Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (42)

2017-05-10 23:19:03 | 日記

 And they really felt that she is amusing their vanishing story!!!! VANISH! DDMs!!! She said, when she was leaving from KASHIWAYA, a confectionary near BENIMARU and KAWACHI in SHOUWAMACHI. She is accustomed to drink a cup of green tea, and to have some pieces of the cut cakes, Japanese types, in a broad meaning. And she didn't take any of both, KASHIWAYA's proper cakes. She tried to some, and finally, from the table, where DDMs, old guys, were sitting at, the broken cookies. Three, ADACHI wispered, thus she did it, and left, grasping some in her fingers.

  They were waiting for her arrival to catch her, she thought. however, she tried daredly to take some cookies, disturbing them at the table. Oh, audacious, we yelled. And leaving, the above remarks, as always. "Vanish! DDMs!!!", not seeing back.

  They laughted, according to the sound. And strange Brass Band play she heard. "Aquarela do Brasil", they played. Oh, some IKKYO related school are marching now? And she could see a bit of the marching band from far place, through the buildings. and she thought, "Just amusing music? Why they couldn't amuse the life? If they paid more attention on the morality in this town, they didn't choose this cheerful attractive song for the parade. Too too painful for us all. I like this music, however, I can't dance today." Pedros really felt so. Why now? Only music? Culture and society, and their value preference not at all? Why?

  And IKKYO kids came. Thus, she didn't go to see the parade. They talked on the skin colours. "White I am. Better!" And she disliked them all. Because of skin colours, they were distinctive, probably. And turned to be a target, like me. Distinctive is a good positive expression in other languages, however, here in Japan, only distinctive character, they were killed by, she really thought of. Pretty morenos, they were. Why brown skin is nasty for them? Cool, we think so. And GANKURO at least wanted to get dark skin to make their white eyes look begger. And hip hop music admirers understand thier rhythm, anyway. Black or dirk brown, pale brown, they were. And why not? Beautiful like us all, and some of them are of course, much more beautiful then us all!!! Preference, yes. however, why they praise white skin? North Koreans, they were, probably. Nothern type. thus, they want to be praised, and for them, black would be avoided. And they were too too evil to exist. They are accustomed to erase others. They were put their own equipment to be killed. Time bomb, they called it. They spontaneously vanish, when they felt something strange. Thus, they vanish, when they recognize it. It, a wave or shake, would be. Some determined zone, they have, and Miyuki's just it type. Oh, who set it like this? No one couldn't respond. Anyway, after my recognition, they reduce, or already reduced before it.

  Litmus test paper, they were called. Thus she is protected. And some of them are the same symptom has. Thus they cought her, and tried to kill her, because she is the serial killer, anyway. And she didn't know the function. Oh, is it?

  Oh, non sleeping mode??? They said so, and sold it as a kind of medicine, and some of them took it. And they suffered from Alzheimer disease. They were said like that, "Oh, this is Miyuki's brain. Thus, if you take it, you would be a good brain owner like she"????

  her brain is not so good, she really admits. however, better than theirs type category. And they took it. Oh, where is my brain now? I can't see it! Oh, where is my brain! Repond me right now, if you exist!, Miyuki cried! And she found, "Oh, you are here, in my head! Covered by skelton, thus I couldn't see you, anyway. OK, invisible, in some means, however, at least it exists, thus, I am not an Acepharos!!!"

  Miyuki is the real Alzheimer patient?, they believed so. Oh, and where is my body? I think here I have! However, for them, Miyuki died, and she sold her body to them as a donation. Oh, IKKYO religious leader, she is! Not Miyuki! Oh, he? She?

  文鮮明 or Seng Ming Moon, he was called, and his meat was eaten by all of the IKKYO believers, except any one. Thus, all Alzheimer patients, they are.

   He is anyway quick is enough for them all. They contracted with him, and their news informed the fact. HACHIOJI reported it on web site, and Miyuki took many pictures of the information. ABE with Moon, in a photo. Why any big newspaper in Japan didn't inform the fact at all? Why they were already IKKYO writers!!!!

  and now, she should eat meals quickly!

  See you soon! We should eat anyway! MATSUMOTO's instruction.


  With BIG LOVE from MARC!!! 

Quick news from Rabby.

 Just a correction on the predict deserves to be informed by OMANKO writer. And the reality and the prediction are confused by him in the article. Ficttion is Reality, for IKKYO believers. Thus they wrote like that. Another proof of IKKYO's preverence in this field.

 Any financial counting judicial person wants to deal with this big concealing job. Too too difficult to cover the facts, and too too evil to do it. And the counting company itself vanishs, as always. TOSHIBA, which creates our future, was their catch copy, and now, TOSHIBA, which ends up our future, you too! U2!!!

  The diceased founder will gain US$2 million in this faked company restaurant chain called 大戸屋 or OOTOYA.

  Probably he was killed and this compensation would be accepted by his family is in doubt, type expression. Insurance, it would be. Thus, he should have vanished anyway to erase the company's loss. Who is the actual company holders, then?

 They wanted to pay it for him, however, he was killed by them, thus, they want to keep the money among them, OMANKO writer wants to say, we presume.

  Oh, the contray of the proverb, 漁夫の利, or the casting vote holder gains. A laughing tear dropping story for us all!

  TOSHIBA is trash now, however, with these OMANKO remarks, the price goes up, and our ministry wants to pay more, and the total would be US$200 million. IKKYO believers dreaming story, and for us, Muck selling business, by megalomaniacs.

 Oh, 米ヒョウ or KOME-SHOU, BOOK OFF turns to be. Old used precious things were stolen by IKKYO believers and sold here. We are already victims, and they want to enhance this dirty business more and more. Non stopping enhancing again. They want to steal anyway, thus, they induce the family to get out from their house at once. And their spy should be their guide with the key. YUKARI is their representative now.

 wifi inducing addictive business, they did. Target is IKKYO kids!!! They easily were trapped, and did any other play at all. Easy to attract and to be killed. "Come, play with us all, in this game!" is enough for them to do so. They play the game, while the adults do it. At the same time, yes. For them, too too easy.

 EROGUE or erotig games are for it, yes. For kids, anyway games, type goods.

 Why Chinese bought the commonly produced worldwidely type sereal products? No reason at all. Just the dream of OMANKO writer. They dream, and write it on line, and OCN adopts it. Easy and quick. Lack of reliance, we think, however, for them, audience or reader should take the risk of the false or the truth. Thus OMANKO writers are free from their incapability. For them, natural theory. Thus, no basic information skill is needed. Just write as you like type orders, the bosses gave them all. And they do it even now.

 Just say, "they don't like our products, because they have big failures and are really dangerous." to readers, OMANKO writers!

 Oh, no talented artist is accepted in Japanese wrestling world.

  Thus, King Ra was designed for 稀勢の里 or KISE-NO-SATO. They were already dead, it means.

 Oh, promissive vending machines now reducing??? Strange strategy they took. APPLI would save them all, the OMANKO writer said, and now, already failed. Quick in vanishing yes!

  These are all for today. Thank you so much by your attention. Keep your eyes on me, we love you!!!

  Thus, Miyuki will take a bath. She is always clean, anyway. In spiritually, yes. And physically should be.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so smelly!!!!

  See you all of us, F&F, and our supporters, namely, our friends!!!

  From MARC, with BIG LOVE from the coldest place in the world called SHIRAKAWA!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (41)

2017-05-10 19:57:22 | 日記

 Miyuki came back from her erand, and negociated with Clare on her moving to Clare's chamber. She agreed it, at the monthly fee of US$25. And we agreed totally with our "Non Intervention at all" system. Thus, I would move tomorrow, probably.

  Provisional stay, and just for sleeping, Miyuki said, and Clare warned not to interfare into her life at all. This is Miyuki's system, also, thus they agreed easily. Miyuki wanted to pay only US$10 per month, however, Clare wanted more. And finally, they agreed in the middle. US$25 per month. And she would put away her things from the upper part of her twin bed.

  Why you want to move to my chamber?, Clare asked Miyuki, and Miyuki frankly said to her, "I don't feel any nasty oppressive feeling from my mother's conducts." It was enough for Clare to understand Miyuki's situation. She yelled her not to be obedient to the three old ladies.

  Clare talked on her insurance. She gained US$25 by her injury. Thus, Miyuki said clarely, OK, you gained this time, however, if you starts to rely on insurance system, you would vanish! How indulged and miserable life they spend!  I know the cases that someone gain insurance, killing their own kids and parents. Terrible! Anti-humanistic! I don't put up with such a life!!! They should vanish immediately. They are selling their own future.

  Thus they all failed at once. Insurance oriented society, they lived. And they sold their own spirit for it. Miyuki didn't know why Clare gained such a messy amount of money by which insurance. To whom? for Clare, they said. And Clare accepted it. She probably didn't know the system, and got astonished, and thought, anyway, it was a kind gift from someone.

  And Miyuki should know it. They all used the system of insurance for it. Miyuki was caught for it????

  Some professor should be injured by any reason, the discription said, and Miyuki was the target of their hatred. This is why they concealed the fact. Who wanted to gain by the process? Whole my family???

  Probably not. Kyorin versity yes. And we are free from the doubt, anyway. We are the real ones, Clare thought. Why not? they say, and Clare accepted to receive it. Thus, they yelled. Gain more, they said to her. Your tiny injury would the seeds of our income, anyway!

  Thus they failed. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Her mother entered into the insurance, and gained from it. Thus, she easily frequented to the dentist, and she lost her precious tooth. She learned a lot from the experience. She didn't want to be taken off, however, for them, it would be better to be taken on behalf of her. And she decided to be taken her precious teeth. And she regrets more and more.

  Miyuki is her headache. This is the life, she thought, and found that the evil nasty system should vanish anyway. And she cancelled the reservation. however, they wanted he to come more and more, and inducing system, here and there. And she got trapped again. In this time, she wanted to use her own jewel. And she lost her reliance. I am not so injured. Why I should go to the evil clinic? And they got to know that Miyuki is free from the insurance system at all. Miyuki is totally clean at this point. She is too too rightous. And now, who is the inducing black mailed one???

  They were forced to enter into her insurance, because of her sake, they exclaimed. Miyuki would get upset, thus, she should not be known, and they all failed. They were so evil to fake Miyuki's name for it.

  Miyuki is not participant in the system, and they always send her the inducing black mail. and now, it stopped. OK, the evil system fell down, Miyuki thought naturally. however, it was difficult for her to inform the fact. forgery, they did. total devastation of Miyuki's name. And they should protect their life, according to YUKARI's saying. however, Miyuki denied the system at all. any insurance, except our kindness oriented system. Evil existance faked it, indifferent from Miyuki's theory.

 thus, they should fail in a body. Thus the system failed into INFERNO. Miyuki didn't know why Clare was induced to accept it. Out of mind type shocking forgery they did. Thus, Miyuki's salary was so low????

  They explained that Miyuki participated in our insurance system, thus, her salary was so low. And they all know that Miyuki dislikes Insurance system at all!!! Devastation for them all, yes!!!

  Who did forge her signiture? They didn't know it. Miyuki even didn't know the participation at all!!! She is free from the doubt. Thus, she was controled by someone. ADACHI does know well, why she gains so small. Kyorin versity doesn't pay much. Just it. and the public office called 労働基準監督署 took a copy of her salary record for more than 1 years. And they thought that her salary is normal for low waged workers. Versity professor, she said, and her remarks were clare. And the registered position was the exactly of the professor. however, so low, they thought.

  And they thought that she were in Kyorin versity because of her mental problem, thus, they forced her to put into their own hospital under the name of melancholy. And she refused to admit the disease. She wanted to fight against this evil existance, thus, she prepared for it, and she was caught by the evil police, and put into the detention for 3 weeks, and after this harsh experience, she was forced to be hospitalized for 3 months. And she didn't change her position at this point at all.

  And they changed their explanation so many times, like YUKARI's Alzheimer like explanations. And they suffered collective Alzheimer disease, all in a body. Morally degraded ones abruptly change their belief easily. Coversion, they did.

  We are liberal, they explained, then, we are conservatists, they started to say, and finally, we are communists.

  Thus they all failed. forgery not at all! At the cost of so cheapish money, why Miyuki did participate into the enemy?

  And they all failed in a body. Clare did her good job. Miyuki wanted to talk her sincerely. thus, she did so. Clare was there, and someone in the toilet. And it was Alex. Oh, YUKARI is spying me? Anyway, I should talk with Clare. I need my privacy, and safe sleeping, anyway. Thus, Miyuki spoke frankly on her matter. I need the uppar part of your bed. If you deny, of course, I should refrain from my proposal, however, I really want to get out of my mother's chamber.

  And now, Miyuki should recognize the fact. They forged a lot in your precarious house. and YUKARI was their leader. Oh, Alzheimer leader among Alzheimer patients????

  And they all failed. They try to participate in the enemy under the name of Miyuki, and they were revealed to be IKKYO believers. They stole the plan of our plot, YUKARI insisted????

  Miyuki thought that YUKARI were really stupid, who has no capability at all. Just impulse leads her to move type. Yes, however, in this matter, she is a professional. Then, she was the team leader. Oh, they did it under my name? And they wanted to confess the crime to her, anyway????

  The last chance to her life. She would not come back forever, they thought. And Miyuki easily gave up the position of versity professor of Kyorin versity. And declared, "I will work for others, under the total reign of Gods of Justice."

  A kind of shocking declaration of her real one. For her, insurance is an evil system. And they really think so now. Why you don't want to be a participant?, was her remarks, and she forgot her own insurance problem. Who are you, YUKARI? You forgot your lost insurance? We paid a lot for you, every month, US$300, because you threatened us to do so. And you dropped out in the middle. And paid a lot to recover it. And now, you want to do the same thing under the name of Miyuki???

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all! Clare danced. Miyuki dared to say, "Evil system! The system induced many figures to kill their own kids and parents. Rotten, morally! They should vanish, immediately! They sold their spirit when they contracted!!!"

  Thus they failed at once! Insurance related life, never! How indulged! If you do so, you would vanish, soon!!!

  And Clare really got to know that she is totally right at this point. Miyuki is a bit strange yes, however, as usual. In HACHIOJI, her clothings were more punk. And now, cute girl type. Not nasty more conservative one, anyway.

  And Clare really worried about being killed by her remarks. "I would like to kill you" like atomosphare, she had, and said, "This is my merit. And you are free from any acusation. And you can deny my proposal, of course, however, if you have some sympathy, you would help me." Type attitude, she felt. And she induced her to come in the office. She really knows well her situation, and Miyuki said to her, "Please rent me the upper part of your bed. Just for sleeping. I pass almost all of time here in the office, or outside, not in your chamber at all. As you know, I knock before entering. It means I respect your privacy. And I want to be respected my privacy, yes. however, I am not satisfied with staying in my mother's chamber. I don't want to sleep in her chamber any more. Thus, I want to move my bed clothings to your bed, only on the upper part of it.

 Then, she said, "I will pay for your kindness, yes. Not so much, however, you can gain with it." And she offered US$10 per month. Clare wanted to have it, however, she waited to the value going up. Thus, Miyuki added it at US$5. She didn't say yes. thus, OK, double of the first value. US$20. And Clare said, US$25 per month. Thus, she proposed, US$20, previously, or US$25, after. Which do you prefer??? And Clare prefered US$25 after. OK, thus, I will pay exactly after one month.

  Thus, Miyuki gained more safer room. Anyway, better than her mother's chamber. YUKARI came there oftenly, in soundless mode. And sometimes, the slight sould of looking for something. Stealing job, she did! Miyuki got astonished. And she was right. Miyuki didn't say such a problem. Just a private matter, she said. Anyway, I want to sleep well.

  Thus, they got to know that Miyuki likes to be free from insurance even now. And who handed the evil money to Clare? What is the insurance???

  Miyuki didn't recognize the system at all. MEIJI insurance company offered the chance her to participate in the general insurance system for whole family. And YUKARI wanted to earn from it, anyway. Thus, they talked well on the problem, and they agreed at the point. YUKARI entered into the insurance at her money, and she covers all family's medical insurance. And she should deal with the matter. And she should frequently visit some clinics periodically. And she should gain, when her family was in hospital.

  Thus, YUKARI failed. She really wanted to kill Miyuki, and she did sometimes. And Miyuki escaped sometimes, and couldn't accepted her kind offer at all. For her, self hospitalization is the most secure. Why she doesn't do so????

  Miyuki should agree, they thought. And YUKARI said, "She is out of mind. She should be covered by her own insurance. I just want to protect my family." And she participated into the insurance. And they failed at all!!!

  Miyuki didn't believe that Clare is under the protection of private insurance at all!!! She is free from the wrongdoing, anyway. Who handed her the money? They were gained it from someone, under the name of MIYUKI?????

  How? By math figures????

  She didn't recognize the existance of the envelope? Oh, yes, I thought that Alex left it on the desk for some reason, and it was a kind of some thanking cheapy gift or so.

  And they got to realize the fact. Miyuki didn't know the fact at all! What is this? Alex gained some prize? However, "Thank you!" on the top. What is this? However, she even didn't touch it at all. yes, she is curious, however, their object, anyway. Thus, it would be bad for us all. Thus, she kept it in her mind, and didn't touch at all.

  And now, they really think that Miyuki even didn't know the system. Who put her into the ditch? As always, they did so. And Miyuki is free from dirty nasty water in the ditch. Muck, they said it. MIYUKI would not have written such kinkiest letters at all. Always too too clear remarks on the letters. However, these letters are written so tiny and so vague, and only excuses on them. ???

  She is out of mind of the existance of the letters. She is always so. If YUKARI did some wrong, she got nervous, and it was the real sign of her high pitch period. She did it again, type treatment is needed, they really thought. And now, Miyuki got to know the kinkiest and evilest work of her forgery. Money was given by YUKARI for the sake of Miyuki's death????

  Some joke? Probably. However, for YUKARI, a kind of freedom to use Miyuki's personality as she likes. And she continued to do her evil forgery until now. And she failed again and again.

  Miyuki lost a lot of friends because of her, probably. And YUKARI gained a lot of reputation from her dirty work. And Miyuki really understood the system. YUKARI did the same type job, in her chamber. Oh, she wrote the letters to my acquaintance?

  She wanted to do so, however, she can't do so now. And she is in the danger of her personality. "I am Miyuki SATO, and my business is the real Alzheimer patient", she thought in her letters sometimes. She wanted Miyuki to be so, because she could gain a lot. And she wanted to do so only for her complexed mind and her financial safety.

  Miyuki's money is attractive for her, and her family, yes. however, others didn't want to kill her, in really. As a kind of joke, they thought. And YUKARI did wrong every time. She wrapped the money in the envelope, and handed it to Clare, and declared. "This is for you, Clare. I should hand you here, and you should accept it anyway." Thus, Clare opened it, and found the letter from Miyuki. "I was wrong anyway. Thus, I would be punished soon. This is for you Clare. Miyuki." ?????

  Miyuki really understood that YUKARI lost her mind completely and forgot her name, and wrote Miyuki's name there. Thus, she should vanish now.

  Her vanishing lasts so long. Why she stays so long?, was their own question. And now, she recognized that her insurance got in vain. A heartful comedy like horror movie, we lived in, they really think so.

  She should be punished immediately. She should be hospitalised forever, anyway. And she has her own insurance yes. Why she doesn't use it until now????

  She said, "I have no public insurance, thus, I couldn't go to hospital." When she was in Hachioji, and she required US$300 per month for her insurance. Retired one's insurance, she explained for other members of her family. however, not at all! Medical insurance included. And she forgot it. Oh, you are insuranced!!!

 Miyuki thought that she avoided to visit hospital because of lack of money, and Miyuki handed her for their discommunication at US$30 thousand at once. Thus, as you like type choice, she did, Miyuki thinks. And she spent it wrong. As she liked, Miyuki thought. For them all, Miyuki is incredibly cool to say so. Deeply think so, thus, I am free from her existance any more!!!

  And Clare gained US$25's possible earning today. Miyuki is as frank as always. She is totally sane today. And she really thought that in this world, many people lost their own precious lives because of these bad nasty indulged Alzheimer morally degraded figures. They should be revenged at once!!! Pledge!!

  Now, Miyuki is hungry as always. Anyway her next provisional sleeping bed is assured. Thus, she has to tell her mother on the moving, and thanks to her kindness, and offer at least same value to her, until today's calculation base.

  Clare appointed that her way of use of the desk is out of mind type shocking to visitors. Oh, is it so? For me, cozy, anyway type arrangement. OK, I will put my subjects into order, anyway. At this point, animals dislike her so much. A desk Alzheimer, they called her. Her way of using brain is amusing oriented. Thus, we should put up with others in every field. Why she is so nasty on the desk, was often said by others. and even now, for Miyuki herself, it is a big mistery. For her, cozy, and they always accuse het saying "You are not organized. " Even in Brazil, she was disliked by this reason. In Japan, in Kyorin versity, in her office, the same thing happened. Strange for her. However, for us all, except her, too too nasty caos, she has. A kind of Alzheimer similar disease she suffers from?, Chinkoro almost fainted at this desk. Oh, impressively disorganized, for you... Subjectively, rather clean, at my standard....

  ADACHI should care of it, they said, and ADACHI recognized that he is the exact this type...Oh, thus we are disliked by common people, and said, "you should put away your objects."

  Organization she is required, yes. However, objectively, how???? For animals, total vanishing type big error, and Rabby explained repeatedly to his son. We should put up with her failure, especially, at this point.

  She was the kids who left all of things on the desk type. "Oh, it's time to quit it. Next amusement is waiting for me. Thus, see you my objects!" And she couldn't put them away, nor in order. Professor in the disorder on her desk...normal for OKINO, yes. And they were in the same chamber. Why they could put them in order was their question. Tiny house, and they could live in their cozy way. And Miyuki found that YUKARI concealed the washed away dished in some places roughly in disorder, and declared the end of the putting them in order job. Oh, quicker than I imagined, Miyuki thought, However, she used a big shelf to put some of them. Miyuki was pretending to concentrate on her putting her objects in order job, and suddenly, YUKARI came and started to do the same job. And she ended up earlier than Miyuki's expectation. And Miyuki heard and saw that she put them in living room. Why? Almost all of them should be put away inside the kitchen. Why?????

  And she got to know that thus the objects sometimes vanished from the kitchen. YUKARI wanted to return to watch TV, and put the washed dished in the totally different places in the living room, and got up earlier than others and started to search where they were.

  thus, Miyuki's box was searched every morning, and the sound of small crashing dishes was heard.

  Alzheimer's world was totally skewed, however, with tracing job, at least, understandable the process is. Recognition problem, yes. Losing ability gradually yes. And they live in the different system. Too too precarious vague fragile flamboyant world, they live. Tea ceremony in their whole life time time consumtion.

  Thus, she wants to have a tea party with us all!!! Sandwitch, she would make!!! Bread should be needed. And she lost a handkarchief, given by Clare today. Probably, from SANMANGOKU-FUJIYA to KAINZ HOME, she presumed. She traced the way she had used, however, she couldn't find it. Blue towel, tiny one. Nothing, Miyuki felt.

  If someone lives in this evil town, on the road, there were some trashes, some objects, probably. however, nothing on the roads. Clean and cozy, yes, however, at the same time, empty and unnecessarily broad roads. And the cross zebra lines were skewed to show up the width of the roads. Trick art museum type operation was done. From one pin point, it could see fine, however, from other angles, it looked skewed. Just for the funeral's portrait type operation or decoration was done in Shirakawa.

  It would be targetted to be bomb explosion, they wispered. With Miyuki and her family, the town would be destroyed, they thought probably. And North Korean missile would be suitable as an excuse. And they failed in a body.

  Why we should be targetted by them, was their question. And no explanation at all. Aways, you are dreaming, type vague expression here and there. Thus they got bad grade. And Miyuki is free from their classification at all. "You stupid!", Alex was said by his teacher responsible, and Miyuki, by YUKARI. And Clare also. Oh, you two too!

  They are accustomed to be done so. Thus, they are free from any accusation done by them, DDMs. Why they are so illogical and irrational? And Miyuki is always free from their accusation. Why they faked us?, was a big question of Clare. You think so? And Miyuki really is proud of her body shape! Anyway, mine is better than "Seven Teen"'s models!

  Again, Auntie?, Alex said to his nasty Auntie. What did she say to Clare? I don't know. I am a kind of stupid boy, as you know, slowly he talked. Alzheimer recognition training, they did for her, however, every attempt failed at once. Every day, she got up with brainless situaion, and started to learn from the begining. And they understood that she is the real Alzheimer patient, as Miyuki said earlier before.

  Oh, you are, type not impressive declaration she received. Not mentally ill. Just an Alzheimer disease, they said so. And she got ashamed at her remarks. She could feel her errors, they thought at that time, however, after several minutes, she turned to be arrogant, as always. And she forgot to be a patient. I came here to reserve my aunt's disease. She is totally ill. She said in front of them. Who? Are you Auntie, YUKARI! And she lost her mind at once! Confusion, she got into. And said, calmly, "Sheee, we are in a hospital. We should keep silent." This is IKKYO believers' life, they really felt deeply.

  Any error should not be get in public, because we should be free from errors, Administrative Law professor Hiroshi SHIONO declared. And he died immediately after his declaration. Twice? Medal of Cultural Merit. Double? And he gained Cultural Performance income, yes? Double income with the same name????

  OOHAMA got upset, and Miyuki got astonished at the fact. She confirmed it by PC, after his information. Why not?, SHIONO said, according to his Testacles pet. And they were all falling into INFERNO!!!!

  Thus, they were so nasty at that time. Miyuki met SHIONO at that time in the elevator, and pretended not to recognize him, as if he were transparent. And the other one, Miyuki knows yes, was there also. They made a conversation, and she didn't. She sent a letter to him, yes. Thus, he should have known my situation, she presumed.

  And some of them should have known also in the big room of the conference, on 7th floor of DAIICHI-HOUKI building in AOYAMA.

  They like rumors, thus they already would have known my case, probably. however, why they remain silent? Good suitable chance to show up our legal power. Why they are indifferent from my actual problem???

  Miyuki really got upset, and gave up to yell them. Oh, you too, type remarks here and there. They are rotten and furthermore, they are all Alzheimer patients!!!! Laughing story, ready to be published type joking situation, she was!!!

  Thus, they always asked her name repeatedly! She did notice it! She thought that they were so intellectually high graded, and memory oriented creatures. however, totally failed, she. Oh, they are Acepharos!!!

  And she started to song she improvisionally created in a memoty of MOMOTAROU or Peach Boy. A traditional any generation knows it type song and melody, even Alzheimer patients know it type. And she smiled during the meeting dreaming her victory in the near future!!! Oh, we have no enemy at all! We can irradicate them all! They have no armed forces! They forgot LAW already!!! Our tryemph!!!!

  Too too nasty for them all. Thus, already, they were vanishing in front of her. Oh, they knew the shame type!! Some of her ex-colleague, younger generation type scholars vanished in front of her table. Oh, thus, I have already seen the scene!!

  Laughing episodes here and there, in her life. ADACHI likes to read her story. Self portrait type resemblance, he has!!! Oh, you too!, type, light shocking he suffers most of the time. She is too too amusing, and so nasty to others. Anyway, we should permit her cheerful life type allowence, they do. For her, why they are so coward to say, "Miyuki, you are so charming and too too prittier than I!", with astonished voice!!!

  For them, she is a really nasty guy, who wears girly clothings in his charming way. She was imput for them like that. And she changes her clothings easily. And Clare likes this style. Cute girly, a bit of sporty taste. And for her anger, she did well in her costume play. Theatrical, however, too too charming!!! She likes to see the mirror and the windows!!! Brilliently washed up with some special coating to showing up well. Anyway, I feel better watching my style!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (40)

2017-05-10 13:10:50 | 日記

  Betrayers, they are. And money is inducing. This is the rule. And they should regret their wrongdoing. "If she doesn't choose to continue to work in our versitly, she should be killed by yourselves." was IKKYO believer's order to YUKARI. And she wanted to do so in really. And they were caught in the mesmarized threatning.

  She vanished! She lost her hat!!! She is in the dicth!!! She was drowned!!!And applause by IKKYO believers. They imagined the situation. And Miyuki did play her role well. For her, threatning words, here and there. And the old guys wanted to induce her to their cars, and this is the most hatred behavours by her. They were accustomed to do it, Miyuki felt. And some of her new mates were killed by them, presumably. Thus, she took some pictures, after their failures. The number, at least. And she got to know now, the second car's direction was strange. He shouted after her, when she was going from Shirakawa to Shirasaka, on the left side, near her, immediately from her back. And when she started to take a picture, he was leaving the same line, it means the right hand of the road, the car went, and on the same line, another car, appeared suddenly to conceal the number, probably, followed. Counter hand, they passed.

  for them, any road should be their play theater. And they could chase in the wrong side yes. More attractive, after their failure. They know that they should vanish after the failure.

  Repeatedly, they called to Miyuki's house, and when YUKARI attended, they got nervous. YUKARI starts to move as they liked, and she thought it were natural to her. Others should the object of obeyance for her. Inner devil, outer chicken, they really thought that. YUKARI behaved like that, Miyuki always knows it well. Thus, she wants to be away from YUKARI.

 INNER DEVIL, she had, they talked in her secret chamber. They can enter into her chamber without any knocking, and it would be inducing for them all. YUKARI wanted to sue her indeed as the invasion of her chamber. And she has no privacy at all situation even in her house. how she accepts the kind offer proposed by MICCHIKU related versity called KYORIN?? And they made a plot among them, and they were revealed to be kinky old ladies in a body.

  Not only YUKARI, but also her mother and her nephew were in the same opinion. Miyuki should not refuse any offer from any faculty, even they were evilest in the world. Thus they should be punished.

  Her way of life. I don't want to be any of you, Clare decided. Which is which problem, she thought. She is responsible, anyway. Sometimes, Miyuki is harsh for her, however, she respects her, anyway. And she is far from them, Clare recognises now. They are feeble minded, short time benefit oriented one. and they coufuse their right and others. for them, Miyuki's sake, and for others, their own ego-centric sake.

  Thus, they failed in a body. Sorry, old ladies, the world changed for better! We should be free from your ideal, Forever dependent safe life world. I want to work as a diligent worker.

  thus, they disliked by Miyuki, decisively. Thus, they should know the limit. Versty professor turned to be a comedian, is their shocking information. A kind of joking, they thought. And now, they revealed their fact. They wanted Miyuki's money, yes.

  They are YUKARIs, at this point. Anyway, she should pay to them. Oh, I said before. And they started family monopoly. Rasing up the price. For her thrifty life, their indulgence is unendurable type. Now her mother regrets a bit, and believes that she were totally right to believe YUKARI's faking plot.

 For them, absolute. They have stone heads, inflexible ones. They don't want to see the fact. They are reluctant to be diligent workers, yes. Domestic jobs? Oh, you cook less than Miyuki, and worse, yes!!!

  And they failed. Miyuki's choice. They wanted to sell Miyuki's body now. anyway, her personality is sold now, thus, now, her body, they talked. and they gained the chance. And Clare got wounded. And now, Miyuki is in the house. Thus, they wanted to the same type game. Miyuki catching, induced by their own inner devil, under the name of MIYUKI's real intention.

 For them all, Miyuki is totally right, however, she should know her limit. She is irresponsible for us all?????

  Now, mother? I am 54 years old, and a diligent worker. You are a bit Alzheimer like your grand son Alex, thus, you are feeble-minded. I hope your Alzheimer disease doesn't turn to be the real one, like YUKARI's.

  Nasty families again. They easily sell her. Protectionalism passed the limit.  Intervention against hew own will. Thus, they should be punished severely. She is now more safer than others, yes. And now, she wants to be with her friends.

  Idiocracy inside the house. Again. She was alone, when she came here last November. And now, again, not at all. At least, Clare undestands her yes. Clare is less stupid, she recognizes it as always. Athlete type is quicker, is her theory. In language, depends on their character. however, at least, in inner world, they are cleverer than others.

  and Clare gained a lot of medals at this point. She saved Miyuki's religion, they really thought. Liberalism is her enemy, the three old ladies decided to do so. And nasty jobs, they did. And Miyuki recognized the fact. No safe place even in Shirakawa. Inside the house, they betray easily, and they think that this is their right to do so. MICCHIKU itself, they are.

  This is the fact. Laughing, however, nasty one. They should be punished anyway. And they should be free from Miyuki catching game. Miyuki dislked them three. It means that they were thought as IKKYO believers. Thus, they should learn the new rules. Probably, they fail repeatedly. I want to be free from their failures.

  For them, other's life. And Miyuki's interest is totally different from them. Why they were so addicted in the IKKYO's "For her sake" belief, against her own will?

  And they should recognize it. Now the world is changing. For them, not recognizable things, here and there. Miyuki is a kind of newly created type, probably. As a soldier, yes. A ape type, yes. A bird type, yes. A monky type, yes. Fish type, yes. A laughing monky is the most similar to her type. And this type is rare among us, even Platinum tribe thought. For Miyuki, behaving just like her kid's age is enough to do so. however, for others, probably Miyuki found that she was the real jewel for them all, a lonely wolf type!!!!

  They wanted to do so, however, situation obliged them to be good girls, yes. Thus, Miyuki is the kinkiest one among them. Theoretically yes, however pragmatically, impossible, they thought, even they thought of some good idea. And she Miyuki is different. And nasty news again. hospital inducing process again.

  Her father said, I am going to hospital. and Miyuki said, OK, and he wore well. And Clare is there??? Not at all. He visited there for his unnecessary hospital job, probably. And now, she got to recognize the process to induce Miyuki's fair on Clare's matter.

 Oh, they wanted it? I didn't know it. This is the fact. Vague, thus, inducing, anyway. And Miyuki does know well. In case of emergency, they say in more concrete way. And probably, they want to use the system again. Shaking and waves. For them, any other inducing system, any more.

  Neuro marketing system, they used. Worry and preocupation they used. Prohibitted type, yes. And the target is limited now. And they say anything at Miyuki. Yes. And Miyuki met Clare several days before. She is not so bad. Thus they failed. After play trick, they use. ????

  Delayed and time gap. Jet lag like technics, they say. Now? Why? Anyway come! I need to talk with you. and he comes, and non necessary talking done by others. Oh, KYORIN life itself.

  For us, laughing stories, however, damages should be recovered type. After the failure, why they want to play the game???

  Everyone thinks so. However, for them, dancing until the end is the catch frase. And now the end!!!!

   Elles Dancaram. Or they failed. finally, and forever!!!

  And newly created IKKYO believers. Their skin bags were provided repeatedly. However, now the end is nearer and nearer.

  Spooky atomosphare is here and there even now. Yesterday, she doesn't want to come back home. Nasty trapping mood she felt. Thus, the train came on the just time. Thus, I would make an erand!! And she bought various foods, and she found that the box is monitored by them.

  Always, YUKARI could use only one. This is the limit, and they checked it. If she uses one, she gets satisfied anyway. Her stupides were compensated by us? Terrible allowance without property holders' will. Already Miyuki showed up her hatred against YUKARI, and they wanted to stimulate more to gain the advantage.

  She would be caught by her unendurable anger. YUKARI should be caught, they don't think. And now, her father was called again. By Kyorin versity? A fair, again. She said the truth, thus they want to catch her again type nasty feeling. And they induce this feeling among them all. Post caught symptom induced by DDMs. Animals are not free from this nasty situation.

  If he did so, he would not refer to "Hospital", and secretly he did go, probably. The nuence, and the tone. First impression for it. After, someone tries to induce the nasty worrying. And they failed again and again.

  This system is easily used, like Hisaichi ISHI's description. Probably, his own experience, using the character of MATSUKO.

  Laughing gags, he made. However, he took a long rest. Why? Because of his physical problem, ASAHI SHIMBUN explained. And they threatened him indilect way. Like Miyuki's case. And his family persuaded him to continue to work, probably, or intentionally, he decided to do so.

 Now, Miyuki will take a light meal and get out to  her errand. The same laurel leaf was used to prepare the Canadian meat.

  And she found the mark of WASHIO, or KATSUODORI, or Bird to search Bonito fish design, in the supermarket near Shin-Shirakawa station, in a complex of NITORI and KOJIMA, farniture shops and domestic electricic objects shop.

  生活食品館, or House of Foods for life, the shop is called, and the same design of WASHIO.

  Probably, for actual IKKYO faked workers, any LOGO design is OK. Thus, all supermarkets are under the control of IKKYO related, or, DDMic Idiocracy. Thus, the management, personal resorces, prices, products are all confused and confusing. IKKYO betrayers' better life, the name means probably.

  They only eat block beef meat, and sliced for Japanese counterparts. North Korean type, they would be. Thus they occupy the supermarkets, although they are totally not suitable for running the business. Strange foreigners for us all, however, for them, their way is the only and best way. Because of their belief.

  They were reluctant workers even in their homeland. Thus, they failed there. And they wanted to change their homeland with Japan. And they wanted to cool down Japan. And they have no limit at all. Thus, they got along with YUKARI type DDMs in Japan.

  For them, plastic surgery was new, thus, they did as they liked. And for them, AV experience was also new, thus, they played the role each other, and took erotic AV videos to watch among them. And they wanted to sell them to earn money. For us, shames, however, for them all, glories, because their cheif did it also already.

  AV actor, I wanted to be, he wrote in his younger age. And he turned to be. And he decided not to play, and turned to be a producer. And made a bad taste film, and Japanese watched it without any criticism.

  And Miyuki criticised him harshly. Oh, North Korean, thus, ridiclous sadistick nightmare scenes here and there. Alex induced her to see it with him, and she spoke harshly to them all. Oh, she is the type!!! They decided to change her mind.

  North Korean figures used it. Mesmarization or neuro marketting and inducing system. And they were in a body, as their belief.

  And Miyuki's famous theory. The worst level of the member, the others all should be. Thus they failed, immediately.

  Proverbs already know well. Water goes down easily. With bad friends, they turn to be bad, easily.

  Thus, they failed at once. She experienced the golded principle in the fated Kyorin Versity. Target the feeble-minded one. The worst and most stupid is their ancle of Achilleus!!!! And she found KITADA is the real target of her real genuine stupidity. YUKARI like lecturer, she indeed felt so. And she was so nasty and arrogant, despite of her incapacity.

  Why they were so kind to her, was her question. Anyway, I am a kind of man, thus, for me, harsh atomosphare makes me stronger.

  Not jealousy, what caused her to investigate from. More curiosity, at first, and then, the mistery of whole system.

  Just a superficial system, she watched at that time. however, she got to know that insided the thin skin of formality, more eviler system is consealed type prediction.

  Like onion peeling job, she thought. Why they faked the nakid facts so in the cheapest way? And why we are always poor? Why they abuse us all? Why they are so idiots? Why they bahave so arragantly????

  The basic questions for only school pupils think of, she started to explain by her own explanation. Thus, she needed to investigate in the society, not in an isolated ambient called Kyorin versity. And she realized. All of their systems were faked ones. Illusion. Megalomaniac theatorical Georama were used by them all. We don't want such paranoiac big buildings. Just sufficient ones enough, we called in a loud voice. However, they didn't want to listen to our voice.

  Why this rat is less valuable than you all?, NISHIMO emphathised on the table of the meeting. And they thought that, "Oh, she is kind enough to small animals." And she got upset and dissapointed at that time. And now, she understood the fact.

  Superficiality, yes. And long long excuses, because they couldn't prove their legitimacy at all. For them, length of the time weighs. Thus, North Koreans, they were revealed.

  Why they are so cold to others?, was their common question. Because they are genuine cold hearted type. They should not have been born type. Thus they failed. For them, any calling should be accomplished roughly. The quickest is better for both of their clients and themselves. The easiest way, they took as usual. Thus, no spirit type, they were.

  They contracted with each municipality and did wrong as much as possible, because the municipality wanted victims. Oh, KUMAMOTO!!!!

  Sobstory makers, they are. And their stories were bad ended. Always unhappy endings. Thus we disliked, and DDMs liked them. Especially, beautiful lady heroine should die in front of the hero. Oh, thus, they watched the movies from the point of view of Naguisa KATAHIRA in Stewardess Story!!!

  Jealousy, they have. A big one. And now, Miyuki is hungry, in really. North Korea means beef eaters in hunger, for her. Thus, she should eat normal lunch, not lighter meal.

  Thus, they praised her audacious attitude to fight against DDMs. They were here and there, and now, of course, evilest ones exist, unfortunately. however, we are manageable the situation. Thus, inner DDMs, we should fight against.

  VANISH! DDMs!! You are nothing, and should be. It means, vanishing only you deserve to.

  See you soon!!!

  With Big LOVE, from MARC!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (39)

2017-05-10 10:01:31 | 日記

10/05/2017 (Wednesday, morning) YUKARI is her mother's spy to monitor Miyuki's conducts, now the new fact was revealed.

 They were asked by IKKYO believers, and they agreed to do so with the accordance. And they gained for it. And inducing system for it. KIYUKI is a kind of seeds of profit for them all. She wanted to pay for us, a marvelous fact for Clare! She likes her Miyuki's coolish way of saying. "I can't put up with the situation. All monitored my life type attitute by the three old bugs. Thus, I want to move to use the upper part of your bed only." If she were MIYUKI, would have said so. However, Miyuki prefered to be cool. I am different from them like attitudes here and there. And money, Clare wants in fact. They want also. And now, her intention is moving. Then, Clare's chamber is better than her cruel mother's one. And if Clare deny, Miyuki would refrain from the proposal, of course. Just an attempt to ask the possibility. Clare can decide of course. Her privacy matter, yes. And her use is fairly limited, thus, Clare also knows well. She can't be a peeping Tom, is her judgement in her own society. Miyuki knows well our rules. Clare is superior generally speaking, however, Miyuki is in different parts, sometimes superior to her, yes. Thus, she likes her. Supriority complex, she and ADACHI don't have. Always, oh, sorry, I made a mistake. And if Clare makes mistakes, she is harsh as always. She doesn't use taming voice, is their key frase. Miyuki dislikes the attitude at all. Alex does sometimes, and Miyuki got to realize it. For her, a performance of faked play. however, for them, a kind of affection wanting attitude in fact. Oh, they are so stupid!!!

  Miyuki got to know why Clare really disliked them all. A maternity complexed one. The dirty religion they have, and Alex is a believer now. and he was totally ignored by Miyuki because of it. "I respect your freedom. Thus, you should choose your way. Ours, or others. And he chose the wrong way again. He is such a kind of the target of her laughing jokes.

  And Clare was reliable, anyway. She betrayed yes. however, she is almost right. And for her, Miyuki is not her enemy, nor friend. Neutral existance. Thus, she has chance to think of Miyuki's proposal.

  And good to know for all of them. her mother's chamber is just for precarious use. Not for eternal staying. I just get our of here attitude, anyway. She likes her honest words, severe, yes.

 YUKARI would transmit her hatred to her mother against Miyuki, and Miyuki also dislikes them all. It was fortune for themselves. They disliked Miyuki, because she wanted to be their superior, they believed.

  She wants to change her name, because she is getting married, YUKARI informed like that. Again, Auntie? Miyuki is intentional single parent. Why you think so? Because she said so to her father. Thus they failed.

  MIYUKI dislikes this house, yes. Thus they thought that she wants to establish her new house. Yes, up to some point. However, she is waiting for her new job, yes. And she wants to move somewhere far from here. Yes.

  And her mother got upset now. She is too too irresponsble to be far from her kids again. Intentionally, this time. And now, she pretended to be her father. Crawling movement with wounded legs. Clare did so for her father, and now YUKARI????

  Their system is totally kinkiest. Clare didn't put up with the reality, they said. She is now the worst one student in her class!!! Oh, Clare! You do it??? Oh, I also!!! I were the worst in the school of Shirakawa Central Junior High. Now you!!! How coincident!!!

  And Clare got to know, Miyuki is a difficult one to fight against them all. Maternity problems they have, and Clare was used for it. And her leg was not so wounded, Miyuki watched it, and asked it directly to her. And Clare said as usual, "Not so much. I am OK." And Miyuki thought as she saying. And they? All of them didn't. She concealed the fact. Oh, sobstory makers they are!!! Unhappiness, welcome mode figures, they are!!!

  Thus they failed. Even in the worst moment, we should put up with our harshest task. Thus, they tried to catch her. In the midnight, they can do it, YUKARI was wispered, and called them at 3:00. And they didn't do it. And came back to their wagon. Laughing joke done by others. However, a thrified one, Miyuki tasted.

  For them, usual visiting. And they use the hospital cars and buses as their ordinary public transporting system. She watched the scene in HASEGAWA hospital, and the day before yesterday, in the parking lots of KAWACHI, she watched another proof. Oh, just for moving to errand, they use this system, she recognized it.

  Faked society means confusing double burdened one. Thus, double times quickness was needed to play. However, as Miyuki prescribes, they are in depth 1/5 of quickness holders, at their best. Thus, they were desqualified at the quickness necessity jobs from the begining. And YUKARI? Just BLA-BLA-BLA, and they participated in the same trapping game.

  Miyuki is different now, and now, she is exempted to be punished by all of us, they agreed. For them, Miyuki is a kind of nasty divine existance like small kids. And they didn't know the evacuation system. Sacred woods would be her last place, they agreed, and induced her into the point. And she found the reality. Anyway, you were brave quick trading marchant at that time, and you were killed by Shirakawa residents, who were already morally degraded Alzheimer patients at that time.

 And they sighed. She knew well on us all. Miyuki is always followed by at least one of them, and YUKARI was it, before. however, she was reluctant to do so, because she couldn't walk so far as Miyuki. Thus, car chasing started. And Miyuki is now free from any lynch, they tried to pursuade YUKARI, however, for YUKARI, Miyuki is a target of their cathing.

 Target, yes. However, why she should be caught by them? Miyuki is a funny guy type. She is not in the mood today. Old man like attitude here and there. And Miyuki knows well the limit of them. Too too conventional, and she dislikes here, she declared. They also think so. At this point, no matter at all. Anyway, safe place, she wants to move, is her inimum prey actually. In her mother's chamber, YUKARI enters easily. She is dangerous to all of the others, yes.

  She concealed sissors again, they got to realize it. It means "I want to kill you, any member of us all, with this siccors." YUKARI's dying message day should be yesterday.

  And Miyuki made a laughing symbolic story using YUKARI's character. Now, she smells ointment called ORONAIN. This is used for smoothing it, also. Like vaselline substitute. Thus, used for it, yes. And she uses it so much now. Thus, she is so smelly now. During Miyuki's prepararion meal time, she came several times with this terrible nasty vomitting smell in her body, as if I am the user of adult toy. Do you have any question? type audacious attitude entirely.

  Thus, oh, your toy stuck in the middle, thus, it should be taken by yourselves, however, you couldn't, thus, you consulted to your doctor, and you were told to come to the determined clinic, and to fake the reality, you faked to make a reservation for Clare, using her semi-public insurance card. And they believed that Clare were really wounded to be treated carefully. And they failed. She was just sleepy. And she doesn't want to go to clinic at all. Why they are so nasty to Miyuki?, they thought. And they were discovered that they wanted to use the treatment for YUKARI.

  A nasty stupid lady told her usage of the adult toy bought several days before in public in front of the reception clerks, and made a reservation, using the name of her sister. And they got to know the reality. YUKARI did the same thing repeatedly, and forgot to use ointment. Before is the best, however, after, it would effect, they explained. ?????

  Oh, Dr.Dull's partners, here and there. Thus, she had a real nasty face in the waiting room, concealing her face with her fat short dirty hair. "I did it, yes. And I will do it, of course. For now, yes. I want to be an independent worker. Domestic type. I am a kind of tiny kid. Incapable. Thus, I should be treated kindly by others, yes. BLA-BLA-BLA..." Even Dr.Dull would say, "This is not your clinic. Your clinic is the other side, called ARIGA. I will make a resevation for you, yes." And they called her to do it.

  This is the real story of YUKARI. Shame collection, she does now. She moves by her impulse. Like an artist, they said in a soft way. Free from any limit of morality she is. Thus, highly dangerous for others. They can do it anytime, if they are in mood, with other this type yes. Collective, yes. They are muck, without individuality. They move like muck in a body.

  This is IKKYO believers. Thus, Miyuki should take care of herself, and others take care of her, yes. She recognized finally that she is a kind of pet, family type, among good F&F and their supporters. An idol, or family lovely infant, which loves to play with almost all of them. Charming, even with her wrincles, was their comments. And she likes even her shadows. "Wow! I am relly like PIPPI the long stockings!", she thought watching her own shadow. Leggs!!! Lean leggs!!! And shadow she also likes!!!

  Amusing shadow, they praised it!!! She likes almost all of her body parts. And wrincles? Not at all. However, to know weakpoint to be covered, and the learn the technic to conceal the point or showing up better even with this weak point, good to have them.

  Sometimes, she changes, yes. Not wants to take off my wrinkle by artificial way. Exercise would be fine, and another delicious nutrition, yes. And charming wrincled type, she knows well. Monky type face, she has. Mitsue, she was called, a mate in her first Brazil visiting team called NIPPAKU in short. She is a kind of idol type charming face, and she has wrincles on front, even in her 20 years. Not nasty. It represents her naughty character a bit, and fits with her face, yes.

  And she remembered that she had them, three on her front, even she was a primary school girl. Old man like. Not acceptable. However, how should I do it?

  Probably, facial expression is a kind of wrincle. By this wincle, she can change her face easily and vividly. Thus, a kind of equipment necessary to her face.

  YUKARI wanted to change her face again, thus, she made a reservation to the clinic, and she wanted to do it in fact, however, she used Clare's name in fact, because it was really expensive for her. And Clare got upset, knowing her wrong attitude. She should do it alone. Why she used my name??? forgery, it is called. And she wanted to be paid by her. She required some to her. Now she wants to change again.

  Accepted by Miyuki, she explained. Versity holder, she is. Thus, she didn't know the system????

  For her actual explanation, versity holders should not do it, thus, she wanted to fake Clare. And did it immediately. And now, she was revealed to be transformer!!!

 How strange habit she has!!! She wants to change again and again. She is forgetful, thus, she wants to repeat again. Alzheimer patient, costive type. Miyuki wants to live far from her, they got to know.

  And Miyuki is reluctant to coexist with this faked family. Even as a periodical stayer, she got involved into a trouble. Owners' daughter called YUKARI is the real crazy thirf, and for her, Miyuki's objects all belong to her only.

  In this situation, why Miyuki wants to stay in this house? Leaving it is the right words for her. She really wants to do so, however, until september, she should chose one of sites as her next stay and reservation of her belongings all in one.

  Her life was chosen by her and Gods of the Universe. Thus, she likes to live like that. A kind of pet, yes. Miyuki does her best, however, she has the limit as a human being. And human beings are not clever unfortunately. However, amusing!!!

  Thus, she really should know the fact. Bad fated sister YUKARI is her fate? Not at all! However, the root of this problem is deep indeed. DDMic society's representative, rural version, she is. And she is the evilest one to someone who knows her well. And she pretends to be honesty in public, and she changes her tone. All bad fates should be burdened by her own families, not by her. She is a cute girl type, forever, because she was mode for playing the role, her belief confirmed.

 A good girl type, she was said when she was in junior high. And she knew well it, and she did it once???? Oh, sorry, not that, but this?????

  Any vague expression means some rotten words for her in this period. Thus, inducing. Morally sexually degraded, Alzheimer patients are, Miyuki knows well. Spiroheta causes the same symptom. Sexually hilarious. Thus, we should face nasty problem of their own sexual problem. Miyuki's way is too too cool. She is a nasty daughter of the owners. Thus, she behaves so arrogant. And she wants to disturb my kitchen work, thus, darely, she stopped her divine job, and comes to wash her right hand's fingers a bit, in the middle of my culinary experience. Why she doesn't wash her dirty hand in the toilet, which was used before her comming here? Why now, abruptly in the middle of my cooking process, she wants to use water? Only impulse mode, entirely, and with ORONAIN ointment smell she left after in the kitchen.

 Her mark, Miyuki gave up, and concentrated on her cooking. Now nasty, however, when I eat in the office, I would not feel any smell, she predicted.

  However, her prediction failed a half. No smell of ointment, however, the lourel leaf smelled like chewing gum again!!!!

  And the soup made by the chicken bones smelled like as the previous bowls with lourel leaves bought in WASHIO, with the brand name of S&B. The same smell. Thus, probably, they used the same leaves. I thraw them into trash. however, they used it to put on BENIMARU's semi-produced pork pieces bought in SHOUWAMACHI shop.

  Oh, WASHIO is BENIMARU, now. And the others, yes. IKKYO only world. NIIGATA, yes. The day before yesterday, Miyuki found a faked big field of SHINETSU Cilicon related company and its dormitory, and ODAKURA school.

  IKKYO believers' site, in NISHIGOU area, she got to know. And renown factories followed yes, PANASONIC, especially. SAGAMU-HAM, like above. More specific strange names, yes. "東京出版機械株式会社!" or Company of Tokyo Publishing Machines???? Printers??? And inducing broad road. however, except some rotten houses, Miyuki couldn't see any newly constructed factories at all, brand-new like the advertisement.

 And big some renoun 福山通運、北栄通運、小林運送、水野機械、also. Big logistic companies with big tracks, and machnery. And inside, vague and abandoned type. Anyway they covered the devastated ex-forest type settings, they took. Immediately, you should occupy the place, the bosses ordered to them, and they did their best, and exposed their own shames, as glories for them all. They wanted to show them to MIYUKI, at the same time, they wanted to kill her.

  Oh, just like the mistery of detestive stories pattern. In Platinum Dormitory, they talked on the strangeness of the pattarn. MORIKO was really interested on this point. "Why they confess their own crimes before being caught?", and Miyuki's presumption was, "Because to explain the correct answer to audience."

  Nasty, however, the fact, they thought. For her, unnecessary to talk type idiot question. however, IKKYO believers are TV affected in depth, thus, they behave like this....Not just for Miyuki's reason. My question is really deep!!! MORIKO shouted!!!

  Claps!!! MORIKO! You are cleverer at this point!!!! Miyuki's superficial way of explanation caused silence sometimes. Why they are so stupid?, was prohibbited words to them all. however, continuously, she says so. And she is not punished at all. Only her kinkiest sister wants to kill her in reality, yes. Thus, they induce the other members of her family to the wrong way, and they are simple minded. Clare deeply sighs at this point. They can't learn at all. No developping type.

  And Miyuki got to know the result. Probably, Clare would like the idea. however, precarious one, yes. And money, prepared for her only, yes, with total accordance with your grand father. And Miyuki should know her limit. Privacy, yes. And she pledges not to write what happen during her sleeping time, in common sense. Of course. Like a secret among them, yes.

  Thus, OK, for her, and the cost. It would be negociated a bit. Not so expensive, considering her situation. She exampled US$10 per month. And it would be too too less for her expectation. Cosy chamber, yes. And not interference so much. Yes. however, monopoly you should not do it, please, Clare!!! And she knows the limit. Her grand mother wants Miyuki her discharge, yes. OK. How much? She didn't reply. OK, I would pay some, yes. A symbolic unit of money. Like a figure of YUKICHI.

  They scolded her because of her thrifty. Not necessary to pay, because she didn't say any before. Not as right, she could require. Just a gesture, Miyuki would do it type money. Thus, a kind of emergency gift.

  And other living cost, she wants to require. Yes. I already said it, and she said, "Wait a minute, I would need to calculate." And I waited. Thus, she has right to say so. And only rational value, I pay. Luxuarious money, she should not require. For example, she should separate her playing money as a kind grand mother faking.

  And for foods, YUKARI using cost should be taken from the calculation. She confused us all, and costive. Necessity means basic. Only basic living cost, OK for them. And until March, of course. We addopted another system since April. I said before, and you have no right to deny it. Thus, you can calculate them all, and show me the calculation with proofs. Not reliable figure's treatment is now required. Before yesterday, reliable one's treatment, yes. however, after knowing their betrayal, I can't afford to pay to the evil doing for you all.

  Clare is also upset for them all. They wanted to fake to earn their money. YUKARI wanted to change her face, and they wanted to earn money, anyway. Thus, Clare's foot injury was used for the sake. YUKARI confirmed her paying even in case of her failure. And she did already. And Alex waited her payment there. Oh, I falied. Already did type expression.

  And now, they should know the fact. They were accustomed to do so. Oh, you did type treatment there. Tiny flat house, with crooked building, with crooked minded figures, with crooked face, in a crooked alley. Just the same like nursery rhyme in Great Britain.

  Miyuki got involved in her treatment, and a victim no.2. YUKARI is dangerous to others. She should do until the end. And she should vanish now again!!!!

  She is a kind of strange figure in the family yes. Every one is strange, anyway. In Japan, it would be called UNIQUENESS, Miyuki thought, and failed. You are unique existance, was negative expression here in Japan. For her, distinctive, talented one, it means, among us. And we indeed think so. She likes to play alone? She started to play the boss on the alter, and did a good job, and she faked a bird!!! They got astonished. Why not?

  And Miyuki ran away from their chasing. She passed over the wall, and vanished, they expressed. A bit nasty guy, she was. however, amusing type, they really think so.

  Thus, we have to behave like her. And Miyuki expects that IKKYO kids climb up the alter, and pretending their kinky bosses!!!

  Her was was the same when she was young doing, like other kids. They always climed up on the alter, and even school master allowed to do so. Natural to play. Her mates were much more active than her. They took advantage of the alter to use for faking house, concealing precariously, making a secret conversation, and playing the singer, wresler, champion, bosses at that time. Heroes, they wanted to be.

  Dirty heroes, some of them turned to be. Rotten apes, by inducing stupid fame fatal with her providing benefit. Mammal animals got ashamed of the fact. They did it????!!! Astonishing for Miyuki and others, especially westerners. A kind of joking? And Miyuki talked on the fact as her astonishing information. Bisiness type existed. My pupils informed me. Nasty, however, at this point, they are reliable sources. And they got upset. Why you didn't rely on us on the other points???

  Suspicious, anyway. She is surrounded by evil existance called IKKYO believers, Alzheimer type only. And they got upset more and more. Why you didn't remember my name??? I paid a lot for it!!!!

  Sometimes, she failed. Ummmm....some....KU...MOTO, yes, that's it!!! KUMAMOTO! And she failed.... And he got upset. OK, you have right to be so. If I were you, also I would be so...

  He would be a substitute of MASAKI, yes. Good guide to KABUKI-SHO searching in Shinjuku. However, KABUKI-SHO vanished already. When I visited in June, 2016, almost all of shops and restaurants were erased entirely. Only several bar like plates were there. And restaurants had no smell of eatable foods.

  Already vanished yes. Thus, they are jobless. And she is also. In this case, why they want Miyuki to continue to do the evilest job in her faculty? And they failed at once. Alex insisted it like her evil Auntie. I decide, and not you, Alex. And probably, her grand mother helped it. For them, Miyuki should be so. And they should know the limit.

  Miyuki should be protected among their family, is the reality. She really knows it. Faked, yes. I am an independent one, however, I can't go out now. Thus, if you are human beings, you should accept to conceal me. And they all sold Miyuki before.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (38)

2017-05-10 06:45:12 | 日記

10/05/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki got up earlier than usual, before 6:00. And she took her petit agricultural job a bit in the courtyard of her father's house, where she stays now as her provisional residence, and took a walk arround the courtyard of Shirakawa III Primary School, beside his house.

 There are a faked family already. 6 ocloc now, and already the voices of kids from there. Strange. The sound was collective type. School starts at 6 ocloc, or KITAROUs' School???

  And she fould the faked family only. At a glance, they pretended to be a family composed with a couple, namely, mother and father, and their two kids. The father wore a blue training wears, and he was taller than averege Japanese, like OOKOSHI, ex-teacher responsible of Alex in his junior high Shirakawa Central days. And then, they sifted to pretend the family composed with three kids with a father. The tall school girl, the faked mother changed immediately. For Miyuki, she changed her hight also. And then, they started to clean up the courtyard, and the father turned to be their teacher, or school property manager!!!

  Oh, that is!!! For them, property management means the boss's work. Thus, "MITSUBISHI Property Management", the top MICCHIKU Company and the faked power holders of Japan was called at that day. And the top of them, Izumi TAMADA forgot the name of the exact company. Ummmm...ex-yankii type old bitch bug type, she was, Miyuki remembers now. Oh, she is the model of femal power holders. Thus they failed with their Alzheimer threatening. She couldn't read either, Miyuki got to know. Why she couldn't read up her name card?, Miyuki got in wonder.

  She was arrogant, violent, and abused the faked power, limited one, and called to the faked police, many times, accusing her by her eletcric use. Miyuki didn't believe it at that time, because her company stole more precious Miyuki's belongings. Why they are so arrogant, at that time, stupid????

  For us, Alzheimer disease means their incapacity in the ruling system. However, for them, the reason of having it. Threatening by mad dog is the most effective, they thought. And they used YUKARI for the sake. And they failed. In public, she is the real chicken. Only for her rival MIYUKI, she is audacious and violent. In the clinic, she was just a dumb like non moving figure.

  Thus, she lost her position again. Mad Dog YUKARI, they called, and she should have protected them all, however, she couldn't, and induced her evil mates to her faking. Thus, they vanished at once. Why YUKARI is here?, Miyuki got in doubt. Anyway, someone is moving in other rooms. YUKARI would be, she thought.

  And she changed her clothings on the corredor of the second floor. The sound came from Alex's room. Then, she soon got out of the house, and walked toward WASHIO. And on the way, she thought, "Just check the clinic, who were prepared for Clare's catch." And she did the job, immediately. And her mother was there, and directed her to do so with her gesture. Without her direction, she did it. And inside, she found Alex and YUKARI, not Clare.

  Why the two were there, instead of Clare, waiting for consulting? And the old nurse looked as if she were the real Alzheimer patient also. And faked patients. Many many patients. Almost all of Shirakawa residents were collected on the clinic like "Full of patients" situation. And the several female faked workers were pretending to work there. Faked patients and faked workers, she confirmed. And faked rooms in the crooked building. Triangle and narrow, from the backward. Not much space, as seen by the front. Crooked alley, yes. Like the song!!!

 And who is the crooked man??? Oh, crooked old ladies!!! Their faked property, the facility is!!! The private road induced her to their feminine OPPABU BABAA like it type cheapish modernized type prefabric houses. Oh, tiny garden! Ideal for the bitches!!!

  And they really got to know that YUKARI wanted to work there as a patient. Thus, she told the story of Alex's part time job, and the Clare's hospitalization. She is just with her crooked ankle, Miyuki thought. Several times per day, she experienced. Easily it crooked. A kind of muscle disfunction, a bit. It passes two weeks after type. Thus, Miyuki was always with these crooked legs and fingers. And other mates, also. Makiko, also. IZUMI-san is more descrete to be so, however, even she, sometimes.

  And now, why they are so noisy to Clare's slight croocked leg???

  YUKARI is totally in disorder, they really recognized it. She made a reservation, she said. And she said, "Now, the system changed. Thus, we need to wait here, until the consulting time starts. " Thus, they were waiting there, and when the consulting time came, her mother should bring Clare to come. Too too stupid order, she did. And they followed, as if they lost their mind.

  Nasty day for them all. Clare is the victim no.1 of yesterday's comedy. And Clare laught at it.

  Miyuki should know how YUKARI is evil. She tried to trap Miyuki again, with total allowance of her faked family. Why her mother induced Miyuki to enter into the clinic? Because YUKARI predicted her arrival. She was there for it. She wanted to play the role of the leader again. Thus, she tried to be a good Auntie for Clare, unnecessarily. And Miyuki turned to be an evil mother abruptly.

  And the mood changed. YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, they really thought so deeply. She lost her name, and said, "My sister is the real Alzheimer patient. My name is YUKARI SATO." Just it. For her, natural. Anyway, she repeated her remarks as always. When she needed to intruduce her, she always said so. Thus, she was revealed her evilness at once.

 Who are you? I am YUKARI SATO, and my sister is the real Alzneimer patient. She said as always, and they started to believe it. And she herself is the real Alzheimer patient. Miyuki is free from the suspition.

  How long Miyuki suffered with her sister? They really thought it. Thus, she couldn't gain the good position in the versity in the world. Always her sister, a reliable source of her health condition responded so. For her, nothing at all. Substantially, the fact for her. And she said the same remarks now at the clinic.

  Oh, you are the real Alzheimer patient, Auntie. Miyuki is free from the doubt, of course. I know it well, however, universally, she was thought as if Alzheimer patient. Intellectually and morally. You are the real one, yes, and hers was, a slight forgetfulness, yes, as others have.

  Why her letters have a lot of mistakes?, was their starting point. Because she is busy, and absorbed in her job, probably, they thought. Doctoral degree holder, she is. However, such a basic mistake? Chinkoro was punished severely by his father. Their system. Chinkoro should correct her errors, anyway. And he suffered a lot. Why she wrote with so much mistakes?, Chinkoro got upset. And she said, "I am a bit forgetful. Sorry, I am not so good at languages as you, Chinkoro! You are good to learn everything so quickly, in a smart way. However, I am doing my best, sorry. This is my best performance. Not so "until to die!", type training, eating well, sleeping well also type, "I do my best" type job, I do. Chinkoro, you should be a sacrifice between the standard of human beings and that of rabbit. Sorry, however, your daddy knows well, and he punished you, probably, in his quick way.

  Thus, rabbit jumping is their punishment. And Chinkoro liked jumping vertically, in their hands grasped eath other. Why Chinkoro jumps so many times with the assistance of Rabby? Some kind of training? Miyuki thought. Jumping rope's lesson, she thought. Not at all! Chinkoro was punished by her errors. One error causes one jumping vertical type.

  STAR of GIANTS, Oh! Rabbit version!!!!

  "HYUMA!", Daddy shouted. "FATHER!!!", the kid cried!!! OKINO almost cried at the story....How impressive!!!!

  Sacrifice, they needed, anyway. Thus, they agreed to do so. For her sake, it is a secret. And now it was revealed. However, sorry, "Nobody is perfect, and I am one of the worst example...Sorry, Chinkoro! You are more smart type. "

  Thus, they got to accept her failures. Human beings are forgetful. "Is she suffering Alzheime disease???!!!!", Chinkoro really thought of it, and he needed to compare with others. And got to understand. These big kinky existance are not beautiful so much, and they like to be called beautiful. And they are not quick at all, however, they like to be thought as if they were quick. Too too arrogant, at the standard of the rabbits. And Miyuki is better than others, anyway. She knows the limit, anyway. And she declares honestly her desires.

  Chinkoro, you should know her well. She makes mistakes so lots. Unintentionally, yes. And you should put up with her situation. She does make her all effort like in that way, OK? And Chinkoro thought, "OK, DADDY, you are right. And she is a kind of strange creature for us. A kind of pet among us. We should accept her reluctance to work more, and appettite oriented life. Delicious, meat is. And chocolate!!!! Chocolate icecream is his best favorite one. Thus, Chinkoro is waiting for the sunshining beautiful day again!!!!

  She would try another one, she declared. US$0.88, she said. Thus, they put the name on the other cup of the icecream. Why they change the package so soon, was Miyuki's question. Time consuming useless change. The previous one was enough for the object. Why they prefer to do work without any necessity???? Just amusing? Why they required us for their instinct oriented hobby????

  The price is for their amusement. This is the fact of IKKYO believers.

  Returning to the faked family on the school courtyard, the father turned to be their teacher. and he vanished, immediately with his black shoulder bag. And the three left.

  Miyuki planned to take a walk outside the courtyard. And the principal gate was closed. Thus she took a walk in the middle, and found the east gate was widely open, rather, entirely open. And two walkers were walking arround there as if they were she. One male wore SARUSHI suits, younger one. And another, walking clothings, old one. Why, in this less populous town, they came to the courtyard?

  Probably, they were three, males role, and females role, the three kids represented. They meet on the school courtyard, and did it there. Thus, the statute of Dr.NOGUCHI had the prevention sanitary gum on his thumb. Oh, before IKKYO prevelent age came type habit, it was!!!

  For them, too too natural. Only OMANKO writers accused the habit as wrongdoings. And Miyuki and her mates believed that they didn't do it in the courtyard. However, they did it. Thus, in IKKYO age, they parked the vehicles there on Saturdays.

  Courtyard for it, Miyuki didn't know it. Courtyard is for playing, Miyuki and her mates thought, and did play there with their kids, especially. However, for them, any difference at all. They slept there also. And they were orphans, anyway. They wanted to sleep, anyway. Thus, they did wrong. And pretended to be school pupils. Their home, in the exact words.

  Oh, big house, they had. And Miyuki changed her mind as always, and entered from the widely opened courtyard, and climbed up on the preaching alter there. And she did her declaration. VANISH! DDMs!!!

  And many birdies came to yell her, and she got to know it, and shaked her hands to them! Some of them agreed it. She stepped down from the alter to the earth, and found a pair of big birds flying on her head. And she starts to fly with them. Oh, big ones!!! Oh, I feel like you, long reaching arms species!!!!

  Courtyard is for it, she really thinks so.

  When she was young and her kids were infants, she could play with them even in the early morning. Some active kids already there with their parents. And they did catching ball play and bar gymnastics. Near the houses type kids did so frequently. And some walkers passed the courtyard, and sometimes they did some gymnastics there. Normal scene for us all.

  And today, the number was almost same. And the situation is totally different. Spooky, crooked activities were done here type nasty thrilled feeling here and there. And why the kids faked doing the cleaning up job? And she found that there were some decorative lines were left as some design of temple, RYUUKOKUJI, or 龍谷寺.

  IZUMI-san chose to visit it, she liked the design. She talked on the temple, however, for her, not attractive. She wanted to watch the finger broken BUDDA's statute praised by the teacher called KANARI or 金成 烈. Oh, romantic! Kyoto versity student broke it, because he wanted to have her. Thus, he broke and stole it. He explained.

  And she recognized that her finger was there. Retouched? Or he lied??? Anyway, the statute was famale like semi-smiling good taste one, yes. however, not so impressive. Lack of punching impression. All Kyoro taste is like the same, she concluded.

  And later, she visited Kyoto for the sake of study conference, and made several trips. And watched the temple, RyUUKOKU-JI. Oh, empty, she was impsessed of the quiet vacancy. yes, good for meditation. However, for living, I prefer NINA-JI or 仁和寺. She talked her impressions to Marcelo, and they sat there. She was thinking, If I live here....

  She is like that. Good choice to live here. The garden is also meditating type, however, not so closed only self concentrate one. Clean or cozy, we could say. however, it fits with other more kind affectionate communication. Friends would like this garden, and it would be praised by the good taste type likable residencial temple, it was.

  Oh, Kenkou YOSHIDA, you did know it!!! Residencial type OPPABU or Testacles Host Club there. Thus, he refered to it several times in his interesting amusing essays. Oh, thus, we liked it!!!

  For her, some pleasure to think, "If I live here in the near future..." in big palaces, temples, museums, and so on. Big facilities induce her to think so. and they took advantage of it. She is megalomaniac, thus, why we not?

  And they made lots of unnessesary buildings, and got criticised by their bad taste. Rural not artistic type, with bad taste. Artistic Alzheimer, they suffer from, presumably.

  Grotesque, we all think so. However, for them, sufficient. And they want more. Enhanced mode type survived because of their persistent audacious arrogance. Beyond the limit until their own vanishing type.

  And they failed again and again, and other IKKYO believers turned to be them. The same pattern of devastation of forest.

  Now, SAKE is a kind of Academic Course in NIIGATA versity. As a subject, yes, of course type project. However, "I am graduate of the course of specialists SAKE. I want to have a job in this field." is truly possible? Only for few, yes. They would be the kids of the SAKE producing companies. Why the course is so narrowly interested, and the faculties of Economics and Agriculture would say yes to the project???? SAKE only world they prefer. Mono-Maniac, they should be called.

  Yes, NIIGATA is famous for SAKE production. And now, public versity would open the SAKE only business faculty. Versity was already replaced by the industrial maniacs.

  Thus they failed. They wanted to do so, however, someone would deny the project, they got freightened. For them, objection was disliked. IDIOCRACY, they adopted. Once one offers the idea, they should follow and support it, anyway type behavours they took.

  And YUKARI declared to do so in her house. And they should participate in the house. We are family, she said. And she excluded the nastiest ones. For her, now, the family means she, Alex and her mother.

  They are eternally hers, she thinks so. And she got a big failure yesterday. Anyway, I am younger than you, mother. And I am younger as always. Thus, my brain functions better than you, thus, you should obey our order, she said. She subjectively believes so yes. And she doesn't know her limit yes. For her sake, they were exposed to the dangerous situation. Poor messy families came to beg money here, and pretended to be patients, avoiding to be contempted by others, YUKARI imaged. And they thought like that. Who is the messiest? YUKARI is. She is the center of the contemptious laughing. Her hair is for it, Miyuki really think so.

  Why you took off your hat inside the hospital? With it, you would not have been recognized as Alzheimer patient, Alex recommended her. And she forgot it. And highly contemted time he passed with her. You should do so anyway, was her reply. Without any reason. I am superior to you, mother and Alex. She always says so. And they don't believe so. However, they behaved like that.

  Innner DDMs, we should punch out! Thus, Miyuki and Clare crashed against them. Too too nasty three old ladies. All Alzheimer army they are! Miyuki spoke loud in her office to the boss. Indeed. They are the same, as usual. And they are in danger because of it.

 Always, they don't understand the situation, and follow YUKARI's erroneous instruction. Nasty, after recognizing the big error. And forget soon. And they make a lot of trouble with their strange kinkiest conducts caused by instinct or impulse.

  And they failed. They were in the middle, Alex and her grand mother. Not promissive type. Gods of Justice always try to make them learn, however fail always type.

  thus, they should be punished severely. They should igonore YUKARI. however, they prefer passing time with her. This is their life, time consumption, they prefer, and disastrous for us all!!!!

  Some kind of IKKYO sympathisers, they are. Clare already did know their character. The same. Indulged and inferior complex type. Anyway, I am superior to you, type. Ignorance is the best way to avoid their jealousy. In collectiveness, they are strong, among their stupid squad. And alone, they pretend to be superior. Arrogance, yes. Thus, they should regret deeply. And they avoid to care their mind. Thus, they got worse. And they should be punished severely again and again.

  Ignorance makes the situation worse, Miyuki's Auntie adviced. however, we should avoid the worse result. Alex is prepared for the moment to atack her immediately, Miyuki felt. And her grand mother wanted to see the situation, just for showing up her tryanmph as mother. and Miyuki denied her "moternity belief" instantly. Anti-scientific, you are. Your religion. I, as a scholar, don't want to adopt your kinkiest theory. And she failed. And the rest, just claiming. Accusation, in her case. Because she has an informant system. She can call to the police, as she likes type attitude here and there. Thus, Miyuki should obey her kinkiest request, as her predilection. And she made her effort, as a provisional stayer. And now, disliked he, as before. She couldn't learn to respect others at all. Mission confirmed. She wanted to pretend to her superior again and again, and she failed, always she wanted to call other authorities. her failure. Always dependent position she is. Thus, she is desqualified as Miyuki's boss. And Miyuki should know the system. Her kindly offer her chamber, however, she used it as her monitoring system. and she watched her well. however, her classification is skewed as always. For her, BLA-BLA-BLA is better than productive silence. Thus she failes, and she can't learn any more type.

  She tried, and failed again. Fatal, sometimes. Always YUKARI is her preference, because YUKARI is always intellectually inferior to her. Stupid girl, thus she liked her. Always YUKARI and Alex are her inferiors type audacious attitude here and there.

  Ignorance is the best policy would be applied to her again. Quartet MARC decided. And she does as much as possible. Yes, no, thanks, good morning. Only several words are sufficient for them all. They can't learn anything at all type.

  And now, Miyuki goes pragmatic. she is going to the kitchen. And preparing her own special breakfast!!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Inner DDMs, also!!!!

  We should gain our productive lives!!!!

  See you later, my friends!!!!!

  With BIG LOVE, from MARC!!!!