Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (33)

2017-05-08 23:21:57 | 日記

Now, Chinkoro succeeded the flash comments. Look! Now, the articles in the field of "Society" are filled with IKKYO believers' kinkiest life:

 In Spring, they burned the mountains for devastation, in their word, exploration. Sometimes, fire dinsinguisher teams composed by Distinguisher Department and Self Defense Army themselves put the fire on the forest. Their seasonal job it was, and they earned a lot money, an extra type, beside their salary as public servants.

  And after IDIOCRACY, the Alzheimer IKKYO believers do the same wrongdoing as ther annual habit. Event, as they prefer saying. For them, nature is nasty enemy, while they should feel safe, hugged in weak arms of the old ladies. Thus they go to rural area to feel their maternity, anyway. and Golden week existed for the sake.

 Miyuki felt so frightened by the tracks today in a tunnel Shirakawa Number 6. She started to sing some songs in the tunnel, and then, abruptly, relatively many tracks chased her in the tunnel. She escaped from being stomped, however, she felt danger when they passed. They wanted to kill me, she really thought. Why? Because now the tracks were reveled that they are the real sword to kill others, or "Knife taken by a mad figure." in Japanese proverb.

 Miyuki really thought that the unnecessary number of tracks came exactly toward her, and they passed beside her with high speed, also unnecessarily. Why?

 Miyuki, thus, got to recognize the fact. They did it, before. Thus, they turned to be mad drivers, and wanted to do so now again. a kind of sadistic pleasure they feel, presumably.

 She hit someone, Alex informed to the police, and they caught Miyuki, instead of her. Why? They made a miskate, probably. Not at all! Yukari said Miyuki's name at the police station, and they caught her because of it. however, too too distance from the site, thus, they thought of another reason to her catch.

 YUKARI always fails, they says. And She is a kind of amusing game for the IKKYO believers now. She is the most idiots among us!!! Oh, inferior to us all? Rare! Thus, she is precious because of it. Thus, she is popular among them. Thus, YUKARI really wants to get out to be a top idol among them.

 Tracks are not necessary, rather, harmful poisoneous mad measure for us all. We are not allowed to use them. And Miyuki sang the song for Chinkoro. He would be our idol, she really thought. Now, he is writing like that, expressing his own ability instead of Miyuki, using Miyuki's fingers. However, he would have be here with us all.

 Tracks. Drivers included. They should vanish immediately. And Shibuki pebbles company did the wrongdoings as usual, probably. Track drivers do wrong unnecessarily, was her discovery. Doing nothing types. They pretended to have burdensome works, and they were betrayed by themselves. Empty, the countenors are, Miyuki really felt. she heard the noise when they shaked. How light! And vacant, probably. What a messy life, they spend! Miyuki exclaimed.

 And many of kids arround here were killed by them. Their belief was "Anyway, we will have the end of the world. Thus, we should destroy all of our shames, before their recognition. As soon as possible." Thus they failed. They spilt shames here and there. Why they do so intentionally? How audacious, they were. IKKYO believers are always mistary for us all, she really thought so today.

 Any real life at all, and then, kids abuse they committed. IKKYO believers were prohibitted to have a real wife, thus, they wanted to have the real girls, separated from their real life as IKKYO believers. And they bought some pipils from the related primary school called 小田倉 or ODAKURA, in NISHIGOU villege.

 Oh, you did it, Auntie! Thus you failed. You bought it one of them, and sold your spirit. Oh, such kind of wrongdoing also type. Oh, nasty Auntie you are!

 Yukari did it once, and any more, she decided. and failed again and again. She is weak, as she describes. Thus they decided to igonore her as much as possible. The stupid young guy, she bought, according to her. And they disliked her. and she said, "Miyuki also did it. I am sure. Because the kids are the proofs." Oh, Auntie, you forgot it. Alex exclaimed now. How forgetful, she is, he really felt so. however, at this point, he forgot. and now, no one wanted to protect her at all. As you like type life, she spent. And now, her real departure. Her mother is reluctant to protect her any more. Too too forgetful, yes, however, she wanted not to be, anyway. And we should be kind to her, anyway, she declared, however, in this time, YUKARI lost her relience totally. She did it, and said so as if she would have been praised by it. They thought that she is really degraded morally, indeed.

 She is free from execution at all, why she is incapable, was KAKISHIMA's words. Thus, Miyuki could escape from the death penalty, she insisted????

  KAKISHIMA is a rotten model, thus, anyone believed her already, Miyuki knew it well, hearing from OOTA.

  And now, YUKARI is the same pattern. Rural type, anyway. A kind of Yankee in Japanese. Bad guy, yes.

  Indulged bad guy just did wrongdoings in his life type life she lived. And now, her real departure. And she took a bath twice a day. Anyway, she would be clean before wedding, she declared. OK, for you, wedding. You would be discharged from our family, anyway. Thus she failed. Now she is alone. And by herself, she can't do anything at all. You should find some mates, they assisted to find them. And they were found here and there. Any male could be with her. Oh, attractive to you, YUKARI!

  Thus, they agreed to do so. And YUKARI also. Good to know it. She is in good mood. Waves and shakings. She liked it, and accused others because of her own shaking. Impulse, she moves by, Miyuki discovered, and she failed again. Just impulse type, not at all. With total assistance of shaking, she could get up, and Miyuki's wifi waves was her key to move.

 If Miyuki's in a nasty mood, YUKARI is active like a dog, while, Miyuki's cheeful time, YUKARI is dark spooky existance. Like a mirror, they  moniotored the difference. And like a mirror fenomenum here and there. Why they set her like that? The worst figure for Miyuki. A kind of excessive burden, for Miyuki, YUKARI is. And thus, YUKARI existed until now.

  And now, Miyuki's sleeping time. She wants to spil water in the morning, if she can get up earlier and it is fine tomorrow.

  Anyway plants got positive with spilt water. and Miyuki also. Thus, she decided to got to bed at midnight, as an ideal.

  Thus, see you next morning!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from MARC!!!! ADACHI is also doing his good job! Yell to him!!!! Oh, professional brass band leader, he is!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (32)

2017-05-08 19:19:46 | 日記

 Miyuki made a trip toward west again. Until ODAKURA or 小田倉 in NISHIGOU village.

  She realized another concert with her team mates of Southern Eastern Kids. After her soprano River Songs medray, they played two songs, as always, the song of pleasure and the song of victory. She did it on the big stone table in the spot called KANZARASHI Bridge or 寒晒橋 namely Bridge of exposed in a cold place.

  Miyuki got to know, from her mate's AJISASHI's performence, that a plump boy fell into the river in winter, and suffered the extreme coldness, and died forever. They were dying like that, he said, in his gesture. A young one fluffy feather type, she thought. However, he just pretended to be fat, to play the role of him. They, the birdies, and others also, watched the scene, and got cold also.

 Nasty, however, the fact, she got to know it. And remembered her snow man experience. In her case, she played with her closed friend near her house, and failed in the mountain. And she turned into a fat snow man. They stopped playing, and immediately she came back home, and IZUMI-san, her closest friend, accompanied her. And she became really ice man. When she got home, she felt so bad, and she was already hard ice like a robot moving. Her mother really got surprised and Miyuki explained what happened. Anyway I fell, and feel so bad. Cold anyway, and she was forced to change her clothings to dried up ones, and ordered to go to bed directly, without doing anything. And she couldn't do any other things. And she got a high fever, and the situation continued for 5 days consecutively. After 5 days, she got up, and could go to school again.

  Probably, INFLUENZA, they said. However, she knows well the reason. Snow man, she turned literally. And the situation was described as Paddington's experience. Why he does so as mush as me? Just like me, he is!!! ADACHI really thought the same thing, when he read the book. Oh, she is in this book! A bear type rare one. Cold bear man, she got to be!!!

  Nasty, however, in her case, she could survive. However, in his case, and in other pupils' cases, they couldn't survive.

  They were killed, literally. Miyuki really felt it. They were induced to do so. First snow, thus they forgot the coldness. Miyuki remembered the same experience. So amusing, so beautiful! Thus they played forgetting the coldness. And they failed, and fell into the ditchs or the rivers. And the rescue teams delayed so much. Always they excused, and said, "If you inform us earlier..."

  Terrible and incapable. They don't want to save us, they felt. And they got to know after Miyuki's investigation, that they were really killed by Shirakawa residents.

  Too too cold, they felt, Miyuki remembered it. For them, first experience, thus, too too enthusiastic. However, for adults in SHIRAKAWA, snow is just a nasty tiresome bad weather.

  And they failed again. Coldness was induced for the reason. Abrupt coldness in April or in November!, the OMANKO reporters rexplained us. However, according to her memory, not so much rare as they described. Why they got excited so much with some common happening like slowing? Miyuki got in wonder. Always weather is a target of postoponing the more important disaster's information. Japanese really like to say on the weather, Chris, the Brazilian thought, and Miyuki did the same. Why they are so excited in such a boredom? And they failed. For them, amusing news anyway. Why? Because unusual weather makes others unhappy sometimes.

  Oh, DDMs' sake, they reported the nasty unpleasent news in these days! Oh, OMANKO journalism for it!

  And she really burst into tears of watching the proof of their lives. They were here, and abused and killed. She passed the tunnel called 白河1-1. Probably, they, the team was called like that. They were composed by foreign kids and they were really promissive type. Curiocity, yes! Artistic, yes! Liked paintings, yes! They were killed, dreaming their good life in Japanese Schools. They couldn't put up with such anti-humanistic situation. They were killed. With them, Japan's future vanished!!! Beyond the imagination disasters, or assasins exactly, were done, here and there.

  They were betrayed by Japan, however, their dreaming image in Japanese school life is so positive. They wanted to enjoy cheerful school life. Common one, not so audacious one. Even such a trifle satisfaction, we couldn't provide to them and they were killed after having been abused.

  They belonged to ODAKURA primary school, probably. And hoped to be junior high pupils. And they were killed at once. In a body. They were killed easily. They did so as they liked. They wanted to do the costume play like Alex. They wanted to participate in club activities like others.

  For DDMs, just a trifle. For us all, a big disaster. Orphans, they were. However, why they could kill them? Non protective situation they had. Public register was refused type. Terrible. DDMic government wanted more population, however, they killed them or allowed to kill them. and Pimps allowed the both type of vanishing, as always.

  Out of imagination, is a kind of mesmarization. They are evilest existance. They did beyond the limit. And for us, even devils would have avoided to do so type abusing were done in this appearently normal rural unintresting unpromissive town called SHIRAKAWA. Shirakawa common figures were so so evil, more than Miyuki's imagination.

  Nasty? About the abrupt reduction of the faked population? Not at all. And the realpopulation reduction? They were punished by us and Gods of Justice. Thus, better than leaving them as they were.

  This is her choice. Better than not knowing. She delayed so much. And she would have done something. However, she couldn't have changed the evilest way of their life at all, probably. They agreed. She called them Pedros. Stones yes. Rolling? No moss on the rolling stones. We don't forget your tragedy, or assasins, and your revenge is our revenge. I will visit you, with my sweets. Japanese sweets, probably. Next time, probably, Sticky rice ball with stewed red beans in a salty water soaked cherry blossam leaves.

  For them, western sweets are better, she really knows it. however, now she is in a pupil of Japanese sweet makers. Thus, she frequently makes stewed sweet red beans. Thus, they suffered a bit. and accepted them. Anyway, tomatoes were delicious, and your sweets were eatable also. You would be accustomed to eat it. Several months later, probably!

  3D, they wanted. however, they couldn't. Thus, they painted, anyway. And they proved their existance. They vanished, DDMs society explained. However, not at all! They lived here as pupils in a school. They existed, and got killed by them.

  Terrible. and the school is now empty. and the main entrance was concealed by a fat wall, cemented. Strange. Along the road, the main entrance is located, and there were totally concealed by big fat blocks. Strange place. And in front of the school, a smaller facility for kids with working parents. Probably IKKYO kids, and they wanted to kill them.

  They looked normal kids, with voice. However, why they are now here? 20 mates or so. IKKYO brought them here again to kill them?

  The big building would be the nest of shame, probably. The style looked like OPPABU itself. The kinky old guys wanted to run the BRODEL, abusing them. They should be punishe harsh, and their name would be contempted as their rewards to have done so.

  Terrible situation was here and there. Why they thought of such an erotic illusion? Why any autority stopped them at all? They were really Erotic Megalomaniacs, entirely. For them, any erotical scene should be experienced by them, because it were the end of the world. Alzheimer patients, confirmed type only existed arround ODAKURA.

  And Miyuki found another big school with no name, a broken abandoned one, with two small balacs. Only one balac class was used as a class room. All of the windows were open and there were no pupils at all. To conceal them from the wind?

  Air polution, they explained. however, for their energy cost, and conditioned air, probably. DDMs like cool air, anyway. The reason? They were accustomed to be the same cold temperature.

  Why the school has no name? Miyuki thought that it were abandoned already. And almost 20 kids were there.

  The same situation. Big school with only 20 or so kids. The latter was a junior high, according to their uniform or costume.

  Long long time ago, this game or play started probably. In 1970s, when Ministry of National Territory and Construction was called just Ministry of Construction. The sign on the road represents the past.

  And the central government led their wrondgoings, despaching the squad of public servants, central government's ones, for preparing their disdain or the dead end.

  Finaly fantasy, it was called. Thus, Hideko KIKUCHI asked Miyuki, "Which do you prefer, live or dead, after the all vanishing?" Miyuki, without any excuse, said, "Of course, I want to live!!! Even all of you die, I want to live. I have books, anyway." And Miyuki got to know, that it was already informed to someone on the matter. Hideko got to know from someone, and she really thought of it. She did an enquite for it, one by one. She was serious at the matter. According to her, we were living in a dangerous age. Yes, Miyuki thought. At that time, cold war, namely, capitalism vs socialism, was in common. Thus, we were in the hedge of the risk of atomic bombs' explosion caused by the two big countries, that is, USA and Russia. And she thought of it, probably.

  However, now, she was grasping some other's different plots from her own informants system, probably. They just said, which do you prefer, die with us, or live alone? And she interpretated like me, probabaly.

  Thus, worried about the situation, she started her investigation job. And she said, "Oh, only you chose to live. Without any one, I can't put up with the lonliness at all!!!" All existance ended up situation she imagined. Not only her family or related at all. We thought of global vanishing, yes. however, only DDMic families' total vanishing? Why it would be our assasin's reason???

  Hideko got some news from her adults relatives, probably. And they asked her, which is which, and she replied, according to our plots. Thus they failed. Pragmatically, why Hideko would be a DDM???? Miyuki got in wonder. Not so rich type. Like Imiko WASHIO. A bit more monky type rather than Imiko, Hideko was. Reliable, yes. Responsible, yes. Why she should turn to be a DDM? Some mesmarization, she suffered???

  For her, nothing at all type strange joking here and there. She killed her kids??? Who she is? Miyuki!!! Oh, me????

  Semi-blooded kids were found as dead bodies, and they were burried near the hospital. Where? KOSEI BYOIN???

  Miyuki was right. Alex and Clare visited there. And they pledged our and their revenge. Why semi-blooded should be killed? After being abused? Just selial killer they were. They didn't say their names? We can't forgive them forever!!!!

  For their shames of the wrongdoers, Miyuki were in a mission to search their names!!! OKOKOK! I like a ditective job. Probably, ODAKURA primary school related. Especially school master would be the pivot of the information. Only he could allow to construct the big wall of the shame, yes. and the design of the shool puilding. Erotic, anyway. This is the sugestion.

  Thus, the game. Who would be the last school master of the school??? Oh, I will search on Net.

  His name is 佐藤修 or Osamu SATO. I don't know he is my relative or not. anyway, he doesn't express his name as the school's public articles. Just as an editor, he appears in the school public news. Thus, he should be. The evil existance concealed their wrongdoings with their dirty names. however, at the same time, they are exhibitionists. Thus they are revealed with their dirty names.

  I would persue his other wrongdoings yes. Probably, he had a lot of team mates to do the wrongdoings. Total revenge, we should do. Prejudice against humanistic existance. Racial, yes. Natural born killer type. You are semi-blooded type remarks are allowed only in a positive meaning. They suffered a lot because of their inchangeable physical characters. For them, a trifle, yes. However, for us all, important part, face is. And you, Miyuki, you were changed your name and your face??? As always??? Really?

  Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. They did some play with Miyuki anyway???? Miyuki didn't know it at all. They wanted to steal Miyuki's life, thus they put Miyuki in Shirakawa, and wanted to steal Miyuki's almost all of things. And they tried to do it, and they vanished. They didn't know what happened, and they were vanishing, one by one. And reduced the number. and they got to know that they were really vanishing. Too too slow they were. Why they were so so slow in moving? Alex and Clare said at the same time. because their brain functions too slow. And Miyuki said, "Oh, it works? Astonishing! Hey, guys! Their brain functions, anyway! Too too slow, however, it works, according to my kids!!! Surprise for us all! Acepharos can use their brain, anyway. how they could use "nothing"? I am too too curious to it!!!"

  And they failed in a body!!!! No brain existance, we said. And Miyuki's word is the shortest, and academic!!! And good to put in songs. ACEPHAROS, they are!!!

  無脳児 in Japanese, or no brain kid. They were dead in the belly of their mother already, or, even born, they die soon after their birth. However, in Japan, they are too too slow to recognize their own death, thus, they are the rare long life type ACEPHAROS. Guiness Record class long lives, they gained. Incredible!!!!

  Soon after means several hours after the birth. Not more than one year. However, they are generally older than Miyuki, 54 years old over. Thus, unbeliebable type. 

  Thus, on this discovery, Miyuki and ADACHI, and their assistants members Rabby and Chinkoro, got praised by another IGNOBEL prize!!! We are the champions of the prize!!!!

  Consecutive, yes!!!! Quartet, we are. And all of them want to have more and more the prize. For your impression on your first prize, Chinkoro, "Oh, I expected to have it, yes. However, so earlier? I have already Pulitzer prize. Thus, my second prize. Thank you for us all, for our colaboration to gain the prize. The best one for us all, expecially for us Quartet version. We like to amuse our job." Chinkoro is too too cool to receive it. Of course, my eyes are brown. And Rabby's are Rubby, yet. However, soon he would be brown eyes. He now should use his sunglasses, however, he could change with a bit more time. Colour change by some sun light. Not so plastic surgery like artificial ones. They can do it, however, it takes time a lot. Thus, they prefer not to change it. And Chinkoro attacked his idolness at this point. Anyway, you should be a real guy, Daddy! Thus, Rabby chose to change gradually. Now a bit dark red. And in winter, he prefers to be with his own red eyes. Rubby like pretty glass like transparent eyes, they had, Miyuki remembered. He was a really guy, yes. And they also!!! Thus, she would train her weakpoint...disorder on the desk. They dislike it. However, Miyuki is not good at moving the things. Each object has its own history and her affection is caused by its history, mainly. Thus, for them, Miyuki is too too nasty.

  They would play with her, however, more westernized one, please. OK, I would try it. Cookies, probably. And Chocolate icecream, yes. Thus they liked the idea. They liked it, yes. And now?, of course. I found a cheap but delicious sufficient type. And I would try another Belgic type, of course. The former is under the name of MEIJI, while the latter, MORINAGA.

  Thus they liked. Comparison, they liked. And Miyuki was yelled by them all!!! Anyway, too too strange old lady type. Amusing. She cries a lot, and laughs a lot yes. This is the life type. TOHOHO yes...not accepted, however, she is forced to be so. Her crying face was so nasty, however, she was forced to do so. Who can put up with the sensation of regret. Why I couldn't do anything for them type. And thus, she should laugh in the end.

  Westernized sweets present for us all! Yes. Each one, in her visting time. They could share it. And I choose as I like. OK, you can request some of them, however, you know, I am thrifty, thus, within the limit, please!!!

  Some authentic delicious type. MARAKUJA Tarte is good, however, in Japan, terribly expensive. A good choice in the middle, and the fact is, difficult for now. however, in some day, yes!! Of course. Delicious anyway, this juice with fresh cream shake. And good for mouse. Brazilians could make it home. And they are all delicous without exception. She liked it, and thought as a Brazilian westernized one, this MARAKUJA tarte is the best one.

  She ate several in the houses. At least, twice, she could determine the location. One in the dormitory called KAGAWA-KENJIN-KAI. A strange name for Latin people, however, KAGAWA is the name of prefecture in Japan. Anyway, the descendents of the KAGAWA prefecture established a dormitory for Japanese Brazilians, and Miyuki was allowed to stay there, indifferent from her relation to KAGAWA. For her, just one visited with her mate type almost nothing relation, anyway. And she participated in a Chrismas party called NATAL. There, all of the foods were prepared by the dormitory residents, and they assisted also. And decorations also. And she, a meal provider combined with nurtrist, a plump young lady made a delicious tarte. She is of course good at any food, and could do the most delicious sweets, and did it for her especially! Oh, I was asked by her, "What is the most delicious sweet in Brazil? " And her response was MARACUJA tarte!!!!! Delicious, however, difficult for an amature type. Because it takes time, because it is made of several stories. Especially, the sour and fruity flavour with fresh cream combination is super tropical and delicious anyway. And the colour! With a bit of black crashed ones are not nasty for her. A big seed, not at all. however, looked like black pepper or some accent. And she wanted to cook it by herself. however, anyway, MARACUJA is a kind of jewel here in Japan. Only one, the cheapest type costs US$7.5. And to make one whole, several or half dozen of the fruits are required.

  Even MARACUJA juice is so so expensive here in Japan. Sauce, it would be fine. However, any MARACUJA related is expensive in Japan.

 It happens always. Why I want, the product is always expensive? Some kind of joke like situation. They wanted to down the price, however, they couldn't. Why? Because their boss prohibitted it. Why? Because he doesn't like is. And who is the boss? You? Who?

  And they recognize it. Miyuki is different from their boss. Why they thought so? Because they believe he were.

  No explanation to Alzheimer patients. MARACUJA is rare in Japan. However, always it is expensive. Why? And she got to recognize that they do monopoly even now. Thus, she buys the cheaper ones.

   まごころ牛乳 or MAGOKORO-MILK was cheaper than others, Miyuki said, and Benimal Yokomachi shop took them off from the shelves. Thus, Miyuki gave up to buy it, and bought the substitute. Yogurt, cheaper than Milk. Anyway, we need milk including substitute. Thus they failed again.

  Only two? Why they want to sell the expensive packages? And she didn't want to drink さわやか牛乳 or Sawayaka Milk at all. Just throwal to the ditch type skimmed milk. I don't want it.

  Just once she made a mistake to call the milk, and now, YUKARI continued to buy it, because Miyuki disliked it. Thus she failed. The milk was for you, MIYUKI! Oh, I didn't know it. I dislike it. And YUKARI required her money, according to her work. Oh, she worked? I didn't know it! And they failed. Miyuki didn't make a contract at all!, Of course, why yes? YUKARI is Alzheimer patient. Dangerous type. Why I could make any contract with this evil existance???

  And they failed. YUKARI did the dirtiest job. Forgery, anyway. She made a receipt with Miyuki's name, and she wanted to return it to Miyuki????

  YUKARI wanted to be Miyuki, and tried to sign as Miyuki, and she could do it, and failed again. Miyuki didn't anything at all. YUKARI did know it all. Why? YUKARI is confusing as always, and Miyuki is not. Why Miyuki forgot such an important contract???

  Contract? Never with her!!! Terrible joke!!! And YUKARI failed again. Any forgery at all, she pledged, and she forgot it, as usual. Thus, she failed again. Every time, they believed that YUKARI this time didn't fail. However, as always, she failed. And now, she should go to clinic anyway.

  She is just an kinky old lady like bug, they said. And Miyuki is indifferent from Alex. Thus, YUKARI took her forgery. She used her name to say Alex's lie. As always. She doesn't do so, they believed, and Miyuki was accused, and just denied their saying. I was not informed at all. And they failed. Even such a trifle thing, she should know it, YUKARI now turned to say so.

 Oh, yesterday, important, she insisted, while today, a trifle. Why Miyuki was scolded because of you, Auntie??? Auntie is always changing, and she is totally strange and kinky. Alzheimer she should be. Alex wrote in public. His composition lesson. He described how his mother like Auntie is strange. She is forgetful as always, and likes to scold others, and behaves like a queen. So arrogant and nasty existance. Why she exists, is my question, and of my family members, probably.

  Thus he gained the prize. Why he was called on Sunday? Probably, he did wrong, yes...And they started to read the story he wrote in the book. How my Auntie is so nasty? by Alex Aki Sato. A kind of joke, Alex? They thought. And Alex explained, "Not at all. My real life is!" And they pledged. We are suffering from such kind of family, thus, we should fight against her. And the next target is Miyuki, probably. Because she is not kind to me at all!

  He thought that she treated him with total coldness. Thus, she should be punished anyway. And she should vanish, he thought. Oh, Alex? You are so forgetful. I am liveralist, not protectionist, anyway. Thus, I respected your freedom, as much as possible. And now, you want to be interfered by me, like YUKARI did???

  And he found that "anyway, for her, leaving me in the gods of justice is excuse. And this excuse is too too strong for us all...Liberalist she is, yes. Thus...I..." Thus, he is in the middle. Alex in the middle. Like a movie.

  Contradictional like YUKARI, however....At least, he is not so intentionally bad. A bit sly type. and you should learn the rule to coexist with us all, the existance under the total reign of Gods of Justice. Be honest, anyway. Don't tell lies. Sufficient for us. Quickness is not for concealing the fact. Rather, revealing the fact, OK, Alex? You are clever, yes. However, you should not be arrogant. Your disputes are almost BLA-BLA-BLAs, and sometimes, you can do it well, yes. Thus, you should be honest. Illogical should be avoidable. It costs lot for us, and illogical thinking is the character of DDMs.

  Thus, he should learn with us all. Alex is a kind of pupils like common kids. Not so kinky type. Thus, he should be kinky? It all depends on him. If he wants, he should be, and not, he should not be. As you like, Alex. Just to be honest. Sincerity is needed to treat others respectful. Hospitality is the result of respect to others. He should learn it. He were accustomed to get along with a lot of DDMic existance, thus, he recognizes the fact to slow. Now, he needs to encounter with the facts of the world, thus, our society. he himself should recognize it. Without his own recognition, he can't learn at all. Directly, he should feel, anyway. Not through the evil ones' wrong information. Indirect, not at all type he should be.

  Thus he tries and fails and tries and fails. Again and again. And he should learn that liberalist is too too difficult for him. As you like, Alex. however, liberalist is more easier than being protectionist. Thus, less than liberalist means....what?, can you reply, Alex???

  Thus, they failed. Alex wanted to be a liberalist. however, he is in the middle. And he wanted to be so really, with his necessity. Thus, try it!

  And now, Miyuki is leaving to the kitchen. Anyway, I am hungry.

  See you soon, after our delicious meal!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!!!

  DDMs are too too ugly. They always are ego-centric, unnecessarily. MAD we could say. Look at the mirror, DDMs!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (31)

2017-05-08 08:08:32 | 日記

08/05/2017 (Monday, morning) It's fine today. Our speaker is in good condition. Miyuki got up earlier this morning than usual. Something different is happening now. ADACHI is the leader of marching brass band composed by only IKKYO believers and betrayers. He should lead them to "Another Country". He induced YUKARI to go, however, she was slow to prepare for it, and delayed again. Thus, he led only others. The neighbours, especially.

 Strange. She played the piano with more skill. Why she tried to play the easier music? Her daughter, probably to the mother.

 Her? Yes, Kaoru KOJIMA's. She played the piano well, like a semi-professional. Nurse, she turned, however got married with a madical doctor of the versity hospital in SENDAI, and on holidays, she came with her three kids, and she was accustomed to play her old piano. She played well, she remembered it. She played even Miyuki was a Devil of Point Getting jobs. However, Miyuki put up with the sound. Noisy, however, not nasty. A kind of burden to strengthen my endurance against noise. And it got useful, when she did WASEDA entrance exam. "Oh, the right wing car yelling loud near the versity. However, I can manage the situation. " Always some kind of interference appears in front of her. Thus, she should study excessively. Thus, she turned to be a DEVIL of the exam war!!! And gor a good result. Concentration, she needed, and tried to get it, and she does use at extreme point. Thus, she can ignore nasty noise, as usual.

  And she played the music well, yes. Difficult numbers, yes. And she stopped her play at 21:00. Thus, Miyuki thought that she wanted to be a professional pianist and to enter into a famous music versity. Everyone can pursue its own dream. In her case, pianist. Thus, she can train for it, yes. And Miyuki could put up with it. Thus, they won.

  However, she couldn't turn to be a pianist. Many Shirakawa people wanted to be artists. TOMOCHI, my old friend, is one of this. Clarinet, in her case. She studied the theory in the musical versity. However, she couldn't find any artistic job in Tokyo. Thus, she should be pragmatic. She was forced to be an amature artist. She works in different area as a normal worker, to gain money, of course, and in her special spare time, she amuses her artistic life and so on.

  Miyuki found at least a mate!!!! Male one!!!! Everyone got pleased with it! She found a fether of a bit greyish red one, and picked it up, put it in a bag, and forgot to take it. And after several hours, coincidently she found it, and put it on her vase as a decoration!!! Oh, now she recognized it!!! Our present!!!

 Crooked now, anyway, I should have taken it earlier. I need to use is as a decorative use of representation of supporter's yell, and love of him, my own red mountain dove!!!!

  He is audacious, and his colour is a bit not brilliant type. However, his design is more vivid, and impressive. Like a carp design for Upward Carp on the Day of Kids. Thus, they felt deeply sympathy to the kids, especially diceased one.

  Who wanted to be forgotten by its closest relative, especially by their grand parents? They thought. Confectionary shop's old lady did her dirty job, Miyuki felt from her remarks on their grand kids. She did it to her own kids, and she is the last one of the family, probably. And now, they wanted to be the last one in their own family.

 The last one should be a pair of couple, they decided. And the rest, it would be killed. This is the order of the major. And they did it. And Miyuki is independent, thus free from it. And now, Alex and Clare are also independent, thus, they are free from the faked order. and now, YUKARI is IKKYO believer, and she belongs to Totalitarianism. Thus, she is different from us all. Thus, Miyuki's family is free from this order. However, YUKARI believes that she were obliged to be the last one, and continues to do for her ex-boss. Strangest situation, Sato family encounters now.

 This morning, YUKARI got so nervous, because Miyuki got up so early. At 6:30, she rose. And she started to prepare her meal, at first. And YUKARI wanted to scold her, however, she couldn't. Why YUKARI prepares for the kids, her instant RAMEN in a bowl, taken from convenient plastic cup already yesterday???

  YUKARI's service is like that. She put a gross shredded leek on it, and put boiled water on it. And with a cup of milk, she served to them. Oh, estable. OK, YUKARI! Better than your own dish! Clare accepted it. And Alex prefers to eat different dish. He wanted to use the kitchen, however, already Miyuki was using it. Thus, he should give up.

  Kitchen users game, Miyuki thought. YUKARI occupied the space as much as possible, unnecessarily, because she believed that water space is the pivot of the family. and did her dirty jobs.

  Again, Auntie? You would like to kill us all! Alex claimed the salty dish again. She put another bit more salt and she got to accustomed to do so, and she ate it, for example. And then they followed. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Miyuki would not put up with the flavour at all! They recognized, Miyuki is good at taste. Slow, yes, however, she enjoys her cookin life, anyway.

  She met Clare with a bandage in her foot. "Oh, your foot is woonded?", after her "Good Morning!". Clare said in short, "Not so much." OK, Miyuki left there. Clare would manage the situation. I don't touch her job.

  And YUKARI got so nervous seeing Miyuki in the kitchen and started to obstract her. Unnecessarily, she used the tap, opened the frege, and failed, and went upstairs, and claimed to her mother on Miyuki's existance. And YUKARI started to do her washing job. And she changed her mind. She recommended her mother to make MIYUKI to wash her clothings before her.

  Her mother asked Miyuki, "Do you want to wash your clothings?" Miyuki said no to her. Yes, I have some dirty ones, however, the number of the pieces is so small, thus, I prefer to wash mine with others' ones. And YUKARI came into in the scene, and started to claim Miyuki's reply. And her mother said to Miyuki, "You should not wash others. Think of only yours." Thus, Miyuki's reply is, "I will wash them when the number is accumulated more later, to reduce abundance of water use."

 Thus, YUKARI got highly nervous, and said, "You stupid!" with a spetting. Oh, for IKKYO believers, clever is stupid, while stupid is clever for us. Thanks, anyway for your praise." Miyuki thought like that in a belly.

 I could manage the situation means I can do more a bit. Thus, they failed. Monopoly means pursuing others until the dead end, and forcing them to be obedient to them. And YUKARI's words are praise for us all. Stupid, because you avoid to use abandant water and electricity. You are ashamed of it! Rich family can't recognize such a mean trifle thing! You should be ashamed not to be a rich family!!!

  Thus, she damnitted Miyuki again. She got nervous and damnitted her father again. "His remarks on the location of the hospital of Clare is too too vague and not understandable for me. He is a kind of broken head!", she said in a loud voice to her mother in the courtyard. It means in public space for IKKYO believers. Thus, Alex asked "Pass Ward of the bank notebook" to Miyuki, and she kept silent at all. "How stupid boy, he is!" Miyuki thought. Stupid is good for IKKYO believers all. They are all Alzheimer patients, thus of course, stupid. Thus, they can do their dirty grotesque jobs, as they can, they believe.

 Incapable should not be punished, they believed, because they are stone head combined Alzheimer patients. Thus, for them, "Oh, stupid boy!" is a kind of affectionate expression. Miyuki remembered how YUKARI used such a remark on Alex repeatedly in his infant days. Stupid? Not at all! Quick type! And she expressed him, an indulged boy, just liking enjoying his spare time in a resort town type.

 He is just like resort mood, yes, as we in common. Not indulged at all. Why she descrives him like that? Because she wanted to be such a type by Miyuki's money. And she should know that others all dislike he so much.

  She is harshest most to her own supporters, was their remarks, including Miyuki. She is arrogant, indulged idol do nothing type. Now she suffers from Alzheimer disease. She recognizes her forgetfulness, at least.

  "They spoke differently many times, thus I forgot it!" was her excuse. Always for the sake of others. She is free from any evil factor at all. They know well her way. She is by impulse responding to breadearners, and behaves as if she were superior to them, illegitimately.

  Thus they really thought that Miyuki's ignoring her attitude is totally respectful. Just shutting our her from our own universe is the best policy. Yes, as much as possible. Thus they failed. YUKARI required money again. And she was refused again. Why she repeated the ended up matter again and again? Because she got a real success in this way. She learned a lot from HACHIOJI life, and threatning technics also. She should take advantage of it, namely abuse it, her impulse wispers as always, and they suffered a lot.

  Miyuki is the factor of her threatening, however, she is totally free from her precious money, a sacrifice to her. And now, giving money is so bad in this situaion. Just ignore her, without saying, is the best policy. And they tried to do it, and failed. For them, human figure, she takes, anyway. For Miyuki, just a skin bag, old wrincled one. however, for other members, it was difficult to think so. It happens, Miyuki says as always. She knows well a lot of sumilar examples. Thus, OK, only YUKARI! Marvelous! classification is done by her. And YUKARI should be punished harsher more and more, repeatedly.

  She didn't any good job, however, she continues to do wrong, every day. Enhanced mode day, it is today for YUKARI.

  Now, drums of Bras Band in IKKYO KIDs school called SHIRAKAWA III primary school. They always train just the same music. Now, worldwidely famous school song, the music would be! Thus they chaged it, abruptly. Only some blowing instruments can lead the music, and the drums would follow the rhysm.

  Probably, full member changed. They play the different music, which they trained here in this school. The number of infants increased, she really felt yesterday. And she watched a moving wagon came from somewhere to Sakuma Family's house. Oh, they came, and liked it, and decided to stay. A headache again. They came and until the vanishing, they stay as faked families.

 YUKARI is the queen of them all, bacause she stays longer here. Thus, they complement to her, anyway. Thus, sometimes, she took a walk to showup her existance with bottom fit type leggings. Oh, you made me confused, thus I can't go. It was YUKARI's excuse as always. YUKARI can't do anything, and doing nothing is better than doing wrong. Thus, she should know that she is the hatred of others.

 Thus, Rabby's news flash!

 Look at this laughing news! They, who are located in 10 minutes far from ocean, provided a life saving boat with furnished foods in case of big TSUNAMI wave. Their preference is like that. Noah, now they are. They forget to sell products in their convenience store, and preparing for their last day. IKKYO convenience confiemed, its name is "Seven-Eleven", Oh, it's really amusing, or, "ii-kibun" in Japanese. The famous commercial song of them, "Sebun, Irebun, Iikibun!" 🎶♬

 Another laughing news. Oh, Asian Banks, you too! type, non impressive one. Just on the figure of math, they agreed, and they fake the figure as much as possible, like population, the number of visiting foreigners and so on. Oh, thus, they should vanish our tax! Why not? Why in reality, they rely only on our precious money. Thus, they should vanish immegiately, and we will collect our money and do our revenge. And shame collection!!!! Our common hobby now!!!

 Primitive type cruel monopoly is now revealed. Its name is vending machine. Japan is famous for his mechanical attendance to clients. Thus, no man's land can be. Many Brazilians were shocked with the vast number of vending machines in Japan. Oh, in our country, cafe or bar is substitute. and it is more convenient, and kind and sufficient for us all. Anyway, we have a lot of human resources, they said. Miyuki agreed. Cheap things, they sell. And more human like conversation among them. Sometimes, unnecessarily, she went there to kill her spare time. They left her as she likes. She can't speak portugues, however, she wants to stay here, instead of her lonly chamber. And she likes to listen to their common conversation. Quick, anyway. Thus, sometimes, she confused. And now, she could listen to their saying almost all, including the contents. Even it is spoken in more rapid Portuguese Portuguese, she could understand, she got to know in an airport of Australia. Oh, I really understand what they are talking. Happy birthday to her niece, and her plan after her arrival to the family's residence. Oh, like my mother's conversation. People talk in common. Only difference among the language. Not so different.

 She paid a lot to her hobby, YUKARI claimed. Hobby? Which one? That one.What? YUKARI's remarks were too too vague to others. And she stopped saying after accused by others. Miyuki has some hobby's yes. Why she should be accused by her hobby? She is thrift anyway. Thus, economical hobby, rather than Alex's figure collection. And they failed. Alex bought it to damnit doing. And he was praised for it. Figure is not her matter. Thus, he did it. Miyuki disliked dolls. Yes, some of them are her friends, yes. And they are kind to her. More affection inducing type. Figures are not. She felt thrilled with them. Thus, she doesn't enter into Alex's room. A kind of spell to avoid her, they thought. And Alex is know to them to like things in order. Miyuki would know it. Her desk is in total confusion for him. however, he can't do it, because it is prohibitted. Thus, he knows his limit. Recently, many pupils has the same inclination. Thus, Miyuki's type is rare even in her age????

  She doesn't recognize her wrongdoings, they thought. Oh, that one? Yes, I got to know, thus, I try as much as possible. And...The result is sufficient for her, however, for them all, unendurable. Thus, she wants to be independent.

  She understands the reason. And for her, the reluctancy is important. The order of preferenced value, ADACHI tried to excuse for her, however, for them, can't put up with it type beyond the limit problem. Anyway, she started to put them in order, at appearance. And this morning, YUKARI touched her dirty clothing bag, and tried to pick up some to use. Terrible, however, this is the reality of Alzheimer disease. Now, all belongings are in a danger. She opened the bag, with a mouth closed loosely. Thus, now, we should tighten the mouth with some ropes.

 YUKARI starts her enhanced mode with some males' objects. And she stole them easily. For her, common sense. I can use it type easy quick job. Pick symptom, we call it. In Japan, mental disease. A kind of symptom of the same disease. Thus, they don't put up with their desire at all. Hatred targett's used panty?, we are surprised. however, necessity for her, accoridng to her. Thus, Miyuki's panties vanished. And some sanitary things also.

  Necessity, thus, they stole, and sometimes returned a bit. Their way of life. She has been doing it for 20 years. Thus, a professional, and she is proud of it. Thus, we should take another procedure.

  YUKARI's way is opening the door. Transparency, they insisted, and steal as they like. Watch out for this kind of stealing. Always locked should be fine for everyone, and YUKARI did foget her keys again and again. Where is my key? Again Auntie? You sold it to your ex-mate, and you? And they came to steal. YUKARI's way of life. If she got allowed to use it, she sold as soon as possible. And then, she regretted, and bought to return. Her way of life is too too miserable.

  Nasty. Just in vain. And harmful.

  Thus, Miyuki will take a walk outside. This nasty old bug makes me vomitting. How messy life she spends!!!

  Vanish! DDMs!!! You are too too messy!!!

  See you soon after our walking along the river side!!!

  ADACHI will marching as a leader in his cute net stocking, and hot pants. He tried to put T back pants, however, it was too too narrow for him. Fat ADACHI, he is now, bacause of his old man like life. Sitting only, and singing a slow song.

 With BIG LOVE, from MARC!!!!