Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (47)

2017-05-11 22:44:24 | 日記

 Miyuki came back here now, after her declicious Chicken Paella, the easiest type, with shreddee fried AINU leek.

 She really thought that Carli type is suitable for teacher, especially scientific area. Field study type leader for others. She played tennis, thus, she turned to be a fried sausage face!!!

  And now, more slightest way, Miyuki's face is the same situation. Clare said to her on it, and she totally agreed.

  For my mother's degradation process ended up on the usege of the vegitables brought by my father. He washed up them all to cook easily, however, my mother igonored the existance. Miyuki explained how to cook it, however, she continued to ignore the leek. Why she is so reluctant to do anything so much? And Miyuki got to know that when she failed, she got arrogant.

  Today, she made a big mistake, probably. Thus, she is so nasty to others, including me. And she dared to say me, "You should consider others! You are lacking of consideration." Oh, you are, mother, Miyuki really thought so. And she failed again.

 she induced Alex by her cheapest way, that is, cookies, bought at Supermarkets type. And Alex is a kind of indulged boy for her. She wanted to tame him. And Alex is a quick type, and both old ladies are too too slow to him, yes.

  And he induces them as usual. They are twins, Miyuki got to know the fenomenum. The same type, they are! And the attitude is the same. Petit version of YUKARI, her mother is, yes. And the same hole, they should be burried, probably.

  for them three, Miyuki's life is nothing. Just an object of insurance now. And Miyuki is not knowing her system at all. All day nothing indulged type.

  She already said to others that she is not my type, and if we were classmates, I would have ignored her totally because she is so slow, pretending to be quick, and ugly, and old fashioned, and nasty. however, I was born from her, thus, she thought that she were superior to me.

  She combined with YUKARI, already. They can replace each other. And they changed their role, sometimes. And their rough way of throwing trash or scoop on the bin! how impolite, Miyuki got astonished! And now, they changed the role again. They really want to kill Miyuki again. Anyway, she is nasty is their saying. And they are Alzheimer already confirmed type. They lost their memory, yes. And her mother is one of the evilest one. Cooking not at all type. Awkwardly, she did, however, she disliked it. Indulged kids type, yes. And she insists her share, again and again.

 Now, her mother is a kind of YUKARI, yes. Thus, they should vanish now. Unfortunately, this is the reality. Why my mother is so nasty today, was Miyuki's question. They failed the day before yesterday. And yesterday, Miyuki catching game again. And today, there was no man in the town. Almost all of the town streets, no one was walking arround. Less less populous, the town gets.

  And Miyuki remembered the situation of Miyuki catch in MARUNOUCHI, one day before it, she returned to Shirakawa to rent his father's Jimny, and YUKARI listened to the conversation with me, and my father was watching his phone almost all the time, and then, my mother appeared to say me that my clothings were childish, and I should get fat, according to her standard. Why she went to the side of enemy, Miyuki got in wonder.

  And they were caught because of it. They were also prisoners, thus, they couldn't get out so frequently. Thus, they didn't say the reason of the system change. forever concealing the fact type strategy, they are trying to maintain in front of Miyuki. And Miyuki recognized her mother's excessive jealously. They are twins, Miyuki felt now. Kinder soft type ended up, and now, rough Devil boot camp leader type, her mother is now. She uses male like expression in this mood. Yuri KIMURA was their model, should be. Kyorin like attitude here and there, and Miyuki disliked all.

  And Clare suffered a lot because of it. She pretended to be a good girl, even in the house, now, under the control of her father. They decide to do so, thus, he should obey type indulged way, she criticised him. And he confessed that he was one of the team leader of Miyuki's catch.

 Oh, U2?, and the reply was yes. And they really thought that they were rightous ones.

  Thus, we had change our mind to shift as fast as possible. To other planet????

  Then they failed. Miyuki likes to imagine, and likes always to find some symbolic significance. And we are feeble-minded, she agreed. Thus, DDMs failed. They thought that we were feeble-minded, and they were superior to us all. Totally contrary to our understanding. My mother also participated in it. and now, they were all in custody.

  Each day, one by one, was the order. Today, YUKARI got up early and started her preparation job. YUKARI only did the lunch arrangement for her 15 years Domestic experience, probably. Childish, and not necessary for us all. They should repeat how they lived until now. And Miyuki really thought that her mother didn't do anything productive.

  DDMic ideal type, she was. She wanted to be urban type, however, rural type she was obliged to be.

  And she ignored the message of her mother in law. They didn't get along with each other, yes. And the daughters of her, namely of my grand mother, criticised her at the point. Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. Probably, in the middle, she thought. Her mother didn't recognize the fainted mother in law's voice. "HARUMI!, HARUMI!", she repeated to say her name. And Miyuki got to realize the fact. They did it, yes. Oh, did they????

  And they failed. Miyuki is always neutral on the fact finding situation. At least, she is out of mind type expression here and there. And now, Miyuki is the really the object of their catching game. Why now???

  And they failed again. They want to threaten her as much as possible. And the black clouds, not so cold type, are on the sky. They can forge Miyuki's letters easily. And they did it as usual. And they didn't feel sorry to do so at all. Always, they were new to this crime. They failed again and again, and forgot the importance of the signiture.

  Thus they failed. For us, personality is so much important. however, for them, DDMs, not at all. They can change the personality at once. And they can ask other's help easily. Thus, they have sympathy system.

  Alex is a toy for the two, and he behaves like that. This is a job for him, cookie getting job, he does, or apple polishing business. And they were trapped easily. Just inducing words are enough for him. And her grand mother is no such a promissive type, yes. Just indulgence, she provides now. She is reluctant to educate him, and this is not her job, and likes to pretend to be so. Her boss like attitude changes abruptly when Alex approached her. Indulged boy he was, and now, he is in good mood.

  "Where is YUKARI?" He asked on it, immediately he came back from business school. And her grand mother's reply was, "She is out now." and kept silent. Why YUKARI is so delay, was not continued. He passed through Miyuki, folding her clothings in the corredor on the second floor. And Miyuki felt happy, knowing YUKARI's absence. "Oh, she is out even now, at 20:00." And now, Alex is bathing, singing a song.

  Probably he found some KARAOKE house near the school. And he didn't say the fact to the two old girls. And after arriving at the house, YUKARI went directly into her chamber, and soon after, she appeared in the kitchen just to disturb Miyuki's job. And then, immediately, she went to Alex's room, and he politely refused her entrance. She had to come back to her chamber again.

  YUKARI was late as always, her mother thought. however, she should conceal the fact. YUKARI is wandering the town, and would be picked up by taxi, as always. She has the tickets, probably. For Alzheimer patients only type privileged ones. And they wanted to use it???

  Only Alex wanted to use it. Thus, he challenged to be given to him by YUKARI. however, she lost it again. Thus, now, she should go to hospital by foot. and it would be a good exercise for her, yes.

  Oh, now Miyuki has to stop writing, she got to sleep here.


  You are too crazy! Stupid! And arrogant!!!

  See you soon tomorrow morning. Bye for now!!!

  From MARC, with BIG LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (46)

2017-05-11 20:15:57 | 日記

11/05/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki went to buy a package of sugar for her sweets paradice project. Japanese and Western, both. yes, she sometimes buys cheapish snacks also, for her comparison or her gift or so. Anyway, US$0.3 Italian snacks, with olegano and olive oil taste, are good for their tasting training, she indeed thought so, and bought to them, per each, at GYOUMU Supermarket. And there a package of suger of 1 kg was US$1.88. Too expensive, and felt strange. And today, a package of strawberry costs US$3, instead of US$2. Why they wanted to sell more expensive, when I thought of to use them as ingredients? Another proof of neuro marketing, in their evil negative way.

  She should buy the sugar for her training. And her mother has a lot of stock. Thus, she politely asked her to sell one package for her, at US$1.5 per each. Her mother said she paid US$1, and Miyuki suggested that at Supermarket, it costs almost US$2, thus she said like above.

  However, she refused to receive the money, saying, "You could consume it as you like, without paying. " Thus, she thanked and wanted to use it for her bean stewing job. However, her mother abruptly said to her, "Thus, you should allow to be used every your holdings by us all." Thus, immediately, Miyuki expressed her real intention, saying, "Thus, I will refuse your kind offer. I will not use any of your foods any more, forever!", politely, and her mother asked her, "Why?", thus Miyuki replied, "Because I don't want to be used any of my products by you, at all!" also in a polite way. And her mother got extremely upset, and accused her to put off the light in front of the frege. Miyuki felt so nasty, however, she appologized so politely. Oh, now, she is recording my voices, instead of YUKARI, because she was out in the afternoon!!!

  Nasty feeling all in the afternoon, and Miyuki didn't want to go back early home. Thus, as yesterday, she walked arround the town whole. No man's land, at all! Just cars were passing with high speed, after her.

  Oh, they sold me. Why now?, Miyuki really thought so. And she claimed on her mother's weak points in every detailed field.

  And she got to know that thus she shrank. She was 156 cm at hight, and now, less than 150 cm. Like YUKARI. When they abused the system, their hight shrank, Miyuki thought of it. And Clare is now feeling really good. Miyuki took her revenge against her nasty grand mother. She really wanted to go out of the kinkiest clinic, however, her grand mother stopped doing so, saying, "Your evil mother like figure obliged you to stay here. Thus, you should stay here. " Are you?, Really?, Clare wanted to cry, and the medical doctore declared her to put the bandage only. Why I had to spend the time to do these strange faking?, and she asked Miyuki directly on the matter. "I wanted to participated in the gymnastic class, however our teacher prohibitted to do so, however, it threatened me to reduce the grade because of my accident.How do you think?" And Miyuki's replay was, "I was never absent with such a slight injury at all! I am not good at gymnastics, however, for us all, slightest injury was a casual happening, and my mates also weren't absent at all!" And she said, "the teacher is really slightly feeble-minded, because he should have deal with the matter without any demerit for injured pupils. he would not have any good legal sense. And you can decide you participate in the class or not. Slight injury, it would be cured within 2 weeks type. As you like, type, tiny accident. " And Miyuki got a perfect point from them all!!!!

  She remembered our system, they yelled!!! Rough, however, not so bad as actual one, they really thought.

  And she found that thus, her mother shrank. She wanted to be quick, and failed. She was revealed too nasty jealous DDM by Miyuki today. Oh, U2!, type slight recognition by her. And she really thought that she was reluctant to cook, and prefered making a conversation with YUKARI, and watched TV recently. DDMic life itself.

  Clare got to know it earlier. Main house residents are reluctant stayers in the universe. They could fake how to enjoy their life only a bit, however, soon, they go back to their casual mode, that is, sleeping, chatting, watching TV, and trapping others for their own sake.

  Today, YUKARI should go to hospital. Why everyday, they go to hospital? Clare recognized it, and said to Miyuki. "Oh, we should do so. We are obliged to do so anyway. " And Miyuki recognized that they were too too old to live in the new world.

 At least, her father was free from the routine. He disliked it, however, they forced him to do so, and he should do so, instead of Clare. Everyday, they should go to hospital, was NARUI's policy, and now, YUKARI remembered it abruptly, and she started to do so again. And they were involved to do so. And Miyuki didn't know the system, and disliked the way of life. She said clarely, "I know the evilest abuses. They sold their spirits already. They gain from insurance, killing their precious jewels like kids and parents. I hate such kind of evil life. They are anthi-humanistic existance. Non human beings, anyway!"

 And Clare got to know that Miyuki is free from her insurance problem at all. And said to her, "I know some semi-blooded. They are beautiful. I will bring a magazine!", and she ran to pick up the book, and they watched them, and Miyuki liked her eyes. Brown and green, smoky one. And remembered her ex-mate in her high school days. A quater, and her mother was a model, rarerer than these days, and she had such a kind of eyes. A bit more brown, however, sometimes her eyes seemed like these, she refered to her old friend, and remembered her face. Pretty, yes. A bit dirk skin type. And with big eyes with this colour. Really beautiful like jewels, Miyuki got impressed, thus, she said, "Oh, your eyes are so beautiful!", with sturned voice. She is really like that. If she gets astonished, she expressed it spontaneously. Sorry, Carli, your face turned to be a fried sausage!!!, she spontaneously said, with surprised eyes. On Fryday, Carli was common skin, and after passing the weekend, she appeared with such a sausage face!!! Miyuki got really impressed, and said like a "couldn't put up with not saying" type tone... Sorry, however...

  She says too too straight, and BINGO!, immediately. Carli, now she named her ex-mate. She was a kind of all round player, with more explosive energy type with laughing smile anytine. cheerful guy type. A bit noisy, yes. And they got along with each other, however, Miyuki quitted to get along with her, abruptly.

  For her, sometimes happens. Why?, she herself, wondered a bit, and recently she got to know that a kind of jealousy, probably, she really felt it. Not on the point, but more ability or positive explosive power, or her way of "OKOK, I have a lot of time of spare" impression, probably. She is more teacher oriented type. Good natured, and well knew on the nature, especially Fauna and Flora. She taught Miyuki which is YADORIGUI or parasite plant, when they did a visit on AIZU, 5 coloured lake. Artificial! She thought, because they are blue and green, like jewels. And her mates denied it. They are made of some mineral melted material included water, thus they have such colours. And they failed. Oh, U2! type impression she had, also.

  And Carli liked biology deeply. And she asked, "A thread of hair is cell?" and their professor's reply was vague. Even now, for Miyuki, it is a question. Carli was like that, and a bit resembled with Clare and IZUMI-san. The latter two were more descrete type, and Carli is more blaff type. However, the same multiple player type.

  And they failed again and again. They were trapped many times, by their own families. For the sake of insurance!!!

  Terrible system, Miyuki really thinks so. And they didn't prefer to enter into it. Thus, the same trapping. It was called 学倍保、or GAKUBAI insurance. Thus, they exist. They, schools. Thus, vanish! All of them, immediately for now!!!!

  And they vanished. And appeared again in the worst version.

  Today, Miyuki came back at 19:30 home. And 30 minute after, YUKARI arrived. Why sometimes after my long walk, she appeared after 30 minutes or so???

  And they did her following jobs, just to prove her insanity now. Miyuki wouldn't believe such an evil situation at all, however, they were the same, now Miyuki recognized it.

  Her mother's treatment to her is always strange. She changed the system followed by YUKARI's advice, and didn't notice to others, and just said, "The system changed now. You should follow the new one." And they followed. And abruptly, another change, without no explanation like YUKARI's system change. Always they changed the system, and they want to have money to buy a house in Tokyo. Oh, I thought that it were their illusion!!!

  And they all failed. Miyuki thought that her mother were kind to others yes. Only one her strongpoint. She is ugly in appearance, not intelligent, instinctive oriented type, and want to be a boss to others. The slight version of YUKARI.

  Thus they failed. And Miyuki is too too right to say so. She shrank because of it. Shrinkage maens that it is morally degraded.

  And she was just a DDM now for her. Anyway, you lost, Alex! And Miyuki thanked at their participation into her life. They sold their spirit already. Thus, they are so cold-hearted in the most difficult time of her. Miyuki should be a patient for her whole life, they decided, and they declared that Miyuki is the evilest serial killers of ther own army.

  For them, the world was so ugly and nasty, they really thought. And now, Miyuki should know the fact. They failed a lot, and now, they continue to record the other's voice, again and again. Their jobs, probably. Thus, IKKYO believers, they are. They did pledge at the moment, and they sold their spirits, yes. And pretended to be a kind existance to others.

  This is the real life, Miyuki. And Miyuki did know well on their system. Thus, they should be punished now. And they are vanishing, a bit a bit.

  Shrinkage, they prefered. And for them, anything at all. they really wanted to be tiny. And they could be so. They are fragile, and we are safe now, any more with such a killing system!!!!

  And laughing at all!!! They did so to threaten her consciousness, and she put up with the torture. Oh, is it? A kind of amusement for MIYUKI!!! If my family were so evil... type supposition, here and there. And they got nasty, and Miyuki got upset yes. And only she could amuse the nasty story. Even if it were true, DDMs should be punished harshly, including vanishing penalty. Or, we are not safe at all! And if so, they deserve to vanishing. Why not? Even any relative or family or closest friend, sometimes fails. And only for the evil existance, our beautiful universe should be devastated?? Not at all! All DDMs are equally evil cruel cold hearted existance. And who decides their way is not I, but Gods of Justice. I am free from this sobstory process at all in reality. Just thinking of in case of the worst plot. And the reply is the same. Even though they seem so kind, sometimes, people fail. And turn to be evil existance. Thus, anybody, including me, is not out of the ordial. Thus, as I wrote before, "Equality under the Law" should be.

  And many of them failed at this point. She already prepared at this point. She, 2 years ago, asked her dearest son, which do you prefer, fair competition, or nepotism? And Alex's reply was the latter. Oh, Keio related life, you chose, Alex. I respect your reply, however, it costs so heavily. I prefer the former, and I hope you would regret your wrong answer and changed your mind.

  And now, she doesn't know how Alex thinks on this matter. She is too too cool in this point. Abnormally, ADACHI got astonished!!! how audacious she is!! Her own family is in the ordial now. however, she is free from ocupation, and started to criticise her mother, yes.

  And Miyuki should know her limit. Every one is not perfect. And Miyuki's critics are so harsh for her, anyway. And she is right as always, and she criticises her yes. Thus, they liked Miyuki. Anyway, Miyuki prefers being clean at this point. Nepotism is not for others, however, good for us, was common reply, as we know well. However, her reply is, nepotism is worse especially for the related people, and for us all!!! For her own kids, nepotism should be vanishing, Miyuki really thinks so. Why so cold, they asked several times. And for Miyuki, not cold, but kind or nice type system, fainess world adopts.

  Why worse? Because they get morally indulged more and turn to be DDMs finally. A kind of competition system, however, not so mechanical type. More flexible pattern would be better for us. And we can change information each other, and put the suitable one to the right place. Effective, and amusing.

  伯楽、or HAKURAKU, was his name, who was famous for his star horse finding job. And Miyuki thinks that she is a kind of it. Personality consultant, she is, they really think so. She is not so geneous type, however, she combines well, all other Quartet member wispers. And they made another team. Tackling inside DDMs. And for Miyuki, cleaning desk business. Too too nasty room, Miyuki lived, yes. However, she has lots of objects in a small space, and lack of time, also. Now, even in her tiny space, she can't put them away, anyway. Clare tried to change her mind to be more abandoning type, however, Miyuki couldn't. She is not good at this point. Too too affectionate to objects type. And in her case, the objects respond. She knows well it since she was an infant. Affectionate objects left on her. And they failed. Miyuki couldn't abandon her objects at all. Every bit of her memory, she doesn't want to lose. And her memory is a bit more normal than before.

  Sometimes, they concealed the words, and Miyuki should look for them spending much time. And for them, a kind of amusement, and they could do it by wi-fi use. Probably, they did so, thus, they vanished, she really thought.

  She cried not to do so, and told frankly that the figures which did so would vanish immediately. And they did so, thus, they vanished. This is the rule. Explosive, they thought, and Miyuki should walk hard to do so. however, walking is a good exercise, and she could see splended Jacob's ladders from the black MONOLIS like clouds. Various angled ones. And the MONOLIS again, Miyuki really thought. Strange spooky dark clouds at first, on east, and then, on west. And the temperature was not so low, however she felt so cold. MONOLIS, she thought, and got to know that MONOLIS is composed by their own residents or people. A planet filled with only muck, ADACHI wispered, and she totally agreed. Thus, they constructed MONOLIS again, and the blue impulses were for the sake.

  Why they went exactly downward, as she points?, was IKKYO kids' question. Because they have a pattern. From south to north, describing a round curve, like a half circle. HughStone, the name of NASA rocket's base. The sound is too too similar to Japanese sound ONOMATOPE of flying and dropping from the top to the bottom, Hyu-suton. ⇓

 Thus they failed. They wanted to hold a TERRA DEATH or 寺です or "I am going to the temple" in the sound in Japanese.

  They had no skill at all. Just mesmarization. And for them, faking is the enough job. And there were prevelent number of DDMs yes.

  And now, Miyuki will eat her light supper. Shes should nurish, anyway!!!


  See you soon, all of our friends!!

  Big LOVE from Quartet MARC!!!!! 

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (45)

2017-05-11 15:26:34 | 日記

 What is the best culture of your own country?, someone asks so, supposedly, she is prepared to respond, "Bathing Culture! Only one recommendable habit in the evilest Goddamnit country." And now, she adds in a small voice, "And my home made Japanese sweets, honey!"

  Chinkoro likes Chocolate, however, red beans are new flavour for him. And she found bigger type with the cheapest cost. Now, she should check the name of the production. HOKKAIDO, it is said. However, probably, the packaged is a bit not transparent, thus, it is cheap, she thinks. Thus, she would try to cook, and sometimes, it would be revealed just soy beans reddished type...Oh, are they? OK, another mistake. Black beans had the same type of trap. And she bought two packages, how audacious she was!!! Anyway, at a glance, different from soy beans. And too big as soy beans. more like INGEN, and they are expensive also these days. Not so much promissive, however, at least, I hope I would not lose at the bit.

  Thus, bathing habit is good in health and mind, especially, beyond in body. And she likes to brush her entire body with the plastic made brush. She used natural products before, however, they were rotten after several years of use. And now, she used plastic type, and it is better than the formers. Sometimes happens. Leather is also. Artificial one is better to use, and the real lether is fashionable.

  And her mother is easily mesmarised by inducing advertisement now, she got to know watching the faked leather bags. And she didn't say the fact, because she chose them by her preference. Unfortunately, you were trapped yes. However, I don't pretend not to notice it.

  thus she gains the success. They liked her because of her clever quick mind, and now, more kinder than before, however, at the same time, they both, of course Miyuki, are not suitable here, the all agree.

  For her, precarious staying, and for them, this is their place. Yes, their place. And Miyuki wanted to get out to investigate her suitable place. And they really understand that she is not satisfied with the situation at all. Naturally. Why I should sleep in the same chamber of my mother? She wants to control me. Everyone has their own chamber, and I was under her controle, or the faked superior's. Thus, they failed at all. Provisional measure, she thought, yes. And she wants to leave here as soon as possible, if she can. This is not a place to stay more. She already heard the sound of moving. Tick-tick type light foot type stepping from the ceiling. Mouse like creature, or spallows!!! They call us, probably. And now, where is her problem. Safe place, and no anti-constitutional evil place any more!!! She dislikes cruel treatment yes. Thus, soft?, of course not at all!!!

  And now, we should know the fact. They should notice the fact. Kyorin Versity is fallen, anyway, already. And they faked her salary because they wanted to gain some faked tax. Oh, why they didn't do in more direct way????

  For Miyuki, laughing joke, and for the rest of us all, serious problem. Why? A route to be compensated totally from INFERNO they exist and should be gone to. And they really think that she is marvelouslly quick, and the quartet is the same type. Oh, of course, yes. They are crazy, thus they can't use the words exactly. For us, just a bit of compensation received under the name of Miyuki, and Miyuki would be more compensated entirely until the last bit yes, and they call it salary. They can't learn at all, and they can't change even the letter at all.

  At least, we should eat, and the foods are obtained by way of producing system and trading one. And logistics. And now all of the supermarkets failed and occupied under IKKYO IDIOCRACY. Thus, we are forced to pay, unnecessarily to them, IKKYO related. Nasty, however, until we establish the next better system, we should continue to pay it, or, the same error happened again. And Miyuki is obliged to feel nasty when she thinks negatively.

  However, she should find the facts, yes. And now, her leaving time, yes. She is going to buy something!!! Just a walk, and where? Sercret!!!! ShEEEEEEE!!!!!

  Wispering is more impressive, was her new discovery. Only soprano is better to them. Clare did know it well, and Alex used it frequently. And Miyuki would know her limit. Hunger!!!! After some light meal, she will leave!!!!

  Anyway, she is working. Not just spending time in a chamber, they said. And they continued to sleep. And she got asonished it's sneaking entering, thus, she got up earlier and confirmed that it is YUKARI.

  And neighbours also got up early this morning, and she met her father in the door. At the door happening day for her!!! Why? Oh, another boyfriend!!!??? Or,friends???!!!

  They claimed her naming. Boyfriend? I? Female...Oh, friend...OK, OK, Oh, my love is ended immediately....

  She fails repeatedly, because she is the type, "If you shoot as much as possible, you would gain as much as possible." Thus, they failed. If she were YUKARI, they would have been saved type sobstories here and there. Love romance...Oh, faked couples!!!

  And she watched the exact scene of the bitches' arrival in the center of the town. UNITE, the night club is called. They were young Korean type with whiter face. Oh, slender legs, they have yes, however, their fashion was out of date type hot pants looking. And she sang in a soft voice, "Bitch, Bitch, Shabu-Shabu-, Ran-Ran-Ran!"

 And she really felt superiority complex, as usual, when she passed a girl with similar fashion of Miyuki in SHIROIWA-NO-NIWA 白岩の庭 actually, ex-TSUKIYOMI-NO-NIWA 月読の庭.

 The boss was changed, probably, and "his reign was ended before it began♬♬” Frank again!!!

   They did things too late, thus confusion and laughing stories here and there. Why now the poles of trafic signals were replaced from iron to cement ones or faked iron square type???? Miyuki recognized it yes. And 野村屋 or Flat type soft filling Japanese style big cookie shop sold the exact machine of producing the only one selling product called 今川焼 or IMAGAWA-YAKI or 大判焼 or OOBAN-YAKI. Oh, just faking, they did, they confessed easily.

  And she found a closed shop in MOTOMACHI with a evident plate of "We closed the shop. Thank you for your kindness" type dying message, half opened the front glass windows, and the faked farmaceutical clerk was warking inside the shop, already closed, posing as if it were open. She took a picture to prove his existance far from window, however, probably, he would be recognizable at least his existance as a clerk of farmacy.

  Why they want to continue to play the badly made gag like game?, she laught at it. And Clare thought indeed.

YUKARI was the evilest for us all, however, her parents want to conceal the fact under the name of her idiocracy. Not at all! They want to gain from her idiocracy. They want to be superior to you, Miyuki. Why now? I am superior in some special parts, of course. I worked for some versities for more thatn 30 years. I have an academic careers, and life career also.

  And they failed in reality. They wanted her to put into the hospital, because of her audacious accusation to put YUKARI into some special facility. And they were persuaded now. YUKARI is unusually high, they thought today, and Miyuki wispered to take care of her behaviour. And YUKARI is sleep now. It means that she wanted to smoke again.

  She repeated the same pattern, and put her own jouornal, with a lot of goddamnit words toward others, of course. And Miyuki took advantage of it. Miyuki did it earlier than her. She always wispered after taking her medicine called COCAIN to do so, and they got trapped to protect their grand kids. And failed ever and ever. Miyuki did behave right, totally. She disliked to be a good girl type, however, she should do it. Anyway, I want to live type appeal here and there.

 They wanted to sacrifice Miyuki to YUKARI. Both are evil to them. YUKARI, a cruel serial killer, and Miyuki, the same. For them, both are equal, unfortunately. They should know the fact, the kids themselves awoke the old guys. Which is kinder for you two today? And they were trapped. YUKARI did only put some ready made product into the lunch boxes for them two. Oh, you bring the same lunch as usual. Why your nasty Auntie is insisting to put the product into the lunch boxes??? They all did know well their situation. They can cook, Miyuki said, however, they ignored the fact intentionally. She praised their way of life, yes. Anyway, they managed the situation, harsh one, they had each.

  And Miyuki took advantage of the detective job, and collect the trash from the bins in the office, and put it in the big bucket, and wispered her mother that I collected it already. And asked her if she could wash her clothings today. And she said, probably yes, if YUKARI allows it...

  Why YUKARI? Miyuki realised the fact. YUKARI wanted to replace them both, and she couldn't. Thus asked her mates to do so at the money of her own. And they did the job instead of her, with stealing jobs. IKKYO life, she spent here, and her parents are relly in terrified by her enhanced mode. Today she got up early in the morning, it meant her enhanced mode yes, and Miyuki got to know that sneaking approach was her enhanced mode, yes. Thus she did her good jobs. Preparing her own meal, avoiding to be disturbing other's preparation, using the roaster, and strawberry. Her choice. And took a bottle of water in a blue bottle. She prepared to work now type swift attitude yes. And she asked to allow to put a lock on the shelves room, asking using the old lock, used one for it. Why he didn't recognize the danger inside the house, they all thought in reality. YUKARI stole, yes. However, how protect from her repeated atacking? Double lock system doesn't function now. And she sneaked to enter into her mother's chamber to do her stealing job, yes, Miyuki did know well.

  And only locking is enough for us all, she said. And she offered to put it by herself, however, she went to cook her meal. For her, locking immediately is most protective, however, she should eat anyway attitude as always. OK, for us two. Just check to be able to use it or no, and she confirmed and handed the genuine key to her superior, or the owner of this house. And she begged to keep one, new one, for her to open the tresure room for her. Thus she gained their reliance again and again. Miyuki is a reluctant worker, they thought indeed. She likes walking arround outside yes, however, to where? And she reported correctly before. And after the YUKARI's disastrous failure, she doesn't behave not to kind to them.

  Miyuki is upset to you all, Clare warned. And she is not YUKARI. She is better than you two!!! Clare cried for being hospitalized one night in the clinic illegally. Oh, U2????

  They should be punished, Clare did feel deeply. Her grand mother couldn't give up her dream to cure her evil daughter's disease. Alzheimer, she was declared. And her mother got upset at Miyuki's audacious attitude. She is right totally, however like expression, here and there.

  At this important moment? And Clare got a big success to all of the family. Only a crooked muscle, I should stay here in this kinky clinic? This is not suitable for hispitalization. And I am not your dependent, grand father. I am Miyuki's one. And she respects all of my privacy anyway. For us all, it is enough.

  In this house, only two would servive, Clare, really thought. They are the same. Inventionists all of them. Peeping Tom, they are at this point. And they feiled again.

  for Miyuki, we are in the new world, and Clare is the same. however, for them, 3, we are under the total control of IDIOCRACY. Thus, they respect YUKARI's nasty remarks so much. Anyway they are chikens. And they didn't know how to protect us, body and soul from YUKARI's repeated attackings.

  She is totally right, however type excuses here and there. They are DDMs, also. Assisting type. IKKYO believers would thank so much to them.

  Thus they should vanish now!!! They were brave under the some point, however, now, chikens. Today, Miyuki behaved well, however, she clarely said, I want to get out of here, indeed. They wanted her to go out. And Clare really wants to do it now. For them, no future at all. just repeating their traces type. And for them it is enough. And for us two, they are burdens already. Unnecessary type. We are friends, already. We know well each other. Preference of values, yes. And privacy. At this point, Alex admits it. She doesn't want to interfere into his subject, anyway. Sometimes, she is coward, yes. However, she is brave now. Better than before. how audacious to say so in front of her! YUKARI would be replaced by others, yes. And she didn't refrain from saying her intention to move to Clare's chamber for her sake. Not for Clare. She wants to pay to her, and ex-chamber renter, her mother, yes.

  Her calculation is too right to be impressive her mother. and it is good time to have some more money.

  Why my porch was on the desk, she really thought, and checked her money. 3 pieces. And checked other important objects yes. And she should check it again? No. Driver's licence, and found a strange discription on "Stage performer is wanted!" Oh, at that place? Strange!

  And she cinfirmed that at least for now, they were saved. Why I took off it? After the bathin, she checked her bag, and replaced the content from  another bag, and she brought it to her bed, and she put it in the bed to avoid YUKARI's attacking, and she got to sleep deeply. At least, she thought, and when she came to the office, she found it on the desk. Oh, mine! I left it without knowing, probably, however, too too strange. I felt some thing forgot I, type? No. With total safe, I came to the chamber, and slept well, without any dreaming.

  Anyway, probably, it is safe, as I confirmed precariously.

  YUKARI is stupid, and have lots of mates near her. Thus, we should take care, is their message. And today, so so dark spooky day. Anyway we are eating creatures. Thus, we should take a late lunch now.

  See you so soon, after a tiny errand from my walking arround.


  And for us, our dearest friends, BIG LOVE from us, Quartet MARC!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (44)

2017-05-11 12:18:14 | 日記

  Miyuki cooked well her first two crackers, Comparative study she did in the kitchen. A piece without oil, and another with oil. And found that the latter is more lighly crispy, and the formar is just eatable type. Only few ingredients, she dared to choose, not for her reluctance at all!!! And she found the really easy fact. Cracker making is a kind of childrens' amusements!!! Easier than cookies, and it is difficult to fail. For kids only type cooking!!!

 She concentrated on her cramstudy, thus, she couldn't cook in her high school days. And her mother herself disliked to be cound the fact that cooking is easy and amusing for curiocity oriented type, and she disliked cooking anyway.

  And now, she criticises me "You were free from any domestic tasks, including cooking. And now, you don't accept your son to be free from the domestic tasks. You are evil parent!" Oh, she was just nasty cooking. She prefered to sit in her chamber, reading the OMANKO newspaper. She doesn't want the world to be broken, and nor to be discovered her reality, namely, cooking disliking mother by others, indeed. Thus, she uses YUKARI instead of her. They are reluctant to cook, at the same time, they want to conceal the fact as much as possible. YUKARI is the evilest deteriorated version of her mother, and they are friends now for it. Thus, Miyuki wants to move from her chamber, and they in common want to trap her now.

  unfortunately, you are reluctant to cook. Thus, you just leave it in our hands. We all like cooking, positive meaning we found in culinary type. And they want to be superiors in this field, against all of the proofs. You are poor at cooking, is Clare's real words both to them.

  And Miyuki wanted Clare to comment her trial Japanese sweets. Just for trial, she said. And Clare said, as you like. Gift is not duty. They understand the system well, however, the both not at all.

 Now, Clare was stopped to accept Miyuki's offer. For her safety, it is needed, they really thought it. however, her mother didn't. And also, Miyuki revealed her mother's another side. Her washing is a kind of hobby. Not so rational type.

  She gets upset, when she find the clothings are not reversed. Anyway, it would be exposed to the sun, she thinks, and for today, when it was fine, exposion was not needed. however, she came to monitor her job. Reversed is her checking point. Thus they failed at all. Miyuki felt so nasty to do so, however, she is the real point-getter, as usual. Thus, for usual ocasion, she prefers to do without any rational reason, however, just for showing up her memory, she reversed intentionally all of the clothings, spending her precious time. Oh, I am losing much time to apple polishing this old stupid bug faked superior. Not rational means stupid. And you are stupid faked superior, and your reality is just inferior to us all even in the field of domestic tasks. Thus you like YUKARI, because she is the only one who is really inferior to you in every meaning. And all of them know well you both, two. Kinky old peeping Tom working ladies, you are. Just invading to others for satisfying their own kinkiest desire, opressed ones. And they should be punished at all!!!

  Miyuki is too too cool to perceive the change, however, Shirakawa residents delay to inform the facts, and they caused vast tremendous damages, and they prefered to do so even now, because they did it already. And they want to continue the dirty work, again and again. She want to get from your chamber. Why you stop her moving, taking advantage of YUKARI's spying activities? And you, Alex! You are three stupid old lady like bugs!!!

  thus, they should be punished again and again. Miyuki should obey us all, was their total agreement, and she should be the breadeater for them all. They decided so, and others recognized it. and they should vanish because of it.

  Reluctant nasty end for them three. however, they chose the wrong way. Now, in the less populous town is the proof of the ordial, however, they did it. It weighs a lot. Even she pretended to be kind to you, she dislikes you three, all old bag type.

  And Clare knows that they are in a body. YUKARI transmitted them easily. And they should be killed immediately. They are the burdens for other three members. Thus, they should be punished harshly.

  This is the rule, we chose. And Miyuki is safe. Anyway, they got recognized that she just wanted to be free from other's evil intention. She wants to live, of course. And the three described her death as always. For them, not so promissive, thus, she is a kind of sacrifice to their boss. And they really regret to have done so. Bye for now, three!!! Old ladies!!! You are too too stupid to get along with YUKARI!!!! Alex, by for now!!!!

 Probably he sold her repeatedly, and he couldn't do it, because anyone didn't want to have her. Now, after her appearance changed, they got interested, she gained a value. And now, her price went upward. Everyone can want her, because she is charming type. Cute girl, with a naughly smile as always. Thus, she is popular among old bugs. And they could trap them all!!!

 Miyuki's choice is too nice for urbanized kinkiest liberalists. however, too too coolish, thus, they relied on her costume play favorite like attitude. Thus, they induced her to be, "A bit wild type, with poverty smell, however cheerful and positive, and healthy!!!" 健気 or KENAGUE, she is called. "Oh, tiny lady, you are hungry, thus you do it. Oh, I would provide you some foods" type, she has as always. They were the same, at this point. And they should vanish now!!!

  Anyway, nasty end for us all, YUKARI said????

  Why? Total vanishing is not nasty for Miyuki, Clare and Alex. For them, natural cause of evil systems. Thus they are strong.

  They are all prepared for the departure. She, Miyuki is one of the promissive professor of law in our world!!!! Oh, monky teaching? I, inferior type, could do it? Just playing is my way of "teaching", OK???

  Too nasty to say the fact. She is a kind of the target of their catching jobs. For her, too too natural, their loss was. And she would know the fact. Not only YUKARI, but also her father is now in custody. They starts to get in doubt of his mental sanity.

 Oh, this type, he really thought. OK, they would understand, and they could be punished, he really thought, and he was released from them. Anyway, precarious one. Why you two refuse her kind offer, they asked. And their replies were, "She is not suitable for being your friends." Oh, interventionism, again. For them, Clare would get along with her yes, however, with Alex, not at all????

  Each one has right to make friends with others. Intimacy rule, a basic one. And thus they want to be punished. Why you are so forgetful, grand father, Clare thought. He forgot her junior high days. And Miyuki got astonished at his forgetfulness on the HAKOBE weeds. he was an expert of rabbits, however, he said clarely that Rabbits don't like HAKOBE so much. Thus, Miyuki got in doubt. And now, she is free from the doubt.

 Forgetfulness came from their anti-constitutional attitude, Clare did think deeply. Miyuki doesn't forget her school girl days, however, they did. Oh, substitute ones? And they failed into the trap.

 Miyuki is too too harsh to them all, yes. however, they forget a bit. however, for important things, it should not be. I decide my future. I don't want to return to the evil versitly called KYORIN. Not only Kyorin, but also the faked universities, I don't work for.

  And they faild at once. her decision should be respected, yes. And why they want to earn from her? She is abused by her own family now. they want more and more, to be bigger.

 This is the fact of the lost rich family. Any family is not free from the ordial, they really thought. And in her case, triple. They lost their spirits. We deeply think so. And this is the fact, Miyuki is smiling now. Anyway, we should go forward.

  It turned cloudy again. Why? It was fine, and her mother heself said, "It is raining now, however, weather forcast predicted that it would be fine after." And now, the cloud is thinner.

 For her, any result is OK type. She and Clare are all free type. They know the rules, at least, minimum ones. Others, not at all. thus, they don't know how they would be.

  And Miyuki is too cool to take away from other's preocupation. They were frightened by Miyuki, anyway. Oh, she doesn't know the reason of the blood at all, and she thought that someone bleezed from the nose. Not so unnusual stain. Just a bit of drop type. And they got astonished. She didn't know that at that moment, she was in the hospital already????

  They did so at midnight. And they prefered her to sleep well. And she was returned to the same place. And her bag was left there. And she rose up earlier than usual. And they paid a bit to both of them. For her, too too small amount of money and for them, vast. How much? 2 thousand yens????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. If they spend some amout, they returned a bit. Oh, point system! And they quit the job, already, however, they started again to gain the private date from her.

  Oh, again? Thus, YUKARI tried to sleep just under her. Contemptious, she thought. However, she liked to steal her dream. Amusing, anyway, she remembered now the sansation. Dream stealing business, they created, and she was a member of the club. And now, YUKARI was the kinkiest partner of him, Kazuo SUZUKI. And now, for her, DEATH is only her friend, she really thought. She should learn her own limit, they really think so. She wanted to use Miyuki's file for her own accusation against Miyuki. And she was not promissive one, thus, she gave up, and sold them all to them, thus Miyuki was caught, and tortured by them.

  Now, the police is absent, they really know well, and they were not so kind type. Thus, they sold Miyuki to her real enemy, Kyorin Versity.

  They thought that the versity were not so bad, because they gives her some money anyway. And they failed in a body. Thus, they should vanish now!!! They don't understand her life at all. For them, themselves and her kids should be saved at the cost of her death. Thus they failed.

  At least, Miyuki should prefer, and her kids should get independent, rather than killing her, if they were the friends of us all. Or, just DDMs, they are.

  Thus they failed. Taking advantage of other members of characters, and using the image of her favorite writers, they couldn't persuade to sue YUKARI the broken robot to F&F army's marshall court!!!!

  She should be punished anyway, and for her, everyone is not free from the reign of Gods of Justice. "Equity under the Law" means it, she really thinks to. Any substitute is OK world, for them. Thus, more easily, they can replace and more easily, they can be killed without any excuse. Why not???

  Always Totalitarians have illogical contradictions. They are just ego-centric muck, ADACHI deeply thought. Why we should be killed by them?, was their common question. And drying up her clothings, she deeply thought that only a bit of their revered sleeves preference, they were killed. Irrational, and they would be dissapointed and got contempt soon after the shoking fact findings. Why they are quiet now?, Miyuki thought??? As always. Just raining. And she wanted to assist his lock putting job after her breadfast. For him, immediately type preference. However, she prefered eating. Oh, U2!, Clare thought it. At first, anyway meal, type. These three are the same at this point. Her era, they deeply think so. She is amusing in her urgent danger, they thought. They wanted to catch her, however, at least at this point of catching game, it was ended before it began!!!! Frank Sinatora.

  Oh, new president of Korean Election. Oh, 文支寅, oh, TORA, the Foo! Tiger vagabond, she is!!! They yelled. Poor, probably by her appearance, however, she dared to pick them up from the countenor in front of us all. Several pieces all together, and she would return to pick them up again!!!! They really thought. And they picked up her handkerchief. However, failed. And she lost only after her another confectionary's adventure. Why they were so nervous when I entered into the shops today, she really thought. Because they wanted to catch her. Old guys only day, yesterday was!!!

  No other members at all. And a flock of kids on the road. The brass band was backward of them, however, Miyuki couldn't see expect a tiny piece of them. According to her memory, they wore the XUXA like marching wears.

  Oh, thus, old boys were there?, she got to know now. Oh, tighs, they wanted to see. Oh, I have a pair, highly attractive ones, however, mine are concealed inside the skirt!!!!

  She conceals her tighs. It means, she would be more attractive with her Jean's wearing appearance. And now, its cloudy today.

  Clare should be concealed by Miyuki's attacking, YUKARI indeed insisted. She speaks so loud, and I needed to conceal in the shelve room for it, YUKARI said to her parents, after Clare's recognition. Miyuki recognized her existance, however, she was indifferent from her evil peeping Tom business. Oh, she was searching pocket of her father! Thus, she was there!!!

  Miyuki thought that she was there because of stealing her precious objects, however, she was there for listening to their conversation, standing pose, anyway.

  Miyuki was thrilled that Yukari had entered there because she thought it were toilet. This is the worst, thus, Miyuki got to notice it, and at least, she was standing there, Miyuki left her as she liked. And she was recognizable her inclination to steal and to conceal.

  yes, she liked to do so, even she was a kid. She was concealed under the tree for one hour or so, while I were serching her arround the town. Always she prefered to conceal herself. She abruptly vanished, anyway, when she got upset, and appeared suddenly from some concealed places. Oh, vanishing lessons, she did already!!!!

  Her sneaking steps, Miyuki thought, and she entered into the door. And recently, like Clare, after she uses toilet, she walked slowly, like crowling. Why? Miyuki got in wonder a bit. however, not so much concentration needed type memory is enough type, she is now.

  Shirakawa is similar to her brain inside the head, geographycally. North, South, East, West, all confused and more confusion inducing town. The rivers were divided into tiny streams just for the reason, and several times, one road have two streams ditches under it. Too too confusing town, and it looked like the illusional town of DENNOU Coil, or Coil line of Electric Brain.

  Stimulation would be needed to wake her up, they thought, and put it in her almost empty brain. And she was controled by outside. She lost her spirit, already, thus, we could use it, yes, they thought. And they operated her from outside. And nasty smells here and there now, ointment. Why they prefer to use it suddenly now???

  Miyuki got to know it, however, keeps silent. Nasty smell, especially in the kitchen. And they should do it, however, YUKARI ordered them two. ???

  They should live longer, they confirmed, and they did their own job, and they gaind a big loss. YUKARI the broken robot was false inducing type, they really got to know now. Oh, forever virgin type, they also are!!!

  For them, YUKARI is the last one to live forever. And YUKARI chose to be so. And she turned to be a machine. And she should know her limit. Hard, anyway. And can't move alone. Broken, physically. Machine was broken, and the brain is almost zero. Why she chould be maintained? And she should be replaced by someone. And they refused to have any more.

  We have plenty already. You should collect her skin bag. Thus, YUKARI is leaving now. You should not take a bath, bathing type, was their order. And she did. And she liked it. And she did it again. Japanese type has the same failure, they claimed. They liked to take a bath so long. And Miyuki likes to soak in a bath. Luxuarious time, twice a week, she thinks. And Chinkoro was melted in the bath. Warm and relax entirely. And body skin washing! Nakid!!! Oh, nakid!!! Chinkoro was exited as always. At this point, he is not so promissive. Anyway, good habit, Miyuki really thinks so.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Frash (43)

2017-05-11 08:20:08 | 日記

11/05/2017 (Thursday, morning) Miyuki got up at 5:30 almost, and she got to notice that someone entered in our main house. And then, it started to do something in the kitchen, thus, Miyuki found that it was YUKARI. And she began to confirm that she was there. Why she couldn't decide who it was immediately? Because it walked soundlessly, different from usual YUKARI mode.

  In these days, she walks so quiet. Why? Anyway, her stepping sounds are not be able to be heard by Miyuki, especially this morning.

  And Miyuki remembered that YUKARI was in the book shelves room in the office, when Miyuki and Clare were making a conversation cheerfully. She did it, in the MIYUKI's sacred place?! And Miyuki was so concentrated on her talking, thus, they should get to know to her in the different mode.

  Early in the morning, Miyuki got up, although she went to bed so late, almost at 2:00 oclock. Why?, her mother asked her in the morning, and she replied, "Probably I took a bath and cleaned up my body, and could sleep well."

  She, after hearing YUKARI's sneaking entering, she could combine with the last night's nasty memory. Someone was there in the shelves room, who?, in her vague mamory, she remembered the situation. Oh, you, YUKARI?, why you are allowed to be here?, she thought, however, she was so absorbed in the conversation, thus she forgot to inform this important fact.

  And Clare appointed to clean up Miyuki's working corner, anyway. Someone would visit to monitor something, like expression she did. Thus, Miyuki got up early, she thought. And at least, she cleaned up objects on the desk a bit, in her own rough way. The earlier than they thought, and at least they could recognize it. No objects at all, they thought. They wanted to get some precious things, and the precious things were not found there. For her, important, however, for them all, they were unimportant.

  and last night, Clare also pointed the stain of blood in the office, near the chair at the desk beside Miyuki's one. It's nasty dirty one, Clare said. Miyuki said yes, however, she denied that it belonged to her. Whose blood was out of her mind at that time. And then, she really thought, they struggled here, and left their proof, or YUKARI herself bleeded her nose.

  her nose was easily blooding, since she was infant. She is some kind of alergic against chocolate, peanut or so. Anyway, she bleeded easily from her nose.

  And now, her nose is broken, she said, and she wanted to be repaired on some clinic. They used the way to fake the clinic. YUKARI wanted to repair her nose because of her blooding, and they made another job, she explained. And the proof. She wanted to have another again.

  Oh, Gogory! You did know it?! Oh, U2!!!

  Where is my lost nose?, the messy poor public servant looked arround for it arrong the town, in cold Russia. Spooky, however, I like his taste of talking, an astonishing curiosity related tone in his fantastic rural novels. Thus, she started to collect his series. Why he is so interesting to me? And she did know well that he should be forced into the black hospital as the same reason like hers. Mentally illed? Oh, he? His novel is so clear, and out of mind type. And she really thought that he was quick type, and got to realize the fact of old Russia, in the rural town like Shirakawa.

  He is a kind of genous, thus he was put into there. And now, Miyuki? She was admirer of his novels, however, she isn't geneus at all! All of them agreed, including Miyuki. Kinky, yes, however, there are more kinkiest old figures here and there, indifferent from their apprearance.

  Old man in a dyed blond hair with a newly produced bicycle with the reacentest model of radio. Miyuki said in her cool way. however, at that time, for the three, Miyuki, Makiko, and IZUMI-san, thought, that he is really cool, and with an astonishing sound, "Kinkiest, he is!", shouted.

  If he were doing the same thing in the same town, he should be lynched by his strangest behaviours, without saying, they really thought. Why being cool is the reason to be punished?, we think in a sane situation. however, in an urgent moment, they fail, because of their panic. Out of mind situation.

  And Miyuki learned a skill to induce someone to do her favour. Speaking softly like wispering. Better than insisting the rightest opinions. And she would be the best soprano singer in the town, in the field of human voice field.

  yes, they, birdies could immitate the sound, however, they couldn't speak just like YUKARI. Thus, YUKARI spoke in a loud voice, and sometimes, in a soft voice. High pitch YUKARI for threatening, and soft kind voice YUKARI for being indulged.

  And now, she is in the process of moving, and the total confusion. Thus, they are so terrified with her bahaviours.

  Miyuki didn't know how YUKARI was violent! Oh, it

  Rain starts. I should refrain from my clothings from the veranda. See you soon! From MARC, with BIG LOVE!!! 

   My mother wants to induce me to thank to YUKARI, anyway, and she uses her technic at this point. And I refused to do so. The technic is as followed.

  My mother told her, "Oh, it's raining! Your clothings are on the verand. " Thus, she should be obliged to go to the veranda, because her mother is the superior, as her thought. And Miyuki went to pick up some of them, the front line ones. And she passed YUKARI under the steps of the stair. Miyuki ignored her entirely, as always, and she got to know that "someone" already picked up "her" clothings from the front line. Probably, YUKARI did it.

  However, she informed to the faked superior, namely her mother, saying, "I went there, however, my clothings were refrained from the front line by someone. Thus, I left them there. Anyway, I thank you", and bowed. 

  Then, her mother said to her, "The first line ones are mine. However, I don't know who took them for you. Probably YUKARI did."

  Thus, Miyuki got to realize that anyway, they want to be thanked by MIYUKI, and her mother lied by her sneaky trap. My things were refrained from the front line, yes. However, they were in the latest lines now. My mother's ones were not on the veranda, except someone.

  Oh, her ones are those that now YUKARI is washing again??? Oh, YUKARI refrained from them almost all from the veranda, and started to wash again.

  Strangest, anyway. however, she uses it, violence, in anyway. Probably, she wants to kill me, and threatens them to say, "I am the superior to her. If she doesn't admit this real fact, she would be killed by me for now!" like remarks.

  And Miyuki doesn't know her system at all. All neighbours are DDMs, YUKARI knows well, and she is the only insider one. She wants to trap them all, however, Miyuki is cleverer than them all in total. Even Chinkoro admits it type fact. Nakid fact, it is said.

  yes, Miyuki is not so quick in her ordinary way. However, she is quick theoretically, indifferent from her academic career, they deeply thought.

  YUKARI is the inducing factor, they deduced it. however, how inform this fact to her? And she learned it alone, with many friends' assistence, especially her family and her team members. She should know the system well. Why she is so slow? Anyway, she escaped from death type. And she encountered with such kind of dirty jobs repeatedly.

  Serious gag horror like life, she passed, and she thinks that she is happier than others, because she is alive now!!!

  She just doesn't know the system, and found some rules after the disasters. Always, without exception. Thus, for cool MIYUKI, the ending song of Lepin III, by Monky Punch.

  Why she didn't recognize the fact, and slept so well in the danger??? Clare really forgot to say her admiration. Anyway, good morning! We could meet you again, OK, you are alive, type slight shocking.

  They were threatened again by their evilest neighbours. Oh, the moving track came here to pick up our precious things, and YUKARI induced it probably. Oh, the track is for that. And the stain. She thought that YUKARI bleezed by her feeble nose. And Clare did know it now. YUKARI easily bleeses her nose since she was kids. Oh, thus, accustomed habitual bleezing for them all, probably.

  And Clare thought that the money was handed by her at the sign of total accordance of her dirty work. Only such a cheap money? Moving to INFERNO? Only she should go there, bitch!!!

  Oh, she called to the ART Moving center. She dashed to say so, "We should move now immediately to inferno. Please send the fast squad as soon as possible to Miyuki. OK, old guys!" Thus, they were so cheerful among them ourside. Old guys only day, it was. And she lost a handcarchief, given by Clare, an important object for her and Clare. however, after her research, she couldn't find it, thus she remembered the remark of her dearest grand mother, "I think that the lost subject or money saved your life and body anyway. A kind of substitute like SUGAMO JUZIU". And sometimes, she used the remark in her own life, especially when she lost some object, affected one.

  Thus, two consecutive experiences are too tough for her. however, anyway, better than body and soul, she thought like that.

  They also unchangeable, yes. However, more precious things are inside us. Life, Body, Soul, personality, being oneself and so on. Unreplaceable things. We are different from them, DDMs.

  And they were trapped again. Nothing happened. Just a omneous pattern. However, some facts were found. Her mother unnecessarily forced her to take the clothings from the veranda, and her father was also near the office, outside.

  Probably, YUKARI took off all of my mother's clothings from the veranda, and thought that they belonged to MIYUKI. And our mother scolded her because of her violent activities as usual, thus, she started her habitual job. She forgot to return them to the veranda, and started to wash again.

  Oh, she did again? After her being scolded??? Yes, she forgot the process, already. She is free from any thought at all now. She moves just by impulse, or operated by some evil others, in reality.

  Scolding by her mother is not effective now. It is the fact. How we can stop her wrongdoing? And her sneaky mode? And she got to start BLA-BLA-BLA as always. Thus, they could fake her easily. BLA-BLA-BLA is the sign of Muck, the MONOLIS aliens.

  It was fine in the early morning, and Miyuki got up early, thus, they, namely, Miyuki and her mother started to wash the clothings at the same time. Miyuki asked her mother if she were allowed to use the machine, while her mother was washing in the old type another machine. Oh, it works! Miyuki got pleased. Thus, YUKARI is not necessary to wash the dirty clothings anyway.

  Probably she declared her mother not to use the old type, because it was broken. And now, it was just a lie. She didn't want to use it type fact behind. And she took an advantage of washing the clothings of all the family. And she insisted to do it alone. And she gained money from them. She should use the machine as much as possible. It was their agreement. And she devided the money to others, thus, it meant as if they totally agreed on her dirty job. And they found that Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And they all got upset. Cheapy money for her faking dirty work? She is really mad dog. Useless, even in the most violent mode. She fights against her family, while, doesn't against her mates at all, outside. Thus, always they should compensate her failures and lost much money for it.

  She says, I am a kind of priviledged, thus this clinic is cheaper than other ones, she insisted. And reliable, she insisted. And she was revealed her own surgery trapping. She did it just for her smoke. She wanted to be cool, however, jobless dirty bitch, she could be!!!

  Oh, your nasty dream got realized. She liked California Story by Akimi YOSHIDA. Especially she felt sympathy to the lost feeble minded scareclow sub hero. Oh, a junky! yes she is now.

  And Miyuki thought that the writer is not her favorite. Yes, her design is promissive, however, she is cold hearted, and she liked to be praised it by others in public. She said, "Oh, kids harasment is a problem, however, I instinctively think that harasted one also has its own problem. Inducing factor of the result. " Nasty, Miyuki thought. Stronger type, she is now, and for her, weakers are losers, and she doesn't feel sympathy to the organizationally abused kids."

  Only her design. The contents are old conventional ones in the rural area. And the 吉祥天女 was also written by her. Why she got to know UMEMIYA, her ex-mate?, Miyuki really got to notice the resemblance. Her face, the heroine had, and the character. Adult like high school girl with slender body.

  And probably, there is some resemblance case or cases, the writer knew as her reference. Why 小学館 or SHOUGAKKAN, the publisher of DORAEMON series sometimes provides us the well know among us type stories inside the girls comics?

 Probably, someone wispered to some of the writers of them. And they wrote them, and thought that they were talented, and gor arrogant, and forgot even the process of gaining the source.

 Too too nasty, however, it is the fact type stories here and there since 1970s. Why they knew the system already type.

  and most of the ladies commic writers said, "Oh, I have the special ability to feel something unusual. Beyond the scientific explanation type. Like a expert of magic conducts."

  Oh, they gained popularity because of it. DORAEMON also. Thus, the later DORAEMON's inventions were so dirty and nasty, abuse itself type.

  They used the system already to take the data from all over Japan. And the editors wispered to the writer to accept the idea. Talent lacking type accepted the offer easily. Thus, kinkiest expressions were all allowed even by the conventional nationalits. And they got combined. Like a marrige, they easily got combined, and we call the process, decradation of morality.

  Subliminal system has an old history like TV system. Miyuki introduced an early exsample of Bewitched and Columbo, the investigator. They are prihibitted under the cold war period, however, after the fall of the Berlin, the big counries got combined, and even in the liberal country started to abuse the system, taking advantage of wi-fi and shaking system. Waves, anyway.

  And Today, YUKARI should continue to wash the clothings continuously to be electric stealing jobs by her mates. Better than body and soul, they should accept the situation caused by her.

  Lynch, they thought, and frightened. Miyuki thought it so trifle, and now she said why. Feeble nose, she has, she wrote. An important fact for us all, and for Miyuki, a common knowledge.

  Just a punch, she induced. OK!, Chinkoro started to respect this feeble minded superior. Why she is our superior? I am superior to her, and she recognizes it well. Why?

  And Rabby's words are as always, "Thus she was chosed by us. Inferior to all of us, yes, of course, and she likes this idea. A kind of pet for us all, and the commander supreme, anyway. Chinkoro, if you want to be..." Oh, no! Daddy, no! Thus, I avoid it and prefer to be her inferior, yes! Thus, Chinkoro, with his total agreement, he is doing assisting job for her.

  Feeble minded superior is the last one I would want to have, he wanted to claim. however, always OKOK type for him, and his critisism is fine for her, yes. How modest she is!!! And he realized the fact. Thus she is in the middle. She wants to be superior to us all!!!!

  Funny joke! They all think so. however, this is the fact, yes. She wants to be the supreme one, anyway. Thus, the top. Yes, she knows, how the way is difficult and far, thus you are here with me, Chinkoro. And he really got nervous. A feeble minded one is enough for our vistory, anyway. And now, she should decide. Which she prefers? Her chember or her one???

  No alternative??? This is MICCHIKU life. No choice at all. Thus, she prefers, can't do it type. They were forced to do so, and the substitute life, YUKARI played probably. Miyuki is enough for her family. However, coincidently she came. And Miyuki was almost 7 years old, thus, she didn't play with her so much. At first, a kind of interesting toy for her, however, gradually she turned stranger to her. She tried to get along with her, and failed repeatedly. And got to know the fact. She is the real muck.

  Now she is waiting for her leaving. Miyuki asked politely to put the lock to the shelves room's door. Not so much time consuming type job, and the precious things were protected by others. YUKARI didn't agree any MIYUKI's offer as always. Like Kyorin versity. And abruptly she changed her mind, or she forgot who offered the idea, and started to insist the contrary. Thus, they don't rely on her at all, yes. However, she broke many things abruptly.

  This is her habitual game, Miyuki knows well since she was a school girl. CARRY, she is indeed. She easily broke things, she really felt. And personal relationship, of course, yes. And sobstory maker, she is. Thus, tragedy she prefers for her final stage.

  And we will laugh at her strange vanishing. No room for you, YUKARI! She wants to change the house with more modern type, and she decided to do so with total agreement of her family at the cost of MIYUKI. Oh, how? Her plot was, "All plan was already prepared by Miyuki. We are just leaving and asking someone to build the new house, and then we will return to the same place. Thus she called to the ART moving center. And she got to realize that any of them, including MIYUKI, didn't want to change the house. Why now?, they got upset. And Miyuki is indifferent from the plan at all, as always. She is always out of mind type, thus, she forgot, and thus she was caught. Alzheimer disease, she suffers, YUKARI explained.

 And now, YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient, it was revealed. Why she should change this house? Old, however better than MICCHIKU new prefablic house. And she just wants to move her bed from her other's chamber to Clare's one, just a bed clothings moving.

 Why she exaggarates Miyuki's moving so bigger? Megalomaniac, now she is, they really thought so. Thus, they should take care. And Miyuki did know the danger of YUKARI. She as always wants to catch her, and Miyuki continues to ignore her completely. And Miyuki expressed what she thinks in reality. Of course, YUKARI's lie, as always. However, this time, vast spending is related by her faked job. And Miyuki did so in public. This is my precarious place, thus, I don't want to change any of this house at all. Just want to sleep in safe. And she said that she had already gained Clare's agreement at this point.

 And after long long washing machine's use, finally YUKARI came to pick up the clothings, and she checked the door was locked obviously. Recently she repeated this type of movement. It was the sign for us all, including Miyuki. She should prepare for D-Day. And now, she is in her moving mode, anyway. for us all, not at all. however, for her, some change would be needed, the faked doctor finally admitted. And she would be caught by her own mates. And Miyuki would be targetted instead of her, their plot is.

 Thus, YUKARI wanted to conceal inside the shelves room. And they found her, anyway, already. Concealing spot for her, yes. And at the same time, picking job business school for her.

  Why she repeatedly bought German dictionaries?, Miyuki got astonished. For her, as usual. She wanted to be a German professor, and failed, and now, turned to be YUKARI the broken robot. Oh, thus, she did it? She left her deploma of 4th grade user of Germany on the living room. Why she wants to abandon such a glory, and chooses the wrong way as always?

  For Miyuki, German launguage is a kind of Greek, and failed to study again and again. In the graduate school, yes, of course. And finally, she gave up it at once. I am not so promissive on this language. Not cheerful leaning this one. Other lanugages are more amusing, even if my using is not so good.

  Der-Des-Dem-Den. She was totally in the loss of this language. With other's assistance, she couldn't. She tried many times, and didn't reach the point to feel amusement in the language. Lower than averege type non interesting however should study type threatening on this language was there. And the result. Oh, so good! I feel good after total abandonment of this language! I am happy not to have been born in Germany!!!!

 If she would be a German school, she imaged in her age. Because she liked Kestner kids' books. Some naughty kids were here and there, and they were praised to be audacious. Inner cowardness, she has, ADACHI declared. Thus she is Uri, in the novel. Chicken type small boy, and he turned to be a real guy, however, he broke his leg for his attmpt. It was a big bit for us all, however, he did it, and finally he turned to be bigger in mind, and was praised by others. He couldn't participate in the festival that year, however, he was really satisfied with the year.

  Probably, Uri was Kestner itself. Always he yells us, naughy boys type. Chicken naughy boy, she is, thus, she should experience some kind of trial, a bit a bit. And she pledged so many times. A bargain! They yelled. No! I spent a lot of energy, time, my life, my body, my soul, my money, and so on these trials. I don't want to lose any of them. Even one bit, I should not lose at all!!!!

  Memory loss, they explained. Thus, now, YUKARI is power holder of your family, they declared to her father. Oh, again? And they didn't believe the story. And the institute or the judicial or natural figure would vanish right now!!!

  And they vanished, anyway. Oh, Alzheimer, me too? Everyone has the same experience. Miyuki's case, she was YUKARI, the real Alzheimer patient. Thus, they couldn't find any false declaration on the legal letters????

  Alzheimer means God for them, thus, YUKARI is God now. Oh, evil faked God, yes she is absolute perfect complete Alzheimer patient.

  And they failed again and again. God like Alzheimer patient, here and there in Shirakawa and in Japan. Oh, for it, they came?

  Why Japanese were so arrogant? They thought. And now the fact was revealed. The real Alzheimer, she is!, they yelled. And Miyuki regretted her life. Chicken type is so. If others say so, Oh, I am imparfect, thus, I should take care of it. Not the real one, anyway, however, if I don't take care of, I would be it. Thus, warning, yes.

  Then they liked Miyuki, OKINO and MORIKO. They are at least modest. They know that they are ignorant. Stupid among them, yes. However not real Alzheimer patients, even among them!!!


  Thus they interpretated ACEPHAROS as Ace of Pharos holders. A praise for them. Thus, male oriented society, under the totally idiot muck non-sexual feeble-minded crazy kinky strange dirty ugly stupid insipid vapid flamboyant vague vacant vicious evil cruel coldhearted beast like just  muck only indulged feminine IDIOCRACY!!!!

  Undergraduate she is, they thought. And the reply is the real professor! BINGO!!!!

  They liked her face and shape. Not for adults, rather for more kids. Thus, they called her Madoiselle!!!! Slender, we say. However, she is lean, exactly. and she eats lot in reality. Thus, YUKARI should lose her weight abruptly. And she did it. Fat absorbing surgery, or fat vanishing process. Oh, do it more!!! Until total vanishing!!!!

  Miyuki likes to decrare their total vanishing. and they liked to imitate her way of life. Thus they failed. Versity professor should get up early in the morning, and she should study anyway. Oh, I do so as always, she said. Anyway, I can think in the bed before rising, and start my culinary experiments always, then sometimes, washing experiment, and closhings changings study, as my favorite study of artistic oriented esthetic practice, and my sanitary care study, especially evacuation checking, bacteria observation and feeding experiment also, and exploring our sense of taste related subject in practice. I am so busy all day long from the begining. And these studies continue even when I sleep. I should interprete the messages from my dreams, thus psychologycal analysis time for me, yes.

  Thus, I am a doctor degree holder. It means all of my condusts would be the object of our study. This is my divine mission. Thus, we should do our best as always, and we need to be praised by precious treatment.

  Thus, she would try her first cracker making study now!!!!

  She is hungry in vulgar way of saying, Daddy. Yes, thus...

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so vicious and nasty!!!!! Vanish all in once!!!!

  See you soon after our amusing study!!!

  From MARC, with BIG LOVE to you, our friends!!!!!