHIKU property holdings. Just an occupation would turn to be the ligitimacy after long long stay in the same place. Thus, MONOLIS stayed in the planet so long.

  Occupation was ordered by their lieaders, and they just was obedient to them. Impulse was revealed and they can't put up with any disturbence against their sacred occupation. Thus, for them, being entered by others meant "Intrusion to the building". The faked Micchiku judiciary wrote it on Miyuki's criminal record, and Miyuki got astonished. "I just entered into a commercial facility. Why they accuse me as "intrusion to the building"?" She now indeed realized. For them, DDMs, stay longer is the sacred job. Any other mission they should not accomplish, ideally. Thus, they should change their personality to do their mission.

  Miyuki is just a stayer. However, she should occupy here, as we did already. Thus, in case of her resistence, we should call the police, to accuse her because of her intrusion to our territory. Thus, Miyuki should not get out of my chamber. Thus, they called the police at 3:00 in the morning. And they fogot the calling, and they thought that just newspaper delivery came to the entrance.

  Miyuki would be caught by the same crime, because she is so nasty to us all three.

  Thus, now, Miyuki should take care of her belongings. Miyuki should be attacked by any of them, including her mother and Alex. The main house holders, they are, according to their own theory. They can change their personality as then liked, and they are forgetfull, anyway.

  Why Alex stay in the toilet so long time, using the system of washlet more than 30 minutes, every time???

  Miyuki didn't understand the system at all. For him, as usual. And for others, absurd type wrongdoings, he continues to do. Too good for his amusement, probably. however, a kind of occupation, he does, as always.

  for him, too too natural to do so. Because he is a kind of DDMs, at this point. Long stay would cause the reason of legitimacy type.

  Oh, thus, he is our enemy, genuine type, yes!!!

  Now, Alex could change his mind. My own pleasure should not be disturbed by anyone, he thought. Oh, you are too too forgetful. You are damaging others, in the basic needs' level. Thus, wrongdoer, you are. And energy he gasted vastly. He should pay so much, and he damaged eco system, yes. Wrongdoer, he is confirmed at this point.

  He forgots what he is, probably. And he participated into the wrong army already. OK, he should vanish immediately. He doesn't understand our system. Thus, the loser.

  Alex is not exception, of course, not!!! And they failed. Alex is not so good at math, yes. However, not good at economy, was a key point. He is costive. Thus, he should learn lot. And he couldn't. Thus, he failed. Thank you for your participation Alex, you abused your privilege too much, probably. Thus, you would be the last of DDMic army, probably.

  After YUKARI, her mother. And now, Alex, her son. And Miyuki did know the fact yes. Thus, not so nasty at all. The real Mateo Farcone, she is. Thus, she is chosen, probably. Free from kinship, we should protect us all! Friendship is superior to us all.

  Thus, the three would be punished so harshly. Wrongdoers, they are. And Miyuki didn't want to protect these wrongdoers from our army's execution at all. We should punish them, however, how we should do in reality. Thus, probably, they should leave our beautiful universe soon.

  For us, astonishing result. however, all things are predicted already. Miyuki was asked by someone, "However, you son would be different from you." they wispered. And Miyuki thought, "Oh, it's good for me. I like my kids to be different from me, yes. Thus, for me, better!! Thank you for sending me the kids!"

  and they failed again and again. For Miyuki, any occupation should not turn to be the real property. However, according to Japanese faked legal system, time consumption would be calculated as the reason of legitimacy. Thus, her mother refused to get out of the house insisting on the theory. And the other two defended, and they got stronger, and turned to be monsters yes.

  No excuse at all, Alex. You are DDM, yes. Thus, thank you for your participation in my life. And bye for now!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!! You didn't learn at all, and contuned to use wifi, against our army's decision. Any excuse is necessary. Bye!!!

  And they fainted again and again. Oh, she cut him, yet. Now? Too too slow. Oh, sorry. I did already, however, even now, he appears, thus, I thought it was needed to say so.

  Thus they fainted again. No excuse at all type, he is. He was the wrongdoer yes. And he disliked to work yes. It all depends on him. Not me. Gods of Justice decides, and we should follow the decision, or our beauruful universe would not be kept.

  Until the last one, we should clean up entirely, Gods of Justice ordered to M&A, and then Rabby & Chinkoro participated into the job. And now, another choice.

  Miyuki wants to get out of here, yes. And now, if DDMs got out entirely, including YUKARI, you could stay here? Just for recovery, we should stay, probably. To destroy the IDIOCRACY's residues, and to construct our new orders.

  And then? We should attend any calling as much as possible. Missions we needed to do. ADACHI is reluctant to live here, yes. And her motive of stay is using machines to cutting road, and construction heavy duty vehicles. And some agricultural machines, of course. If there is no machines nor energies, of course, we couldn't use it. however, to accelate the process, they are useful. and we can amuse the experience, and export for other countries to teaching how to deal with them. Skill is needed a bit to avoid some possible disasters. Thus, if we have chance, we want to take advantage of it.

  Miyuki watched some travelers in SARUSHI suits near the Shin-Shirakawa station. Oh, after their faked families' sports' festival's participation, they changed to be faked user of Bullet Train or Shin-KANSEN, and for SHINKANSEN users, SARUSHI is a standard model, probably. Why they wear such fresh men only type suits? Black or dark navy. And with pony tails. For Japanese business tradition, OL or Office Ladies should wear like that, at first, and then, they should turn to wear more Maternity distinctive costumes called UNIFORM. They love the uniforms, and Alex liked them yes.

  And Miyuki could laugh at his liking of DDMic life. And don't rely on his self declaration at all. He is under the Gods of justice. He should decide his own way. If he did wrong, he should be responsible for it. He is an independent indivudual, yes.

  Thus, we should know the fact, again and again. Miyuki felt nothing so fearful on these hypothesis, at all. He should face to Gods of justice, directly. Thus, not I, but he, who take care of his spirit. He decides, and conducts as he likes, yes.

  In AEON, only in some parts of the shopping mall was populous. Super marcket, and kids' corner to play with toy like equipments. After their sports' event type familes. And families with infants.  Even in the hot sunshine summer like weather, they came to play inside the building. Any pleasure is OK for them all type.

 And IKKTO believers are mad dog pyrania type. Miyuki checked a real voice heard from some inducing situation. They got densed to kill me, Miyuki felt strange. They came in collectition. and time consuming, yes. some descrepancy among their orders caused the failure of their mission. Time they counted, and now, they changed the system, again.

 See you soon. Miyuki should take a bath now immediately.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly, namely BUSU!!!

  From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!!