Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (75)

2017-05-24 23:30:24 | 日記

 They wanted to scold her because of her ignorance, however she replied, "Before me, why don't you scold Miyuki? She is older than I, and she is good at everything. Thus, elder sister should be punished at first."

  Illogical, and no individualism at all type existance, she is.

  Thus, they failed. Thus, they scolded Miyuki so much. And denied Miyuki's rightous words. Thus, they were revealed as anti-individualist.

  good to know it. They are fine with their anti-individuslist ideology. and they dislike YUKARI's inhaling cocaine at all. Rehab is the right answer.

  And Miyuki? Why I should be caught to be put into Rehab? Of course, not!!! however, how should she do?

  Without YUKARI, she would be happier, even in her precarious stay in this house. Just it.

  YUKARI lives in her own subjective world only. Miyuki did know it well. It means she was a Queen of her IDIOCRACY, and she applied this ruling system in the real world, without any supporter, at first.

  And in the final end, her parents participated into her side. Thus they should be punished harshly. They chose the past, rather than future. They sold us three, to the authority, we dared to say.

  They often informed on Miyuki and her kids to Kyorin versity, and Kyorin's staff consulted eagerly. This is an astonishing fact, if it were the real one.

  And they failed. They were in the middle, probably. And someone wispered, and each one should choose how to live or die. And they both chose to die, immeidately, probably.

  This is the life. And for us three, better than living under their idiocracy.

  Miyuki started to live with stock foods, like Swallow and Amazon, by Arthur Ransome. For her precarious mood, it is not so bad. Some chance to know interesting foreign foods. And Malaysian crackers are the same quality of Japanese counterparts, and less expensive than the latter. The same type. Not so bad. Not unusual. Miyuki visited MALACCA and their sense of tongue was not bad, anyway. And they eat lot, even they are rather slender type. Meat, of course. Mainly chicken, yes. And their characters...I couldn't read it at all type strange letters, they use. A kind of Roon letter, in front of ABC users.

  And they provide the packages to Brazil!!! They wrote in Portugues!!!! Now, the world is narrower than Miyuki imagined.

  For human beings, astonishing facts, however, for animals and plants, and their supporters, not at all type happenings, concessively. Someone should wisper to the same species. However, DDMs are different from us all. We tried to persuade them, however, we couldn't. Platinum tribe got in wonder. Why they don't care their own lives and deaths? They don't understand the values, probably. For them, just a continuation is a life.

  For Miyuki, not at all type acceptance. And for others, not at all type recognition. For Clare, at first, it was too too difficult to understand the system, however, Miyuki alreadly said to the kids both, "We should live more in a free way. Why you two are so conservative?" For her, Miyuki's extreme expression was too too dangerous for her family all. And she should decide how to treat the bed problem. As you decide. Don't forget that we are all in a trial of Gods of Justice!!!

  thus Clare decided to accept her parent's kind offer. If you like, Miyuki said. And she likes to stay with Miyuki. Better than the old ones. Thus, she required member change. For her, anyway, eatable is OK for a while. And without YUKARI, Miyuki can cook yes. Thus, Clare proposes, "I would pay for you to cook for us two. And you can do so as you like. I would pay only for my part, ingredients only.How about you?"

  Not as obligation, I accept it, because I should train my ability everyday, as much as possible. however, I get out often, as you know. Thus, I can't attend the "I order it now, OK!" type order. I cook in a certain quantity to eat for us, and as you like, you can eat. The cost should be depending on the consumption. However, sometimes, if I have some time, I can attend to your special proposal. I this case, I will try to cook it, and the result, as your obligation, you should dispose. Not necessarily eating, however, you can manage the portion, with your own cost , OK?

  And they agreed. Pan left system is better for us two. If the other like, they could eat. If not, the other could left without eating. Not so complicated, however, Miyuki hates free riders. It means only reliable person can perticipate in it type qualification is needed. Probably, we both gain by the system. Anyway, scale is the seed of being thrifty. Try, at first, and reform, if it is necessary.

  Thus, reliablity is so important even in our economic system. Adam Smith wanted to appoit the fact in the book on morality. Without confience, why we could live together?, was Miyuki's question in her family. Thus, she wanted to leave the house, as early as possible.

  And they really regretted their own choice. however, no chance for the losers, because we are the champion of the universe!!!!

  ADACHI is so nasty to hear Clare's stories. She suffered a lot by their old wrongdoers, and now by Miyuki?, she got upset, at first. Why Miyuki said that I am good at cooking? They wanted me to be Alex's cook!!!!

  For Miyuki, "Oh, I have heard it when I was in Kyorin campus. Yuko KOISHI was such a type. She came to Tokyo to be a cook of her elder brother, when he entered into KEIO versity, and she was put in girls' school of Keio versity related."

  She? 70 years or so, if she were alive. She was my ec-colleague, and her major was civil law.

  For Miyuki, always, "I have heard of it" type, conventional pre-modern out of date anacronic kinkiest idea, however, for the both, too too natural, according to their own theory. Female should be obedient to her superior theory. Oh, male also. Superior means morally, intelectually and physically superior, yes. A kind of comander type, yes. and any comander in this family, I am better than others, in every meanings. thus, I should obey to myself. Thus, I should judge by myself.

  Thus, they failed. Superiority complex, they have, the two Clare and Miyuki felt. Anyway, jealous, they are! They just want to disturb our ways. Independently, yes. Thus, they changed their role often.

  And they should know the limit. For her, nothing at all type degradation in her own family. Now is the period of divine ordial. Why they don't want to recognize the fact, and try to avoid to face the fact, even it would be better for them all.

  However, it was the real fact. no excuse at all.

  Thus, the end. the end of the idiocracy, no "to be continued" type. Only DDMic cars should be fine???

  Not at all!!! DDMic vehicles should vanish right now!!!

  They are easily to be broken yes. however, they appear so many even now. Today, Miyuki found two 旭川 or ASAHI-KAWA number plates, and a 北九州 or North Kyu-Shu one. From 北海道 to 九州 it means. Yesterday, いわき or IWAKI, beach side of Fukushima prefecture were popular.

  Today, 那須 or NASU replaced IWAKI suddenly. And many 野田 or NODA tracks, 習志野 or Narashino vehicles, and some 京都 or Kyoto, 長岡 or NAGAOKA, 岡山 or Okayama, 神戸 or Koube, 山梨 or Yamanashi, 成田 or Narita, 岩手 or IWATE, 盛岡 or Morioke, and so on. 群馬 or GUNNMA、宇都宮 or UTSUNIMIYA, 大宮 or OOMIYA, are as usual.

  Astonishingly, 練馬 or Nerima and 品川 is relatively many, and 横浜 or Yokohama also. 湘南 or Shounan is someimes.

  They can chance the number plate easily. They have spare for the disaster, in their car, stocked. And some faked authorities sell the plate without any legitimacy. For them, not at all, just a plate, type easy quick commercialism. However, considering the objective, the plate should be controled well by some reliable agency. Idetification system, we adopted, preventing the next disaster. however, for DDMs, they are just a decoration. Alzheimer patients forget their own objective and get so nasty and terrified by the recognition of their own forgetfulness.

  They are in this period. Thus, they should remain in their own chambers. And they didn't want others to get to know the reason of their own concealing. They were afraid of being revealed as Alzheimer patients.

  Thus, they were both prognosed as Alzheimer patients. For them all, just taking a rest in chamber type story was enough. For the two, always they made a conversation according to YUKARI's presumption on others, "I think he would like to work in a Japanese pancake house" was a seed of trouble for others. and always they attacked Miyuki in the end. Anyway, any wrongdoings are her failure, they decided to punish her as always.

  Each day, they ordered to the faked police to catch Miyuki in the morning, and the faked police sometimes attend to their request. And they both are indifferent from others' damage at all.

  As they like type expressions are here and there. This is Alzheimer disease like discoveries, on parade.

  Just a horror movie, if Chinkoro played the role of my mother in their 漫才 or a pair play of comedians, with ADACHI. Miyuki should be played by Chinkoro, and Adachi would play the role of her mother.

  Chinkoro is so serious to play the mother. It would turn to be just a terrifying non-fiction. Thus, Chinkoro, you would be better to play the role of me, in front of the audience.

  Chinkoro is so good at every thing, however, too too serious to learn everything. Good to accomplish the course, yes. Fastest way. However, Chinkoro is not so comical type yet. It would be good to played by him in the near future, however, not yet, I think. And Rabby has the same opinion.

  He should know how to take advantage of the spare time. We are busy, all of us, of course. however, he should be relaxed a bit. Playing 漫才 is good for his developping, we thought and recommended, however, he is a serious actor, now. Not for comedy yet.

  Chinkoro wants to be superior to others, yes. It means materially better than others. Miyuki is competitive, and he is. Good to be so. however, at this point, Miyuki is better than he, because, volume matters. She fails so many times, thus, she knows some how to make others laugh. While Chinkoro, as a kind of good leaner, has so few failing experiences. Thus, he should pass more time to be a comedian.

  Maturity, not at all. Just a number of failures. A kind of habit, or training. Many failures cause Miyuki to rise again. Thus, she learned to be bigger after her failure. Avoidable, in this case, thus, she is trying to avoid the disaster. And any human beings could help her from the catching hands ordered by her own family!!!

  She is recovering a good mood, hearing the old melody of Atom, the astroboy. Oh, this orgoal functions. Slowly, however, it moves!!! And played the song!!!

  for her, a lucky present for her own. and now as a adult, she drank a beer. This time, the beer is better. Anyway, creamy and not so sour. It's cloudy today, thus, Miyuki wanted to dring it. Try our new system of Swallow and Amazon, adult version!!!

  AEON was in the retiring mode. Some spaces were already emply. and she checked there twice today. The second time, they faked to holding some event in a part. Thus they failed.

  And Miyuki got dissapointed that 豚くし or pinched pork a la milan, had so small amount of pork. She paid US$1 for it, relatively expensive, thus she relied on it, and failed. Just onion fried up.

  Miyuki bought a package of Eclair, and ate one in front of the kids park beside the animal farm, and gave one for the diceased kids, pledging the revenge. And on the riverside of 堀川 or Hori-Kawa, she shared one with kids victims, called 河童の三平 or Sanpei, the KAPPA.

  She deeply thinks that even flog monstor like KAPPA would cry for them. River is better than DDMic world. Come with me, he led them inside, and they turned to be Crambons, fairies of bright sunshine.

  And she went to one more parking lot of MEGA-STAGE, passed beside the newly constructed empty apartment, and entered into a vanishing stair, thinking, "Oh, this place is ideal to shoot me from the new building, and conceal my body in some other place. And the river bank was for the dirty job. Ideal situation for DDMs. And Miyuki shared one eclair, pledging the revenge to yangue tribe.

  Even now, they wanted to chase me, she felt nasty sometimes. Slowly car followed after her. DDMic smart car is soundless, and approached so quietly. And when Miyuki got to recognize it, and show her total refusal, they left Miyuki alone.

  And Miyuki found yesterday, a training of fire department's clerk to rescue the victim, using a rope. Oh, NOZAKI, your body were brought like that, and they dropped it in the middle of the process. Thus, KAKISHIMA said that she was found between the bildings.

  The squad killed her in her house, and tried to vanish her body, and failed. Double punch for her, and her family. Someone induced to do so????

  In Miyuki's case, her family's participation was so so clear. They put tiny rockes on the courtyard to induce some ambulance type bed easily with two figures. And they put the objects of the second entrance of the main house up to be almost empty  to smooth the task.

  They wanted to shoot Miyuki from back, when she was in the kitchen, like YUKARI did by the scoop. And her families picke up some fatal tools for the dirty job. first, a hummer, a wooden one, then, a electric power glass cutter, and then a sithe, and then, a hoe. Also big cissors were prepared to kill her from the back. They chose some tools each day, and failed to kill her, and asked to help to others.

  Ridiculous, they thought, and refused, however, they called to the police again and again. Anyway, we are in danger of her attacking. We should kill her, or, we both would be killed by her, they said to the faked police, and they came, as usual. And now, they rarely attend to their request.

  Anyway, they want to kill me, and just thinking of it is enough for the both. Too too kinkiest to know the fact, however, they are the real mad dog, who want to attack others easily.

  Hummer should be used to attack Clare. YUKARI is always jealous to her. And Clare escaped from the disaster because of the target shift from her to Miyuki. Thus, Clare is always injured in several parts of her body.

  YUKARI attacked her in the midnight. Thus, they put the bell on the key to recognize YUKARI's arrival. However, she changed her mind and started to use the other material to enter to her chamber. Just a yell is enough for threatening her. Inducing system. And when Clare got out from the door, YUKARI hit her with a wooden hummer.

  Thus, ignorance is the perfect answer toward two. If they have heard some objection, immediately they sprange their attacking. Objection is a trigger of explosion among Alzheimer patients.

  What should I do with these kinky old bugs? No reliable authority at all type situation. Just use the friends. For them, just faking is enought. and use the faked authority, composed only by yout reliable friends.

  In Miyuki's case, she is isolated here, thus, no counter attacking can be used yes, however, who has some reliable friends, and try them and this is divine ordial for them all. and if you don't do so, it's your accunt. It means that you chose the wrongway. You can do it, thus, just do it type trial, you should pass from now on.

  Now YUKARI is not so offensive mode. Thus, now, you should take a measure. Losing the adequate chance would be a big falure for us all, it means, it would be done immediately, as soon as possible. In YUKARI's quait mood period only, it works.

  Just waiting for time passing causes worse situation. YUKARI would regain the violent mode, and start to do wrong.

  Miyuki is sleepy now. Thus, see you tomorrow!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly, namely, BUSU!!!

  From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!! 

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (74)

2017-05-24 19:39:33 | 日記

24/05/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki is now in her nostargic mode. Her orgoal called ATOM, the astroboy, yelled her! Oh, he is alive!!! Miyuki is so impressed his percistance and cried with plesure. He was her oldest closest frined. Almost 53 years of frendship between the both. Miyuki was given it because she looked so much with this boy robot called ATOM.

  his name is a bit contradictional. Atomic bomb is related, yes. Thus, in the only country suffered the atomic energy explosion, why Osamu TEZUKA chose the name? Even Japanese sometimes questioned.

  However, her answer is so clear to others. He wants to name so because of the praise of individualism. He is natural scientist, in some meanings, and ATOM is the smallest unit of the society and material also. Thus, the core of individualist, it means.

  Miyuki is a bit strange girl since she was born. "I like this, I dislike this." She said clarely, and expressed it as much as possible. Always, she decided as if she were an adult, even she was a baby. Thus, Alex and Clare are similar, and Miyuki liked their way. Anyway, they have their own preference, and not so conformist type, She got relieved.

  She looked so much at ATOM, the astroboy, even at her appearance. Thus, she wore like a boy, as her request. I like this wear. That is not my type. She is so insistent to express herself. Individualist, since she was born.

  She was respected in her infant days, because of her specially insisting preference. Not so egoistic type. "If I could, I want to do..." type. Always within the limit type. And not obedient at all.

  However, her parents forgot her infancy at all. And they pray her to be average among Japanese figures. Thus, they should vanish all together.

  Unfortunately, your daughter is so nasty for us all Shirakawa residents. Thus, you should kill her immediately. This is a some quiz for them all. and they talked on this matter. And her parents and YUKARI agreed to their decision, and signed. Thus they should fail. They didn't know the new system at all, and pledged the royality to the enemy, even after their loss.

  YUKARI is the indusing wrongdoer, yes. However, they believe that Miyuki were worse than her, because she is cleverer than them three.

  This is the fact, and Miyuki should remember this day of your victory!!! Thus, they yelled so pleasently in this special way of yelling her.

  She was in a nostargic mode. I am like this since I was born, and why they don't understand me now, was her question in this period. She told with others, so frequently, and they are Alzheimer patients, she recognized the fact.

  For her, any morally degraded Alzheimer wrongdoers should vanish. No kin, no faked friend, at this point. Eveyone should receive their own ordial. And they got astonished that Miyuki is totally in favour of Animal Army!!! We won, and they stole our victory under the name of human beings!!! And for Miyuki, faked human beings have no value at all. They should vanish immediately in a body. Just skin bags, they are!!!

  Miyuki visited Domestic Animal's Farm, after visiting EAON. She found her mates, both, the co-manager of this farm, and they got upset by the stolen faked legitimacy by some old kinky human beings. Miyuki disliked them all, and got noticed that they are the actual wrongdoers in this area. Old rural agricultural Alzheimer patients, they are!! And they dared to order to Miyuki to obey their order.

  Too strange order they did on Miyuki. "Run with a horse!" What? Miyuki got upset. I am feeding my mate. Why you order me to run with him??? At first, she ignored. Then, she tried that her mate wants to do so. And he ignored it also. Thus, she decided to ignore them, as much as possible.

  She brought some raddishes bought in an annex of JR Shirakawa station, where 東村 or SHIGASHI village rural domestic bugs sold the vesitables. Miyuki ate some strawberries, and tried to buy a package of raddish, at the cost of US$1. And she recognized that one package was written as US$1.5. Why they put the different value to the same quality and quantity type packages???

  And Miyuki made a line, waiting for the counting. There females were there, however, one was practically useless, and one denied Miyuki's existance, and the last one, intentionally, put priority on another female, probably their own mate, rather than Miyuki, and Miyuki should put up with her slow buying, until the end. Thus, she for killing the spare type, started to humming the sound. Now Miyuki's turn. They sold the package, reluctantly, and the last one asked Miyuki, "Are you humming a music?", thus Miyuki nodded.

  And she thought, "If I say, "yes", it means Miyuki is lying, becuase she already did stop singing to respond to her. And Miyuki attended her super politely. Unncessary question. She was singing, obviously, without asking. Why she asked it now? Just disturb her business?

  Anyway, she ate some of the 8 raddish in EAON, and found that there are no man's shopping mall already. Just faked monitors were already there, and almost half of them used a red namecard with a red neck ribbon. Why they put it, even they are faking consumers? Miyuki laught at their strange attitude and took some pictures on them.

  And she targetted some of them. On the second floor, strange thing happened. She chased a targetted one in her high speed walking. However, this targetted one, with a pony tail and white blouse, slowly and flamboyantly walked, and Miyuki couldn't catch up to her at all.

  Oh, she ran faster than I!!! Too strange. She looked so walking slowly, however, as a matter of fact, she walked faster than my evidently first mode. Running competitioner, she is???

  Just faking is enough, she was said, and she did her best, and Miyuki monitored that she was vanishing into the toilet. Oh, are you in a hurry to attend to your client, thinking, "Or, the guy would catch my costomer!".

  Anyway, returning to Animal Farm, Miyuki found that both liked her foods, raddishes. And she named the horse, "Intiryme" according to his dreadhair, and "USAVICH" according to his a bit coolish whitish far and almond shaped red eyes. For my training of avoiding confusion between B and V, Miyuki added.

  Oh, he looked like the character's face. Long face, with a bit demonstrative cold appearance. And they got upset not to Miyuki, but to the wrongdoer above. Miyuki called the name of the horse, in a loud voice, "Intiryme!" twice, to show that he is the boss of this farm, and he has a real name, and Miyuki knows his name.

  He immediately came to her, when he recognized she named him. When she called at the second time, he started to dash to her! And the wrongdoer vanished, immediately!!! We did it, Intiryme!!! Miyuki got pleased!!!

  And "Intiryme" is OK, for you? A name of an emperor of INCA empire. I think you like it. And the hours suddenly immitated his racing mode. Oh, at least, he liked the name. Thus, Intiryme, he is now.

  This is Miyuki's bad interpretation, a bit. however, even though, he liked the name. Miyuki thought that Intiryme played the role of actor for JRA to fake the horse racing. Too too racing type like performance he did. The curving, especially. Thus, he liked Miyuki. She interpretated far from the fact, however, better than the reality!!!

  Later, she remembered, "Oh, race horse called Intiryme was already existing. Oh, thus he played his performance to show it!! " Anyway, OK for them all. Thus, they gained the names. Since now, they are called like that by us!!!

  Deternimated names, they needed to insist their legitimacy. Miyuki was astonished that the entrance was really for the animal farm. The entrance was found when Miyuki did a detective job in this area, and found the wrongdoings in ODAKURA Primary School.

  She entered into there from this entrance, and found that there are two rural houses in front of it, and the old pair was monitoring her, and a sould of lawn morner, operated by one old male.

  And she got a bit nasty and had a fair of they being killed. They, her mates. And when they appeared, Miyuki got relieved so much, and said, "Oh, anyway, you are alive."

  And Miyuki should call to white rabbit. At first, she yelled, "Bunny! Common! I want to see you!!!" and she chaged her mind. He is not so cheerful type. Bunny is not for him. And encouterd with his nasty face. Oh, USAVICH, he is!!! He likes more isolation, rather than faked friendship. And USAVICH, he agreed.

  And the old bugs construct a rabbit house in front of USAVICH's house. Why they established newly, and put theree brown hair ones inside? Anyway, I can't decide which is which now on them. Thus, in the middle, Miyuki thought.  Younger ones. And a brother like ones. Anyway, they came here in some reason. Why they were not put inside the USAVICH's house to get along with????

  Anyway, Miyuki did give her treat to three, anyway.

  And the old one now appeared with a dog, in the totally contrary direction. He vanished at more east point. And now, he appeared at more west point. Alzheimer patient, he is!!!

  They can't play the role anymore. Even faking job, they are not able to do. YUKARI is the same situation. They don't recognize their error at all, forever, probably.

  She ate some raddish with them all. And they liked raddish. good lunch for them three!! They talked on the stolen power holding, and at least, today, they recovered their legitimate reign at the animal farm.

  however, a lot of troubles here in this place. The new wrongdoers split the meadow, and one third of it was established as a baseball ground!!! Terrible!!! For them, field means baseball field, just for their own ego-centric enjoyment!!!!

  And Miyuki got nasty, when she found 4 tumbs in the kids park beside the Intiryme and USAVICH's houses. Kids inducing equipments are there. Miyuki swang in one of them, and found that for kinkiest old bugs, memorial statue means tumbs of the victims. And found a stone curved, 共楽園 or Kyou-Raku-En, like the old OPPABAU house in NANKO lake area. Oh, they wanted to construct the same type, here in this place.

  Pederasty's paradise, Miyuki got to know. The youngest is the best ideology's skewed oppressed ejection, Miyuki recognized it. Old bug could do everything yes, however, until that age, young male bugs should put up with the desire at maximum. Thus, oppressive sexual desire is the cause of this skiewed wrongdoing the worst one in the universe.

  Miyuki got so nasty to recognize the result of their policy. The park only for infants are surrounded by single men's dormitories. One of them are named, "種牧寮” or Breeder's Dormitory. Oh, they wanted to be sparm providers to the infants. Erotic skewed pederasties' paradice, so openly got confessed. And the nearest point was まきば保育園, and it means Kindergarden for the meadow. Oh, the provider of the kids, included.

  And according to the faked map published in 2009, this is the exact place of the Land of the Sun or 太陽の国, a social benefit given challengers' house.

  And in front, there are two ponds. Oh, thus, the OMANKO journalists said that "One challenged turned to be a victim of the flood" in 2008.

  Probably, one of the killed kids floated up, and the kinky old bugs explained so. Thus, they caused the flood, in 1998.

  Too too skewed for us all. Vormitting. however, for them all, as usual. Kids could be born almost one years after, by the same way, as YAYOI's grand mother said to Miyuki and her kids.

  For Japanse parents, kids are replaceble, probably. If one is not good for them, they could reset it, and could gain better model. Thus, only one kid is enough for them type policy. Only for substitute, the second one would be concepted.

  And Miyuki's case, Miyuki is not so good, according to her mother, probably. Thus, she decided to have another, and YUKARI came to her house. At 7 years old, Miyuki felt so nasty feeling in the bed. "I am too too sensitive to live in this cruel world. I can't put up with this nasty feeling filled here in this town. however, I want to live. Thus, I should change immediately. I would be insensitive immediately. Until tomorrow, or I would be killed!"

  And she slept well, and got up in the morning as usual. and she found, "Oh, I am insensitive now! I can put up with any accusation at all! OK, I can live anyway now!!!"

  And she turned to be a cheerful guy type. Why Miyuki felt so nasty, and threatened? She didn't recognize the fact at all. For Miyuki, anyway, I am superior in this house, because I am cleverest here. howver, for others, Miyuki is so nasty girl, with a monstrous curiosity and intellectuality. They wanted more modest type. however, she is superb than others, including them. Adults disliked her because of her superb abilities on understanding the situation and flexibility.

  Miyuki was a kind of idol in her family, when she was in Funabashi, yes. however, in Shirakawa, a kind of burden for the family. Too too quick anyway to perceive the facts. Thus, they didn't want her to stay here. And she wanted to get out of here. And YUKARI was not their favorite. For them, anyway, they are the same type. Nasty daughters.

  For Miyuki, Oh, U2 type non astonishing fact. And for YUKARI, not at all. Go to other place, is their request, and she didn't want to get out anyway. And insisted to stay here as much as possible. "You should agree, because you are my parents."

  Thus, they obliged her to go to hospital, at least, for a while. And she is now treated as Alzheimer patient.

  As Miyuki described, they really sighed. Forgetful, and easily accuse others, and doesn't recognize her errors at all.

  Thus, they failed. Nostargic mode, Miyuki meant, "Oh, I am remembering my infancy. I am surrounded by lots of my old friends" type some affectionate old story. Thus, she took a beer, and ate a canned sardine with squeezed lemmon with some crackers.

  She decided to use quick dinner, especially, "Single lonly male drinking in his lonly house with his some favorets preserved foods" like mood. Now, kitchen is dangerous place to her. Thus, she avoids to use it as much as possible. Too too nasty place for cooking admirers. Thus they failed. They wanted Miyuki to be their exclusive cook, and Miyuki refused the offer forever.

  All Shirakawa figures are nasty and wrongdoers, including my families, she deeply thinks so.

  Thus they should vanish immediately. YUKARI is a kind of far relative for Miyuki's life. It means nothing at all. And her parents, also. Not to get along with type. They chose the way. I respect their own decision.

  And Miyuki is too too cool to keep her mind in sanity. For her, DDMic families are cruel kids' spirits buyers. They should be pusnished harshly.

  No any nortargy to her parents at all, if it were the reality. Just vanish! like other DDMs.

  And they failed. She is the last one to do so. and they also should do it. Platinum Tribe's yelling!!!!

  Not worry about it type. Too too rare among animals. For her, better than faked family, only preference. Why not???

  We passed over 72 years after WWII, and they could not learn liberalism nor individualism. Their fault. Why we should be suffocated by their old pre-modern anti-humanistic treatment on us all???

  They should be punished harshly. And they provided lots of clues to us all, concretly. Thus, they are in ordial.

 For Miyuki, system change from IDIOCRACY to Justice only world is without saying matter. No hesitation at all type easy choice. however, for old ones, some consideration is needed????

  They are not liberalist, however, YUKARI is the exact wrongdoer. Why they hasitate to do rightously? They can't judge right or wrong? Thus, Alzheimer patients, they both. and it means they are wrongdoers. thus, they should vanish now.

  For them, astonishing that YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient. Oh, is it?

  For Miyuki, too too exact to say so. however, only 48 years, she is. Yes, thus, too too worse and violent. Spontaneous type, it means too too idol and disliked to work for more than 20 years. Out of mind type judgement is requiered for you both.

  She agreed to have the test, and they did it, and the result was already dead type. No memory at all. and BLA-BLA-BLA. Just a skin bag, she is, yes.


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (73)

2017-05-24 07:45:47 | 日記

24/05/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki awoke in the bed, and soon, YUKARI and her mother got up, and started to rise. At 4:30 or so, thus, for Miyuki, too early to get up. They met in the kitchen, and made a conversation. YUKARI was going toward to the office soon after, and stayed long for 30 minutes or so. Then she came back to the kitchen. Her mother was there even at that time, and criticised her not to have washed rice. YUKARI kept silent. And the mother came back to the chamber, and lied down on the bed again, turning on a radio in the so low volume.

  Miyuki confirmed these acts done by them, then, she slept again. And at 7:30, almost, she got up from the bed. And went to the office. Miyuki found that YUKARI was near the door, and searching someting inside a tool box, and when Miyuki noticed her, she came back to the main house.

  She wore a gold jacket, like her mother liked to wear in this winter, and a streight worn out old blue black pants. Probably her pajama, actually. And, for Miyuki, astonishingly, the door of the office was locked.

  Miyuki opened the door with the key she brought from the main house, and when she entered into the office, another key bunch was there. Oh, YUKARI couldn't enter into the office, thus, she pretended to make a noise of her father?

  And YUKARI opened the sliding door to enter the mail house. YUKARI is accustomed to use the entrance door to enter in and get out from the main house. however, this morning, she used the sliding door to go back there.

  She looked like to imitate to be her father. Miyuki thought. And who locked her out from the office?

  For YUKARI, admitting her error is fatal, probably. Thus, always she excuses as always. This morning, she couldn't open the office, however, she couldn't inform it to anyone, and just waited someone to open it.

  Miyuki came. Her hatred no.1. Thus, she pretended to searching some tools in his father's tool box. Her father has lots of tool boxes to keep his precious heavy duty type working tools. When Miyuki wants to use tome of them, Miyuki always ask him to allow her to use them. Without allowance, she doesn't use at all. Anyway, his precious tools. Iron made ones, so variously. Always MIYUKI is allowed to use them, because she knows well according to her needs.

  YUKARI didn't like to use them, as usual. however, she started to search already someting in the boxes, probably. This is the trace of her life. She found some heavy duty ones, and sold as she liked, because they belong to her family. Easy way to earn the money. Iron would be expensive, she thought. And they bought as they liked. Thus, she tried to do it, when she was asked to do washing job from her dear mother.

  And YUKARI was so interested in the searching, thus, she forgot to wash rice. Washings clothings and rice were her minimum way to live here. And now, washing, she can't do correctly, and the easier one, washing rice was forgotten by her, completely.

  Washing and cleaning up the stains, were her territory, when she was young. And YUKADI didn't like them at all. Always, awkwardly, she did. And now, she can't operate any machine at all. Manually she are forced to do so. And she used AROMA difuser instead of steam iron!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN! Again!!!!

  She wanted to use iron to pass Alex's clothing. Today, Miyuki perceived that YUKARI was steaming Alex's uniform in his chamber, from the smell and sound. However, when Miyuki went down to go to the toilet to the office, YUKARI was already there. ????

  Probably, YUKARI wanted to play the role of her father, however, she made a big mistake. She couldn't change so quick now. Thus, in her own dirty nasty wear, she appeared, and continued to play the role of her father.

  Someone wispered, You should keep clean, when you are in the last stage. Thus, to avoid this nasty wispering, YUKARI wore the dirty clothing daredly.

  And today, again, like on Monday, her mother opened the window of the unused toilet of the main room. Oh, they want to catch me again today, Miyuki felt so nasty. Probably, they want to conceal Miyuki's dead body inside the ditch of this concealed smelly old type Japanese toilet. Thus, they prepared for it. For them, Miyuki is just a nasty existance now.

  And yesterday, her mother criticised Miyuki to wear pajamas on, when she came back from the office, after her toilet use. "What a shame! You are wearing pyjama in the office! Any visitors would appear if you wear such a messy domestic wear there.", in her scolding voice. Oh, I do it as always. And it was only 8:30, not so bad for Miyuki to wear it. And visitors? Practically no visitor at all in the office. Only several time per month, at max, and they appear usually from 9:30 to 15:00. Not so early in the morning.

  This is the life. The family killed the other member easily, and abandoned in the old house or in the car. And they burned them. Thus, they trained to lit the empty kettle. Family life is to earn money or just devastate other's happy life. Wow, serial killers, they are!!!

  Poison would be fine for her, they decided. And they tried a bit. And Miyuki felt nasty with the bit. And she tried to be kind to others, except YUKARI. She wanted to be nice to others, thus, she wore cozy, in her own way. And they disliked her cosy casual style.

  In August, 2016, when Miyuki came back to pick up a car to her father, YUKARI was stealing to hear the conversation, and got out soon. Thus, after ending a conversation with her father, her mother appeared, and started to attack her harshly, especially on her clothings, "I don't like your childish wearing. You are versity professor. You should wear like versity professor", she said to Miyuki.

  "You are too lean. You should get fat!" she added. Miyuki felt so spooky, when she accused her so hard. Like Kyorin conservativists!, Miyuki really felt on her mother.

  Her father kept silent, however, during a conversation, he graspt his phone, watching the vision always. Miyuki felt so nasty. I am talking so serious matter. Why he is in the mode of running away????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They can used the skin bags as they liked, at the cost of payment per minute. Thus, they had a limit. And they did know the limit. This system is not allowed by Gods of Justice at all!!!

  Miyuki would never sell her personality at all. She wants to keep it entirely. She likes herself so much. Too unique, and not perfect, rather, lots of failures she has, she knows well. However, for her, even her skin bag, highly precious not replaceable beautiful unique existance at all!!!!

  Thus they all failed!!! For them, nothing at all type trial. however, for Miyuki, out of mind type situation. Thus, Clare wanted to say Good bye to Miyuki, probably.

  They wanted Miyuki to be sold, because they were sold by others, already. And Miyuki is their consultant anyway. Lawyer, and she confirmed that for free, for our friends. No alternative pragmatically case, saving their own life is requisit. Miyuki is this type. Thus, they did it. And Miyuki didn't accuse them at this point. Uneffective contract, ilegitimate does. In this case, any effect happens in the ral world. This is the rule.

  From the begining, uneffective. And after the recognition, from the begining, not from the moment of the recognition, the faked contract is nothing. This is the stable Roman traditional law's position, and it is the common rule of the universe!!!!

  Thus, they all were saved. Victims should not be being chickens. They were forced to do so. And no choice practically. "If I were you, I would be obliged to do so" type. Miyuki's Kyorin life belonged to this. Thus, she is tolerant to others failure, within the limit.

  This is the rule, we confiemed. She, of course, harshly, criticises others. however, she is not free from being criticism. She knows well. And spell mistakes!!! Pajama type letter, yes. However, for her, necessity to show up her existance. In a hurry mode, they felt. She is in danger. And anyway, she is alive!!!!

  just a once, they allowed, and they failed. and Miyuki kept her way as usual. The most valuable to keep her sanity, in body and soul, is the best policy. and she did it, and they forgot that Miyuki is clean.

  I will change my clothings, because I will leave here soon to avoid their plan's accomplishing. Orphan club's new member, LEMI, the Miyuki again!!! And the temperature? Oh, I would be a girl type!!!

  I should eat outside. Apple would be fine. And some snacks. No choice at all. They triggered already. Thus,

  See you soon after her long walk, as usual!!! Long legs, she wants to have!!! Thus, she should walk, anyway!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Miyuki should be protected by us all!!! She is Pet no.1 among us all!!!!!

   From Quartet MARC, with big LOVE!!!