Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (21)

2017-05-01 22:37:07 | 日記

Miyuki now came back from the kitchen. YUKARI interfared her dinner cooking, and she got terrified by her audacious arragant dish washing in the middle of her cooking. Suddenly she took the tap, nevertheless Miyuki was washing the vegitables, and YUKARI started to wash the dirty dishes. Why now abruptly? Miyuki got upset, however, she put up with the situation. anyway, I don't want to be killed by this Jason type old lady.

 Today, she found  strange leaves in a box. She tried to eat in raw situation. And she thought that it tastes like Chenese Leek, and she tried to eat as NUTA, so she boiled it and put her NUTA miso sauce on it. Eatable. However, what it is? She searched on PC and found that it is called Ainu leek. The taste is between Chenese leeks and garlic.

  Thus she decided to use it instead of garlic. Anyway, she should pay for garlic, while AINU leek is fro free.

  Thus, until the exhaustion, she would use it in her medditteranean cooking. Wild type, and AINU would eat it as their spring vegitable. Probably, AINU picked it up from the earth as a gift. Not planted type. Some kind of eatable wild weeds, it belongs to, probably.

  She would make a Romein Letus salad with AINU leek sauce and olive oil, tomorrow. And the leek would be good with Chinese fried Lever also. She wants to try it, however, recently, she doesn't see levers in the shelves at the supermarkets. Why?

  Now Rabby's quick news comments on Economy.

 The first one:

  The OMANKO government and OMANKO journalism tie up to conceale the fact of abrupt reduction of population in Japan. This is the main reason of lack of labours.

  Why Miyuki is latent jobless, is our question. She is good at all type. Any job is OK for her. However, no industry at all practically. No company can survive in this No Man's Land situation. Thus, she is thrift now and does her job as much as possble by herself.

  Companies want workers? Non sense. The highest degree holder talks her real feeling for us, "Stupid!" In short, she is upset the false OMANKO information. They are controled by IKKYO economy.

  Only IKKYO companies lack the faked workers for their evil wrongdoings. Thus, they want more and more pupils to be their friends. They induce the pupils by way of OPPABU experiment. And many of them failed immediately.

  For free, as you like, they explain, and they fell asleep in the hands of their ideal faked mother like existance. They can sleep between their bust. Big bust is for their sleeping. Thus, they failed.

  They should do their job as quick as possible to such their nipples. The sooner, the better. Thus, quick it should be. Thus, rough way is their preference. And they did as they liked, and turned to their own mother like existance.

  And Miyuki had no chance to gain any human being boy friend at all. And now, her partner is a mountain dove!!! A cool greysh red feather and with cool design like eyes of KOINOBORI or carp shaped flag especially for male kids!!!

  These flags are decorated on the 5th of May, the Day of Kids. Thus, highly promissive encounter they did. A dove is nice guy type. And skillful. Today, after rainy weather, he called her to get out. And she understood his inducing, and she made a short trip outside, visiting her newly established friendship's sites.

  She calls them as KITAROUs in cemetery. And their theme song is Gue-Gue-Gue-no-Gue!!!

  She likes to think that she would have been one of them. Unintentionally, yes. however, she was a hatred of teachers in this region. Thus, if she were good at athletics, she would have been killed by some of them, under the name of accident.

  Thus, they are our team supporters, she understood. And she provided two KASHIWAMOCHI for them. JIZOU is our mates, Miyuki thought. Thus, unknown names are OK, and they are KITAROUs, anyway.

  OYAJI, Miyuki would be. A small eye shaped little guy. She found some omnious marks on these points. They did wrong perfectly. And they forgot it now. For them, nothing at all. They forgot to provide their own sweets, even they were abundant.

  Always there, she thought. And recently, sometimes. And today, nothing. This is the fact. Until they realized, was the promise. And they should leave the town all at once. And they continue to stay in Shirakawa.

  Why the closed old shops' windows were washed recently? Why the lineups of them are dead exactly? Why they want to show the living room and the kitchen as a kind of office? Why the information for the event is put always each month, in the near last day of the month?

  TSUKI-YOMI association, they are called. Another saying of IKKYO group. They do the wild party once per month, and Shirakawa figures liked the habit, and turned to be members. And they failed. They stopped working diligently, and they got absorbed in the sexual pleasure. Anything is replaceable, they thought indeed. For them, participation into the group is preference. Anyway, they want to do it. Without it, they can't put up with. Waves and shavings. Thus, they failed. Nasty jobs, they did, to participate in the club called IKKYO chorus.

  She heard the chorus of elder pupils from the primary school of SHIRAKAWA III. Strange. Primary school pupils sing differently. The voice is different from theirs. What happened? And they failed.

  She was good at deduction. Adachi was the favorite of this kind of riddle. Why they did unison chorus always? Because they felt the vivration in the bottom part. Their sympathy system is not understandable, however, on shakings, Miyuki understood well.

  TUKI-YOMI-No-NIWA, the pebble garden is called. Onlu a ruin, she thought. however, many plates for explanations here and there. And several workers were doing their wrongdoing type near the garden.

 And they failed. Always with us, Miyuki pledged. Not spooky guys.   They ae victims.

  She likes to eat togather. Not for some sacred ones. They are different categories. They were shocked at the fact. Did they really do it? They thought, and Miyuki trained them for the day of Kids. We will have a party. Thus, you should play the song at your best. Thus, a wispering voice, she trained them.

  And she found some difference of the arrangement. They were put on the half circle. Now, square, in two parts. Why? Who did it? And they laught at the moving.

  They could do it. And Miyuki felt strange. Arrangement is a bit different, however, anyway, we could train for the exact day. 5th of May, The day of Kids, including diceased ones. Ex-kids, and actual kids only event.

  Thus, they laught at the exclusion. After kids should be excluded. It means IKKYO believers should be excluded from the event at all.

  Common people are in one of the two categories. And Miyuki, of course, is kids category. After kids means Already Alzheimer patients. IKKYO itself. They forgot the rule of the universe. "You already belongs to the world of only Adults logics." She wrote to the ex-pupils of her seminor in KYORIN universe. She wanted to say, "We live in the other world. You are enemy, and we should punish you because of your coldness."

  And they failed. Adults only, they wispered. Too too kinkiest crazy world they created. Only adults could play the game of anti-constitutional evil wrongdoings. Prohibitted for kids. Why? Because they did wrong. Kids would be the same standard users. And the adults, not at all. Kyorin related would laugh at our logics. In common, we thought. however, "We don't understand your logics.", as Dr.Dull said. They live out of logics world. Thus, they are too too strange and don't understand anything rightous at all, Miyuki really felt deeply.

  Who can dare to be proud of being illogical? Only Alzheimer patients. And they failed. They didn't know our logics. Mathematically right. however...

  MIYUKI was too too clever to appoint their illogical thought. However, they didn't understand at all. We can burst into laughing with tears, however, they didn't.

  This is why they are IKKYO believers. They don't understand at all on our principles. Any excuse is needed for us.

  YUKARI wanted to participated into our newly created system. However, she failed. She tried, and failed. Too too dull to adopt the new world system. Thus, she insisted to continue her own work.

  "Don't disturb anyone who are in the service." Is our business. However, she is different. Always she disturbs others. Knocking, Clare required, and Miyuki keeps her order, because it is her room. She can allow someone should be excluded from the rule. However, YUKARI is always non knocking system she insists. Family should be open, in any case. She said to her. And she herself gets upset, when others open the door of her room.

  When Miyuki was searching some medicine in the anex of her room, she dashed down from her mother's chamber, and pushed Miyuki away from the place. Miyuki just wanted to bandaids. however, she couldn't find it. And sighed.

 YUKARI is upset always after someone came into her room. And she scolded others because of lack of privacy policy. And they laught at her scolding. She herself doesn't keep the rule, and insists that others should keep the rule. Stupid. And she didn't notice the ridiculous attitude of her own. Thus, they tried to enter her room as soon as possible, when she was in the mood. She likes to do so, and she likes to criticise others to do so supposedly.

  She reflects herself to others, and criticise her own condects as if they were theirs. Strange habit, she has, they thought. Usually, they don't do it. and They laught at her attitude. Total confusion, she got into. And said always BLA-BLA-BLA to others. And she forgets after her mood changed. And she wants to do toilet soon.

  And she dashed into the chamber, after Miyuki entered into the kitchen. I need to move my body a bit, she excuses, and she straghtly went to the kitchen, just to disturb Miyuki's cooking. Even now? At 20:30, now. She already did her dinner, and now my time. For her, moving means to do her own wrongdoing, they understood. Miyuki is a kind of strange god for her. If she attacks, Miyuki would be stronger, they believe. And Miyuki put up with the attack tonight. She unnecessarily disturbed her washing of vegitables. Why now? Miyuki thought, and the reply was nothing. Just an impulse, probably.

  Thus, YUKARI's movement is traceable to grasp the waving and shaking caused by IKKYO broadcasting system.

  They did it, because the waves and shakings ordered, was their explanation. Then, just cut it. And they increased the number of wi-fi here in Shirakawa. Isolated town, thus, we could use it, was their explanation. Why here? They replied, because Miyuki is here. Why Miyuki is their target? Because she is a kind of power holders. And why they think so? Because YUKARI invited us to come here????

  YUKARI is wave sensor for us all. She behaves as she feels, without any other thinking. Just by impulse, thus, traceable. Hatred, also. She gets nervous sometimes, and she does wrong again and again. Now, Miyuki is cool to her behaveour. She doesn't exist for me. And they failed.

  They expected that YUKARI would be their saver, anyway. She would be the last one of them. Thus, she is so arrogant. She would have chance to do so, and she did already. Miyuki sensed her hatred in her backyard.

 And now, sorry, Miyuki is now in her sleeping mode.

  Thus, Chao to us all!


  See you soon in the morning!

  Big LOVE from MARC!!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (20)

2017-05-01 20:46:16 | 日記

  Thus they failed. They changed the chemical composition easily. It would be a kind of magic, they called it. And they got a lot of scenarios to kill Miyuki. They called them "versions", and Miyuki thought that if it were true, they would be killed immediately, and we, rightous existance, would servive. Total vanishing for them is suitable.

  And she wrote and spoke it as much as possible. And now, they reduced in number. However, evilness is not reduced. Natural born cruel existance. Peeping Much Bokko, Miyuki said again at the lake side of the oldest love hotel of Edo Era.

  A tradition, yes. However, at the same time, shame, also. And they failed. Tea ceremony tribe splitted and struggled against each other. Miyuki didn't know the harsh situation at all. Miyuki disliked tea ceremony at all. OMOTE and URA, or, the front line and backward line. Rikyu SEN would laugh at his descendents and their relatives. A kind of joke, we thought. Tea ceremony should be simple, was his opinion. Beauty in the minimum style. However, they fought for the money. Greedy, they are. Miyuki sang that their greediness caused the divastation of the forests in this region. She thought that naturalists should keep the beauty and good atomosphare, anjoyable environment. They can coexist entirely with total harmony. Just "Don't kill others intentionally" is enough as a standard. Why they couldn't do that? Because of their excessive megalomaniac greedness caused by Alzheimer diseases, as a result.

  Forgetfulness is the fauntain of their evil wrongdoings, they thought. And we agreed. Alzheimer is the recent naming. In other way, it was called. Historically forgetful is the evilest one. And Miyuki was difficult to believe that there are many westerners who believe that "There was no Aushwits at all. Jewish are liars. They victimatised themselves." when she had heard the theory in her versity academic classes and on the news papers. ??? Just they faked not to have done it?, she suspected.

  Now, she believes that they really thought like that. Alzheimer patients. If they were disturbed their sight, any fact dissapears and says, "Oh, no! You are kidding!"

  Even in her dream, she encountered with the situation. The SARUSHI wearing pimps said the frases, as they did before.

  Again, Auntie? You are dreaming. I am good now. I am a diligent worker now. I am always so. I was junior high pupil yes, however, I didn't enter the high school at all. Why don't you understand it?

  And they failed. Alex would be the last one to quit the school, because her mother is versity degree holder. Oh, teacher, not at all. yes, in a way. However, she is a doctral degree holder, and she recommends me to quit as soon as possible.

  Thus they failed. They couldn't believe it. They continue to do their wrongdoings. How dangerous, IKKYO drivers are! Miyuki gets astonished everytime. Unnecessary traffic jam was caused by the governmental policy. Taxi drivers they should be, however, they are all Alzheimer patients, thus, they can't have a licence. And Miyuki wanted to bring Alex from Business school. Anyway, my son. Thus, she asked her father to borrow his car for her. He said yes, however, when she refered to Alex's fever, her father said that he himself went to pick him up. OK, your choice.

  Thus, she continues to make her KASHIWA-MOCHI. 37.9℃ is high, yes, however, manageable, according to her own experience. And he went by car today. Thus, anyway someone should pick up him, when he called us, Miyuki thought.

  They wanted to talk with Miyuki. And they did it. And Miyuki said only "yes". Oh, I heard it type response. Then, they called again to the phone of Alex's grand father. Why not? She really responded coldly, like an office messenger. Nasty reluctant worker type. OK, I would inform to the boss, her "yes" meant.

  Thus they faild at once. They wanted to be thanked by Miyuki at least surperficially. They wanted to be thanked anyway. It would be deserved to their forgiveness, they thought. And they start the other wrongdoings under her acknowlegement, they thought.

  I dislike your business school, she replied. Soon after the approval. He was reluctant to do the play as junior high pupil. And now, high school boy. Too too long, he said. And Miyuki was not excited at his entrance at all.

  At least, he should make his effort. And he failed. He didn't want to go to high, however, he didn't want to be a diligent worker at all. Why? Sleeping as I like is the best life for him. Miyuki sleeps well, and she is a diligent worker, yes. ADACHI wispered him. Why not? Sleeping well is good for us all.

  And Miyuki's way of sleeping is different from others. In winter, she needs to sleep well and long. And in Spring and Summer, she sleeps less and well. Some kind of animals, she is. Don't forget that she is an animal. Not so cute type. Wild life, it would be. Mountain type. Thus, she sleeps well in winter. And probably, she is not north type. Sunshine means walking outside, while cloudy, and rainy, not in a mood. Thus, she concentrates on writing today and some refreshment like cooking.

  Sweeping is needed, she understands. However, when she watches blue sky, she wants to get out spontaneously. Passing time inside the house is waste of time for her, when it is fine.  A contradiction. She has a lot of belongings now. However, her mentality belongs to wild nature. Thus, always in caotic in appearance. Blue sky is the sign of walking and finding the proofs and clues. Thus...

  Always excuses on this point. Why I am not so organized compared with others, was a question. When she writes papers, highly organized personality appears. however, at a glance, her room looks messy. Always. Since she was a child. She tried to be a neat type. However, too too difficult, until she got nervous. Rough arrangement is enough type, she explains, however, others don't believe it.

  IKKYO belivers criticised the system. Sometimes directly they scolded our type. Her ex-mate KARASAWA was this type. Interesting episodes he had, and he liked to talk to others. However, according to other colleagues, his room was totally messy in caos. And some clerks informed the situation of his room, and the president of KYORIN, the emperor of crazy KYORIN world, directly called him, saying, "By whom you can eat? You should put your room in order, or you would be fired!" in a loud voice.

  This is IKKYO. And Mari KAWAMURA's room was entirely empty as usual. KIMURA's one was also. They didn't put their objects in the office. How they could work without any necessary books nor stationaries, was Miyuki's question. And she realizes now. They didn't work at all. Just they faked to work, to be busy.

  And Takeshi WATANABE was also disorganized room type. And after the case of KARASAWA, he started to criticise him. Why? You also are this type. Your room is messy in caos, too.

  They can't recognize themselves. They can't see the mirror. For them they are perfect existance like GOD.

  Thus, they can do anything without limit, and they believed that they were out of our common orders of Gods of Justice. They themselves should be God, they thought arrogantly.

  Thus they failed. Monkies, Miyuki's team. They said. And now, they are in doubt. She is a bit different. Mix blooded type. A bit confusing...A bit a bit. Thus, TEAM MIYUKI!!!!

  Thus, now, four, including her. ADACHI, is the first member, and the second Rabby, and the third Chinkoro. Miyuki's IGNORANDIA is cheerful and amusing, they agree. Miyuki is emperor, and other 3 also. All emperors system they adopted. Not so great position. Just a part time job called Albeit in germany. Non paid type. Not so admirable existance. However, sometimes it can be played highly cool!!! Thus, they turn to be emperors sometimes. Miyuki allowed them to be so. And they did it. OK, we are all emperors of our country called IGNORANDIA. Who is your contry's emperor?, if others ask, we should reply, "We all are the emperors, We are the emperors, no understanding for others, 'cos we are all emperors of this contry!" 🎶

 No lie at all. Eggaxaration always. And cheerful amusing land anyway. Do you want to be our emperors? They are now in "wanted" mode. Others don't want to be an emperor like that. Anyway, for free. However, amusing! They explained, however, they dislked their light atomosphare.

  Like greatness and authority, they should have, they thought. And Miyuki got to notice the music of "3 kings" or FANFARE. Beautiful melody, however, it suits for arrogant highly proud type. And too too nasty to others type.

  Masato NINOMIYA is good for this role. Others don't think them so important, however, they themselves think so tremendously. And negative tone. Someday, your fact would be revealed type melody. Threatning in the middle, however, unhappy fate, it meant, she felt.

  MICCHIKU is also this type. You have insisted that you were rich and powerful, however, we know already that you are powerless and just Alzheimer patients.

  Going to INFERNO, Miyuki believes. The music with trampet fanfare accelates their going to the special place called INFERNO. The long long lines of IKKYO believers. Many of her ex-mates would be in the lines. And she wispers to herself. They should go, because they are the source of our unhappiness. They should go, because their own tremendously evil wrongdoings.

  She wipes her nose sometimes. And they thought, she were in sad feeling thinking of us.

  Sad, because you are yet here. Get away, evil existance right now!!!

   She got pleased with nothing at all on the table of JIZOU. Two means the number of the kids, well known victims for the confectionary.

  Too too strange curves here and there in Shirakawa. And too many tracks and SUV and big vans, nevertheless of less populous NO MAN's LAND situation. They earned with killing kids business. Terrible, however, it is the fact. Many of them were killed, and thus, Japan turned to be less kids land.

  Miyuki wanted to have a cheerful family. And Alex and Clare are cheerful amusing type. Except YUKARI, they can enjoy cheerful fruitful family life. And Miyuki would be a special guest for them. A special friend, probably.

  Miyuki wants to get independence, after the end of DDMic world. Not nasty. She is expecting her new life with her new members also!!! IGNOLANDIA would be filled with many kids, because these generation is more suitable for her ideal life. Anyway, cheerful amusing world, we will establish! Adachi pledges and other emperors agree.

  Minimum pledge, they do, and act, anyway. Good to know. Her Farci got a big success. Miyuki's leaning way is easy. Just comparing with the memorized taste and actual one.

  She liked the flavour of it, name unknown at that time, cooked by the cook combined with manager called Mr.SEKI in Platinum Dormitory. He lived in the same campus in a tiny house with his family. The tribe relied on him lots, and he never interfared into their problem at all. however, in case of emergency, he was the responsible, yes.

  We respected him, and he was a good cook. Only US$3 for dinner, and US$1.4 for breakfast. Always headache problem for him, they deduced. And Miyuki liked both.

  And one of her favorite is this TOMATO farci. Matured tomato was used, and shredded onion, absorbed in oil and vinegar, and a tiny shredded paslies on it. She decided to cook it when she got an independent kitchen.

  And she tried sometimes. Everytime, she got a success. Beautiful, and delicious. Not so expensive, however, remembering delicious taste.

  And she encountered this taste in TSUBAME grill restaurant, and got to know the name. French dish. Onion is fit with french salad dressing yes, she realized. Onion is necessary for salad, usually, and thus, "French Dressing" it is called, she got to know.

   She served the dish in a tap of glass package. For the countener of the same, her original cesar's salada, Miyuki the emperor version. Creative! She is clever, and a good cook, they praised.

  However, her attempt to make KASHIWAMOCHI was a kind of failure, she admitts. Too too resembles to DANGO. Why she took such a long time to cook it? They thought. She did the experiment, and found some simple fact as always. Astonishing fact for her. Anway, KASHIWA leaf is equivalent to wrapping role in this age, she recognized.

  Now, sticky rice is her headache. Expensive, rather than she thought. And she pledged to make it again on 5 of May. They cried! Another YUKARI!!!! Help!!!

  Time consuming, and delicious food only type. Miyuki is also time consuming in their small kitchen. Using ocupation, they call it. Thus, she want to get her space, including her own kitchen.

  And they failed. She is different from others, thus, she is unique, and we should respect her uniqueness. Not so quiet type. More active type. And this is nor her place. Too too cold for her brave activities.

  She is a nasty messy old guy today. And her behaviours are too too nasty for them all. SOUGUI MODOSHI is HEDO MODISHI, or vomitting place for them all. Too many evil wrongdoings were here and there. They killed their own kids, they wispered. Miyuki got astonished at their forgetfulness. However, understood that this is the fact. Addicted with wrongdoing. For the sake of their own pleasure or greedness, probably.

  Miyuki got to know the system in SHIRAKAWA, and it was just an example of Japanese old towns.

  KAKEGANE ZUKURI or haken croiz like streets are here and there. Too too nasty to pass. Be watched, or you will pass some passengers, if they are!, it is said.

  Historical explanation is for running away from enemies. For well known figures, simple curved road, while for unknown one, the dead end. Concealing fact type construction since Edo era, done by NIWA family.

  Probably, sly type. Thus, they gaind relatively high value of money from the government at that time. And they fell down!🎶

 NIWA was a bad name for Miyuki. A public servant who worked at Tokyo District Court had the same name. She was totally idiot, dull, and arrogant and pretended to be a judge. She got upset after time consuming lecture on her. Why the chief judge of Tokyo high Court hired her, was Miyuki's big question.

  And now, she got to know it. They did it. Just it. No other reason. Milk providing time would be 17:00 oclock, and she was called after lunch also. Thus, she was so precious at the court. Lean strange body she has, and she showed up with strange wrincled plastic surgery done face. How terrible! However, for them, she was a kind of Queen of Tokyo District Court. Idiot dull queen she was!!! Only for her milk giving time, they obeyed her totally.

  Thus, Japanese judiciary failed totally. Milk providers were required by judges and clerks, thus they came, and transmitted the disease. easily, and quick way. Miyuki got to know that she was one of the evil examples in the court.

  She got to know the system, and tried to be away from it. however, she should win, anyway. And now, she got to realize the fact. Japan was sold far far long time ago long ago...🎶

 Thank you for your visiting us, sit here and talk what happened on you, and I also talk you on it.

  The song says. And they liked to talk meanlessly. No contents at all, Miyuki thought. And they failed. Conversation for what? Oh, just for feeling the pleasure of lips, like sucking the nipples, Miyuki discovered the fact.

  Thus, they talked incessantly, without any truth.

  "A, ha, ha, ha, han, truth...🎶” Spander Ballet.

  Oh, we need to nurish our body! Special thanks for our friends all! Miyuki is in the divelopment as always.

  today's dinner is Japanese style!!!! Wait a minute!!!


  See you soon on this blog!!!!

  MARC's land is the better land in the universe, these all emperors belive!!!

  From MARC, with Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (19)

2017-05-01 16:30:33 | 日記

Rabby is stand by for his news flash. More stylish, he is called by the animals. Cool guy again with his sun protective glasses.

The first news:

  Yes, tuna is precious now, however, this OMANKO liyer has not visited aquarium not seen the fish at all.

  The skin is soft and thin. Not suitable for any endurable use at all. Just a trash in a bin. However, she wrote that KINKI Versity and Cord Van company colaborated to produce a wallet with tuna's skin in a commercial base.

  Ridiculous! She is proved as an etraordinarily idiot Alzheimer patient, confirmed by everyone type.

  Animal army laught at the audacious description done by her. Cord Van is famouse of their hard type leather, tamed by their special technic. Horse leather is famous as their product.

  Hard gay turned to be OMANKO skin type. Miyuki likes real leathers, not lamb skin nor sheep skin. She prefers wearing artificial leather in a bad weather, because it is unpenetrable from outside.

  Fish skin? Smelly, and just a trash. Why they want to use it especially? Because they ate so much, and the mountain of it are left now. They don't think of demand of others. Just, "I want to sell it" and they produce it.

   Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 The second news: 

   OMANKO journalists can't take a picture any more. Always they use the pictures taken by others at the past time. And caption is alwasy unnecessary and ridiculous. Easy child can do it type picture. However, probably they can't operate any electric machine except smart phone.

  When Miyuki's father used the smart phone, he thought that this is for the figure who can't write any letters at all. Miyuki borrowed it and used it by herself. And felt the same. Any letters can be used with the system. Ilegible can be used it, and scroll the vision. Choosing the frases among some alternatives. Terrible tiresome exhaustive tasks it required. Thus, she quited to use it. And return to use other more primitive one.

  And this type was for stealing her date by IKKYO related. Thus, she quitted to use it, again.

  Now, she is free from any telephone annoyance.

   She received a nasty call from a health care manager, and responded as a messenger, not as a responsible of her son. The minimum response is the best policy, she understands finally. They are so evil to play with.

   Now she went to make an investigation on the price of sticky rice. Absolutely expensive, she felt.

  Just an inspection. Not for buying anything. However, if it would be some attractive food, I would buy, presumably.

  And she found the attractive food was free. Tester beef of steak souce. She repeated to eat at least 5 blocks. Suddenly, the clerks appeared at once. 4 clerks. Oh, squad number! Thus, Miyuki felt dangerous and left the shop, eating the beef.

  Best beef of this store, she thought. Why they provide in a block, although they sell only sliced meet in the shelves? Steak meats are also in the shelves, however, they are so expensive that we can't afford to eat it type only. Why they serve the beef of good quality as a tester?

  Oh, they induced me to eat. They want to make a call on me to the faked police. And they are slow. Thus, Miyuki could escape from the catching.

  Again, Auntie? Alex asked her. She wanted to catch Miyuki, because she didn't give YUKARI any piece of KASHIWA-MOCHI at all. Thus, she called to the police of her wrongdoing. And they laught at her bahaviour.

  Again, Auntie? Alex wanted to know how Miyuki feels on YUKARI's request. Nothing. For me, she doesn't belong to our world at all!!!

  Thus she failed again. YUKARI believed that MIYUKI would feel sorry for her, because YUKARI is the last child of her family???

  She is now in her junior high school days. Thus, she is upset always. She is in the second junior high symptom, Alex refered. Always upset. Like PMST, or post menstration symptom.And she is called "A nasty messy Auntie, who thinks herself as a guy."

  OK, thus, she should be harsh to them. She quitted her domestic jobs, and she now wants to be a male. As she likes. They thought.

  They want to take her away from MIYUKI. YUKARI is the kinkiest and the damage is vast for them also. YUKARI predicted MIYUKI's death already several times, and she failed a lot. IDIOCRACY she traced. Her golden age passed, they agreed. She was a kind of queen in Shirakawa Public Library, at that days, she thought.

  Miyuki doesn't believe it, and laught at her kinkiest attitude at all. And she called here and there to catch Miyuki. "She likes to eat beef. It should be good one with best quality. And they did it, and served it for her. And she ate. More than 3! In total, 5 tiny plactic boxes of beef!!!  Cube type ones. However, good in quality. They liked it.

  Miyuki tried it as much as possible. Thus, they asked 4, and she likes to be more. Thus, 5!!!

  She is a perfect naughty boy type, they agreed. They will compose the squad easily, they warned, and she agreed the danger. However, probably, they are slow, thus, they can't catch me, she calculated. And chose the moment, and did it rapidly. Just target the most largest blocks!!! And she chose them, and ate them in a mouth. And cleaned up her hands as soon as possible.

  And she left, without buying any of them. Just a goddamit type supermarket, she knows well. And the price of the sticky rice was the highest among WASHIO, KAWACHI and them. Thus they failed.

  KOMERI, she went. And found that there is no Basil spraut in a vase at all. And checked the package of the seeds. US$2. Too expensive, she thought.

   Why the price is so expensive? When she was kids, the seeds costed US$1. Twice, it is.

   And they failed. She didn't want to buy extraordinarilly expensive material at all. And now, she thinks of buying the spraut or the seeds in another market. Probably Agricultural School would privide me them at a low price.

   It would be free, Miyuki calculates. And they failed. Her son is there, thus, it would be free, she thought,????

  They should pay the damage. A kind of compensation. Only A part. All free should be.

  And they failed. Alex is reluctant to go to the school. He wants to quit it. As you like, Alex. And he wants to sleep now. OK, sleep. Your health, you should manage.

  They are so evil to take him to the hospital near the school. Even a slight cold could be the object of peeping Tom. Terrible situation, now he is facing. Why we should take off our shirts? He cried. And he got to know that his Auntie was one of the member of the founder of this play. Alzheimer organization, they call it. Only Alzheiemer patients could enter type musual assistance they provide. They are not good at all type. Thus, they should ask other to help them. And they should manage their own health as usual. And now, she wanted to check the health of Alex as usual.

  The body temperature thermometer, YUKARI should find. She lost many of them, and found after several times search. During the process, she needed to buy other ones, and she wanted to conceal the fact that she had easky lost objects. Thus, she bought a lot of scoops, and also basket type nets, and thermometers also.

  Tiny things are easily forgotten, thus we should buy bigger one, was her opinion. And who would buy it? YUKARI of course in this case. And she denied. She lost a lot of things, and forgot what she lost. And she compensated the loss by others' expenditure.

  She is really costive, they claimed. I am a bit luxurious type, she said to them. For her, "a bit" means "tremendously", and they should obey her request anyway, she thought.

  Always in a good alarming type, she recognized herself. Thus, she is descrete, and MIYUKI is challenging. And YUKARI failed. Not cautious at all! Just she put our precious things in a trash.

  For her, writing is a kind of habit. Like an exercise of arms. And she wrote well. And she forgets to write. And now, she is reluctant to do anything at all.

  Spiral change, it is called. Everyday, another personality apears. Miyuki was therrified by her abrupt change. However, they had already experienced before.

  When YUKARI was in HACHIOJI, she was a duck of IKKYO believers. Anyway she has money, they said each other. And she tried to get along with them. And they failed in a body.

  YUKARI changes so swiftly, Miyuki got astonished. And for others, everyday's habitual scenes. Alex puts up with her tremendously confused high pitch illogical excuses and was too too calm. He sometimes gets in the same situation and excuses her attitudes. Why? Miyuki was in doubt.

  Alex was easily used by them all. A changeable type by his own flagility. It happened, if he is not good at doing so. YATSUATARI situation. And he is also jealous to MIYUKI. She can play with her common sense costume play. Uniform is not necessary. And Alex failed again.

  His Auntie is a kind of maniac of unifroms like other IKKYO belivers. Recently, Miyuki recognized a lot of female office ladies like black or greish unattractive skirt and vest uniforms here and there. Like KYORIN clerks, she thought. Why now? They likes to wear to make their body shape distinguished. And MIYUKI thought that they were plump. For them, a good ideal shape. Oh, subjective difference, probably. For me, a mark of idol working.

  Thus they failed. They wanted to show that Miyuki were crazy guy. And tried to do the same type repeated change. Already I encountered with the situation, Miyuki thought.

  In MEGASTAGE, in Benimal supermarket, Miyuki ate two blocks of beef. Tasty. And now, in Yokomachi Benimal, the same thing. Why they provide good beef in case of testing of sauce?

  Now she served her KASHIWAMOCHI to her diceased named unknown friends. SOUGUI MODOSH has no served dishes today. She avoided to put it in the same small table of OOYA confectionally. Always two small cups of SAKE and two sweets, wrapped in venil. Why? They sell the sweets in nakid situation. Why they put them in wrapped one?

  Always ENDOU's Doughnut or KARINTOU filled with stewed sweet read beans type. The same thing forever type service? Why? ENDOU confectionary is related with OOYA confectionary?

  All confectionaries provide the tasting divided sweets in the same way. IKKYO influenced SHIRAKAWA so rapid. They did the same thing at once.

  Providing foods are for the diseaced. Beef is also? Thus, today, no one, except me, didn't eat at all? Usually some one came to eat after Miyuki's tasting. Today, only she. Why?

  They wanted to kill her again, and failed again. Beef would be a good attraction to her. Then give me a lot! Good quality's one, of course!!!

  And they failed. They don't know the taste of beef. For them, some frozen foods are enough for them. They stocked the foods, in a warehouse, and brought them to the town, targetted to attack. And now, SHIRAKAWA.

  The town is difficult to destroy entirely. Because Miyuki disturbs their activities. For us, they disturb our activities. Thus, they failed.

  KACHIGUMI or erroneously beleiving their own victory type. They can't understand the fact at all. And continue to do wrong as they did at the past time.

  They were habitual wrongdoers. They can't stop it. And they change abruptly. "Que sera, sera! The laughing river birds laugh, if you talk the strange story to them!", Miyuki changed the song. Similar, and good in the sense.

  Thus, Miyuki is reliable. Monkies should be like that, Miyuki thinks always. Uninteresting jobs? Not at all! I did so much. I was forced to put up with to do so in KYORIN versity. No time for the losers. And then, she found that today, almost no one were walking when she went to WASHIO. Only some vehicles were passing. And the number riduced suddenly. And the FUKUSHIMA potato number plates were so many days. Except NASU one, and HAMAMATSU or so one. AIZI, nothing. KOORIYAMA, either. IMO-IMO-IMO-IMO-IMO-FISH-IMO day.

  Miyuki likes to say so. Two pronunciations is suitable for memorizing the car plate. And found some similar numbers again and again. They likes the same. "3333" or "333", "8888" or "888" are their favorite. Why???

  She likes her Birthday number plate. Thus as a lucky charm, she takes the picture of the vehicles with this number. Strange fenomenum happened. In the world, the same number increased.

  This is IKKYO way. Just increase, as many as possible. You should be IKKYO, thus you are our friends.

  And always trials to Alex and Clare. Miyuki is free from it, and old guys also. However, for pupils, everyday is agonized terrible education system. Clare would work in her cooking school and gained fresh vegitables a lot, she imagined. She is a cook yes. However, unintentionally. She wanted to play the role of the leader, however, the teacher responsible substitutes her????

  They want to fake the fact that they were not good at nothing at all. Frozen foods maniac, they called them ironiously.

  YUKARI's faked frozen foods are the objects of laughing. Why she did it with cheese and ketchup? Frozen foods are enough for him. She wants to pretend to play the role of his mother, they recognized it.

  YUKARI wants, however, she couldn't. Too too ego-centric and costive. Always costive, when YUKARI went to make an errand. She couldn't buy the exact foods. She always made a mistake, and excuses. Thus, they quited her to work absolutely. However, she wants to show up that she is working for Alex. and Alex is always nasty for her.

  Time consuming play they are doing. Miyuki is out of the game. She likes to play the role of mentally healthy figure. However, Miyuki got to know that she is the real Alzheimer patients, and doesn't want to treat her as if she were a normal figure.

  Her pray was "being treated normally", thus they played the role of her faked family. Obedient, and not excuse at all type. Miyuki is out of mind. She likes to play another way. She likes to work anyway. Latent jobless, however promissive in every meaning. Scholary jobs are suitable for her. They agreed. Miyuki is contemtous for YUKARI, they thought. And yes, Miyuki agrees. Because YUKARI should be punished harshly by Gods of Justice. Free rider type wrongdoer with cold heart. No excuse at all. And liars, anyway.

  She lots many objects and always excuses. No time for her excuse at all, Miyuki declared again and again. Too too nasty. She assisted their incidents and accidents. Intentionally, yes, at that time. Now? I don't know. I think that she has no will or mental activities at all. Just impulse, she moves by.

  And they failed. Miyuki would not beleieve that Alex was too kind to her??? Believed??? I thought yes. However, with some other intention. Or, he would have been just an stupid boy.

  And they failed. Alex was too too contemted by her, and he tried to be calm as much as possible, and he wanted to sleep anyway. YUKARI orderd him to wait for a while to check the date and the hours of the hospital. And she did the same checking twice.

  You did it, already, Alex criticised. And Auntie failed. She did, however, she forgot. And she tried to check again. Why you didn't put it on the memorandum? Alex asked. And YUKARI confessed that "I am not good at reading and writing." Oh, already.

  KITADA suffered the same simptom. So so rapid, the disease increased. Astonishing, Miyuki thought. And troublesome to Miyuki. Her BLA-BLA-BLA continued after her suffering. And it caused Miyuki's cathing game. She is like a BSE patient. Crazy Swine disease, it would be called, Miyuki explained in her lessons. How she changed, she played the role of her in front of the pupils. They didn't laugh at all. Why? I did the role of comedian. Why they don't laugh? In the public theater, I played it. Why the audience is so quiet? This is comedy, not a boresome lecture. Why not?

  And they failed. ADACHI liked her only one play. GEKIDAN ITORI or only one theatric group, he called her. She played nice as a professor, however, she couldn't gain any laughing at all.

  And she heard a lot of laughing from Yuri KIMURA's "Just read the text bood" lecture. Why? Is she doing striptees by her comicay way???

  Why they don't laugh at comedy, but do at non interesting dambell like lecture????

  And she got to understand. Subliminal lectures, they did. They got black hair after 2014. Gradually, their hair bacame natural black. Why? Before, more brown, blond, ash grey and so on. Variety, and Miyuki liked the variety. She was not good at dying hair. Her skin couldn't put up with the pain and smell of anmonium was to harsh for her.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (18)

2017-05-01 12:54:30 | 日記

 Miyuki made 8 KASHIWA-MOCHI. Finally, she got a success, however, she had to fight against kitchen papers.

 KASHIWA-MOCHI is so sticky, thus she used them to absorb the wetness. And it stucked strongly, and it was too difficult to repeal from the sticky sweets.

  Thus, she prepared KATAKURI powder, or powder of potatoes, steemed up and dried up. Sweet poptatoes and common potatoes can be used to produce this powder.

  And she used messer knife. Like a surgery, she felt. And she tried and tried to separate sweets from the used papers. Sometimes, she encountered harshly difficult situation. "Wow, the paper got involved in the sweets!!! Help! Help!", she cried by herself, and she found that plastic surgery would be difficult for her. Should be quick, anyway, or the sticky rice dought would be stucked again!!!! Finaly, with lots of pacience, she found the secret of KASHIWA-MOCHI.

  KASHIWA is a big leaf of the tree. It measures almost the size of a baby's head. It is used for this sweet to avoid stickiness. Some kind of wrapping paper in modern age.

  Miyuki didn't know how to make it. Just by way of her memory of the taste and the appearance. Like SUZUKI method on violine. Don't need to learn musical notes. Just play as you have heard.

  Thus, they failed. They wanted to teach how to cook to her. However, her way of learning is different from others. Teaching? Oh, No! type. By herself study. Highly liberalist like way. And she found the principles of the cooking. Basic to each food.

  Yesterday, she found the golden standard of boiling Japanese clovers. Stop boiling, if it starts to smell good. 1 minute or so. All depends on the situation. Character of the leaves, climate, temperature, maturity, and so on. And she gained the special medal from Blue Cock or Cordon Blue. She discovered that sense of taste determinated the fate. Pleasure type and DDMic life type. Miyuki is the former, while YUKARI is latter.

  Any good tasting people could be an excellent cook, however, non good tongue holders should be excluded from the kingdom of the cooks, she recognized.

  And YUKARI failed again. She wanted to wash the dishes unnecessarily during her cooking of KASHIWA-MOCHI. She tried to wait her leaving. And the disaster. However, she recovered and found the golden standard. Should be quick! Or, use wrapping materials. Paper is the last one to be used.

  Disaster turnes to be a seed of happiness. And she made 8 sweets. She asked her mother to put one to the diceased kins.

  And other 2 sweets, she would provide in WASHIO corner. Chamber music orchestra's place, and Sougui Modoshi, beside the evil confectionary called OOYA.

  She put it in front of a big JIZOU. He is a kind of the representatives of the victims. One, only. Because she has no more. And she would try to make them again in the exact Day of Kids, on 5 of May.

  Thus she decided to buy a package of sticky rice seeds to make it. Until now, she has used powder or flakes of it. Now, she wants to shift to use more original one. Thus, she would buy the package tomorrow or so. Just a price investigation, she should do first. They she choose it. We should be clever.

  And today is rainy now. And she remembered that her rainy boots are waiting for her. Cute sky blue shoes with yellow brims. Thus, they failed. Rain would be good for their GIGA DEATH, because Miyuki doesn't like it.

  Not liking, yes, however, she wants to wear the rainy clothings. Thus, she would put it in front of them. Anyway, I am not so skillful at this matter. And you would see how I develop on 5 of May. Just for comparison.

  The taste is the same as DANGO, they all agreed. However, how sticky and difficult to eat it! DANGO is primitive, however, quick and easy. And they said. For her, DANGO is the best choice.

  Miyuki thinks so. However, she wants to steem the sticky rice and mill it until to be fit for the cooking. The first try.

  They want to stop her challenge, however, for her, experiment. Not interesting the stable situation at all. Challenge makes her herself. Thus, they failed.

  OKOK, 7 oceans would be fine for you. They agreed. A challenge type is not usefull here. Anyway, we are conservative, they agreed.

  For them, Miyuki is too radical to go. Miyuki is quick to change. After the recognition and the standarlization, her interest gets to shift. Forever challenging type. Thus, they want to put her to go out! However, she is practically jobless. And she wants to go abroad. Anyway, she wants to have some suitable site to establish her center. And they should change their mind.

  Miyuki type is not suitable for us all, Clare agreed. Too stupid to forget the way to cook sticky rice, however, she gained the better experience. Sticky means needing to be separated by some buffers. And she found the powder yesterday. And DAIFUKU is the easiest way to cook. And she tried to baskwheat sticky rice to make KASHIWAMOCHI. More soft, and difficult to deal with. However, for her, backwheat is the key of this KASHIWA-MOCHI. More rural and delicious, anyway. Not so difficult. Just use flour of wheat, is another advice. She used to make backwheat with wheat DANGO, and failed. A SUITON, or dumpling. Not suitable for sweets. For salty different dish, it would combine, she judged.

  And she found that wheat would be fine to cook Dougnut with sweet red beans or MANJUU or stewed sweet read beans covered with steamed bread. She would try, yes. However, more traditional primitive one would be fine for her, in this period.

  Miyuki is good at recognizing the YUKARI's trial. She was easy goer, and she, when she was in HACHIOJI, she liked to visit the clinic, followed with her nephew. And now, she is reluctant to do so.

  Just sleep well, is her opinion. However, the school ordered Alex to go to medical clinic. "Just a slight fever. I want to get back home." Alex said to his teacher responsible. And he ordered to go to the health checking center of the school, and the staff said, on the phone, "Alex is with 37.9 ℃ now. He would be obliged to go to the clinic. Thus, he is waiting for our school now. Please come to take him."

  Oh, only 37.9℃ is sufficient reason to kill him in the hospital? And this is our matter. I think that he should ignore this anti-scientific advice done by the faked medical staff of the faked public school.

  Thus, they fell down! 🎶 

 They just wanted to treat Alex differently from others. He is just an animal. Thus, he advised to go to the different hospital from theirs.

  And they failed again and again. Just a slight fever would be fine with good sleeping. Take a rest well, sleep in your chamber. And you can take a rest tomorrow. The consecutive holidays are now starting. You are not necessary to go to the evil school at all. Absence is better than going to the hospital.

  Alex totally agreed with Miyuki's opinion. And YUKARI wanted to bring him to the hospital, abruptly. Now his turn, she felt. The next, Miyuki's. Their system. Each one, once in a while, should go to the hospital. Why? Reason unknown to her. Just she sensed, and told her declaration. It would be impossible to bring him today. This is not the common day. Weekday, however, during the period of national holidays, the clinics are closed at all.

  And they declared. Consecutive holidays, however, she obliged them to go, and they went and found that there is no one at all. They should go, because YUKARI insisted. Miyuki ignored totally. Just say "Oh, Clare! Good day for you!" And Clare responded, "Anyway, thanks!" And they failed.

  For Miyuki, they are faking school pupils. Do more effective valuable things!, she really thinks. And she wants to do so. And she decided to do so now.

  Special holidays would be fine for the starting. They like to play the game. Miyuki, and we are not to do so. Only who wants to do should do it. We are out of game.

  Miyuki's game is different. She looked so cheerful with actual job. Strange poor girl, they think. And she is who? Some lady or kinky old boy with girly wear??

  Her legs are more similar to boys' one. Anyboy has some dream to wear like a girl. Variety! She would be fine to be your clothings changing model, called KISEKAE-NINGYO. And she likes to do so.

  Clare wants to do it, however, she is not so metal string type. OK, I would be a sportive type. And she realized the dream of Girl's champion of SUMO wrestling!!!! She won, because anyone participated. She already gained Arm wrestling champion in her primary school days. And now, another title she gained.

  She is strong, Miyuki realized already she was infant. She could bring heavy package of rice on her belly. Miyuki felt heavy, however, she said, "Not so much. Normal."

  And she liked to whip the fresh cream. Even after Miyuki bought a blender, she wanted to whisk the eggs and cream by hands. Much quicker, she said, and it was right.

  A strong armed girl, anyway, Miyuki thought. And she is endurable in every kind of harshed experience. Miyuki didn't know how they passed the hardest time with YUKARI. She was the kinkiest old bug, they thought. However, they thought, as Miyuki, that at least, she loved them. And failed. She lives just by impulse, not by affection or my maternal love, as she insisted before. Now, Alex is a kind of seed of headache for her.

 Why he is so naughy? She thinks. For Miyuki, Alex is too too calm and not active. However, for YUKARI, Alex is a kind of wild monky....

  Strange. For Miyuki, too too least active type, however, for YUKARI, too too most active type.

  Thus, they were revealed that DDMs. Not active. They can't move, when they enconunter with some new situation. Just stop! Miyuki got surprised at YUKARI's gesture. Why she doesn't move? Why she takes many second until to move her physical body?

  Spring dashing is the counterpart. They dash without thinking. Just atomosphare of Miyuki is the reason of their dashing. Waves and shakes in a strange setting. They liked Miyuki, probably???? They like to fake to like her, probably????

  Hatred only type. Why they jump out to come to me? They want to attack me, yes.

  And YUKARI dashes when Miyuki is in the busiest on her job. "She would leave her precious things in a bag, and I would take advantage of it." YUKARI would think at the past. And now, the residue. She does so, without knowing.

  "I should do someting...Anything related with MIYUKI...What is it?...I don't know...However...Something..."

  And sometimes, she found Miyuki's materials, and stole them for her sake. Miyuki has lots of materials. Miyuki searched a bread dough tamer bar to make KASHIWAMOCHI today, and found that YUKARI changed the contents of the boxes of MIYUKI completely.

  This is the fact. YUKARI has no memory. Tiny trifle order is too too difficult for her, yes. Thus, her mother's order, "Don't touch Miyuki objects at all! Put your things away from the living room." And YUKARI thought that it would be fine for both, because it means that She would gain Miyuki's materials as she likes.

  ????, Miyuki felt. However, for her, the last remark is important, and the former, she forgot already. One order, once. This is the treatment for Alzheimer taming process. They are living dead men. Thus, they need to be treated cautiously. They sometimes explode, and they could not put up with their impulse oriented action.

  Miyuki felt so terrified by YUKARI's manner. And she persuaded herself that she was too too cruel to other members of our families. Miyuki is less damaged. Damaged yes, however, almost compensable. however, for them, too too harsh.

  Miyuki is honest to say that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, while they couldn't. Some kind of prohibittion of the matter. And they wanted to conceal even the existance of this fanomenum of IDIOCRACY composed by all idiots Alzheimer patients.

  Thus, they failed at once. Everyone would know it, unless we exist, they all thought. And they really saved. Why they are so persistent? Impulse oriented type. No recognition ability at all.

  Just a dull idiot came to be revealed as an evil killer of the kids and the parents. YUKARI was such a kind of existance. Like many of them, who killed their families by accident intentionally, or ordering squad.

  Miyuki really felt frightened by the mid night visit by the squad. And it was YUKARI's sake, Miyuki felt. Why not? All of them were sleeping. They came from the entrance door. And said, "ABE KOUBOU" in a loud voice, at 3:00 oclock in the morning.

  Two figures in a van like sound. Kidnap business or assasin, she felt. And after their leaving, she tried to check the time, and did it. Alex dashed into the toilet. Miyuki kept silent until the morning comes.

  Midnight hiking club, they calle them. YUKARI was one of them in HACHIOJI. Just walking, nothing at all. She participated into the job by someone's wispers. They do wrong, however, you would be a witness. Thus, you should be a reliable figure, and you are the sister of Miyuki, a professor of law at Kyorin Versity.

  Thus they failed. YUKARI related with the squod, however, she didn't touch the matter at all, they said. It means that she didn't do the black work by herself directly, just indirect way, she assisted.

  Once a while, someone wispers in our lives. And someone does, and others not. For someone, a good job, and for others, a dirty work.

  Thus, Miyuki likes to be wispered by her supporters!!! She is amusing, and likes to do her costume play. Why that old guy wears girly clothings? is her catch copy. Strange, anyway. For Alzheimer patients, yes. And for us, a kid of MUSE!!!!

  Your dream would be realized, old guys!!! And the boys, also!!! She likes to wear like that. Clare is a bit ddificult to feel sympathy for her costume play. Alex? Not at all!!! Thus, Miyuki is suitable for us all!!! 54 years old? Don't mind. Anyway, she likes it!!!

  Thus, Miyuki is now going to play her costume play and probably the orchestra conductor jobs. With an ambrella? Possible. Singin' in the rain!!!

  Rainy songs would be sung!!!!


  We should be happy, as much as possible!!!

  And of course, you, kids!!! Diceased ones!!!

  From MARC, with Big LOVE!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (18)

2017-05-01 12:54:30 | 日記

 Miyuki made 8 KASHIWA-MOCHI. Finally, she got a success, however, she had to fight against kitchen papers.

 KASHIWA-MOCHI is so sticky, thus she used them to absorb the wetness. And it stucked strongly, and it was too difficult to repeal from the sticky sweets.

  Thus, she prepared KATAKURI powder, or powder of potatoes, steemed up and dried up. Sweet poptatoes and common potatoes can be used to produce this powder.

  And she used messer knife. Like a surgery, she felt. And she tried and tried to separate sweets from the used papers. Sometimes, she encountered harshly difficult situation. "Wow, the paper got involved in the sweets!!! Help! Help!", she cried by herself, and she found that plastic surgery would be difficult for her. Should be quick, anyway, or the sticky rice dought would be stucked again!!!! Finaly, with lots of pacience, she found the secret of KASHIWA-MOCHI.

  KASHIWA is a big leaf of the tree. It measures almost the size of a baby's head. It is used for this sweet to avoid stickiness. Some kind of wrapping paper in modern age.

  Miyuki didn't know how to make it. Just by way of her memory of the taste and the appearance. Like SUZUKI method on violine. Don't need to learn musical notes. Just play as you have heard.

  Thus, they failed. They wanted to teach how to cook to her. However, her way of learning is different from others. Teaching? Oh, No! type. By herself study. Highly liberalist like way. And she found the principles of the cooking. Basic to each food.

  Yesterday, she found the golden standard of boiling Japanese clovers. Stop boiling, if it starts to smell good. 1 minute or so. All depends on the situation. Character of the leaves, climate, temperature, maturity, and so on. And she gained the special medal from Blue Cock or Cordon Blue. She discovered that sense of taste determinated the fate. Pleasure type and DDMic life type. Miyuki is the former, while YUKARI is latter.

  Any good tasting people could be an excellent cook, however, non good tongue holders should be excluded from the kingdom of the cooks, she recognized.

  And YUKARI failed again. She wanted to wash the dishes unnecessarily during her cooking of KASHIWA-MOCHI. She tried to wait her leaving. And the disaster. However, she recovered and found the golden standard. Should be quick! Or, use wrapping materials. Paper is the last one to be used.

  Disaster turnes to be a seed of happiness. And she made 8 sweets. She asked her mother to put one to the diceased kins.

  And other 2 sweets, she would provide in WASHIO corner. Chamber music orchestra's place, and Sougui Modoshi, beside the evil confectionary called OOYA.

  She put it in front of a big JIZOU. He is a kind of the representatives of the victims. One, only. Because she has no more. And she would try to make them again in the exact Day of Kids, on 5 of May.

  Thus she decided to buy a package of sticky rice seeds to make it. Until now, she has used powder or flakes of it. Now, she wants to shift to use more original one. Thus, she would buy the package tomorrow or so. Just a price investigation, she should do first. They she choose it. We should be clever.

  And today is rainy now. And she remembered that her rainy boots are waiting for her. Cute sky blue shoes with yellow brims. Thus, they failed. Rain would be good for their GIGA DEATH, because Miyuki doesn't like it.

  Not liking, yes, however, she wants to wear the rainy clothings. Thus, she would put it in front of them. Anyway, I am not so skillful at this matter. And you would see how I develop on 5 of May. Just for comparison.

  The taste is the same as DANGO, they all agreed. However, how sticky and difficult to eat it! DANGO is primitive, however, quick and easy. And they said. For her, DANGO is the best choice.

  Miyuki thinks so. However, she wants to steem the sticky rice and mill it until to be fit for the cooking. The first try.

  They want to stop her challenge, however, for her, experiment. Not interesting the stable situation at all. Challenge makes her herself. Thus, they failed.

  OKOK, 7 oceans would be fine for you. They agreed. A challenge type is not usefull here. Anyway, we are conservative, they agreed.

  For them, Miyuki is too radical to go. Miyuki is quick to change. After the recognition and the standarlization, her interest gets to shift. Forever challenging type. Thus, they want to put her to go out! However, she is practically jobless. And she wants to go abroad. Anyway, she wants to have some suitable site to establish her center. And they should change their mind.

  Miyuki type is not suitable for us all, Clare agreed. Too stupid to forget the way to cook sticky rice, however, she gained the better experience. Sticky means needing to be separated by some buffers. And she found the powder yesterday. And DAIFUKU is the easiest way to cook. And she tried to baskwheat sticky rice to make KASHIWAMOCHI. More soft, and difficult to deal with. However, for her, backwheat is the key of this KASHIWA-MOCHI. More rural and delicious, anyway. Not so difficult. Just use flour of wheat, is another advice. She used to make backwheat with wheat DANGO, and failed. A SUITON, or dumpling. Not suitable for sweets. For salty different dish, it would combine, she judged.

  And she found that wheat would be fine to cook Dougnut with sweet red beans or MANJUU or stewed sweet read beans covered with steamed bread. She would try, yes. However, more traditional primitive one would be fine for her, in this period.

  Miyuki is good at recognizing the YUKARI's trial. She was easy goer, and she, when she was in HACHIOJI, she liked to visit the clinic, followed with her nephew. And now, she is reluctant to do so.

  Just sleep well, is her opinion. However, the school ordered Alex to go to medical clinic. "Just a slight fever. I want to get back home." Alex said to his teacher responsible. And he ordered to go to the health checking center of the school, and the staff said, on the phone, "Alex is with 37.9 ℃ now. He would be obliged to go to the clinic. Thus, he is waiting for our school now. Please come to take him."

  Oh, only 37.9℃ is sufficient reason to kill him in the hospital? And this is our matter. I think that he should ignore this anti-scientific advice done by the faked medical staff of the faked public school.

  Thus, they fell down! 🎶 

 They just wanted to treat Alex differently from others. He is just an animal. Thus, he advised to go to the different hospital from theirs.

  And they failed again and again. Just a slight fever would be fine with good sleeping. Take a rest well, sleep in your chamber. And you can take a rest tomorrow. The consecutive holidays are now starting. You are not necessary to go to the evil school at all. Absence is better than going to the hospital.

  Alex totally agreed with Miyuki's opinion. And YUKARI wanted to bring him to the hospital, abruptly. Now his turn, she felt. The next, Miyuki's. Their system. Each one, once in a while, should go to the hospital. Why? Reason unknown to her. Just she sensed, and told her declaration. It would be impossible to bring him today. This is not the common day. Weekday, however, during the period of national holidays, the clinics are closed at all.

  And they declared. Consecutive holidays, however, she obliged them to go, and they went and found that there is no one at all. They should go, because YUKARI insisted. Miyuki ignored totally. Just say "Oh, Clare! Good day for you!" And Clare responded, "Anyway, thanks!" And they failed.

  For Miyuki, they are faking school pupils. Do more effective valuable things!, she really thinks. And she wants to do so. And she decided to do so now.

  Special holidays would be fine for the starting. They like to play the game. Miyuki, and we are not to do so. Only who wants to do should do it. We are out of game.

  Miyuki's game is different. She looked so cheerful with actual job. Strange poor girl, they think. And she is who? Some lady or kinky old boy with girly wear??

  Her legs are more similar to boys' one. Anyboy has some dream to wear like a girl. Variety! She would be fine to be your clothings changing model, called KISEKAE-NINGYO. And she likes to do so.

  Clare wants to do it, however, she is not so metal string type. OK, I would be a sportive type. And she realized the dream of Girl's champion of SUMO wrestling!!!! She won, because anyone participated. She already gained Arm wrestling champion in her primary school days. And now, another title she gained.

  She is strong, Miyuki realized already she was infant. She could bring heavy package of rice on her belly. Miyuki felt heavy, however, she said, "Not so much. Normal."

  And she liked to whip the fresh cream. Even after Miyuki bought a blender, she wanted to whisk the eggs and cream by hands. Much quicker, she said, and it was right.

  A strong armed girl, anyway, Miyuki thought. And she is endurable in every kind of harshed experience. Miyuki didn't know how they passed the hardest time with YUKARI. She was the kinkiest old bug, they thought. However, they thought, as Miyuki, that at least, she loved them. And failed. She lives just by impulse, not by affection or my maternal love, as she insisted before. Now, Alex is a kind of seed of headache for her.

 Why he is so naughy? She thinks. For Miyuki, Alex is too too calm and not active. However, for YUKARI, Alex is a kind of wild monky....

  Strange. For Miyuki, too too least active type, however, for YUKARI, too too most active type.

  Thus, they were revealed that DDMs. Not active. They can't move, when they enconunter with some new situation. Just stop! Miyuki got surprised at YUKARI's gesture. Why she doesn't move? Why she takes many second until to move her physical body?

  Spring dashing is the counterpart. They dash without thinking. Just atomosphare of Miyuki is the reason of their dashing. Waves and shakes in a strange setting. They liked Miyuki, probably???? They like to fake to like her, probably????

  Hatred only type. Why they jump out to come to me? They want to attack me, yes.

  And YUKARI dashes when Miyuki is in the busiest on her job. "She would leave her precious things in a bag, and I would take advantage of it." YUKARI would think at the past. And now, the residue. She does so, without knowing.

  "I should do someting...Anything related with MIYUKI...What is it?...I don't know...However...Something..."

  And sometimes, she found Miyuki's materials, and stole them for her sake. Miyuki has lots of materials. Miyuki searched a bread dough tamer bar to make KASHIWAMOCHI today, and found that YUKARI changed the contents of the boxes of MIYUKI completely.

  This is the fact. YUKARI has no memory. Tiny trifle order is too too difficult for her, yes. Thus, her mother's order, "Don't touch Miyuki objects at all! Put your things away from the living room." And YUKARI thought that it would be fine for both, because it means that She would gain Miyuki's materials as she likes.

  ????, Miyuki felt. However, for her, the last remark is important, and the former, she forgot already. One order, once. This is the treatment for Alzheimer taming process. They are living dead men. Thus, they need to be treated cautiously. They sometimes explode, and they could not put up with their impulse oriented action.

  Miyuki felt so terrified by YUKARI's manner. And she persuaded herself that she was too too cruel to other members of our families. Miyuki is less damaged. Damaged yes, however, almost compensable. however, for them, too too harsh.

  Miyuki is honest to say that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, while they couldn't. Some kind of prohibittion of the matter. And they wanted to conceal even the existance of this fanomenum of IDIOCRACY composed by all idiots Alzheimer patients.

  Thus, they failed at once. Everyone would know it, unless we exist, they all thought. And they really saved. Why they are so persistent? Impulse oriented type. No recognition ability at all.

  Just a dull idiot came to be revealed as an evil killer of the kids and the parents. YUKARI was such a kind of existance. Like many of them, who killed their families by accident intentionally, or ordering squad.

  Miyuki really felt frightened by the mid night visit by the squad. And it was YUKARI's sake, Miyuki felt. Why not? All of them were sleeping. They came from the entrance door. And said, "ABE KOUBOU" in a loud voice, at 3:00 oclock in the morning.

  Two figures in a van like sound. Kidnap business or assasin, she felt. And after their leaving, she tried to check the time, and did it. Alex dashed into the toilet. Miyuki kept silent until the morning comes.

  Midnight hiking club, they calle them. YUKARI was one of them in HACHIOJI. Just walking, nothing at all. She participated into the job by someone's wispers. They do wrong, however, you would be a witness. Thus, you should be a reliable figure, and you are the sister of Miyuki, a professor of law at Kyorin Versity.

  Thus they failed. YUKARI related with the squod, however, she didn't touch the matter at all, they said. It means that she didn't do the black work by herself directly, just indirect way, she assisted.

  Once a while, someone wispers in our lives. And someone does, and others not. For someone, a good job, and for others, a dirty work.

  Thus, Miyuki likes to be wispered by her supporters!!! She is amusing, and likes to do her costume play. Why that old guy wears girly clothings? is her catch copy. Strange, anyway. For Alzheimer patients, yes. And for us, a kid of MUSE!!!!

  Your dream would be realized, old guys!!! And the boys, also!!! She likes to wear like that. Clare is a bit ddificult to feel sympathy for her costume play. Alex? Not at all!!! Thus, Miyuki is suitable for us all!!! 54 years old? Don't mind. Anyway, she likes it!!!

  Thus, Miyuki is now going to play her costume play and probably the orchestra conductor jobs. With an ambrella? Possible. Singin' in the rain!!!

  Rainy songs would be sung!!!!


  We should be happy, as much as possible!!!

  And of course, you, kids!!! Diceased ones!!!

  From MARC, with Big LOVE!!!