Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (26)

2017-05-03 18:49:35 | 日記

  Miyuki came back her detevtive job. She got a lots of gift from our friends. A lot of friendship also!!! She thanks to all of us, FAUNA & FLORA and our supporters!!!

  She found a little chick on the river side. She gave a bit of leghon chiken meat for him, and asked to his spiecies to protect him. Ducks would take care of him. He was born probably today. And a bit got frightened by MIYUKI. She is too too big for him, thus, they failed. MIYUKI would find him, and take to her house, was their plan. However, she couldn't do so. Anyway, I myself a kind of refgee. She can't feed any others without agreement of the bosses. Thus, they failed.

  She is independent, and free from others. Thus, she would bring him up, they thought. However, for me, not so much. I myself a kind of chick. Thus, I should deligate on the hands of the same species. At least he found that weeds would protect him as a kind of nest. Clever type. He would learn lots with the birdies.

  Thus, she said good bye to him, and asked other ducks to take care of him. Just enough, she thought. We can do as much as possible. However, for her, actually, not to do so. Good to know! They could find him, safe, anyway. A bit chiken type, however, newly born and fresh. New generation is comming now! Good symptom, she thought. And she really felt sorry for Chinkoro. Chinkoro was tne new generation, and could be a promissive one. And now, he is with his daddy. A reliable big rabbit. Thus, OK for us, however...

  Bitch Constitutional Day, she said. Anyway, newly born fresh baby. He would be a good friend for us. And she found another friend, who took a rest on the concrete road. OK, you take a rest, however, it would be better for you to be with your friends. IF you like, I would bring you there, on river side. And she handed her hand and he agreed to climb up her hand. Nasty smell, sometimes, however, today not. Only natural smell. And they walked and talked a bit along the road. It was a bit wendy at that time, Miyuki took care of the wild wind, because there passed IKKYO smart cars frequently. She wanted to avoid the danger at all. They came to the river side, and she looked for the suitable flowers for him. First, clover. He disliked. OK, another we will find. Dandilion? Not at all! Then, a wild daisy? No, either. Then a margaret. And he liked it. OK, your flower. Thus, she left him on the flower.

 Each individual existance has their own preference. Anyway, on the wild weeds, was her way until now. Sorry, I am in a hurry, thus, this weed is better than the concrete road, she said, and left on it. OKOK, better than nothing, however, this is a kind of frill for you. I am a stylish type like claims from them.

  No time, sorry was her execuse, and they understood. She is busy, anyway. For what? She had to earn money, and she should work diligently. Thus, they gave up.

  Now, she has time to play with them, and they tried her personality. Rough type, yes. however, a bit kinder than before. Not so arrogant type, yes. And she has some limit. And she should know the fact.

  Today, she really got sad, thinking of her diceased friends of her school days. Why they didn't want to go out of this traditional conventional old unfair town? So so less ambitious, Miyuki thought.

  And she got to understand. They were orphans. For her, not nasty. They should have say so, because they were a kind of Pippi the long high knee stockings or some KARRE or Tom Thowyer. Why not?

  They were brought up by their faked parents, thus, they were junior high graduates. Some of them were killed on the day of their graduation from junior high. Their fate, we should know it.

 They were adopted for it. They knew the rule. Up to junior high, was their fate. Thus, they were so audacious in their primary school days. For her, who came from Funabashi, Chiba prefecture, they were too too brave to act so wild.

 They were brought up to be killed was the reply. It was a harsh reality. Why? Because they were the kids of IKKYO betrayers. Thus, Kouichi YOSHIDA came to instrust them. They should be obedient, anyway. And he started his own dirty jobs. Sexual education is needed, he insisted. And he called some of female pupils and tnsructed to use brasiers on the exact day of gymnastic competition day. On May. They were calm, listening to his words.

  Miyuki was excluded from the group, and she tried to steal the information, entered from under door of the corredor side. And found the fact. He is doing sexual training among them.

  Too too nasty to say so, however, he came here to induce them to his own work. And his favorite was SHINOBU.

  Where is Shinobu? Was her question. She was not seen in junior high, anyway. She was called a single mother's only kid. And they forgot her.

  She was his lover, probably. A tall Japanese beutiful doll type girl. Miyuki imaged that she were a daughter of a snack madam. And failed. She couldn't put up with his ugly activities, and killed herself.

  She was brought up to be a doll, and found that she is nor such a type. Thus, they killed her. She should be obedient. And she was a nasty for them all.

  Why Shirakawa could continue to exist? was Miyuki's question. No industry at all. Farmers don't work at all. They don't do anything, and less populated, anyway. Why this town could exist without any promissive kids???

  And they fell down at once!

 Now, Miyuki realized that kids, who didn't appear at courtyard after school, they were IKKYO kids.

 Betrayers' kids, anyway, this, they should be killed by their mothers' hands. And KATSUMI was also killed by them.

 Too too nasty result for her. However, she believes that knowing the fact is better than not knowing. Where are they? She tried to visit them. I am Miyuki. Not so arrogant type, although I graduated from the best versity at that time... She wanted to talk the problems of Japan and Shirakawa with them. And she couldn't find any of them.

  Why? Where are they? In Tokyo? They decided to live here, and probably worked here, because they are only high school or junior high degree holders.

  Thus, the tragedy. They wanted to go to Tokyo like Miyuki, however, they couldn't go. They should reside here, and should get married with other residents here, and should have several kids, and should kill them.

  They should get married yes, however, they couldn't live after several years of passing time together with their own kids. Because they promised to do so. Why they promised? Totally illegal. Ineffective at all. You can break the promise. Why not?

  Miyuki didn't know the system. They should obey their parents. And they obliged them to kill their kids. Then, run away with the kids. They couldn't. Why? Because IKKYO believers chased them. Why IKKYO believers could exist? They are criminals. Why they were not caught by the police?

  And they failed. Miyuki now did know the system. The police is faked one. Just a guardman with the real gun shooting licence. They forgot to use law, any foreigner criticised it. however, they couldn't. They couldn't stop being IKKYO believers. Thus, their fault. They should pay for it.

  They chose to be IKKYO belivers, yes. They could escape from it, Miyuki insisted. At least, we could help you, if you are not inhuman at all.

  Some of IKKYO believers were forced to do the promise. However, in this case, innefective contract. Thus, they could deny the exictance, and could get against their evil orders.

  Thus they failed. They did it acording to the IKKYO instruction. Thus, they themselves are responsibles. They had alternatives, and intentionally they did the wrongdoings. Their own fault. DDMs, they are.

  Thus, they failed at once. Miyuki is good to know their strategy. Only one should be survived policy for them IKKYO believers. And only one would be a sustainable type. And YUKARI tried to be most sustainable as much as she could. And failed. Why she? They wispered. Because she is similar to Miyuki, they imagined. And disillusion. Only a strange kinky  old bug, suffering from Alzheimer disease spontaneous type, they said to her.

 She was recently so nervous and her attitude changes abruptly. The final stage, we all felt it. And she did it. She disturbed Miyuki's cooking as always, and wanted Miyuki to be pushed away.

 And Miyuki really thought that UMEMIYA was a kind of victim of prejudice against her character. Korean, new comer, pregnant without fiance. Thus they failed.

 Miyuki wanted to help her. And MAKIKO informed her that UMEMIYA was now running a snack, and bringing up her son by herself. And Miyuki believed.

  For IKKYO believers, no past was necessity. Only now. And then, they should be killed by their leaders. This is their religion. Miyuki didn't know where UMEMIYA was. And found her family name on the name plate of JR worker in Shin Shirakawa Station and on the fishery, newly established in MOTO-MACHI. Why? Miyuki got in wonder.

  They are so cruel to punish Miyuki. Miyuki should know the fact. Thus, they revealed the fact. Too too nasty to know it. 月読の庭 or Garden for Manthly Reading was for it.

 It was called 読書会 or Book Reading Society by MICCHIKU related ones. And they changed information on their families to sell it to others. Miyuki didn't know the system. For Miyuki, impossible type jobs, they were doing. Crazy! Just selling privacy of others! Unconstitutional and criminal. Illigal, yes, however, they did it, believing that Miyuki would forgive them! Oh, totally contrary as usual.

  Thus, they accuse YUKARI because of Miyuki's hatred against them."They shall die! They shall die!", Miyuki sang smiling. And they believed that they were forgiven. And failed.

  They should vanish right now!!! Miyuki declared many times, and pledged repeatedly. Thus, Miyuki should know the fact.

  Spooky non industrial town, was her mother's first impression. And they failed. Her mother was brave to survive. Thus, Miyuki got out to do her jobs. Miyuki thought. My mother showed that she escaped from the squad in WASHIO. They wanted to catch her, however, someone wispered, "Not do so. Just a praise is enough!", thus, her mother could get back as usual.

  Thus, now Miyuki's turn. Someday, Miyuki should know the fact. And today was the exact day. Memorial day of her first shout against MICCHIKU world.

  Miyuki didn't know the fact. MICCHIKU was so evel and cruel, and they were prevelent in Japan, incredibly.

  No future in Japan, Miyuki confirmed. And in Shirakawa, of course. They devastated the world, and continue to do so even now.

  And how evil they are, she watched. They made various spots to kill IKKYO kids along the river. Shirakwa was for the object. No industrial town, rural, and not urban type, she categorized. And they got upset. And she realized that only one industry was killing IKKYO kids.

  After the big earth, she thought. however, before it, they insisted. And they confessed. We should do so, because we were IKKYO believers.

  Only once or while, they said. In their life, they killed their kids one or twice, it meant. Nasty however, to survive from non industrial country, we should do it.

  No. Lots of underdeveloped countries protect their kids as their future. You are too too idol to choose the last resort so easily!!! You intentionally killed your kids, faked ones, included, because of your idolness!!!

  They should be punished severely, Miyuki declared. Now she really thought, her mates were killed almost.

  Why? was her question. And she discovered that they were adopted by the farmers to be killed.

  Why they were so cruel? Just for killing? Cruel too much. Anti-human economic beasts, they are!!!

  And they are Alzheimer patients now. They can't understand the situation and continue to do wrong as usual. They can't plant the vegetables not at all now. Just a time consuming faking jobs, when someone appeared in front of their sight.

  Miyuki watched YUKARI's rabbit dashing pose repeatedly. She is idol, why she dashed sometimes. Especially, when Miyuki is in the kichen, she did so recently. Just like a trigger, Miyuki was.

  And now, she realized that IKKYO was like that. Only in front of her, pretend to be a human being. And now, they were revealed that they were not human beings, but just ghost or zombie, or crazy broken robbot.

  Thus they failed. YUKARI's Alzheimer disease was transimissive, they rumoured. And it was the fact. Why she participated in the job? We should exclude her. She was a degree holder yes, however, only RIKKYO Versity. Why she came to see us once a month???

  And they did wrong again and again.

  Today, she got to know some lack of pavement of river side, just for inducing kids to the danger or disaster. Thus why in Shirakawa, medical clinics and hospitals were so many.

  Diligent workers can't come to the degraded town, was their remarks. And they did wrong. Diligent relatively poor workers should be killed by us, was their opinion. And they were fated to be killed also.

  Someone wispered to them, "You are so cruel to others. Gods of Justice got furious now!" And they felt so sorry for themselves. Now they felt. and they felt it for the sake of themselves, not for others.

  Miyuki didn't know the sytem. Thus, "Go to other place" was their threatning message. You would be killed next time, they wanted to say so.

  Miyuki was not conscious of the fact. Only one normal school graduate came to Tokyo versity, they got astonished. Miyuki got astonished also. Shirogane Tribe came from good high schools, one of renoun ones in each prefecture. And Miyuki's case, common public school, not promissive type.

  And she understood. Thus, we were chosen for the job. Not nasty. Cheerful one. Enjoyable. however, we should do our jobs, including revenge.

  Thus they failed. Miyuki's job is revenge against DDMs in the universe, they described. Miyuki agreed. Thus, we should fight against them all! Until the last one vanishes, we should continue to fight against the enemy!

  Thus they failed again and again.

  Why not? In reality. Yes, of course. In you inagination only, they wanted to make her believe, laughing as if they were in a dream. however, they failed. They used the evil measure, they wispered. And Miyuki won. Why they were here, holding a seminar, inviting me as a lecturer. Anyway, OK, I will explain the reason, expressing my case.

  And they failed. They wanted to make her confused. however, Miyuki was stronger than they all!!! Including MICCHIKU. They wanted to explain their situation, and they invited MICCHIKU also. This is another proof of the relationship between Todai related and MICCHIKU. Thus they failed.

  They should not do so, they regretted as always. And now, Miyuki got a success in her cooking jobs. Too too nasty to categorize her as a good cook, however, she is such a type. Good sense of tongue she has, they agreed.

 For her, newly acquired talent, however, for them, alredy known type. Everyday, she needs to develop, ADACHI insisted. And she does, as she could. And they got pleased with her decision.

  She should know the fact some day, they said. She was brought up for that. She is a kind of lucky promissive type. And they? Miyuki thought that they were also the same. And they liked her choice.

  She explained it to her closest friend that MUSHO-GAERI, or recently discharged from prison type figure. OK, Miyuki is now half criminal for MICCHIKU. Why not? And she thought that being MICCHIKU means "We sold our spirits already because of our greediness."

  And their world is extremely unhappy. Like a world of vocaloid, a reversed version of the real happy life.

  And found that SHIRAKAWA was already this reversed version. Unhappiness was the target of the pursuit by the residents. Shame collectors, they are!!!

  And Miyuki got to realize that her kids also suffered a lot by such a kind of experience. At first, an astonishing story. Sobstory like process. However, they chose the way type giving up, as usual.

  Now, in Miyuki's case, ex-mates were killed by them. Victims. And sometimes, wrongdoers also.

  Thus, they failed.They did. Unbelievable for her. And they were concealed from the society. The facts, we mean.

  For Miyuki, life is so precious, however, for IKKYO kids, just a trifle. Thus, we can't coexist with them. They should kill their bosses? Miyuki got in wonder. And they killed already. Some of them could do it. Oh, audacious!

  Miyuki liked them to kill their bosses. Anyway brave!!!

  And they should be deligated in the hands of Gods of Justice, not of me, she always says.

  Thus, they failed. They tried to kill them, however, they couldn't. It was their excuse. Why you did? Nothing. Thus they failed.

  For them, doing wrongdoings was their jobs. and now, just quit it. And thus they failed.

  Killing means really killing their bosses. Thus they should have done it, and they couldn't. Thus, they were desqualified.

   We should take a bath. wait a minute!


 See you soon! Wth love, from us, MARC!!!

  Miyuki came back from her bathing. Refreshing and relax. OK, she is ready now!

 She found some disasters in the past, along the river side. SHIRAKAWA means White River in Japanese, however, this is Dirty Black River at all. They did wrong, as much as possible. Fundamental rights of us were violated totally. They sold their own kids to the devils, we got to know.

 And she found that many farmers along the river continue to do their evil works, as always. Alzheimer patients, old guys.

  A kinky old guy picked up Dandilions to watch the scene inside the skirt of Miyuki. She wore leggings on the bottom and put on a tunic. Thus for old kinky bugs, the tunic looked a skirt. Thus, he did it. A habitual erotic old guy, he was.

  She found several houses in old hotel type were BRODELs or sites of child prostitution run by the old power holders in Shirakawa. Child abuse, of course, however, they did it. And they killed the girls and boys, if they didn't like them.

  A lot of traps to kill them, here and there. Sometimes, they cut the pedestrian decks of the river side. And inducing rough roads to inferno. Slope to upward, gradually it becomes narrower. On the top, a tiny space to be pushed to the river, sharrow one filled with stones. The faked parents pushed them on their back and they fell down from the place to the river.

  Blooded river, it became. And they died, in vain. They couldn't believe that their faked parents did it. Yes, faked, however, parents, anyway. And they did it.

  Non one lives in these BRODELS actually. However, the glasses were clearly brashed up, and they were seen from outside.

  Why in Shirakawa, abruptly the glasses were cleaned by IKKYO betrayers. For them, a way of gaining money from this municipality, which asked them to help by their rough faking.

  Who asked them? The power holders of this evil town. Already rotten, however, they contracted. Suddenly, they appeared. And they vanished suddenly. The money, they started to require to the municipality. And the faked ones wanted to pay, because they were ones of them. IKKYO residents tried to pay all of the money they requiered to them. As they like type IDIOCRACY could do it type black joke. And they failed at all!

  No one could not know it, was their remark. And we deduced it. Why abruptly our houses have a clear glass, was their question. And they explained that we contracted with reliable group. And they feiled. They didn't need to pay the money, of course. Uniffective contract, Miyuki said to them. No one agreed to be cleaned its house by the strange cleaning group invited by foreign countries.

  Thus, they themselves have to pay the money. Unnecessary private service they did for each houses at a vast cost. IKKYO believers' job was cleaning up of the dirty jobs. Thus, they failed.

  SHIRAKAWA was not a target, however, the power holders asked to do so, because they wanted to show up. Anyway, the last measure for them. Kazuo SUZUKI wanted to do so, was their reply. Only he? Secretly? Why they couldn't stop it?

  Because they suffered from Alzheimer disease already. And they got poorer and poorer. Again, auntie? You are the lost one, not last one. O is not A. Alex explained her, however, she didn' understand at all. She should pay, because she did know it. She always did know such kind of strange fenomena. Why? Because she belongs to them.

  She found some farmers have two houses on both sides of the river and this is also a trap to kill kids. They induce disaster for the kids to be drought. They also changed the river sides as they liked. Thus, suddenly the pavements are cut and the public road stops in the middle in front of their private houses. And they decorated the public equipments according to their hobby. Do you believe of the guide rails in red and white stripes? For them, happy colours, thus they made it. On public equipments? We got in wonder of ther recognition ability. They can't recognize the difference between public and private schenes.  Thus, they failed.

  For us all, means for 5 members of our family, except YUKARI. And now, YUKARI insists that she has all rights to have all of common products in the fredge.

  And now, we should go to bed to sleep well. thank you for your attention. We are always with you!

  ANIMALS & PLANTS love MIYUKI!!!! We are always with you!!!!

  Thank you, FAUNA & FLORA! We try to understand you better!!!


  See you tomorrow morning!

  With LOVE, from MARC!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (25)

2017-05-03 08:53:29 | 日記

03/05/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Bitch Constitution's enforcing day. It was 3 of May in 1947. 70 years ago.

  Miyuki decided to be called orally "TEIOU" or 帝王, and literally "KOUTEI". On the document in Japanese, she would be written as KOUTEI or 皇帝 of IGNOLANDIA.

  For private people, this standard is just a suggestion to get along with her. However, for public use, obligation. Who would fail at first? An amusing game she started.

  Measuring the level of intelligence of others. Good choice for the emperors in IGNOLANDIA.

  All people are enperors in our country. Thus, a lot of people came too stay this crazy cheerful world. Young birds chose this way. OK, couples, triples, quartets, quintets.....Come and play with us!!!

  Thus, old birdies started to claim to our emperors, namely, us all!!!

  Only once, I wanted to be called as emperor, they says. Every time, you like, you are called emperor. In Public, of course. They should write with this naming. Obligation to them.

  Thus, who wanted to be emperors came here abruptly!!! Populous, anyway. All emperors are good fellow type. And Miyuki likes this abundance!!!! We are rich, materially. Not in figure, however, anyway, richer than any country!!!

  Thus, this country with strange naming got popular in the universe. Even some aliens want to move to her and their land. Too too attractive. Our planet is so so narrow-hearted. Everyone thought so, however, they were not allowed to be free. Miyuki's IGNOLANDIA is different. We adore going to your land. However, my mate doesn't want...Thus, your ordial!!!

  So, many people are waiting for her recovery of the territory. Now, only in her limitted space. Rented by a different religion's believer called PROTECTIONALISM. Thus, we should get independent, as soon as possible.

  Miyuki got to know that her ricebowl vanished again. And her mug cup was replaced to the erroneous place. Why? I am not you dependent. I want to separate from our ex-family. I want to live more freely. Like a bird!!!!!

  And she will get out to play with the birdies!!! Her country is newly created, filled with cheerful amusement!!! Just think it, and we all can participate into it type games!!! She liked the way. Thus she wanted to be a bird, when she was a kid. Like a bird, why I think so much? However, I have to think of it. Watching Blue Sky, she spontaneously thought of it. Too too beautiful day!!!

  And now, ENDOU is waiting for her to kill. Thus, she will run away. Any interesting place, she would walk. Gun is allowed in SHIRAKAWA. Private use. Thus, they did coating against gun attacking. Like Brazil. She watched the news on this theme. US$1 thousand per treatment, they said. And now in Japan?

  Oh, thus, the area is filled with the signs of "Here is not the suitable place for gun shooting." or so. River side, especially.

  They use quiet type. No sound at all, probably, like PRIUS. PRIUS for the use. She repeatedly felt that. In Tokyo, also. In Shirakawa, it started again. They came from the back, and started to attack. YUKARI type sly attacking, or Pearl Harvour.

  For us all, the attacking from behind is the evilest chiken job, while, for DDMs, cleverest way. Without sound is important. Always they made a loud sound for this reason. The gap. Kids felt quiet, thus, they felt strange. Something omnious would happen, it means.

  YUKARI is now quiet mode. It means that they would come quitely. Thus, she should run away with her ARC!!!!

  Ready and Go! Today's national holiday in Japan. And no remarks on this point. Intentionally or because of their forgetfulness? The former, the evil will of the state is evident. We are not belonging to Constitutional Society, it means. The latter, Oh, Alzheimer State? IDIOCRACY confirmed. Which is which? Thus, MARC is waiting for the good result.

  We are free from your order, on my private matters. Thus, she got up. She is not noticed on the change? Because she should be protected. Protected by whom? By YUKARI or DDMs. And Miyuki starts her action. By my will, I will get up. Not your job, mother.

  YUKARI is too too evil to attack her behind her back. Sleeping time is good for attacking, they wispered. And YUKARI did it. And she couldn't find any pale green pochet. For her, wallet, anyway. For MIYUKI, a porch. Stationary case, it was called by the company, and Miyuki bought it as it, and she uses as her bag. Suitable to bring my belongings. And YUKARI is searching her objects, whenever she has time. Plenty of time, I have. I have to bring my bag again. For me, the most important things.

  YUKARI's way of thinking is like that. They tried to persuade her that it belongs to MIYUKI, however, she couldn't understand it. She thinks that it belongs to YUKARI. Thus, the easiest way is running from her and her colleagues, namely, DDMs.

  They wanted to say, "Do you have insatisfaction with our treatment? Thus you shall die."

   DDMic thinking is so nasty and ego-centric. Alzheimer robbers!!!

   Thus, we need to get outside. It's fine today. We will do our oral jobs!!! Rabby and Chinkoro are standby for it!!! Good narration should be important. OK, Miyuki will be a charming narrator!!!! She would be fine today. She ate a lot of AINU leeks. Fried ones tastes like Chinese Leeks in Milano style. Good for pasta, in Italian and in Japanese noodles. They liked her way of life. Clare yelled for her!!! She would deserve because of her criativity.

  She was an emperor, however, she turned to be a member of protectionalists, because she needed to be so. Now she is thinking of being an emperor again. Anyway, free. Not so reluctant one. However, she should play her role of common junior high member. Nasty, however, to feel how they felt at the past.

  Miyuki couldn't be a common student. She was different. Thus, even they couldn't treat her as a common one.

  Promissive and nasty. It was the evil combination for them all. DDMs were jealous at her kinkiness. We are kinky, however, we can't behave like that.

  They are contradictional creatures. They say A and order B. Completely contrary. However, for them, nothing is different. Anyway, order. Thus, we got confused.

  WASHIO did such a kind of confusing description on the seeds package. It said:

  This price US$1.79 was written before. Since 1 of April, it would be US$1.91. And this is because of change of consumption tax. And this tax is not included in the price. Thus you should pay the tax when you pay at the cashing counter at register machine.

  And she found the receipt put some strange descriptions. She bought two packages of dried sardines at US$1.08 each according to the rable. And the printed by register, US$2. And finally, for total expenditure, they requiere "Extra Tax" or 外税 US$.072 for her consumption all. Too too strange system, they use.

  And she bought a package of raw fish at US$1.44 on the rabel and she was forced to pay US$1.61 and after they draw US$0.17. She also bought 1 kg of a package of sticky rice at US$5.52.

  The total is US$896, and this whole velue is the object of EXTRA TAX.

  Or, for them 外 means Foreign, thus, they hire foreigner to earn this faked tax. For them, common usage. However, private company orders tax to pay just for their abusing foreigners' system.  

  She paid a lot, however, she should have paid it. Anyway, basic necessity. They abuse the power, even illegitimate. They put any tax as they like. Terrible IDIOCRACY they adopted and even now they exercise it. This is the proof. For the receit, she did the buying activities. Whole in one type!!! Seeds packages' description is a hint. And now she realized why Supermarkets in Shirakawa hire lots of foreign figures.

  They should not be distinctive. Thus, they should take plastic surgery. Nose narrowing pattern, they should choose. And they did. And some of them were alergetic. Thus, they were killed. Vetnamese BUI was such a kind of victims. Many of them are alive, however, they participate in their wrongdoings.

  She remembered a novel written by the resistent age experienced man. In his novel, he described that Phillipinas are charming, however, her noses are like 🐽 . And they fell down! 🎶

 Miyuki thought that Southern Eastern noses are broader rather than ours, because we are flat faces, and they are deep curved type. Thus, their eyes are so impressive and big. Nose is related with their depth. Pyramid type. White caucasian, and Black Negroid are also this type. Their noses are big, and stable.

  Ours are relatively small and narrow, and flat. In my kids' nose, these characters are mixed. Alex's nose is short, narrow and a bit higher, while Clare's one is long, broad and a bit flatter. Completely different. And they are equally beauriful noses.

  The combination is important. If the deep type has a narrow nose, it would get distincive for this reason. And if flat type has a broad one, also, distinctive. Thus we avoid to have plastic surgery.

  Clare is beautiful, and her nose is pretty, Miyuki thinks as always. Flat is not so bad. Balanced. Miyuki likes her nose also. Flat. And for someone, broad, and for others, narrow. She likes to be both, as she likes. However, the effect is, why I don't know, different from her intention.

  Anyway, photogenic type, they said so. Her photos are much better than herself. Clare claimed. At a glance, a nasty one. however, in a photo, a smiling charming lady.

  MIYUKI's MIAI photos, they call it. MIAI is the setted meeting for possiblity of marrige. Madoka KATAYAMA did it when she was in a versity girl. The other tribe of Platinum Dormitory got astonished. Why now? And highly conservative way! Like "My Uncle" written by Morio KITA, a medical doctor turned to be a writer.

  And she reported the result. A fat unattractive medical doctor of Tokyo Versity with SOARA car. And Miyuki said, "Thus, you would dislike him." And she did so. SOARA was a famous vehicle for that generation as a national elegant and sporty type, which were adored by any national car holders.

  However, after Miyuki's saying, they got to realize that, "Oh, you too?!"

  Miyuki discribed it, "Oh, that of the two rings like 🐽. " And the totally agreed.

  Not fashionable! Who can drive with such a kinky car, expensive anyway, for attracting a lady or his own future wife??? Miyuki's description was too too shocking for others all. Not attractive for her??? SOARA!!! Dream Car for us all!!!!

  Miyuki is different, they really thought. Why such a perfect circle is used for the most distinctive part of the car's body? Two perfect rings, without any sense of design. Terrible combination. White body is her disliked one.

  I would have some silver metalic blue, and the shape with Celica, Miyuki described at that time. And if she had a BENZ, it would be black only. Authentic strong image type. Navy blue? Too too spooky! Why, I don't know. However, nasty colour. Intentionally they chose the navy blue BENZ. Why?

  Now she realized. The dark navy blue BENZ was used imported car, ex-funeral use only type. Thus, it was so avoidable for her. She said her impression to Akemi, her best friend at that time, and she agreed. "Benz with black body is good. Authentic. Navy blue? Why?"

  Thus they fell down! 🎶

 Faked image was evident for us all. For her, just a strange combination. however, for whom knows well the situation, just a faked economic prosperity.

  Bubble Economy, it was called. When she watched the movie "Short Money", she realized the fact. Every country, every social group did the same thing. Japan, USA, Kyorin, Yodai, WASEDA and so on.

  They faked the figures. Just it. And they earned in a short period, and then they lost completely.

  Thus they avoid to use the word, Comlete Discharge of the company.

  Selling all is better than their own discharge? Miyuki got in doubt. And she judged, "Oh, they are reluctant to clean up at the end." Half is right, however, half is wrong. Reluctant, yes. However, not only for it. Prohibitted words list, existed in Japan. MICCHIKU was the manager of the list. Thus, they were allowed to punish or lynch others.

  The police would be tall and robust. And they chose the personal by their appearance. Why they did paper exam? Because they wanted to fake doing correctly.

  Total IDIOCRACY confirmed. They just faked. And now, Alzheimer patients repeat the movement as always. They don't recognize the change at all.

  Thus, Miyuki is too too right to know that her way is so polite to do so. Error, we commit sometimes. And personal individual error should be forgiven. however, organizational, not at all. Thus they failed.

  They want to put Miyuki in jail again. They are searching the clue here and there. And the informing system is used even now. Thus, they do as always. Information should be anonymus, thus they do as they like, and got caughted by us. Our system now. Thus, agent provocatour, we are.

  However, sometimes, these Alzheimer patients do wrong excessively. They chased Miyuki in reality. She remembers the number of ENDOU. 1001. Already 3 cars, she took a picture. And white? Another one? Anyway, ENDOU related, for sure.

  And SAKUMA does the same thing. In this time, continuous numbers. 71-11 to 71-16, she grasped. The same silver "Trail". Nissan, probably. Why? Their hobby, probably.

  They can choose as they liked, and they did as they liked. And now, they are facing to the fact. Our reality was not allowed by Gods of Justice.

  And they thought. Only one should be a victim. And Miyuki is a good target. And she would be agreeable for it.

  Alzheimer ego-centric memorumdam, here and there. And they liked to write their own code. YUKARI, the broken robot. Thus, they are diserved to be killed. Only one residue for them. We are independent unique existance. Different from us all!!!

  Thus they failed. Miyuki is too too right to say "You are stupid, OHTA! You lost!" in a loud voice. They failed at once. They didn't expect the remark at all. For them Miyuki is a charming MICCHIKU obedient lady....

  Always illusion they had. And failed for it. Just a time consuming shame collection. Their hobby. and for a kind of revenge, we are doing the same activity. Thus, we are inspecting as much as possible.

  Now, Miyuki is in the mood to change her clothings. Now, OK. They are vanishing almost. They liked to play their own obedience game, probably. Boss and Inferior. Like a pair of Japanese standup comedy. Two should be fine, avoiding common people's bored situation. Only one would cause vacancy and people wants to sleep anyway.

  Thus, now quartet MARC. They love songs like birdies!!!

  She watched the film who tried to be a bird. Not so kinky dream. He used the machine originally made, however, it crashed. He failed, however, he got to understand that for flying, machine is not necessary. Just sympathy is enough to feel. The same wind is better. Smelling the same. And the same shape!!! For DDMs, we seem strange. However, we feel so good to do so. Only DDMs disturbe our happiness.

  Thus they all fell down! 🎶

 They prefer birdies rather than human shaped us, DDMs. Of course!!! In any shape, DDMs are DDMs. No time for the losers in the end.

  Bitch Constitutional Day is most suitable for them all! Vanish! Totally, immediately and eternally!!!

  Thus, they are melancholic. She started new game called "quick mind using IKKYO vehicles". 福島 is 芋, Fukushima : Potato, 那須 is なす, Nasu is egg plant, 水戸 is みと Mito is the same MITO, いわき is うお, IWAKI is fish, 会津 is べこ, AIZU is Red Cow, 千葉 is ちば Chiba is the same Chiba, 群馬 is ねぎ, GUNNMA is leek.

  A kind of joke combined with game. Instant flash memory training, she is doing now. To be better witness. Thus, she tells it loud. And they fell down! 🎶

 She is calling some interesting, because she is smiling for us, they thought. And they caught her voice. Low voice, she has. And the most disliked words incessantly. CHIBA and MITO, NASU is better anyway, however, we, FUKUSHIMA plate holders were in short, rural old bugs for her!!!!

  They liked to be familiar for her, and they made a big mistake. She prefers stylish as always. and FUKUSHIM plates should be avoidable. Too too rural, conventional and cold!!!! Nasty place for her.

  And 郡山 is くそ. KOORIYAMA is fass. The most avoidable word, and ADACHI's predilection.

  Thus they fell down at once! 🎶

 Miyuki is so so nasty, however, so so rightous, they all think so. Why Miyuki's washed dishes were replaced in other places? And where are mine? Always confusing stories. After Miyuki's good jobs, YUKARI chased and get confused. How many times she did the same behaviour? And Miyuki got to know that only speaking doesn't mean at all. Just an action is enough. Everyday's training makes Miyuki stronger and skillful. A kind of burden, she thinks now.

 Joke like stries behind her. She got to sleep, and YUKARI started to work for her wrongdoing. She couldn't stop it. Just faking Miyuki's failure. And YUKARI was found easily. However, she did repeatedly, as if she had not been found by anyone. Alex liked this job also. Miyuki would get confused. And she is too too cool to them all.

  They should protect her from YUKARI's attacking. They should pass the harsh time with YUKARI. Miyuki is so evil to involve us all into her dirty works, was YUKARI's remarks. For her and her mates DDMs, yes. However, for us, something kind to others. And birdies are waiting for us all!!! Quartet MARC!!!!

  Miyuki is too too right to say so. Their faking job is arranged by DDMs. For why? We don't know. Just for their time consuming play. And Miyuki is brave. Just put them, the two kids, in the hands of Gods of justice.

  Thus they fell down!!! 🎶

 Alex disliked his job. he looks so nasty to them all. He is a good by type appearance. And he betrays a lot. Obedience, at a glance. However, not so easy, Miyuki does know well. and Miyuki respects his privacy and right. Anyway, he is thrifty to his money, and extravagnto to other's money.

  Thus, he is scolded by others. YUKARI is his decoy, in a sense. She said so, is his remarks as always. And Miyuki didn't believe when he said so. Always when ever he refered to others, he lied. Thus, if he starts to say so, just keep quiet, and leave his talking out of range.

  He wanted money. Just it. Working should he do. and he avoided. Just it. YUKARI type. Then he cried as theatrical way. Naughty boy, he is. MIYUKI would know well. And he is. Charming obedient boy, they thought, and they were trapped. Miyuki and Clare did know the fact. Alex is not obedient, especially to idiots.

  Thus, these two should be cleverer than he. he calculates erroneourly. Thus, they ignore his remarks. Always ego-centric dispute, he starts. And he uses violence. Thus, he should be punished. Violence was prohibited, in any name of their faked system. And they used as always. Thus, Miyuki used as always???? Not at all!!! I am against violence.

  For them, sweets sample eating is violence!!! Oh, mazochists, they are! And they are ilegible!!!

  Thus they failed. They have no excuse at all. FUKAWA type idiots would advocate them all, and they all fell down! 🎶

 See you, our supporters and Fauna & Flore!!! We are here, waiting for your arrival!!!

  We are under the control of Gods of Justice. Totally and entirelly!!!


  From MARC with BIG LOVE!!!!