Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (49)

2017-05-12 21:16:24 | 日記

 Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And YUKARI did as she liked up to the end of her life. And now, she wants to pretend to exist. She is an kinkiest serial killer, just is, she really recognized it. And Miyuki would be better to others, as always. Everyday a bit a bit better for us all, she tries. And they really felt that YUKARI was the real burden for them all.

  Too too violent to sustain her, they really thought it. Cocain user, she was. She liked to do so, and did it. And she liked it, and repeated it. And she attacked Miyuki as a wrongdoer, sexually skewed????

  For Miyuki, wearing cozy neat clothings is a kind of necessity in this season. In winter, Shirakawa is too too cold to wear pretty clothings. Thus, she prefers to live more warmer place, yes. In winter, fat clothings are enough for her. Anyway, she feels coldness rather than others. Thus, she put a package of down coat light type in the bag, as always. And she takes it as soon as possible, when she starts to feel the coldness.

  Oh, it's raining, and she checked the time. Oh, 15 minutes to 18:00 already! I would go back as soon as possible. Rain? I have an umbrela, a neat one, designed in Germany. Small, however, sufficient to use in case of abrupt raining.

  And she chose to walk under the roof. Why not? Stone stepping adventure, she did yes. A kind of foot massage included, she thought. And rain would wash up my shoe's dirtness. And she went back, and could find the kettle burning, anyway.

  She is not so tiresome one, anyway. She came back in time, they really thought. Or, YUKARI would put a fire again. She sometimes did it. When she gets nervous, she does so as her habit. New house wanting mode inside her. Impulse oriented wrongdoer, now she is.

  Oh, the habitual fire putter, she is...FLAMe....Some tecnical term, Miyuki leaned. Some latin like Portuguese word. Anyway, maniac to put fire, as usual. And she pretended to be normal. Is she normal? They all felt strangeness on her. however, they couldn't inform it to the police. It was highly dangerous to them all, especially for Miyuki. For them all, any wrongdoer should be caught in Shirakawa. Thus, they adopted informant system in the town all. Thus, they are always informing something with a nasty spooky face. Oh, today, the above pupils, namely, my Alex's faked mates was doing so. All of them, yes.

  This is the fact of IDIOCRACY. And Miyuki visited theit farm, selling the pots plants in their farm. Miyuki confirmed the place, and entered into the campus, and looked for the place, and found a lot of childish inducing disaster type tricks. First, they put the plate, "Forward to whom wants to buy our plants." and put it beside the vinil house, which is prohibitted to enter in. Thus, she was warned today, and ADACHI wispered as always. Recently, she is audacious, yes, and coward, in the exact moment. Thus he liked her!!! Clever girl! She learned the way!!! Our way!!! More animal type!!!

  And she went correctly to the direction, and found 3 vinil houses, in which plants to be sold were there. And found HABANERO, and got interested in the pot. however, red one, thus, she gave up. Green one, I want yes, however, red one?

  And she refrained from picking up it, because there was no selling figure at all. And she didn't know where she could buy it. Thus, she thought that this is also the trap. And she gave up to buy it, and thought. OK, this field is a kind fo gift for us all. Thus, there is no man to sell us. It means that all of them, especially fruits fields belongs to us all already. And found that other three houses were just in the middle of producing process of some plants, and the number and shape of the houses were different from the ones, when she visited here in April.

  And she refrain from entering into any of them, and just took some pictures to inform the difference. Before, there were some garden flower pots, arranged in neat way. Now, more vegetable plants. And soon, an old rural agricultural bitch came with a bunch of empty pots. Oh, neighbours produced them? , she thought. She took a picture of her inside the vinil house.

  And she left the place, filled with nasty spooky feeling. And yelled her cows, releaved confirming their safety. However, she got to realize the colour change. Oh, Black type. Thus, Alex called them 黒毛和牛, according to his stupid teacher's instruction.

  She thought the bright brown skin was beautiful, and fit fot them all. And said, "Anyway, you escaped from the terrible killing done by them, because of colour change." And watched a patch, near the bottom of a cow. Oh, they tried to kill her, however, she could be saved, anyway.

  And strange change happened again. They were returning to red cows, when she passed through them again. And the kid cow was almost red, already. Better. however, colour change should be exhauted for them all. Especially the tiny one. And they knows Chinkoro's death, yes. The baby cow is the most promissive among them, of course. He is the most quick type, yes. And tried to be big, and quit it. yes, slowly, in your case, baby. Yet, a lot of kinkiest idiots surround you. thus, be keeping tiny until the time comes.

  And they felt so sorry to Chinkoro. Thank you for your kindness, and anyway, Miyuki could confirm their existance today.

  And a moooooo... from the house. Another cow is in, probably. Anyway, take care!!!

  She left the farm, and the old lady bug followed her. Oh, she is doing monitoring job?, Miyuki thought. yes. All of them were doing it, as always. They were hired for it.

  And a car followed Miyuki at first, and asked her the way. And Miyuki ignored him at all, and the lady attended, as if they were kind each other. He asked, "I did go to the farm to buy the plant. Where is the farm?" Oh, Alzheimer patient!!!

  He should say, "I came to buy the plants to the farm." And he changed some words, because of his forgetfulness. Thus, Miyuki felt strange. And they started to make a conversation. Oh, Miyuki's substitute, she was. And they started to their OPPABU business here. Eye contuct and the conversation is the sign of the agreement. Easy system they adopted.

  And Miyuki left the campus. Probably, forever. And found a lot of inducing dangerous points for bicycle riders. Thus, SEKINE, the evil medical doctor, had a field near here. Another factor for him to have a field near here.

  They would have been eaten by themselves, they thought. however, DNA could trace the existance of the fetus in their own body. Thus, they wanted to check DNA of others, eagerly. Fatus eaters, they are. And they did among them, each other. And now, Black faked cows were victimatised by them all.

  They wanted to sell them, however, Alex tried to buy them all, spending his all money, US$165. And turned to be a owner of the school. and he ran the school as he liked, and he ended up to forgive them from their faked pupils job today. My mother would get upset, if she gets to know that you are the faked pupils. Thus, if you are so, get out of here, as soon as possble. She is comming probably today. She is in good mood to buy our products. She wants to buy them all, because she is rich. Prepare for her attacking.

  Thus, they did wrongdoings, as they liked. And they really thought. Why we should go to school now? Tiresome. They prohibitted to come in a motor bike. And they should know the limit. The bike riding is too too dangerous both of us.

  They vanish, yes. however, some persistent ones prolong their existance like YUKARI. Thus, they should refrain from coming by motor bike. Miyuki called an attention of IKKYO believers by her kinkiest way of wearing. She is almost nakid according to them all. Oh, good shapeup body, we did know it, however, for them, too too attractive should be punished.

  Oh, Quatar residents they are now!!! And they failed. She wears our flag colours. how should I do!, type confusion, here and there. She recognized the combination of the colours, in the middle of the way home. And laught at it. Oh, Quatar lady, today I am. Thus, I am the owner of this damnit type country also. It means Quatar people can play as much as possible.

  This is her life. Indifferent from nationality, she behaves. She prefers foreign foods, yes. And Alab United Kingdom of Sherifs praised her abrupt cruel request to kill their own sherif. The plate said, "Ministor of Foreing Affair Mr.Ali..ff" And they laught at her cruest way of saying. Just a laughing story, they provided, they thought. "Do you want to buy our facilities?" were put on internet site, with the name of SHIRAKAWA. And they bought it as a kind of amusement. And they faked the name as much as possible. Anyway, Alabic name is enough for them all. Thus, forgery, the minister combined with actual sherif said. Recently he came to be a sherif. I got a sherif, yes. And abruptly, "I shot a sherif" 's target. And now, he was cut his head by the New Moon shaped Knife. Oh, you recorded it??? Put on your site or our one. Amusing and educative!!!

  They lost their spirit. Thus, they could gain the money so much, Miyuki thought at first. And she failed. She failed always a this point. With lowest money, they could coat the old house with brilliant newly product faked second handed materials for prefabricated houses. She watched the scenes, already.

  And today, she observed how they constructed the newly established type. Just use the crane! They are so light! They are all parts, easily treated by even female feeble armed power type.

  And the crane should be double type, namely, two stage type. If a bit narrow space it were, the lower more sustainable crane is used, recomendably. And for nerrowest places, high thinner type is used. And the parts were swinging in a wind like a toy. And they put two fine ribbons on the wedge of the crane to know the strength of the wind. Today, not so wendy, however, the ribbon was vertical. It means "The possible wind at max". Thus, they could work today. Already ordered before, thus, they should do it anyway. This is IKKYO life, they represented. And the parts were already arranged on the earth, for putting them each by each by crane. Easiest and quickest way, they chose, thus, the price should have been so low. At most expensive, less than US1 thousand, including the price of human resources. Just the price I paid monthly to the evil owner in Hachioji. This is the fact.

  Thus, MICCHIKU should be punished severely. And they were all Alzheimer patients, it was revealed now.

  All Shirakawa residents should participate in the game, which is which. A bet, easy. And almost all of them bet for majority. And Miyuki is the kinkiest better among them to bet just only for minority. Namely, only her world choice supporter!!!

  Admirer, more exact way of saying. And they really fell in the end. Only she would could be fine for herself yes. However, for others, not at all. Of course, I agree at this point, yes. And she could feel the smell of cocaine recently so frequently in the office. Why you do wrong Auntie? You are too too idol to stay in the universe. And Auntie agreed at this point. Nasty one, you want to say, Alex, yes. however, I have no choice????

  Oh, you have a big promissive choice or future!!!! Medicine!!! Miyuki, the Medical Doctor, invented the new formula for you, DDMs, especially.

  And they laught at her ignorance. For her, cocaine is the answer. She felt relaxed, and in the mood to work, in her own way. And feels good to do it. Thus, she gained sevral gifts from her new friends. And she should take it now, immediately.

  Alex hated to participate in the job. however, Clare was already used for another role. Thus, he was care taker for her. For IKKYO clinic, any male could be a care taker of the patient, indifferent from their age. And Alex should play the role. And he played the role well, thus he gained the medal. I think I could play the role so well, however, not for sure. Now, I am proud of being myself. And she is really brave, even today. Nasty pupils were released from the school earlier today, because she wispered the resistance song in front of the school master of Shirakawa Primary School III.

  All of his orders were nasty expressions to her. And she wispered. Vanish! DDMs, especially, the evil school master!!!

  He said, "You are united. Thus, you should behave in order!" with scolding mode. This is her most hatred words. Thus, she wispered, "Totalitarians, they are!!!! Die immediately!!!! Bye forever for now!!! Evil cruel totalitalians, get away!!!! Ikkyo kids, Ikkyo teachers, you are so anti-humanistic!!! You shall die as soon as possible!!! Vanish!!! Now!!!! Now!!! Now!!!!"

  And they vanished. And the faked pulils in Alex's business school was released from their role.

  She felt hunger, then decided to go back home for lunch. She again dropped off in WASHIO to have another treat for her adventure. however, after comparing the ingredients and the price, she ordered to her not to eat up to the house. It would be possble for her, she thought, and gained a medal of her endurance.

  A weak point, they thought. And the weather. She wanted to buy it, because she wanted to enjoy the beauriful sun shining hour like hot summer. however, throught the window, now, it gets cloudy a bit. Thus, she could put up with her hunger, yes.

  And she made her music training at her chamber orchestra's site. And sang the exact song on the exact day. They yelled for it!!! Today, other orchestra's members trained all together. And only one song, she prefered, because so many cars were passing, while she conducted the song, singing wispering. Today it would be fine wispering. Thus, she sang in a small voice. Why they chase me even now, was her question. However, they were set for her chacing, without reason.

  And she found another technic of killing kids. Three sky blue coloured metalic silver similar cars passed in front of her, however, between them, each more plain coloured one was concealed. Thue, for kids, only one distincive would be seen, and others were not. Trick arts were used for the evilest cruel reason. Thus, in 1980s, Escher was so popular among Japanese so called intellectuals.

  だまし絵 or trapping pictures, they were called in Edo era. They used this skill as their amusement. And now in Shirakawa, and probably every rural local town used it in common. This is the reason that Japanese has less populous. Kids candidates were afraind of being killed by their own parents. Terrible, however, the fact.

  Alex and Clare were audacious type. And they know, Miyuki was not the type at all. She saves her own life, at first yes. however, at the second choice, others, as many and much as possible. Thus, she works. They really thought today.

  Today, another strange episode. She was going down the slope of UMAMACHI to the broad way, passing MAKIKO's block called SOKUZEN-MACHI. And she recognized three black wagons were waiting for her, probably. And several kids and their faked parents were there. When she approached, one kid strangely started to shout, "Good afternoon!" And Miyuki ignored. And then, another kids shouted the same compliment. And she ignored also. They, abruptly, the sedond kid started to say the big error for them all!!! " Why don't you go up to the wagon?" Ohhhhh!!!! Miyuki shouted in her mind, continuing to ignore them all. "Oh, IKKYO betrayers, you are now using kid's skin bag. Not erotic old guy's one. Why do you try to induce me sexually?" And they all fell down!!! ♬🎶

 This is the real MONOLIS totalitarians' world, they confessed today. Just like the situation she experienced at the last stage of Tokyo Bay Detention. The prisoner faked one confused her role with the Police faked one. Total confusion, they are in now type declaration scene.

  Now, they are really in the end, probably. Thus, they made a big error in front of me. I should watch them all!!! As many as possible!!!

  And Miyuki is really hungry now!!

  See you until she finishes her big meal!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from Quartet MARC.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! They are so ugly...unimaginably.

 Now Miyuki came back from her delicious Cram shell dishes, paella, soup and colourful petit pomatoes. She decorated in her tiny long square countener, ex-sweet's one of Colline de' Veil in Hachioji.

  Good taste with quality, with normal price, and they offered various new trial sweets every season. For Miyuki's wallet, a bit expensive. however, sometimes, she bought especially newly loanched sweets. This was a pudding's countenner. And Miyuki used to offer her trial sweets to others and for her salada eating. for petit use, it is suitable.

  She repeatedly bought Savaran, because it was put with a tiny spoit bottle of rum. Rum cobines with sweets, because rum is produced by sugar cones. And the dark brown colour!!! Tasty looking. The flavour is especially nice with fruits.

  The savaran is made of briosche. The original French version. And regarding rum, in a spoit. Fresh cream was not so sweet, rather light sweet type. The harmony is in her strike zone!!!

  Chinkoro is trained for it. Today, rum raisin icecream. And in the near future, the real savaran of the shop. She gifted it to ADACHI's mother, because she wanted to show that her tongue is reliable.

  And now, ADACHI's anniversary, today, Miyuki recognized. He was killed on this day, 12 of May, in 2013. On Sunday morning, probably at 8:30. Too early to do it, Miyuki thought. And Blue Sunshining Sunday, it was.

  He left his house in his 50 bike, saying, "I will go to my gramma's mountain."  Probably he wanted to mark the place to keep away the evil existance from the mountain. Evil wrongdoers attacked him. And he was hung in the tree. For IKKYO believers, hunging means suicide. He was killed by them, and he had a rope. Thus, they hunged him after his death. Body hunged from the tree, was the real expression.

  however, they consealed the fact. They are the same religious figures, thus they had common acknowlegement on these kinds of matters. They treated almost all of their victims as suicide commiters.

  Kyorin Versity was the nest of IKKYO believers, and they were grown to this objects. They should enter into the versity anyway, because their parents already did the pledge on the matter with their own IKKYO companies. Already promissed enterence system, KYORIN versity had. And they were the targets of their tortures. They, unknown non-IKKYO related ones. They really didn't know the fact at all, like Miyuki. And they should be treated as guests. And it was the fact at the first period. Adachi's first brother was treated kindly among them. Thus, ADACHI entered into the versity. And he was abused. Anyway, they were different, he really thought. Miyuki didn't know their way of life so much. Thus, for her, IKKYO was already out of the universe type existance. Oh, TOUITSU KYOUKAI or 統一教会?, is it existing now?, type slight contemptious attitude, she took.

  And this is why she is even now alive. They tried to trap her again and again, and she didn't know anything at all. And now, Alex was trapped again. They induced him to their farewell party. And they thought that he was a rich boy. however, this time, he has any money at all, thus, they should pay for him, also. And he played the role of IKKYO believer. Anything is OK like attitude. And he was scolded by them all, because of his obeyence. They espected their own boss, however, he didn't want to pay at all. The boss should pay the money, they said to him, and he said, "Today, my friend's birthday. Thus, I gave him a present, thus, I lost all of my money." And what you paid him? A lot of pizza. Oh, is he a fat man. A kind of. They ate more than 10 pieces. Two per each. thus, I should pay so much. More than...

  And they vanished, as always. PIZZA eaters, they are!!! Americans!!! Too many!!! They ran away from the school because of it. Oh, black ship!!! They were predicted to end up today, because she would come here with her big ships. And now, she really thought, they made a big mistake, as always. They are all Alzheimers, thus, they couldn't listen to the words exactly. This type of confusion oftenly happens among them, laughing to say. They thought Big Hips, and expected some beautiful attractive young girls with plumpy big bust.

  And she, is the most leanest lady, looked like a skelton. Oh, he??? For them, no sense of humour at all. Thus, she is really a scarly skelton. And after her, lots of skeltons. lean small hips, they are in really!!!

  Alex was scolded by his lies. How many lies you said until now?, his teacher responsible scoldingly asked him. And Alex replied. Anything. Thus, he failed. Liar, the teacher scolded him again. And then he asked the same thing. And Alex, repeated it. Thus, he delayed so much to reach his own house.

  He bought his house now. Near the ex-his house. One more? How many houses he wants to have? As much as possible, he replied. And he turned to be a marchant of Venice. You should pay the money exactly on the dead line. And it would be today. Or, you should pay at the cost of your own meat. Shylock, he is now!!! A jewish commercial marchant, he is.

  he is sly, however, he keeps the dead line, was his strong point. he rents his points to them, and collected the same value at the cost of real money. Now, it costs US$1300 per a bit coin, according to the article. Who wrote it? Probably OMANKO writer. And my mother put the article on the site. See her blog.

  And then, they vanished. They were going to INFERNO, today. Too too slow for us all!!! Until the end, they should behave like IKKYO believers, their diceased religious leader ordered. And they failed again and again.

  I would not need to hire them at all. Easy quick job, she decided. And crane would be operated easily. By me, of course, yes. I would train it yes. Amusing probably. Thus, they failed again and again.

  Destruction is also easy. Now construction is the same process. Just the contrary of construction process.

  ADACHI would please her brave expressions in front of the highest position holder in her own alumni school. Oh, I would like to do it type audacious behaviour, she did, spontaneously.

  I hate you, type "Here we go to the ring!" type attitude, they thought. Wispering is enough, they thought. Thus, she did so, with her own strong hatred against the authority. She disliked it so much, and today's speech delt with most disliked matter. Common responsiblity. Oh, IKKYO spirit, we call it. Thus, they laught at his master's audacious betrayal agains her own will.

  She would like it type self conficence among them all. And she disliked all of his remarks whole in one. Thus, they should vanish immediately. They betrayed a lot, and now, should be punished. And they are already old. IKKYO kids are faked old guys, we really think so. Thus, so forgetful, we though indeed.

  This is the fact. Muck has no age, nor sex. It means that even with pupils' skin bags, they are old enough to do so.

  Thus, they should know the limit.

  Miyuki is sleepy now.  She worked well.

  See you tomorrow morning!

  From Quartet MARC, with BIG LOVE!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!! Ugliest Bitches, you are!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (48)

2017-05-12 14:06:34 | 日記

 Miyuki was so shocked at seeing the notebook of her bank accounting  of Post Office Bank in Japan.

 She found the letter 税金 or tax, which was paid for her, and the value is only US$0.08, and thus they draw the value from the "total interest" at US$0.42, thus the interest deposited here is US$34 like expression. Oh, now in Japan, the tax was drawn by the interest of the depoist, automatically, without any accordance, and this tremendously important system change was not informed by anyone to me, and my father, at least.

  We check dairy news yes, however, any such important system change was informed at all. And they should have revealed the fact, earlier, they really regretted it now.

  She should be concealed the facts entirely for her safe, her evil Alzheimer ugly sister declared as always, and they strugged with her idiocracy, however, YUKARI the broken robot was stturbarn to insist it. And now, she should leave alone. She is the evilest one to others, and they dislied her because for her mates' violence. And they failed. Miyuki didn't know the facts at all, however, got to know it by her self. She should know it by herself, they protected her. And now, Miyuki really sighed at the fact. All Shirakawa residents were evil existance. Already know it type conventional confession, she is already to prepare to hear it. Not nasty. For us, a small step, yes.

  And Orson Wells was killed yes, because of it. He was only 60 type. Even in foregn countries, the standard exists, she really feel so. Worldwidely, because of jealousy, they killed the psomissive ones.

  Actors and singers, up to 60. Thus, Miyuki would be fine until 60, they were declared. Strange, or cruel system, they had. Not only in Japan, and also in Great Briten.

  Her vocabrary was wider than us, was her ex-mate of British netionality holder Marcom Fields' reason to kill her. Jealousy would cause their killing intention. Miyuki really got to know it. They informed so many times, insessantly.

 And IKKYO believers used smart phone, because of this sytem. They wanted to catch her, thus, they were waiting in front of the bus stop, and waiting for her passing, calling to their police, as always.

  Alex is accustomed to be done so. Thus, he is non-charant at this point. Why they want to do so, was his always curiocity. And the reason is jealousy, he deeply thinks so.

  Clare said that "At least, we are semi-blooded, better than Japanese. If I were foreinger, I would be nicer..." She thought, and Miyuki did the same thought. Alex also.

  However, now, other family didn't welcome the result. They are big!!! Oh, we love to grow bigger! And they explained the fact. They were rich, when they were in MONOLIS, because they were muck, in muck, filled with muck. Rich in muck.

 Thus, Bitch-Bitch, Muck-Muck, Run-Run-Run! ♬🎶

  Miyuki should want to sing in a loud voice, however, they were almost 10, thus, in a wispering voice, she sang. Soprano, they requested, however, Blues singer, she would be. 和田アキ子 or Akiko WADA type, she is, they sighed.

  Today, her theme is 内田百閒 or Hyakken UCHIDA wearing his first lady like clothings. And she exposed her body shape entirely! Oh, she likes me!!!, and he started to be chicken, and his mates should pull him from his closet. Open your closet! You can wear like she!, and he chose a bean colours combinations one. Anyway, not so audacious plain type, he thought. And got to know that it was his fault. Too too distincive to wear it. Anyway, only lean body chould wear it type one piece, she put on today.

  And she picked up a feather of crow near WASHIO store. I would be protected by them all, my supporters. Thus, I should be audacious a bit. And she visited WASHIO twice today. And chose a cup of Rum Reisin ice cream to teach the flavour to her young friend Chinkoro. And he got melted for a while. Alchool soaked raisins were included, probably.

  And they found another Trick Art along the river. Vanishing stairs!!! From a determinated point, it vanishes completely. Thus, they thought that some promissive kids were killed at this point.

  They were induced to come here, and forced to do it, and after, the adults killed them, and concealed them in the bed of the river side, and put the plants to cover the bodies. And some faked wittness said to the faked police, in the same way. There is no stairs at all. Thus, their story was faked. Liars, they are!!!

  However, leeds watched it all. Grasses wanted to tell the facts us, and we didn't want to listen to the voices.

  "King is nakid!", the barber yelled into the leeds in the riverside and got distressed. And the leeds wispered the fact to others all, and we got to know the fact. The king was nakid.

  How audacious she is!!! She changed her wearing here in the powder room, they thought. Too natural for us all, they thought. However, for them all, she should be punished for the reason. Oh, U2?

 In the bath room, they said. however, why? Just we are here, and why not? And the reason was, they just wanted to pretend to be kind. No reason at all. Just scolding to express her kindness. Muck prefers strange habit.

 For them, torture is the best expression of their whole kindness, and killing job is the best treat. Thus, for the most affectionate ones, they delivered the squad, as always.

 Thus they failed. For them, no other excuse at all. Why my mother changed so abruptly?, was her real question. She got arrogant and reluctant to do anything, especially domestic tasks. YUKARI is the broken robot, however, our mother relies on her so lot.

  And this is the fact. She is always failed type, thus her mother likes her. She likes inferiors, and now, only YUKARI is her inferior. She is her servant. Thus, she couldn't give up her at all, even she is the evilest wrongdoer in her family.

  And Miyuki is totally right. Anyway, Miyuki is in danger because of her excessive cruelity, they insisted it repeatedly, and finally, her mother chose to go with her. Her decision. OK, her choice.

  They should vanish, anyway. Thus, they are reluctant to do anything at all. Just faking to be other's superior. Abandoned figures, KITAMURA expressed on the staff o f Kyorin Versity. And he is one of them, yes. And any of them criticised his tremendously high position, indifferent from his stupiditity.

  "Oh, is it? I didn't know it at all. Thank you for telling me it", was his always remark. Always virgin type, Miyuki thought indeed.

 And I should go out now. See you soon!


  We are always here!!! 

  With BIg LOVE, from us all, Quartet MARC!!!! 

 Now, Miyuki came back from her detective job, and found a lot of moral mistakes, and experienced a lot of adventures, as always!

   At first, she thought that "Today is extremely fine. Thus, I will do long walk to TANAGURA." And she started to the direction, however, changed her mind, because she found a pot of Sweet Basils at KANEKO seeds shop at US$0.8, thus she came back home, and did her "Chichenerla job" or, water spilling, in her Cute mode. She chose sincerely, and found a most suitable for us all. Bigger, yes, because we want to eat Italian foods as soon as possible, and strong type, yes, and vivacity they should have, and dark green colour with brightness, they should have also! At this standard, only one pot was bought by her. And she really liked the two plants of basil. Soon, we could pick one piece of them, and they would allow us to do so. Only one piece is enough for us, She got to know. Smells so strong, and too much is excessive. Thus, sometimes, picking only one from the pot, is the way to use it.

  Always fresh, and always enough. Thus, the bigger plants would grow up more and more.

  Probably, they compete each other. Now, almost they are the same level. However, soon, they should gain the difference, and they would provide more and more. Sometimes, worms would eat them, however, they can put up with their attacking, and at least, every day, she will gain a Basil prize, discovering new dish with them!!!

  Thus, pot planting is sufficient for her, as a provisional stayer. And they would move easily, in case of her moving. Thus they failed.

  She is now chosing the site for our objects. And for her, traveling is the normal way to live. Staying or traveling. NOMADO type way of life, she wants to find.

  yes, it is the name of NZ backpackers' hostel, however, she liked the name, remembering the technical term she learned from some critical essays.

  Oh, she thinks that detective stories are educative! yes, of course, it all depends on the quality of them. however, like videos in general, some of them are highly educational. And she recommended Columbo, a Public Investigater in Los Angeles.

  She liked it, and it was played by Peter Fork, a not so promissive appearance actor. She likes this type, deeply. Jack Lemon, also. They should be quick in mind, and light footed, of course. And they should be modest. Weakness is accepted by her, however, wrongdoing, not at all!!!

  And she really got impressed at the coincidence of the name of the author, who wrote the text book of logics, which makes her lawyer. The author thought that I did make a liar, instead of a lawyer, with deep sigh. Is she crazy? Yes. And lies a lot? Not at all. And is she mad? Not at all. A kind of hilarious situation, she always has.

 this is important for them all. hiralious was not good for them. And they put the word into ther prohibittion list called "Forced hospitalization manual", and thus, she was forced to be hospitalized.

  And in HASEGAWA hospital, she could read some parts of them. And really got upset. According to this manual, any normal situation should be the object of the evil cruel hospitalization. Just a slight headache, also. And slight ironical word, either. Terrible manual, she deeply sighed. And it was published at least once, and they delivered in the hospitals.

 The system has an old history. And they put any word as they liked when they thought of, "I want to catch this guy, because I don't like him." type hatred. Thus, this is the summary of Devil's existance in Japan, and they themselves proved the evilness.

  When she found it, she wanted to bring it with her, when she would get discharged. However, she changed her mind soon, and tried to take a note of them, and forgave the plan. It was too too tiresome work. Many repetitions, and confusing expressions, here and there. And too too nasty to write the same expressions in her own notebooks.

  thus, she changed her mind, and just picked up the name of the norms, and the information to identify them all, literally, with exactness. And returned the manualy combined old messy copied one to the book shelves on the hospital.

  And she got a prize of quickness. Anyway, National Library of Congress has the information on the norms.

  And they failed. They all failed by her audacious way of finding the facts. We praised her again and again. however, she couldn't get out of the hospital at all. They prolonged her stay beyond the limit, saying, "Oh, you thought that this type of hospitalization ends up in one month? Why do you think so? Oh, the law? Not the word to refer the limit. Thus, you failed. We can extend your stay as long as possible!", Dr.Dull, or, Yuuichirou TOMITA declared arrogantly, in his own gesture, with total self-confidence mode. And he failed. Until one month more, yes. however, too month more is already decided to be illegal. and she was caught with no rational reason. And they put her in the 3 months torturing system under the name of hospitalization.

  Thus they really failed at once in a body. And then, IKKYO betrayers appeared to take advantage of the vacancy of the reign in Shirakawa. They wanted to rule Shirakawa as they liked, and did the wrongdoings as they liked, and they were killed immediately by the power holders, the more cruel type ones, and more kinkiest ones. Alzheimer Megalomaniacs, they really were.

  Today, she ate an Icecream above, and really thought, they were killed by their own quickness. She was survived because of her slowness. Dull Riser, she was, thus, she could survive through after the harsh experience.

  And they should know the limit now. When she came back, it rained hard. And soon as she came back, she heard the sould of boiling water, in the least quantity inside the ketle. Who did it? Too too dangerous, she thought, and anyway, she took a picture, and left it in the same way, and informed it to her mother, on the second floor, in her chamber, waiting someting from others.

  Miyuki just said, "I watched the kettle is almost burning. If you want, I will turn off the gas. How do you prefer?"

  And now, she imagined that some wrongdoers did it intentionally to burn their own house. She didn't know the system at all. Thus, probably they trained it now. And she would be the actor of the fire incidence, and she would be punishd by her wrongdoing, or they could have gained by fire incidence and would be provided new house.

  Nasty hypothesis. however, this similar situation was here and there in Japan. In her case, her mother said to her, "Oh, might I do it?" And Miyuki asked again, "May I turn off the gas for you?", and her mother denied, and she herself went downstairs, and turned off it, and said to YUKARI's chamber, "You put the kettle, didn't you, YUKARI?"

  And Miyuki behaved coolish. OK, I am free from the doubt anyway. And left with her belongings and a cup of cafe au lait. She went to the office, and put the belingings there, and turned to go back to pick up her knit cap left on the kitchen probably, and confirmed the gas was off now. Her knit cap was on the tiny table in the living room, and she picked up it, and felt so strange. Why my mother was waiting for my information on that point? As if, she wanted to turn off, however, she couldn't type anxiety she had. And YUKARI was the actor, at least.

  She forgot it, or intentionally she did, Miyuki didn't know. And soon, Clare came back, and shouted to the main house, "Auntie, I am hungry!", and Miyuki recognized her arrival, and Miyuki dashed to her, to hand a package of Italian snack, she bought yesterday at US$0.3, and said, "Oh, I am extremely lucky! I could hand it to you. This is special one. Look at the price! You would be astonished!!!" And Clare said in a normal voice, "Oh, US$0.3, it means cheap." "Yes, of course! It is tasty, I confirmed it, with OREGANO, an italian spice leaves are included. Taste it! You would like it!", Miyuki yelled her and went back to the office. YUKARI or someone was in the kichen, Miyuki recognized the sound, anyway.

  And this is the fact. Anyone could pick up YUKARI's bad behaviour at all. Because she gets upset, and starts her worse evilest cruel attack to the figure who pointed it. Oh, I pointed it. And said to my mother, not YUKARI.

  She is a cruel killer, yes. And violent. However, any hospital can accept her situation, because of her violence. Jayson, she is now. and this is the fact, not a film. And the police? They are faked ones, and they want to catch Miyuki, instead of YUKARI, because Miyuki is suitable for their plot.

  And they failed. Not promissive type, however, she was just lucky, thus she could enter into the best versity in this country, and gained a doctoral degree in the same best university. Why they can't feel any jealousy against her???

  For Miyuki, why they felt it so much? type question. However, this is the fact of the rural town. Just lucky is enough for her case, they thought, and Miyuki agreed at this point. And why not they? Because they didn't make sufficient effort for it.

  And they recognized that Miyuki is right, and they were wrong. She is the same sufficiently kind normal person. A bit nasty yes, however, everyone has its own weak point type. And she likes to be good and attractive. Anything better she tries as usual. And audacious, yes. And challenges everyday. A kind of adventures of the recognizing the system of IDIOCRACY or, total reign done by totalitarians.