Miyuki's Report from Shirakawa (6)

2017-05-05 17:24:53 | 日記

 Miyuki took a walk arround the river in the east part and in the west one. She made sticky rice ball with stewed sweet beans and brought to the Guero-Modoshi, and ate it with a big JIZOU. At least, you were free from the doubt to be a DDM. You were killed before the ordial or contract of the devils. Thus, genuine team mate and also TOHOHO unintentionally. He ate a bit. And left for his mates, actual ones the rest. We should work together, anyway. Thus, you should help us. Byr for now, and see you soon.

  She ate the other side, and he, another. Thus, not a kiss. We are all clean, unfortunately.

  and she got to know that today the sweets were too too soft and sticky. Anyway, my first trial of sticky rice making from the steamed grains. Miyuki should refrain from using water so much. She learned. Anyway eatable type. She did the pledge, and made it, and brought it and ate it together. It is important for us all. Eatable, for her, yes, however, for us....not so delicious, however, eatable...they claimed. Anyway accomplished the pledge type.

  Today, she was not in a good mood. Because of headache. However, she could do it. It is important. Even in her bad day, she could do it at least. They praised her audacious attempts.

  Not in a good mood to declare our legitimacy. We did already. And just a naughty boy type attitudes are enought, she thought. For diceased kids special. If I were one of them type attempts she did.

  She went to the chamber orchestra's place and left the other many sticky DANGO with sweet bean paste and ate it a bit again. And she thought, "Really not delicious. However, I made from steamed grains by myself. For the first of my life, I made it only by myself. Thus, eatable is enough. And she did her conductor role with the orchestra. Today, another members participated. YOUNGUE were already there. Oh, you were? Anyway, we will held another concert again here.

  And they sand "Song of Pleasure" and for bis request, "Song of Victory, namely, our triamph". And this time she got a good success. Almost perfect, and bowed politely to them. diceased kids special. Anyway, TOHOHO tribe type.

  They should have laught at her play. Audacious, because there were many cars passing at that moment, and she saw some adults watched her through a cheap thin wall. She didn't stop singing. Why we should do it? Not at all! We are free, and they fail again. Just it.

  Thus, she pledged our and their revenge again. Until the last one DDM, we should fight against our enemy.

  And she left there saying, "See you nest time", and went to westward. And found that in this area, also there are lots of inducing traps for being killed. Narrow wedge beside the small ditch. The river was devided into two part, upper one and lower one. The same water. Upper one looked drinking water. Thus, many east Asian kids drank it and got diarrea and sometimes fatal to death. Terrible inducing evil works here and there. The wedge got narrower in the middle. It means that the parents want them to fall into the river. And inducing stone steps here and there. Each 5 meters, there are different trapps. Incredably anti-humanistic. Ministry of National Geography and Construction instructed the dirty jobs, probably, she got to know.

  After 1997, the river was changed. It turned to be an evil river in the world. Dirty River, is the suitable name for the town. 汚河, or OKAWA it would be called.

  Nasty tricks here and there. And she got to know that Insurance for Versity Education by Japan Post Office Company would have covered the damage. Terrible system. The kids should be killed before 18 years old. Dead line for the foreign kids.

  Many kids didn't know the system. And Miyuki now got to know it. And the diceased ones got astonished at her remarks. Your faked parents were just devils, unfortunately, my mates. And they got to know the evil reality in Shirakawa.

  Poisoneous smell, she ejects, Miyuki got to know. Who is using the kitchen? Too much kitchen ditergent was used by the evil existance, and it was YUKARI.

  Too strong smell. Vomittable, Miyuki thought. Why she had to use such amount of ditergent at once? They asked. And her relpy is, "I need to buy it." They fell down. YUKARI should buy something anyway. Her impulse called her to do so.

  Thus, after her wrongdoing in the kitchen, she went out to buy the same ditergent. Nasty smell spilt here and there. Miyuki didn't want to eat anything there now.

  Thus she did it. It would spill a lot, and her mother would dislike the taste of Miyuki's home made sweets.

  OK, my mother could avoid to eat it. Nasty means dagerous, She should evit to eat it. Miyuki did the same thing, when she got to know the smell of detergent.

 Now my mother came to scold me, illegitemately. Alex didn't say anything to me, and he wants to have an interview to work in a some place.

  My mother came to stop his attempt. And she declared me, "He said that you had admitted it already. You should be punished. He should study hard to enter into versity. Remember whan you did when you were in a high school girl! You didn't do anything except studying. You should tread him like the same."

  Oh, mother. You made a lot of mistaked. First, I didn't hear anything from him at all. If he wants to work in a some place, the job is important for me, and working itself is good for him, if it is the rightous one.

  I responded so. However, she really got upset against my saying. She dared to say to me, "Pay him extra money to enjoy. This poor boy should work because of lack of money. He should study hard to enter into some versity anyway!" She almost cried. And Miyuki was too too cool to say the same thing.

 I studied hard to enter into versities. And he, Alex? Is he a diligent school boy? And her reply was, "He will do it, should do..."

  Thus, mother, you are the loser in this game.

  He seemed to say to her mother to accelate his money receiving from me, and he failed. Where is a place to hire you? My mother expressed me, "Probably, a kind of Japanese pizzaria... I don't know well."

 What is the job, was Miyuki's interest. And Alex lied again. Miyuki was not informed by him at this point, and didn't allowed anything at all. You should ask me before, Alex. Any proof was found of my allowence. He faked my anthority again, like his Auntie.

  They worked for it today, probably. They need to have some money anyway type. Miyuki doesn't pay him at all. Thus, they should be punished by their dishonesty again.

  "I just think so." Alex would reply to my mother. And he realizes that he lost confidence at all. Again? Faked allowence! Miyuki didn't hear at all, she said exactly.

  And my mother informed me that Alex frequently went to eat at the Japanese pizzaria. Oh, Hachioji like situation. Just for faking. In Hachioji, there was a restaurant near Miyuki's residence called "WARASHIBE" or a light stroke of wheat, coincidently.

  3 stories building the owner of the restanrant had, and worked at the first floor for the shop. The second floor, they loved, and they rented the 3rd floor for others.

  They opened only when the clients came. And their holidays were wednesday and thursday. Probably Alex thought of the plot, and immitated the story and worked together with his evil Auntie. I am a duck to pay for them. Why? They don't work, and don't want to work.

  Thus they failed. They lost their spirit, when they combined. Thus no chance to my son, either. The last one should be tough, they say. And now the reality. Her own kids are the real evil existance.

  As the same. If they were evil and a betrayer of the rule of our beautiful universe, they should vanish as DDMs. Equal even to my kids.

  Alex should be punished hard again. My mother gets upset at me, however, she really got upset to him, yes. Don't study at all. Always talking and games. Why he deserves to earn his playing money from me?

  Yesterday, as Miyuki informed, he bought some toy at US$12 from some where. And today, YUKARI received a toy to ALEX, paying her precious money with his name Alex to the faked delivery femal worker. Why she recieved it instead of him?

  And her too too active day today was. Why she was so active? High pitched day, anyway. She wanted money, and called her squad, and her mate came as the faked worker, and called Alex to see him. And she refused it. And paid the money for them, and asked not to do so, because today they were in the house. They, my father and my son.

  Alex was not so good today and lied down on the bed. Miyuki's father was working in the house, repairing the sink of outside of the house. And she came. Her tone was out of service domestic type. Why this domestic lady came as a delivery service, and said, "To Alex. Is he here?"

  Probably, YUKARI got upset to him, and called the squad to kill him, and the female squad came, and she wanted to avoid the nasty result. Miyuki got to know that Alex why had disliked to attend to the faked delivery service man, who required US$12 to him. He didn't want such a box. She ordered, not for me, but for her, however, she used his nephew's name, because it was shame for her.

  Terrible. He opened it, and said, "Oh, who ordered it? Miyuki is the last one. She called me to attend to the male worker. Others, yes. And who needed such a thing? Only the old bug, yes." Thus, Alex got to know that his Auntie is the real bitch.

  Again? Yesterday, he received one. And today, too. What he asked? And why YUKARI dashed to receive it under the name of Alex? She paid anyway to the faked female worker, whithout asking the value. Always the same. US$12 to ask to kill Miyuki or Alex. just it?

  They should do it, if their boss asked it. And now, YUKARI is their boss, anyway. She is so arrogant, because she is the boss. Nasty ugly lady, however, she is the boss.

  Four figure squad would be fine for him, YUKARI ordered. And they came. One, yesterday, and another, today. They made a big mistake. They couldn't understand what is today. Oh, somebody called us. Probably tomorrow, one thought, and came yesterday. Another thought, probably the day after tomorrow, thus she came today. Alzheimer assasin like that.

 They wanted to pretend to be his mate, however, too old to him. Thus, they pretended to be workers of delivery service. And they forgot what they should do here. Someone wispered, you came here to kill her. And then, they prepared for her.

 This is the rule. Someone wispered and they decide to do. And now, they failed again. YUKARI got out to avoid their attempt to kill her. She tried again and again, when she felt upset against her family. And then, she regrets.

  Nasty consolation she starts. "Oh, you are too good to be killed. Why I ordered to kill you to the squad! I was out of order at that time of calling. Sorry Alex, I really feel sorry for you."

  Again, Auntie? And then, they planned how to steal her money. Again, Auntie? And he did know that his grand mother would upset his lie, without saying. And he did it, because he wanted to buy something from Miyuki's money.




Miyuki's Report from Shirakawa (5)

2017-05-05 08:59:12 | 日記

05/05/2017 (Friday, morning) Kids' Day! Happy Morning, Kids, and ex-Kids! VANISH! DDMs! You are ugly after-KIDs!!!

  Miyuki found an important principle of the universe. Kids' rule is the rule of Justice. Adults or after-Kids, namely DDMs, act according to their own Adults' rule. Our Kids' rule is the rightous one, common law in the universe.

  Thus, the followers of the ADULTs' rule should vanish right now! Their rule is injustice and unfairness.

  Japanese Education was to learn this evil ADULTs' rule. Thus, all Japanese school vanished!!!

  The Nest of Evil Existance, they were. Kindergardens were also. Infanticide was too too common among them. Just ignore the fact, and tell a lie. This is the principle of DDMs.

  "Be honest!" "Behave as you say!" were our kids' rule. They, DDMs, lived in the different world, evilest one. Confusing lies and stupid ignorance. Don't appoint the error of others, was their golden rule.

  Thus we suffered. YUKARI did the wrongdoings, and betrayed repeatedly. Yesterday morning, she came without sound. Sneaky sly way, and she was recognized by my mother, and soon later, by me. Two wittness were there. And she was caught. And said, "I just wanted to take her materials for her sake." And she failed. Always for other's sake. her mother got upset. however, she didn't say anything to her. She understood that my mother admitted her wrongdoings.

  And she did again. She usually uses Miyuki's belongings as hers. Today, Miyuki wanted to use her bowl. Bigger one. However, she couldn't find it. Thus, she used another one, Kellog bowl for oat meal only. Anyway, YUKARI took it probably, she thought. and found her bowl in a sink with YUKARI's favorite spoon.

  In the morning, when she started to do her breakfast preparation, it was not there. Then YUKARI dashed to the kitchen. Miyuki went outside to do her agricultural job. Lemmon seeds' plantation. Twice. And found it in the sink.

  How audacious! YUKARI is the real thief and she wants me to wash my bowl as my dirty dish.

  Probably, this is her life. As much as possible, she wants to avoid nasty job. And she knows well that Miyuki dislikes to wash her dirty dishes. Thus, she mixed my bowl, used by her illegitimately, for me to wash. This is the MICCHIKU life.

  Take advantage of others. As much as possible. You should not work as much as possible, because you are privileged existance. They are different. Their smell is different. You don't smell us, while smell others. It means that you belong to us.

  And they failed. "Her nasty sweat of feet! Like the smell of OOYAMA's feet! They smelled a lot!"

  For others, evident smell. However, for them all, nothing at all. And fish was their disliked smell. and YUKARI made a big mistake. She ate it, because it was on the table. Oh, you, YUKARI! I thought that my father had eaten and left his dirty dished in the sink. And I washed them all, and thought, "Oh, my father appreciated the roast fish, prepared by me the day before. Not at appearance, however, a kind of semi driedup fish, practically. Success confirmed." And she thought, "YUKARI disliked to smell fish anyway. And the big bowl is my fathers. Thus, she was desqualified, because she couldn't recognize whose belongings are any more."

  However, sometimes, she can recognize whose one. And at that time, she pretended to be her father, and ate as if she were he????

  For her, too too natural to eat as others. For us all, unnatural and it is called stealing.

  Thus she is disliked by other members of our family all.

  She knocked the door of my room. And I refused her to enter. however, she dashed into my room. Knocking means "I will enter anyway!" for her and her mates.  Alex claimed, and she agreed to pay the punishment. And she stole Miyuki's US$10 note again. She left in the bag, was her excuse.

  Miyuki shugged. Oh, I forgot it in the other bag. I thought that I put it in the other bag, and I put the latte in my bed with me, and I failed. Probaly, US$10 was stolen by YUKARI, and she is active this morning. I lost a lot, however, learned.

  She got Miyuki's money without Miyuki's allowence. And she got positive today. She is a winner, and she bahaves like a Queen. This is their life. If they won the stealing job, they got activated. And we felt nasty.

  We should keep our object as much as I could, they wispered, and yesterday Miyuki was not in a good mood. Sleepy anyway. And Alex recognized that she forgot her thinks on the desk. Probably, on the chair, now Miyuki remembered. She cleaned up at least her belongings on the other desk. and now, she found one on the desk of others.

  Thus, she found that she committed a big error, ans YUKARI took advantage of it.

  She wanted to keep them all, however, it is too too evident, thus, she just took a note. It was sufficient for her. Thus, she satisfied her necessity.

  They came in the middle of night. And they sell the medicine. And she gets nervous. Their system. Addicted anyway.

  Miyuki catching game, they called. And they trapped Miyuki to behave bravely. And they did it. YUKARI paied a lot to Alex, because she used her money to receive the object.

  US$12? Cheap figure, Miyuki thought. And this is sufficient for her to vanish! Provisionally, however, it weighs a lot for us.

  Who paid for her wrongdoings, was their question. Miyuki, probably. Miyuki lost many EUROs in December, however, she kept in secret. Because it was not for sure for her. Excessive confusion should be avoided, they wispered. And thus, YUKARI came so audacious in some period.

  And now, the cheapest one. And she did wrong. US$2 for sending. She is in debt on Alex. And now, she is a debter.

 Miyuki found the fact. The game is over. And she should get caught. Her dream was realized before. Just she couldn't recognize it. She is persistent. She can't recognize it, was Clare's explanation.

 I would kill her, Clare declared. She decided already, when she heard the news. Miyuki is reluctant to ask how her precious friends had died. Killed by chemical products.

  Miyuki found YUKARI's way to kill Clare's friends. Nasty ditergent killed beautiful plants and weeds. Miyuki got so sorry to them. YUKARI did after her bathing. Everytime, probably. Chemical YUKARI, they called. Too too nasty. She is the poisonous type.

 And Miyuki got nasty after her wrongdoings. Always. She did it. And MIYUKI is not so nice today. Saying nothing, and writing lots, they perceived. Took a strong coffee, and felt so deluted. She got nasitier. YUKARI is always the sauce of our unhappinece. She put dirty ugly things for our precious life, and got precarious success for her sake. How she could do so?, they all thought. And found that she is the real DDM.

 And she continued her black job after being revealed her real existance. Just a real Alzheimer patient, Miyuki declared. This is why she is so nasty to Miyuki. Anyone could say so. Miyuki did so. Thus, she called the police again. My sister is the real Alzheimer patient. She is called YUKARI SATO, and she got caught again.

 Sha forgot her real name, and used Miyuki's name again and again, and found that she were real Miyuki SATO, elder sister of her own.

 Thus, they got confused. And Miyuki was taken instead of YUKARI, they explained. Nonsense. They, including YUKARI and the police and judicially, all DDMs should be punished because of one more big wrongdoing. A big lie of identification.

 Thus YUKARI should go to their court. KIDs' Day, is for KIDs and ex-KIDs, who are under the total control of Gods of Justice. And they are kids and ex-kids.

 Miyuki is sly. She is kid and ex-kid. Kid should not do it, and ex-kid should do it. She can do it, however can live as a kid!!!!!

  According to her liberalist's theory, earning money or living cost is the proof of choosing ex-kids. Now she is earning. Thus she is qualified as ex-kid. At the same time, she can choose to be a kid. Alternative, not at all. She can be a kid, and at the same time, ex-kid. Earning kid can do it.

 Thus they failed. Kids can do it! They say so. However, she decided to do it. Just she can't do it because of her unlucky ambient.

 Thus they failed again. I want to earn to do it! She cried!!! And she is now earning, anyway. Living cost should be earn by each, was the rule. However, some challenged can't earn sufficiently because of their ex-burdened situation. In this case, we should cordinate as much as possible, and if they can't earn sufficiently, we should supply until to be sufficient.

 Necessity should be objective generally speaking, however, sometimes, exceptions. Thus they failed. She is a kind of challenged, they said so. And Miyuki agreed. Human beings are all challenged weak existance, compared with other more independent animals. Thus they failed.

 Miyuki was praised by her audacious or ignorant works outside. Inside, she failed. What a hard material she made! A powder. KATAKURI was made of driedup potatoes. And she agreed that this is my total failure. I used it instead of WARABI-powder, made of the same material. And it got hard.

 She wanted to make gell like soft erastic sweets called WARABI-MOCHI. However, it got a stone. A kind of KONNYAKU, and found that in the house, there are lots of dangerous foods for kids and old ones. Too sticky to eat. And she remembered a case of OOSAKA.

 A diligent worker was hurrying up to get present to his company in the next day of New Year's day. He bought a KUSA-MOCHI, a harb sticky rice ball at the railway station for his breakfast, and he choke his throught and died.

  Choking caused by sticky rice ball is common in Japan. Every year, many olds and infants lost their precious lives. Small amount is good. However, they probably ate in a big amount.

 Probably, their daughter in law or mother did the wrongdoing. Small one, less sticky is sold in a shop. Miyuki ate them when she was in primary school, and liked so much. And she encounterd with them in Korean restaurant again. Oh, small short cylinder type, at the diameter of 4cm and the hight of 1 cm or so.

 Why Japanese makes sticky rice balles in killing size, was Chris, the Brazilian, 's common qustion. Yes, we are accustomed to make in a larger size. Choky, yes.

 However, to put other ingredients, it is nice. For example, putting fermented soybeans, the diameter should be at least 8cm. Oh, thinner is better. In this case, the hight would be 0.5cm or so. More cracker type. Sticky cracker would be fine for the use, considering the danger possible.

 And Miyuki is nice to think of it. Rice cracker is good for fill her mouth, not for her stomack. Crispy. However, soon, she feels hungry.

 Why they continue the test with Miyuki's body, without her recognition? was their question. They don't do it. Just stealing Miyuki's result, and put their own strange comments, against science.

 Thus they failed. They were revealed nothing. No value existance should be erased immediately, they were declared. And they tried to be useful at a glance. And Miyuki got to know that they just wanted to behave in a hurry just in front of her. After her getting out, an old man abruptly stood up and started to show up his own wiping car job. Why now? In a good sunshine day. Consecutive holiday. And they started to move, soon after Miyuki's moving. They delayed, and started so awkwardly. This is the actual situation of DDMic society and YUKARI, also. They did something, only when they recognized us. Thus, they were revealed that they just pretended to work.

 YUKARI is an example. She is reluctant to work, however, she tried to show up as if she were a busy worker in the field of domistic works. And she failed. She is costive, and useless. Why her works delays so much? She spent too much time to her nasty reluctant jobs. She is not suitable for anything. Why she is in your house? Because she can't find any suitable place for her.

 Miyuki is objective type, thus, she can feel the same remarks could be applied to herself. however, for DDMs, nothing at all. If they are ordered concretely, they should obey. Unless, they are all free. Thus, they are so nasty to others. Others dislike them, thus avoid to touch them. Thus, isolated and choose to stay among them. DDMic society. However, they were majority of our country. Not manageable by us all. We tried repeatedly, and we lost every time. Even Platinum tribe tried and failed. Miyuki's claim reached Supreme Court, and she failed. Oh, you, too, Supreme Court! Oh, you are right, ADACHI. Bitch Constitution, just for faking!

  And they all fell down! 🎶

 Miyuki accepted ADACHI's remark easily. Smoothly. Just a confirmation. Miyuki believed some possibility of thier consciousness, however, no any more!, she confirmed. Thus, she sighed, and changed her mind completely. Universal fundamental value, we believed and believe, yes. Bitch Constitution, get away from our peaceful beautiful universe at all!!!!

 And they failed. Pimps were here and there. They pretended to be nationalists, putting their flag on the pole yesterday. Why today?, Miyuki got in wonder. Constitutional day was 3 of May. Today is 4th, May. Why they delayed? Miyuki susected.

  And found that they put the ex-Japan's flag on a pole with black and white lines, which represents funerals.

  Oh, X-Japan! No more this evil county! And all of the flags were downward. All losers' flag. And some of them were in the middle. It means that someone was killed and they felt sorry for it.

  Fatus? Evil Japan wanted to have their colonies outside Japan. Indnesia and Malaysia were some of their candidates. And they failed in the middle of the process. And they were disliked by their too too cruel treatments agaist their kids.

 KIDs' Day for diceased kids, especially! Miyuki thougt. They are promissive youth with lots of curiocity. They recognized a lot of strange points in Japan. Miyuki found an electric pole, totally inclined evidently, and took a picture.

  If I were a faked kid like South Eastern type, I would tell on it to the faked parents, "Oh, I found a wonderful scene on an totally inclined electric pole! Here is Japan! Even in our ex-country, we couldn't see such a spectacular inclination!!!! Oh, we believed that Japan were a divelopped country, however..." And the kids would be targetted to be killed, because this type is dangerous to them all. Promissive means curious like monky. Thus, many Miyuki's type were killed just by saying, "King is nakid! Wow!!!"

  Nasty. however, this is the fact of Japan. It should be devastated at once. Cruelest evilest country in the universe. Too too ego-centric and ugly, nasty, and forgetful, irresponsible. IDIOCRACY, entirely. Mission completed.

  Miyuki would make her own original sweets to us all, especially diceased kids. Why they came here? They came with a big dream to be successful diligent workers. And failed to do so. I am your kid, anyway, my father!!! They shouted. However, the DDMis parents didn't listen to their shout, and killed them under their own idiocray. We can kill our kids, they believed. Idiots. Kids are treasure, we say. They are too too evil to think of.

  Miyuki had a pair of kids to play with. For them, astonishing. however, for us all, understandable. She thought that "I can't do it, because it is rape for me. However, by other measure, I probably have them." And tried it immediately. Right now, she wanted. However, a bit unusual way. Thus, at least, one night, I should wait, and consult to my own consciousness.

 And she asked to her consciousness. Oh, OK, you can do! Thus, she did. After, she doesn't feel any downward feeling at all on this field. She is free from some sin or criminal sense at all.

 She is good to notice the way. Anyway, I wanted to have some as soon as possible. I am almost 36, thus, I want now!!! She cried as usual. If she wants, she cries. Too too common for her. Express loudly, even others feel strange.

 Today, she failed her cram shell soup. She put lemmon peal, shredded one, too much, and it turned stinky flavour. Oh, this flavour erased the cram shell's light sea breez like taste. however, something taste left. Anyway, failure. I would take care at that point. And for today, lemmon peal's skinky flavour is a kind of medicine.

  "Good medicine has stinky flavour." Stinky is not so bad in case of taking as medicine. And she remembered that her ex-mate of Platinum Tribe Fu-san were accustumed to take 恵命我神散 or powder of saving life and believing homeostasis inside thier body. Ricidulously stinky, she thought and cried, "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR", when she tried to a bit of the powder. Why you can put up with such a stinky flavour???? Terrible! However, strangely, this ex-mate continues to take it.

  Now she realized a bit. For someone, this flavour is unendurably strangely stinky, however, for others, it is not so much nasty and endurable.

  Medicine should be stinky, they thought, when she was a kid. And the medical doctor, who visited her house when she got a fever, always gave her the nasty formidably bad taste orange medicine with sugar!!!! Worse than 恵命我神散, if she would had know the poweder at that time.

  And 正露丸 or Tablet against evil Russians, was also prepared in schools. Bad taste, and smells so bad. If someone takes it, it smelled for a day long. It means, "Don't approach me today!", thus, for whom took the tablet, Miyuki was a kind of Russian. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...You are my friend, however, today, you should be far from me!, she declared coldly.

 Smells, anyway, was her excuse. She said directly to her mates. Vomitting flavour, you have today. If I approach you, I would vomit, thus, I don't today.

 Nasty, however, probably, all of them thought like that. Just they didn't say so audaciously or, politely,

  Why you are so nasty?, they wanted to say to him, Alex. He sometimes stems the bombs also. It transmits, Miyuki confessed. You are already a trigger of the bombs. You are safe, however, after you, there are lots of death bodies of enemy.

  Alex wanted to have the skill. Easily, of course. and he could do it easily. Just participate in our army. He wanted. However, to be so harsh, it would be too too required a lot of training. Difficulty was his disliking. and not at all. They wispered. Just try to be resident. As you feel honestly. Thus, he got the power. Residents can get the power to protect theirselves.

  Thus he gained. He tried, and failed again and again. Continuous attackings. They were chances for you, Alex! You should refuse her attackings!!!

  And he did at once. She came into his room, audaciously, and started to claim his refusal. "this is my room, and your chamber is downstairs. " And she cried. The last one started to resist her. Anyone could resist against her, was her belief. Anyway, I am "Somebody" to this last one.

  Obedience means "superior to others" and the others should be only one. Thus, Alex was her only one.

  Nasty, however useful, was his recognition to his Auntie. And now, she is just nasty for him, yes. Knocking for what? Just for showing her politeness. Anytime I can enter into your room, even without your accordance. However, I kindly knocked the door, when you are present. When you are absent, I don't do so. It takes more time for me to do so, however, I do so for my kindness.

  Oh, Auntie, you just to be a good girl. For whom? He asked. For you, Alex! She cried in a high pitch tone, excited. I said no, it means you are refused totally. Not for me, but for you, Auntie.

  And today, Miyuki got to recognize that the neighbour SHIBUKI called her boy, "U-tan" or Alex's Auntie's nick name. Oh, transmissive! Alzheimer!

  She softened recently. And yesterday she made a reservation for today. Why? I don't know, Miyuki said. They are totalitarians, thus, they do for the others as their own families, at their own cost, probably.

  Enemy inside the house, she is. DDMs are equal and dangerous. Thus, all of Sato Families neighbours are dangerous evilest existance.

  Thus, TAMAYA apart's boys spontaneously came backward of Miyuki's vehicle, rented by her father. They were trained for it. And they were recognized by others. Miyuki got so astonished and expressed as soon as possible, before starting to HACHIOJI. And several days after, she got caught by the police. Someone induced me, however, I don't regret my act at all! I should know the fact of Tokyo and Japan, and now, of Shirakawa.

  This is only one example of old rural towns in Japan. Everywhere in this evil country, the same type evilness at all! Goddamnit Japan!!! We hate you!!!!

  DDMs should be punished severely, is Gods of Justice's order. Thus, we tried to do our best. We, quartet, did our own work, and now, Miyuki felt a bit nasty with a slight fever. however, she is enough strong to accomplish her pledge.

  Sticky rice balls with stewed sweet red beans for the westerners, while riverside YOUNGUE tribe, transparent long stream like noodle with black sugar corn extract liquid. An attemtion. Thus, all experimts have some danger. At least, we could eat, thus, eat together at the park!!!

  Changing river scenery was too bad for lost kids. They were caught by kinky old ones to be sold.

  Alex and Clare were lost in MAMEGARA and a pair of the farmers led them to YAOYACHO, following in their pick up track. Miyuki's mother explained to Miyuki that they were so kind enough to protect them. Anyway, my kids could come back home by their own feet.

  Now, the field which the pair was working on turned to be a residential place with several newly established buildings. Easily established, and sometimes, IKKYO believers pretend to enter, however, vacant actually.

  Strange. Why they sold the field? The old man gave a couple of SCARABEs to my kids. They said that here are lots of the worms of SCARABEs. Thanks, Miyuki said, of course.

  And berried the worms in the courtyard, praying they grew up as adults. Anyway, some holes they could see, thus, scarabes got to be adults, probably. and they gained some couples of scarabe from others. And the kids grew up them in a plastic tank. The kids required various added materials to Miyuki, and Miyuki wanted to be economic. however, some foods she bought, claiming.

  And YUKARI disliked the insects. When Miyuki got a pair from guardmen at Kyorin University, saying, "I have a pair of kids." They doubted and gave her them. And Miyuki intruduced them to the kids. Abruptly, YUKARI got upset, and declared, "Why you don't understand that I hate any of incests! You should throw away them at once!" Like a evil queen attitude, Miyuki felt nasty. This is our residence, not yours. And she got out. OK, you should get out. We should live with the incects, Miyuki thought. Why we should rafrain from growing up insects just for her ego-centric inclination?

  YUKARI didn't know our rule. She is always someone to others. She should be, she thought. And now, after 48 years, she realized. She is not suitable for anyone in this family. Isolated, yes.

  Miyuki is just the same, in different meaning. She wants to be independent, however, not yet. Soon, she would gain her own site to work diligently and effectively. Now, aliens OK type! Animals would be difficult for her, they thought. Not at all! She thought in logically. Friendship and some possible extra amusement. OK, it would be fine for me!!!

 Why not? Good probably, because...

 They are so reliable on her. Animals, yes. And extra-terrestre creatures! And fanomenum! Objects! Oh, so lucky! She feels, and it's enough. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki should know it well. They can be a good one. However, even now, YUKARI does wrong. Today, she runs many times between her main house and the office. Why? She dashed into toilet, and did nothing and repeated the gesture. Once, she came into the office room. Why? She was with her hair totally concealing her face. Like a pine tree in the south lake side garden of a private house called Sato.

  A strange pine tree with her hair style, Miyuki thought. She didn't know how Miyuki thought in her belly. Just she wanted to collect something from the desk, probably.

 She wanted to have some medicine, probably. And she couldn't and came back to her chamber. Soon, she wanted again, and dashed into there, and failed, and now, she is doing her job.

  Miyuki now smells onion's flavour. Why? YUKARI likes to use them all soon, as soon as she recognizes them. Onion is prohibitted to her, they thought. She starts to use, she can't put up with consume them all.

 Devastation system. Addicted type. Thus, DDMs should vanish at once. Until the last one, should vanish, as soon as possible.

 Then, Miyuki try to her sweets cooking! Standby!!! How audacious! New inovation!!!!

 To be continued! Prepare to be anihiliated her extra hard type river streaming transparent bombs!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are too too ugly.

 See you soon after her attempts, anyway!

 From MARC, with BIG LOVE! (。・ω・。)ノ♡