Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (37)

2017-05-09 21:27:00 | 日記

Rabby presents his severe personal comments on OMANKO news.

  Oh, the OMANKO writer can't recognize the difference between "request" and "declare".

  for them, IKKYO believers, the same words, the two are. "I said so, thus you should obey me." was Alex's Auntie's remark, as always. It means, "I forced to do so, thus you should do it now." Request and declare, say and force, and make someone been obliged, etc. are all the same significance remarks for IKKYO believers. Once, some of them says something, it would be their rule. Thus, almost all of them don't speak in public at all. total quietness is prefered by them all. And in private, BLA-BLA-BLA is liked among them. Thus they do so. Now, the difference between public and private vanished, as Miyuki reported from Shirakawa. And now, total confusion? Not at all. For them, the same. Thus, as always, someone orders, and others obeys. This is the system under IDIOCRACY.

 One more proof of IKKYO believers' "SUKIYANEN OOSAKA" like staying attitude. Again, Auntie? You failed today severely. Why you try it again? They are reluctant to obey her. However, she should do it, or she gets nervous, and can't stop shaking at all. Just she is a junky. Why they treat her with highest respect???

  I love OOSAKA, the above remark means. And for IKKYO believers, especially, megalomaniac type, construction business is a kind of affectionate love to the city.

  The bigger, the better for them all, while the worst for us all. How OOSAKA could survive with their harsh attackings? OKINO would report the situation actually. And she said, "Already lost. Nothing at all. Devastated city like Tokyo. Wild field should be better than this bold situation."

 Bold should be avoided, was the religious leaders' lesson. And now, they were bold, yes. Thus, cutting the bold head is the best policy, they believed, and did it on the forests. And now, for themselves, Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!

  Oh, thus, the price of gas is high, and now upward in Shirakawa. The result of monopoly. The other proof of the non existance of government. Monopoly, they do as they like. If the government exists, it would not be allowed. Already sunk in the bottom of the sea shell.

 Prey room for filling vacant station building. Thus, others would imitate the combination. Islamic one. And other religion would insist to have their own prey rooms, altogether. Thus, MUSEUM of prey rooms, they could open as an exhibition.

 Today, on the way back to her home, she noticed a pink skirfed primary school pupil was walking on Shouwamachi area. Oh, rare to see such a skirf in this rural local town called SHIRAKAWA. Why now? Indnesian, probably. Thus she yelled, "If you are not IKKYO believers, anyway, escape from this situation. Be quick! This town is so evil. And anyway, survive!"

 Or, the third milks! Not typo C, not C Cup. Just mammal milk, we thought, however we failed. Almond Milk, Rice Milk. And there is Coconut Milk? Already? Oh, a kind of mammal milk for them all!!! DDMs are preparing to move exactly now to the place. Thus, they need to be feeded well. Thus, they want to take a lot of milk. And cow milk is expensive, thus, they prefer to dring other milks, including mammal one.

 The cheapest is mammal, thus, YUKARI wants to suck the nipples of her own.

 Black letters easily turned to red ones. Just on the figure. Proved totally for now!!!

 Any excuse would be accepted under the reign of IDIOCRACY. Thus they failed. It is so easy for them, because anyone pays attention to the figures at all, they thought. Thus, they changed some frases, and did their rough work, again. Thus they failed, with a big shame.

 Why now? type question would be suitable for NHK faked. No one relies on this semi-national channel of TV, however, they gained more than last year. too too strange, we in common think. and for YUKARI, it sometims happens type casual news. Anyway, she is not interested at all things. Why not????

 Alzheimer confusion here and there. however, they believed that she could do it. and found that they believed her remarks erroneously. Again, Auntie? Miyuki is in good mood. Why you want to disturb her comical situation??? YUKARI dislikes to be called nasty lady, however, she is a nasty old guy like vomitting existance to others, of course. however, IKKYO believers said anything to her at all. Why she is so dirty, especially her hair??? Always calling attention type conducts she does, however, no one recognizes it, and YUKARI behaves as she liked. Comical gag scene, we watched. And they failed. Alex got to be one of IKKYO believers, YUKARI said to them. And he got upset. Any religious talking was prohibitted here in this room, Auntie!!!

 Always she thinks something strange, and she talks without any reason. And they adopt some of them. Thus, the result.

 One minute, eight words are enough for her, they said to her, and she did the wrong job. Listening to the inside of Miyuki, through her own system called sympathy. In fact, any sympathy between the two sisters. However, YUKARI believed to exist, and tried the system, and failed, and wrote lies, as she thought. And got a big success. Anyway kinky type impressive confession under the name of the elder. Erotic expressions were included. Oh, is she?, type calling attention attitude here and there. Thus, YUKARI failed again.

 I gained total reliance from my sister, however, I don't take advantage of it. I should be a reliable person like her. Was YUKARI's remarks in her interview with her boss in the last year of the versity called RIKKYO. And she was hired because of it. Reliable, she is, because she said so. And it was too late. She is not reliable at all. Just an Alzhimer patient, megalomaniac type. Poor however, useful, they thought. Promissive not at all, however, we will use her connection with her elder sister. And they failed because of her kinkiest sexual illusion.

 Too too nasty agressive expressions here and there. And she insisted that they were her sister's. And they failed again. Her elder sister expressed much more harshly. Oh, all nakid truth type, she is.

  Thus, they failed. YUKARI was appointed to be an imformant to monitor Miyuki's everyday life, however, she was reluctant to do so, and her mother did it for her, instead. And now, her mother quitted the job. Time consuming boresome anti-productive job. Who appointed her as her monitor, and why was their doubt. Anyway, we need to collect our proofs. She is too too evil to kill us all!!! Serial killer, she would be. Thus they failed. YUKARI would be a serial killer in the previous version. And now, MIYUKI is. Always changing, according to her psychological change. Any reliable figures would not believe the gag touch comedy like Miyuki's life. And they believed that it were the real.

  And YUKARI should depart now. Too too late for us all to know that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient. And they delayed more than us all. And they thought that YUKARI destroyed their plan to get vistory against us all. YUKARI would be a diva like existance for them all. However, her words were too too kinky even among them.

  My elder syster is a kind of kinks, thus she would be put in a jeil, and she was in the jeil, several days ago.

  YUKARI spoke to others like this. And she was appointed to be a writer to them all. Thus, she should concentrate on her job, thus she needed her own office to work as a writer KOUBOU ABE.

 NHK would adopt her as an OMANKO writer. How about you, Chinkoro?

 Yes, she would gain a lot in the organization. Thus Chinkoro failed. Don't use difficult word. Just say, "She will get a big success." Organization, was a newly learned word for Chinkoro, thus, he wanted to use it. And Miyuki was such a type. Sometimes she failed because of it. Why she said, "Oh, dear kinkiest sir!" for us?, his secretary burst into laughing....

  Por obliquo, she wrote. She wanted to say, por obsequio. However, she made a big mistake. Similar, anyway. Thus, she got so ashamed at the confusion. However, at least, she talked the laughing shameful episode to others. Stupid! I think so. They, of course!!! However, I wanted to use new expression. Always, por favor, por gentileza, is a kind of stupidness revealed type, thus,...And she failed. Oh, Oh, I did it....The worsest laughing error no.1 prize for her, they said at the same time. She wanted to say....

  Why only I failed at this timing? Always. She wanted to be developped, and failed...Serious letter she wrote. And got a big success. Unforgettable!!! Oh, that lady! Mr.Por Obliquo...

  Ramon was conforted her laughing joke!!!! Anyway, she is this type. She should reveal herself. Not kinkiest one at all. Serious one, yes, however...why I am so TOHOHO as always...Even in an academic world, she did it. Serious professor, yes, however, always, so so erroneous!!!! They claimed. A lot of mistakes, here and there. However, not so fatal ones. Anyway, I am fated to be a kind of comedienne, she gave up to be a strict one.

  Why so tough, you are, Auntie? We are all tired because of your mistaken advice and you only are in good mood. Strange!

  And she was revealed that her job is be nasty to her family. Her religion, they thought. Anyway, I should be a surviver. Thus, you should be killed anyway. I am only one among us. She declared, and thus, squad came to Miyuki's house. Unbelievable, at first, however, she confessed a bit today. She is lighter than before, because she is clean now. A lot of burden for us all, she is. Tomorrow, another YUKARI would appear, and you would be surprised, she threatened them all.

  Always she is the last one. she would be the last one, and she herself expected it, and she failed. Anyone expected her to be so. Only her dream, she would be so, they wispered.

  She is affectionate in some medicine, thus she is totally unbalanced, thus she should be consulted by some clinic, and YUKARI would be fine today, and tomorrow, she would be more eviler one. Horror movie like syndrome here and there. YUKARI is broken, eveyone knows it. However, until this point, they really think so now. Why they can't put the objects in the place before they were on?, was Miyuki's discovery. They didn't know it. however, she avoided to put them into in order. Just left them in a basket. And she tried to do it this evening. And she thought, she did it. And now, they were surprised at her mistakes. She declared that I put all of the objects of the basket in order. Thus, I am free from my duty, anyway. Why she can't do it, was their wonder. And now they discovered that for her, nonsense at all. Any disorder is OK type. Thus, she did it now again. Where is my bowl? they would look for it, and would have a surprise, probably. She said anyway her victory on this point. Always Miyuki does the putting them in order. Why you not?, YUKARI? And now, she realied that her dream comes true. She is the real Alzheimer patient. And she can't put up with herself at all. Thus, new she should be needed to her rapair. Thus, she should vanish now.

  For her, understandable story. and for us all, too too kinky and nasty. Model change, they said. And her skin bag is too too old for new muck, they decided. Thus, new muck in a different skin bag, she would be, she declared.

  Like a song Alex was accustomed to sing in KARAOKE. Up tempo, a negative sound. "After 100 years, I would be a beautiful girl, thus I don't care of actual my ugliness at all", the song said. This is song for you, YUKARI!!!!

  They laught at her idioticy. And others not. They are also Alzheimer patients. They are dumbs.

  Miyuki said to the nurse, "I am looking for my daughter." And the Alzheimer like nurse started to look for her. And she informed Miyuki, "Her brother is here. Are you looking for him?" And Miyuki laught at her in a belly. Her brother, yes. Alex was waiting for something with his Auntie. And her brother means my son. Why she expressed like that in front of me, his mother????

  She said just, "Oh, thus, I will leave here.", without saying anything to both of them, Alex and YUKARI. I am not so time consuming type, both! I am busy anyway. You can waste your own precious time like YUKARI, Alex, however, I hope you would not regret your choice later."

  And she started to go back on the road. And she searched behind the building. and inducing roads here and there she found. Public road like private road, here and there. Thus, they want to induce kids to their property to accuse them, abuse them and kill them. Miyuki is one of the victim of this kind, probably. And they praised Miyuki's audacious attempt to find another way to get down to the road to WASHIO. She also recognized that this clinic is run by some OPPABU babaas, thus there are so many male patients, especially old ones. And after Miyuki's entering into the entrance, several females dashed into in the same entrance. Why? She didn't know the system. She is an impulse causing factor. however, why they bahave like YUKARI? And they got to know that with MIYUKI, YUKARI bahaves so violently. The DDMic figures do so. Thus, killer factor for them all. They should learn their system well. YUKARI is only one example of the DDMs impulse oriented attitude to us all. By impulse, they want to kill us all. And they failed. Impulse system, we called it. however, not so serious expression. A kind of joke, however, in Japan, they move according to their impulse orientating responce.

  Why you are so agressive in front of Miyuki?, Alex asked YUKARI. And her reply was, "Oh, I didn't recognize it at all!" And she failed. She doesn't remember her HACHIOJI days, already. She is always here, and now, she turned to be a divine existance. She should protect herselves against evil existance like Miyuki. Thus, she prey a lot for her family. Thus, you can survive, Alex, she said to him. "Thank you for anyway. You should be a surviver, probably." Alex replied. She is so arrogant, in this season, they said. And nasty arrogant Queen was in the house, doing her maximum wrongdoings for us all.

  Enhanced mode, YUKARI took, and we couldn't put up with her audacious attempt to kill us all. And the did know it. MIYUKI is free from the suspection. YUKARI is the real one. Pole of the corridor was a key to understand YUKARI. Why she did so, was their question. And YUKARI said, "I really wanted to do so." Thus they faield. Such a trifle thing would be the reason of her intention to call the squad.

  She wants to kill Miyuki again, Alex claimed. Why YUKARI is so nasty, I recognize it today. She ate it, thus, she should be punished by Gods of Justice. And now, YUKARI was revealed as an Alzheimer patient.

  Slow, anyway. how many hours she spent in this wineter night? Miyuki got the result soon. She lost her way, thus, she should take a taxi, probably. Rabby's idea was adopted. She can't get out of here, anyway. Some kind of difficulty she has, probably, thus the kids left her alone. negative nasty spooky Auntie to them both.

 Oh, taxi's number was controlled totally by Minister of Nation construction and logistics. And they, should reduce the number, easily. And instead of reducing, for 3 years, they should be prohibitted to establish new one, and the last one should be younger than YUKARI.

 and now Miyuki is in her limit. Rawing the boat, she started. And she should sleep now.

 See you tomorrow! VANISH! DDMs!, you are too too ugly, anyway.

  With Big Love from Quart!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (36)

2017-05-09 20:39:36 | 日記

 Nasty system. They always follow her, and increased the number, and vanish, as always. YUKARI should be one of them. And YUKARI is now in her downward period. Shrinking anyway. She declared her shrincage, as if it were a praise for her. "I worked hard, and Hugged you heavy ones when you were infant, thus, my back inclined and my hight got shorter", she declared. Miyuki really thought that she were lying. Just she got older. She always walked downward pose, thus, her back bent, and she shrank, Miyuki thought. Working hard? Laughing! And they all failed.

  Miyuki likes to walk, yes. However, the tumb was far from our houses, they thought. However, she could, and thinking of the weather and the safety, she chose to pay US$2 to the railway. Anyway, the train came, thus, I could economize the time. Only once in an hour train, a rare one. Thus, it is expensive for me, however, I will try it, Miyuki decided.

  She thought of the road. One road, with only one side pedestrian deck type. And a lot of interesting points on the other side, and lots of curbs. The old guys would hit her easily with their evil vehicles, and left her there, and the latter cars came to hit her repeatedly. Flat Miyuki, ready!!!

  Thus, she took a train. And her errand. Today, she bought a lot of discounted foods in several supermarkets. 2 packages of red beans in GYOMU store, one carton of milk at KAWACHI drugstore, several meats and fruits and vegitables at Benimaru Showamachi store. Relatively cheaper than usual type foods, and paied almost US$15!!! Extravagance, Miyuki got upset to herself, however, I would use it a bit a bit, sufficiently. And she decided to eat only her foods, without foods bought by her mother, like cheese, eggs, vegetables and so on. Miyuki asked her, "To whom these foods belong? You? " And her reply was, "For us all. For common use." And Miyuki asked her more, "Can I use it?" And her reply was "yes." Thus she used.

  However, probably, she disliked it. and thus, she allowed YUKARI to use Miyuki's foods. Thus, her last food used by her but bought by her mother would be an onion. Some part, she used. However, she did so to express her not hatred to her. However, her mother interpretated badly. Anyway, Miyuki has better tongue, and better tongue holder would be better cook. and she is a professional type. Too realistic rather than her mother. Rational also. Thus, her mother is desqualified as her lecturer.

  Respect my own life, is her shout. however, her mother would never understand it. Thus, Miyuki really want to have her site in the most suitable place in the universe.

  Thus, she should try to pursue her dream. At least, precarious one, she needs to stock her objects for public and private uses. And she should know her limit. Not so promissive type. Yes!!! Not so messy. Yes. Cozy or "can afford to live" is enough for her yes!!! Not so decorative or superficially cozy, like IKKYO predilection. Just "I want to spend a nice time" type one. Sleeping, eating, enjoying, working, chatting, communicating, planning, negociating, and so on. Confortable, generally speaking. Old one is also OK. Sustainable, if she uses well. Not so nasty is enough, anyway.

  Thus they failed. A jungle, she would be fitted, they thought. Yes, sometimes. However, thinking of books, it is just a place to visit. Some tropical place, always OK, however, in this case, some cooling down system is required. Trees are good, she knows well. However, incects problems, she should think also. Thus, to live, in a warm place should be fine.

  And now, the weather in Shirakawa is better, yes. Now in Spring. And in winter???? After IKKYO believers' total vanishing, it would be warmer????

  The weather, she claimed. Climate itself is not so nasty as HACHIOJI. There, it was hot in summer, and cold in winter. And humidity, at max. Even DDMs claimed at the bad climate there. Green army is growing, and the mountains!!!

  "Mountains laugh" is a catch copy used in HAIKU or shortest light verse in Japan. And today, she approaced them so nearer. From the top of the above tower, they seemed laughing. They grow with their green hair! Like a Rock Festival!!! Standing hair, they have!!! Fat hair, anyway. And she wanted to make a painting with her colourful tubes or pencils to immitate their figures. Various kind of greens. Gradation, perfectly made. Beautiful vivid mountains. Skeching season, is is now!!! A good place to do her painting job.

  The solar park, it is called. Strange system, they adopted, she thought. The boards, more than 2000 parts belongs to some private company, according to the plates on the guardrail. however, according to the plate of the park, they belong to public. And a building of some public center faked, in the real old Japanese traditional type. And the dried up clothings, suspended from the hungers. Oh, IKKYO believers are working with their wrong jobs! And she recognized that near the park, there are two trains on the railway. The exact similation she did know well in the center of training of pilotting the train, near lake side. In a day of festival, Miyuki brought her kids, and they drived the train in the costume. Short railway exactly the same length. And already reddished with iron moss(???).

  And recognized the fact, "They induced kids to kill. It could move to kill them." The train was so attractive for the kids all. And for IKKYO believers, killing is daily work. No spirit type, they were indeed.

  And backward, a house called, "AUSCHVITTZ" Museum. She was heard the name, yes. However, where and why were mistery for her. And today, she got to know the fact. This is the real concentrated camp for IKKYO kids!!! Porbably for their punishment, and killing them at once. Slang would be used at that time. Slaughterhouse, it was. They were killed to be pushed off from the cliff to the pond behind the house, or killed by the train, or burned alive in the tiny oven like the witch of Henzel and Gretel. Sadists-Mazochists house indeed, with a Japanese traditional type faked design.

  They did it, and ate them, indeed. It was their proof of being IKKYO believers. They should go beyond the limit. Thus, they are with downward eyes.

  Spooky omneous existance without any kindness at all. Why they were so nasty and cruel to us all?

  Thus, Miyuki presumed that they had eaten their own mates' dead bodies. Oh, they did it, in fact. No sympathy at all. For them, the same as usual. Alzheimer patients eat their own muck, Miyuki knows well. And their own meat yes. Thus, they got shortened.

  Oh, they did licoscopio like fat absurbing diet? Yes, they should do it. Thus, they could be IKKYO belivers. Thus, hey could do wrong so insistently. The religion, they said. According to their own jurisprudence, it is a crime, by pimps.

  And for them, nothing at all. They are the existance beyond the limit. Thus, they could do everything as they liked. Thus, no pole of crematry in Shirakawa. They ate the dead body in raw condition.

  Oh, thus, OOTA did say so to Miyuki. He said, "I like beef. Only raw one. Especially delicious! And you?" "Oh, tartar? Rarely. I like beef. I am a kind of beef eater, yes. However, I avoid to eat meat raw. Because I have no money to eat such a qood quality expensive one. Thus, I eat roasted meat.", Miyuki answered.

  And they failed. Miyuki ate beef only. Not human beings????!!!!

  Why not? Because she is a human being also, was her reply now.

  Miyuki didn't understand the significance of his question. I like to eat you, honey, he meant.

  Oh, the Japanese who ate his girlfriend, netherlandase, in Paris? SAGAWA, he was called. And he wrote the diary on the matter, and also some detailed letter on it. He got caught in the French police, and was released because of his mental problem. Oh, they want to be released like that? Thus they ate their own mates, frequently???

  And the mistery of squad like smell. And the factory of SAGAMI-HAMU or SAGAMI Ham Company in Shirasaka, which she found yesterday.

  SAGAMI Ham company was near Hachioji. She watched it. And thought, why this big company is providing some foods to IKKYO complex? Especially near ITO-YOKADO complex? There were few people in the complex, and on the second floor, there was a space, wooden deck, to do BBQ, and some IKKYO faked families started to do BBQ, however the smell was roasted squads.

  Miyuki ate Philipine mango, mature type, a delicious one, and some tiny piece of meat related products, probably. And from there, she watched the sign of the factory. SAGAMI Ham company is producing the products of IKKYO believers' dead bodies???, she thought.

  However, they just vanish. Thus, SAGAMI Ham can't produce anything at all. And why the smell of squads? Why they like it???

  Miyuki's theory is almost right, however, something differs, they claimed. They wanted to try proving their legitimacy of their property. And they failed all.

  She dislikes us all, they recognized it now gradually. She is harsh to her own kids, yes. And not so promissive type, she dislikes. It all depends. For them, promissive is "Good boy/ Good girl" yes. And she likes naughty boy/girl type. thus they failed. They were obliged to be good boy/girl by their religious reason. And for us all, expecially for M&A, vomitting choice, they did. Naughty boys are always promissive. And for them, always naughty boy type is ideal!!!!

  Quartets were composed because of this point. Good boys, good bye!!! You are boresome!!! We like continuing to be naughty boys!!!!

  Thus they failed at all. And KAKEGANE ZUKURI was really dangerous for us all. Miyuki sat at the corner of MY TOWN, an ex-building of ITO-YOKADO. And many vehicles suddenly came toward her. Oh, for this objective, the benches are located here!, she got to understand it. Many IKKYO junior high pupils were chatting always at the corner. Oh, for it!

  And another more dangerous KAKEGANE ZUKURI or crooked cross was made at the SHOUWAMACHI. The pavement with a guardrail side has a tapped ditch, and narrow, and they have concavos. The promissive kids would avoid the space type. Here and there in the town. They want to kill us all, it appealed.

  Some cross has only one side no signals especially for warkers. And skewed striped cross road paintings. All of them were made by IKKYO believers. And they tried to complement her even today. And she refused their aproximity at all. I dislike you, DDMs, she told them all in her belly.

  They are nasty existance. We couldn't coexist. Thus, we want to make our own house, by ourselves. Clare decided. And now, she is a construction worker. And she gained a lot of money, yes. And now, she wants to construct another one. She is skillful, and good at managing the situation. Oh, she really is???

  And they failed. Clare likes to be a constucting job worker. And Miyuki also. More exactly, constructing new order, and destruction ex-idiocratic one. And they failed again. Double danger, today they had. Clare is safe now, and Miyuki also. And they are in danger. Why they did it? Because they failed. Their choice was wrong. Thus.

  Miyuki's coolness transmitted to all of them, indeed. They were stupid, anyway. They regret now. Why they were trapped again and again. Because they are also forgetful. They don't learn at all from their own failures. Just like Alzheimer patients.

  Thus they failed gain. Miyuki is indeed shocked at their stupidity. And Clare also is. A kind of slow minded only could do type wrongdoing they did.

  Thus they failed again.

  And now, Miyuki is dreaming her independence. Cood guys should be needed to our project. Slow one? Of course, not. And they failed. They thought that they were quick type. For them BLA-BLA-BLA is the symbol of quickness. Thus, they failed again and again. They don't recognize their fault at all even now.

  They should like to be failed probably, someone wispered. And they were thrilled now. Why we did it type frightening, again and again. They were ego-centric. They should be punished by their dirty work, yes. Probably, Clare did know it. And she made a good job. I am free from your nursing play, she declared, and said, "Auntie, you are just an Alzheimer patient. You should give up your dirty wrongdoings right now. Anyway, I don't want to be your victim, Auntie, old bitch." And she got to sleep.

  Then they failed again and again. YUKARI got nervous, and said strange remarks again and again. And no one laught at her at all. Ignorant, they also are, they at least recognized it.

  Miyuki did the job too too well, just checked the clinic, refraining from taking a picture, and found that they were quicly made type. Paper palate replaced with some omneous words, "Surgery operation room. " Here? In this not equipped type faked clinic? Oh, Clare, I hope you would be free from these stupid three old ladies!!!

  And Miyuki really got upset that her mother wanted to push hew away to the hospital again. For them, Miyuki is too too cool, and she should be tuned up to their low level. Thus, she would be re-hospitalized, yes, they agreed.

  Thus, they failed. All Alzheimer ladies, Miyuki thought, including Alex. Auntie like expressions here and there. And they wanted to catch Miyuki again and again. They were transmitter of IKKYO belivers. Thus they should be punished again.

  Alex was induced to be one of them. And he did it. And he should be harshly damaged by them all. She is a liar, and I am not, was excuse of Alex. And they couldn't accept it at this time. They should know their own limit. They were too too evil to us all. Miyuki disliked bad Alex. IKKYO like expressions here and there type. And he is already in the hands of Gods of Justice. I gave him various chances, and he lost almost all. Thus he should be punished.

  And he is now in custody again in his chamber. Auntie is her chamber as usual. And he wants her help to buy something. Their system is revealed. Anything money is OK type, Alex is. Thus he failed. And he learned not type. Almost IKKYO believer's assistant, yes.

  Thus they failed. Alex was hatred of Miyuki? Not at all. Just like others. However, he should learn, if he has some more chances.

  He spent a lot of time to trap her. and this is good for her to be trapped. And Alex was a good coordinator should be. And his grand mother lost her mind today. better. And they wanted Miyuki's money again. Someone wispered, Miyuki is rich, why not? And they did it. And they failed. They wanted to be rich, and they couldn't, thus, they should die at once, right now!!!!

  Thus, they failed. Faked family project failed already, however, they wanted to play the game of family. Economical united kingdom, they said. and now failed. Miyuki disliked their way at all. They were feeble-minded. Stupid, and want to trap me, she thought. Terrible. And dangerous. however, how I escape from the situation???

  ADACHI is free from the problem. And Miyuki should decide, yes. Thus, she bought a package of flouer. I don't rely on your foods like demonstration. And she reduces to use the plates, yes. As much as we can, we try to be independent, quartet MARC decided.

  Thus, our dinner time!!! Already decided. cheaper pork already soaked in ready made sauce, and some salada!!! Various coloured Tomatoes!!! Petit ones! At US$1.2 at a package. Inducing should be like that, Miyuki really thought. To be attractive, is our mission of Quartet MARC. In natural way. And sometimes, an audacious attempt yes. Thus, Miyuki is charming now!!!!

  For her, tight leggings with plump him are more audacious than her leggings covered with tunic. However, for others, Miyuki's leggs are charming!!! She likes them yes!!! Why don't you take advantage of them type straight ones with big knee bones!!! She especially likes these bones. Promissive in her taller hight getting jobs, they agreed. Thus, today, she bought two package of read beans at US$2 per each. Oh, cheaper ones, and not so fresh probably, however, appearently not so bad. Anyway I will try to stew them, and make some cherry leaf sticky rice ball with them.

 They liked to eat them, and now with flour, she will cook. Crackers, she would try at first. And she would be economic more, thus she plan to bring some lunch with her. And eat with us all!!!! Some ideal places here and there, and almost no human beings!!! More cheerful small party could be fine for us all!!! We expect her developing in this area!!!! Salty snacks also!!!!

  Every country's easiest jobs, a bit a bit. Thus, they like her audacious declaration. She would be the best cooking performer for us all!!!!! And big revenge for DDMs all!!!!

  See you soon, us, FAUNA & FLORA and our supporters!!!!

  We are always here!!!! Just check your conscousness!!! Clean up, anyway!!! OK!!! Driftters!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!!! You are too too ugly and stupid!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from Quartet MARC!!!!



Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (35)

2017-05-09 16:54:59 | 日記

09/05/2017 (Tuesday, morning) Miyuki went to SHIRAWAKA 白坂 and found that the mail road from Shirakawa to Shirasaka is artificially skewed by DDMs, and the direction was not southward, as they described, but westward, a one stop after Shin-Shirakawa. Thus her memory on the historical tumb of Kichiji KANEURI, an ancient marchant, who was killed in Shirakawa region, when she was a primary school pupil with their mates. Near NISHiGOU, yes, she started to remember, and they took a rest there, a forum type space surrounded by woods. Quiet, cool, woods' smell. A concealed place protected by woods, she remembered.

  And now, it is a skewed place. Almost all of the trees were cut off, and the IKKYO related recide there. They are faked residents to be wittness to the assasin. Especially of kids. And also, she got to know that the marchant Kichiji was the real victim of the betrayal of Shirakawa figures. They were already sly, cunning evil existance, in 1179. Miyuki is not sure that this age were right or not. However, they wrote so, thus, she put it the date here.

  A bit earlier than KAMAKURA government's establishing year. By her vague mamory, he was more ancient exisistance. However, anyway, he was a promissive adventurer at that time, and quick, anyway, and got a good success to sell the sand gold in the most populous city at that time, or KYOTO, whose name is picked up by the same plate.

  He was killed by Shirakawa residents, in the sacred woods, she realized the fact. Why he were betrayed? Because he was attractive to others, and they were jealous, anyway.

 This day, she got so so nervous to her mother's unfair accuse against her ideology. Miyuki respects her kinky anti-scientific belief, however, she doesn't respect hers, at all. And the reason is jealousy, she recognized it. The worst version of her is YUKARI, Miyuki already knows it. And her mother herself is sometimes so jealous, yes.

  Weakened in this field, they thought. And we couldn't livein more liveral way because of their ungrounded jealousy. Just a maternity is enough for them. and YUKARI induses it al always. At this point, her mother is an enemy to us all.

  Miyuki remembered that her mother said to Miyuki, "You should be modest in style, even in your adults age. You should be, or you would lose your chance." And Miyuki was indifferent from clothings, thus, her mother was relieved. And she herself likes to wear too too plain clothings. And Miyuki is not at all, and her mother dislikes her so much.

  Dirty Men like clothings wearing MIYUKI doesn't cause her jealousy at all. However, cute girl Miyuki should not exist for them all. Thus, she is in the middle. She couldn't put up with her impulse at this point. And criticised Miyuki in her arrogant way. She is a owner of her room, in which Miyuki takes a sleep. Thus, Miyuki respected her as an owner. However, for Miyuki, this place is just an evacuation place for refegee. Precarious one. Her mother wants to bahave like her real perpetual tamer to train her to be plain like her. Thus she failed.

  Thus, she should be punished now. She didn't want to do it, however, spontaneously, when Miyuki wears like a cute girl, she gets to say harsh things. "Oh, I am uglier than you, however, I can do better than you in the kitchen." She wanted to say so, however, Miyuki is a better cook than her mother. Thus, she is jealous at this point.

  Clare is just the same. Thus, she avoids to cook. Miyuki praised Clare's cooking skill, however, they don't. School gilrs should concentrate on their study only type expression here and there. And Clare did in the miccle. Sometimes she cooks, and sometimes not. and Miyuki is always for her delicious dishes. This causes a problem.

 "I want to eat, however, she will not give me." type jealousy by YUKARI. And "I am not so good at cooking, however, I am more kinder to her kids, anyway." by her mother.

  Thus, DDMic army again and again in this day. Why they yelled me?, Miyuki got in wonder. However, not only they, but also others, wanted to kill her.

  Jealousy means "I want you to vanish! Immediately! Because you are superior to me!"

  thus, ADACHI & MIYUKI got praised their less jealous character. Jealousty means inferiority recognized. Thus, "Oh, you are superior at this point. I would learn from you at this point. I would like to go beyond your level, someday." And M&A gained a lot. More productive, ADACHI said to MIYUKI, and she followed. Anyway, jealousy is not cool. I have some, yes, however, I wanted to kill it, if I could. ADACHI laught at her modesty. You are the least one to have jealousy, as far as I know, and you think that you are jealous! OK, go forward!!!

  Thus they failed at once. Clare didn't know the real reason, however, she felt strange. Why they were so nervous today. And Miyuki got so upset at their attitude. Three members of her family participated in this project called Clare catching.

  Too too nasty to believe it. However, Clare realized the fact. They agreed all treatment that Clare received in the clinic. Terrible, Miyuki thought. And Clare refused. Oh, Clare, you did it! And she almost failed. They wanted to kill her, she felt. Jealousy, she felt at that time. Beautiful girl with lots of talents. Promissive one. Why she should not be praised by others???

  For Miyuki, more beautiful Clare is expectation. And Clare, also. However, for them, downward Clare is better.

  Incredable for us all, however, this is the fact. Alex betrayed her again. He said, "Oh, Clare is so bad, however, she pretends to be good, on behalf of faking a good girl. Her foot is heavily damaged, he dared to say.

  And Clare denied it, and declared to them all. "You are our enemy. You are DDMs, yes. IKKYO believers, yes. Totalitarians, yes. If I could get independent, as soon as possible, I would get out of this evil house. Of course, Miyuki will support us. We can get along with her, anyway. However, with you, three, not at all! You should be punished by their own evil wrondgoings, on behalf of my name. forgery, you did, you three. I didn't recognize it at all, and you made a reservation anyway, and this clinic is the evilest one in the world. HASEGAWA Hospital type yes!!!"

  Thus they failed at once. Why I should go to hospital today? I want to visit the library, yes. And YUKARI made a reservation for it. She wanted to frustrast her niece anyway, at all.

  Thus, Miyuki felt so nasty like Clare today. Too nasty. I don't want to go back home, anyway. They can't understand us at all. Just they wanted to treat me like nurses. Hospital game, they want to do. I don't.

  Thus they failed again.

  they can't see any thing at all, Miyuki realized. For them, authority exists even now. Strange kinky hospital like clinic is enough to treat their dearest family. And they ordered to pay much more than usuall.

  Thus they failed. Oh, so expensive? Even YUKARI said. More than US$8, they replied. Without insurance? Included. You should pay only US$7. And they failed. How calculated they? Clare's grand mother got upset at this moment. And realized that she had failed again. Faked, one more time. She should have keep sane, however, she lost her mind, yes.

  Kindness, not at all. Just a faked kindness for their selves. Why Alex was needed to wait at the clinic? Absurd, Miyuki thought. And got to know, he was obliged to do so by someone. Terrible time consumption. YUKARI would be the leader of the evil team, and her mother yes. and Alex was not required at all. And they failed.

  3 old ladies, Clare really thought. Where is Miyuki?, she yelled. And she was not there, for her thanking. Oh, she is better than the three old ladies. Miyuki got upset their childish games. And scolded them in a loud voice. Alzheimer patients, they are. The worst is YUKARI, of course. Thus they failed.

  They didn't think of Clare, at all. Just wanted to showup them as kind family members. And Clare escaped from her death, indeed.

  Clare should be independent like Miyuki, thought yes. And Clare wants to live with her mate, her grand father. OK, as you like. Thus, they wanted to have a house for them all. Independent type, without the three old ladies.

  This is the reality. Their choice. And Miyuki lost her son, yes. He is an indulged one. Thus, as he likes type one.

  And all of them recognized, Miyuki has already them in the hands of Gods of the universe. Sufficient for them. They should decide how they do. And they think in verious times. And Alex is in the middle. He should learn more among lots of honest people. Jealous team is not suitable for you, Alex, I recommend, however, your choice.

  Miyuki is nervous because she felt their excessive jealousy. They lost mind, she felt. and they took advantage of it.

  Nasty day also to Miyuki with another reason. Many old men wanted to catch her in really. She was asked several times by them, and they chased after her going. Terrible. And the national roads are danger, because tracks pass so frequently and unnecessarily, and the normal vehicle with old drivers induce youth to do it with them!!!

  Terrible yelling or questioning, anyway, she really felt terrified. And infants and pupils would fell the same. They were grown up wrongdoers called YANKII in Japanees. The real yonkee is American, nothern army. However, Japanese Yankii is just wrongdores.

  Thus they failed, and Miyuki escaped from their inducing.

  And also, curbes!!! Too too dangerous! And they used the technic, especially to kill young pupils and infants. Two consecutive same companies' chain of cars!!! It was experienced by her yesterday, and today, more dangerous type, she got done by them.

  The pupils think, "Oh, big one already passed, now, we are safe. Thus, dash!!!" Younger means quicker. And they failed forever. They promissive quick type. And they were thought that because of their error they lost their lives." Double, triple disasters for them all. Not at all!!! Quick, thus they diduced, and thus they acted quick. And the project would be planned after several years of research done by pimps, now she really thinks.

  Jurisprudence on this field. Damage compensation. On behalf of Data Base, provided by several company related with Tokyo versity, they could do the summery and analysis on this field, yes. And they planned to kill the all of kids instantly, because, "They would be happy by our kind offered project!"

  They wanted to end up their world yes. Kinkiest religious believers they were. And they chose the wrong way. Without noticing anything to us all, they did it. Just genocide combined with suicide. Terra Death, in reality.

  They wanted to try it, however, someone wispered. You should try earlier than others. Thus, they tried to kill Miyuki. For them, one victim is sufficient. And Miyuki was the member, they thought. Without knowing, anyway, she is a versity professor. Thus, she would be sacrificed?????

  Kinky religion has no reason at all. Thus they made a big mistake. For them, one should be chosen. However, they chose among us. They chose always among us. Thus, they failed. And they sacrificed us as usual. For them all, they said. However, they were just killers. They should be punished.

  All Alzheimer project had chosen to esclape from the punishment, and they failed. Alzheimer yes, or acepharos, no brain type. Forgetful, anyway. and they also should be punished more harsher than without Alzheimer disease, because they intentionally and spontaneously chose to be. Their fault.

  And they got to know that their evil way was already done, repeatedly. Not new for us, at all.

  And they couldn't believe it. Are you already here?, they asked YUKARI. And she replied, "I don't know. I am new here, anyway!" Good joke!!!

   BANANA MATSUO found today in Miyuki's courtyard, two cemented faked SHURO or a kind of BANANA tree's relatives' stomps. Why? And when? Are they crazy? And they did according to her Alzheimer sister's request. "I want some trees here, however, cut type is good for me. Banana cut tree is best. " And she paid a lot of money for it. Good another joke!!!

  She dislikes Miyuki, as Miyuki knows well. And always wants to trap her. Dangerous Alzheimer patient, they said. And always they were trapped by this Alzheimer patients. Anynore, please, was their pray. However, for Alzheimer patient?

 Laughing joke, for Miyuki and Clare. However, they believe that YUKARI's Alzheimer were curable. Anyway she is young...Oh, young??? This nasty dirty bitch???

  Forever younger than they, she is, is their keywords. Thus, YUKARI is present here. She should be punished severely, they thought, however, they didn't push her out, until now.

  Good for them, three old ladies. However, for us all, she is a heavy burden, beyoud our limit type, indeed.

  Thus they should push her away from their house. always YUKARI induces confusion among us by her BLA-BLA-BLA caused by impulse. It affects others so seriously. and they got to realize the fact. YUKARI's Alzheimer disease is the real type, not hypothetic one. Not so promissive, however, she should be treated professionally, was their advice.

  And YUKARI would like to sleep now. And she forgets what happened today. and tomorrow, she would cause another problem related with today's case.

  She should be an OMANKO writer. She writes the same articles repeatedly, as if it were the newly found fact. Good job for her. and she starts to be one of them. Good!

  Jokes more and more. and she woul think it as her sacred mission. A writer, she wanted to be, and her dream is realized!!!

  Thus, now the system is revealed. They could write as they like, and send to the OCN center, and they pick up some of them, and put them on the board. Thus, the news are so confusing, and a lot of sobstories here and there. They like to talk on unhappiness which happened to others, we really think so.

  Thus, Miyuki should take care of it!!! Repetition should be avoided as much as possible. However, we love some of her legends!!!!

  Why she is so similar to Paddington Bear? is our wonder. Probably, M.J.Bond knew her well! How old is she? Stupid!!! The same age of us all!!!

  Thus they failed. Her life should be filled with happiness, lucks and laughings!!! Thus, she is now so.

  She starts to laugh like KENKEN, a dog with his secret wispering laughing. Especially when his boss failed, he started to laugh in this way. And almost all of her bosses were more stupid than she. Only she could laugh at them type.

  And even in secred woods, kids were killed and buried. A tiny JIZOU she found behind the Kichiji's tumb. For IKKYO believers, killing kids is a kind of pass time. Thus, sometimes, they caught their favorite type, and amused them by their own wrong way in collective, and killed them easily after their raping, and got found the fact.

  The impressive case of a girl, raped and killed by them, and found in dead, was only one of them. They did as they liked, when they were in mood. They couldn't put up with their sexual desire, anyway. Thus, betrayers, yes. And Alzheimer patients, yes. And continue their wrongdoings yes.

  Why we couldn't catch them?, is our question. and the system is not publically revealed. Thus, many of us, human beings, are mesmarized even now. They couldn't believe the fact at all, even after Miyuki's forced hospitalization and detention experience. For them, it was her failure type attitude. And now, Miyuki believes that they should recognize the evilness of IKKYO believers, or, DoDoMerdas, or Totalitarians. They can destroy our beautiful universe, yes!!!

  For them, the earth is just a target of jealousy, thus, they want to devastate all of forests in the earth. We should resist against their repeated attackings. However, they do even today. Too too new cut stomps were found here and there in Shirasaka area. All over Japan, fire incidence faked disaster imitated wrongdoings are informed even through the OMANKO writers. And we couldn't stop it.

  They did big mistakes, and we tried to inform to them, however, they are indifferent from the fact. For them, not so much type indifference.

  and she got to realize that Japanese are already lost their spirits at half. In the middle, we could say. Thus, they can't move at all.

 Miyuki wants to cry outer. however, she couldn't. Always any reason to catch her exists in this town. They induce her to do tiny cheapish naughty conducts, and they want to catch her because of some of them. Thus, she is monitored by them.

 "Oh, you know already what time I would pass here, old boy?!", she recognized the system yesterday. Nasty, however, old guys meets on a spot, and started to speak on some related matter, however, with a lot of artificially made conversation. Illogical, and abrupt change of themes, Miyuki recognized the difference between the evil conversation and the normal ones.

 Thus, she was discrete today. however, she sang the two songs of us on the top of the monitoring wooden flat tower in a loud voice. Anyway, I must inform our confirmed victory, as much as possible, to us all!!! And asking of the witness jobs to trees and our supporters, and birdies!!!

  Nasty feeling here and there in Shirasaka area, near the Kichiji's tumb. Devastated, and then, they resided as residents. Or residents turned to be IKKYO believers. Thus, they waited for Miyuki's arrival, and pretended to stay there as usual. And they failed. Oh, more populous than the center of Shirakawa!!! And many cars chased and passed her previously. IKKYO like way, she got to understand. Subliminal or Neuro Marketing is for it, she really sighed.


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (34)

2017-05-09 07:47:13 | 日記

09/05/2017 (Tuesday, morning) Miyuki got up at 7:00 in the morning. Her mother abruptly scolded her, accusing, "You, stupid! You are entirely irresponsible! You don't take care of your kids. You insist only your right, and don't do your duty at all! You should contribute to your kids! Stupid!" Oh, mother, you are excessive protectionalist, and I, Miyuki SATO, is not. Just it. I already explained it, and gradually you got to understand it. However, today, you can't maintain your intellectural sanity at all. Probably, your another daughter influenced you so much this morning, and you thought that she were totally right, and I were entirely evil existance. Thus, YUKARI should vanish now.

 Maternity, my mother, probably has. And YUKARI doesn't. However, YUKARI affects on her maternity, by inpulse oriented bahaviour. My mother's excessive protectionalism responds to YUKARI's evil impulse. YUKARI just said, "Miyuki is idol mother. She doesn't do her sacred task as a mother." Old type of girl, she is, my mother appreciated her again, and now I turned to be an evilest existance in the universe. Suddenly my mother changes. Every day, she met YUKARI in the kitchen, and watches how she works badly. However, her remarks sometimes affect my mother so deeply. Thus she should leave here right now.

  She would affect the kids, also. Now, Miyuki is here, and her enemy no.1. However, after Miyuki's leaving, the other member would be the target of her impulse oriented attacking. She is the real danger, and we realize it indeed. However, everyday, my mother changes her mind easily.

  Miyuki remembered a song called, "March on 365 days" sung by Kiyoko SUIZENJU. A boysh type elder sister type female singer she was, and her ENKA or Japanese pop songs were cheerful, anyway. The song says:

 Every day, we proceed one step, thus 3 steps for 3 days. However, sometimes we retire 2 steps during the 3 days, thus, we proceed 1 step generally in the three days.

  Gradually, thus, sometimes, we retire a bit. And today, her retiring day, probably. Thus, the best policy is avoiding to meet her. Less time to share with her is the best policy. She is accustomed to use other's authority like her sister with common sense, my Auntie YASUE. And she is imput her own morality under the MEIJI Constitution. Thus, she is conservative and excessive protctionist also. YUKARI just took advantage of her character, as always. Maternity words for it.

 Thus, she should get out from this house as earlier Transmission system, they, DDMs use. And sympathy is their vein, probably. Thus, only who feel sympathy is transmitted their feeling, and informes it to us.

  IKKYO belivers couldn't communicate with us at all. They are different, dirty, evil existance, isolated existance to be shut out from our peaceful beautiful universe. Thus they put their member in each family. A long time plan to destroy our universe. And they wanted to devastate all, because our universe is really beautiful. Jealous, they are. And IKKYO belivers are providers of their own skin bags.

  Thus is their evil plan. 5.6 billion of history, they have. All rotten ones. Messy dirty sobstory like laughing muck stories, filled with all muck.

  Thus, they failed. We could recognize their system. And IKKYO believers belong to them, MONOLIS, not us at all.

  Thus, Miyuki is too too right to offer to spill water in the garden. It would be pleased by anyone, however, her mother refused to say OK to her. She said, "It is your father's matter. I am free from it." Thus, Miyuki said, "OK, then, I will ask him."

  And she asked him, as soon as possible, in a loud voice. "I want to spill water in our garden, when I feel that plants want water. Not so much. Sufficient water is enough to provide. May I do so? Because I asked the same thing to my mother, and she refused me to respond, and she said that this is your matter. Thus I ask you know to get your allowence. Only sufficient water. Not so abundant one. " And he said, "As you like". And he got in wonder. "Why now she says so? She always does it by herself, and today, she is free from the matter. Why?" like expression.

  DDMs are in her, we recognize it. Thus, we should prepare for her harsh attacking.

  They stole Miyuki's black sugar liquid and ate it among them. And they want to conceal it. Thus, they used my mother's appearance. They took advantage of her product, to put in their own foods bought at IKKYO store. She found it, and liked it. And she wanted to eat it more. And she was found to steal and exhaust all of them.

  I spent my money, time, and energy for produce it. and I shared it with my friends. However, YUKARI really wanted, thus she stole it. For them, impulse is the real useful way to induce her bhaviour.

  Now, she is in her common mood. Casual cruelity mode. She wanted to use toilet, however, it was already occupied. Thus, she intentionally opened the door to showup her intention, and "Batum!" No excuse, no cry at all. Intentionally, just for avusing her basic necessity. Thus anyone cried at all, including her. She does so sometimes. And this is her day. Probably. Her mother is in her side, she felt. Thus, she is now in Go-GO mood. Thus, she sprang up by Clare's warning. "You forgot it", and she went up to pick up upstairs. Why on the second floor? Clare's chamber is in the back house. Why???

  Probably she stocks something there. In some places, she reserves something, as she likes, and gets confused as usual. thus, the reply was, "I don't know. Your failure, anyway, Clare!"

  Thus, Miyuki really wants to get out of here. And now, she is hungry. However, YUKARI would obstract her, intentionally by impulse.

  Thus struggle. And MIYUKI should win. Anyway hungry.

  See you soon after my breakfast!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from us, MARC!!!