Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (24)

2017-05-02 23:22:52 | 日記

Miyuki cama back! We ate delicious Japanese Dinner with MAAJI raw fish with a slice of lemmon, boiled Japanese clovers with egg york and Miso sauce, AINU LEEK soysauce soup with egg white and a skiletful of rice.

 Another first news:

 Who believe such  a anti-scientific lie? Only IKKYO believers. Pregnant jerm, the material was called, and they punished it seriously. Just a black joke type products were produced by kinky bugs and punished by IKKYO believers. They both fell down 🎶!

 The second:

  Selling all of the business company is better than doing the process of discharge. Strange value this OMANKO writer has.

  The third one:

  ITOCHUU trading company is in the boom!!! Why? Because they sold metarics. Oh, they are! Yes, they are selling the irons! Parks have no iron equipaments, man holes had lost, the car tire wheels were made by plastic. Old temples sold the big bell to them. Thieves' trading company, which buys everything until human bodies.

  The fourth one:

 School bags cost US$700!!! And the OMANKO writer faked the reply of the interview. No one wants to pay such an expensive product type object, it is. however, the mother is afraid of the lack of it, because it is so popular.


  MICCHIKU figures are so crazy. Too too expensive for us all!!!

  The fifth one:

  Why this trifle matter was chosen to be written? Because OMANKO writer wanted to write. A kind of advertisement, he thought.

  Plastic piece. Every consumer would recognize it. Who would get wound? Only Alzheimer patients.

  Thus, they are terrified and ordered to the company to recall all of them. The company is also IKKYO line, thus they agreed to do so.

  They all fell down! 🎶

 The sixth one:

  Any man can be the president of Japanese Central bank. Only he said is, "The establishing new investiment type bank is good." And OMANKO writer repeated his remarks three times.

  Any one can be his substitute!!! He graduated from Tokyo Versity!!!


  The seventh one:

  Why only some specific shops could gain a lot from foreighners explosive consumption? Because match-pump policy. The government provided money, and the faked foreign consumers bought some products. Especially cosmetics. Shiseidou is the target. Downward Company No.1!!!

 The eighth one:

 plain idea with expensive consuming faking. Who buys such an attractive product? type projects here and there. Probably this OMANKO writer dried up his idea already. Not talented, however, MICCHIKU related. Thus, he continue to write, exhibiting his shames of Alzheimer disease.

  The nineth one:

  Japanese Government is composed of all Alzheimer patients. This article is the proof. ASO is coward to make a conversation with Mr.Slump, and he prefers TPP negotiation. HA-HA-HA-HARMAN! He lost the chance!!!

  And the government related thinks that the negotiation would not be accelated. Oh, because you don't work at all. Negative saying always, because of difficulty. For us all, it is too easy to speak with foreign people, however, for them, too too difficult. Thus, they all fell down! 🎶 Get out of the scene of politics, DDMs, please!!!

 The tenth one:

  For DDMs, name change of RAKUTEN SHIJOU is important, and not privacy invasion system.

  Thus, they were proved that they are all Alzheimer patients, who can't recognize the difference between inportant theme and trifle matter.

  Thus, they should be discharged now.

  Thank you for all of you! See you next morning!

  Miyuki took a nap a bit during her report. And now, we are going to her bed!!!!

  We all four!!! Altogether!!!

  See you!!!


  From MARC, with big LOVE!!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (23)

2017-05-02 18:41:18 | 日記

 Miyuki found that now South part of Asia sent their figures to Shirakawa. Miyuki found them in MEGA STAGE shopping mall. Probably they moved from other parts of Japan to Shirakawa, attending to the request of the bosses of IKKYO related.

 They have already sold their spirit, thus, IKKYO took advantage of the situation.

  Many Southern Asians work outside of their own country. Miyuki met them in many places. In FUNABASHI, in HACHIOJI, in HONGO, in Brazil, in Shingapore and so on. Most of them are diligent workers, however, there are some exceptions, yet.

  Thus they failed. They are accustomed to be killed, IKKYO understood. Not at all! They love their kids. However, cruel reality pushed them to the evil situation.

  Miyuki read a novel called "Slam Dog Milionare!" written by an Indian deplomat. It was an original story of famous Big Hit film with the same title. Miyuki liked it, however, Indian reality is too too harsh for us all.

  She just dreamt to lie down on the net of the train. It would be possible, however, realway clerks would scold her harshly, she imaged. Thus, she has no experience of this kind.

  However, Indian railway is so populous, thus, who can do so is priviledged. Their standard is different.

  The country is filled with people, thus, the miniature's dasign is so detailed, was her impression. They put many in a tiny space. Thus, excessive energy, she felt. Not so bad, however, probably, hot would be. And choking situation, sometimes.

  Many diligent people are contempted in the country. Talented people chose the way out of caste, namely, new profission like IT programmers. And they are good at math. The reason? Probably, they are accustomed to count anyway. They should count, surrounded with lots of people. Necessity. Thus they can learn 2 disits multiple 2 disits math calculation instantly. For MIYUKI, a kind of headache. However, for them, common knowledge. Miyuki stops to count after some big amont of money, and starts to say, anyway, a value of the earth, of the planet, of the galaxy and so on. However, they could count the numbers.

  Each one, each group of people, each collective unit has its own unique character. Thus, some people astonish others.

  She got astonished by Big Eater of Hot Dog in New York. More than 100 hot dogs eaten by a short Japanese male, in 3 minuts or so. Too too wonderful, at the same time, she starts to worry about his stomach. If I were he, I couldn't eat more than 3. He is different. Has some talent and skill, she thinks.

  And she remembered the Champion of WANKO-SOBA eating competition. A middle aged normal type woman, however, she ate too too many bowls of white thin type backwheat needles in summer event. Surprising, however, it would be. A kind of miracle for her, because she would stop eating within 10 bowls of them.

  Each one has some special talents. Big eating is such a kind. Abnormal, yes. Beyond the normal standard, however, it doesn't harm anyone. Big eating is good to see. Just a problem of wallet. and the female Champion is lucky, because there is the special competition in the reason.

  The Hot Dog eater has no chance in his place, thus, he has to go far to New York, to show his talent. For Miyuki, a kind of prize deserved matter. And for others? Just a joking. yes, a joke type comical event, and we can laugh at their wonderful performance. however, not contemptious one. A kind of adoration. "Oh, I am impressed at your big eating!" type respectful gaze, Miyuki has.

 Why not? And birds also has the talent to fly. Miyuki got to know why their legs are so thin and short, in general speaking. They should be light to fly. A kind of wheel of the plane. Thus, the chiken legs of leghon is eatable. The leghon was for being eaten. And for others, except some ones like Ostrich, flying is the predilection.

  And Miyuki got to know that she could feel as if she were flying, when she extends her arms in the same shape of them. Oh, I am flying now! They, spallows flied, and she immitated their wings' movement. And felt as if she herself flying. Feeling good! That's what I would like to do when I was in a primary school, she really thinks so.

 She could feel the sansation of flying. Thus, immitated. And could do it!!! Oh, I can fly! I could do it! Thank you, Birdies!!!!

  Sympathy makes her fly!!! And she always signs to birdies!!! Tweeting is enough, yes. However, if she has chance, try to flag the arms, they said. And she did it, and felt so good.

  Thus, birdies chose the way. Feeling groogy! Confortable and amusing. Good, nice, wonderful!!!

  They can fly in various ways. however, they prefer some, especially. And they show their most beautiful pose to her!!! Oh, you can do it also?! She likes it, however, the mountain dove got upset. She really knew that crows could fly in various ways, and now the mountain dove, too?! Oh, they are so talented.

  And his reply is, "Don't confuse me as a crane!!!" And he understood that Miyuki was not nasty type. Just she wants to have lots of friends. Not nasty is enough for them all. Anyway, a human being. Ape type. Not so a promissive one.

  Miyuki really thinks the same. For them, too too many human beings are contemptious and harmful. They damaged a lot. Miyuki read a story of irradication of all mountain dove in American Continent.

  The human beings started to push away them, because they were so peaceful. They didn't know how evil the human figures are. And they tried to persuade them to stop it, and they were devastated by the human figures.

  The same situation of us human beings against DDMs. They don't know the limit. Moral Alzheimer patients, in this case. They don't feel any pain at all.

  Infanticide. Abortion. They did, and want to do it even now. Devastation to all morality.

  Too too nasty to know the fact. She could save at least some of them. SAKUMA family lived in front of her house.

  Many DDMs lived near her house. All of us were surrounded by them. They increased the number, at max. And they started to kill each other. Inner Group Struggle, or Mein Kamph, it is called. They wanted their own kids, because they wanted to gain some money. For them, too too natural. For us, out of immagination. Thus, we tried to persuade them not to do such evil wrongdoings.

  For us, incredible things, however, for them, DDMs, not at all. Just a natural course, like as the other evil wrongdoing infanticide is.

  Too many examples of their killing. Thus, they couldn't see the eyes of other animals. They dislike fish. Especially, the eyes of fish. Miyuki recognize last week that in the supermarket called BENIMARU in YOKOYAMA block, almost all of fish were cut their head.

  Oh, thus, I can't judge the freshness of them. And spieces. Some of them are from deep ocean, with grotesque head. Thus they cut it, presumably.

  Miyuki failed in this time. Deep ocean would be untoucheable world. And the strange out of imagination type spiecies here and there. They look so grotesque. And she feel fear to eat it, except some specially selected ones.

  KUE is one of them. It was caught only in winter in the north side of Japan. Some specialite for the local residents.

  And now, various deep sea fish are on the shelves. Why? Other normal common type fish are where???

  And she found a package of 15 semi-dried IWASHI sardines, at the cost of US$1 in WASHIO supermarket. Miyuki doesn't waste her precious money, however, relatively highly cheap, she thought. And she bought 2 packages, one for her, and one for other members of her family.

  Why they could discount like that?, was her mother's question. Miyuki doesn't know the system. Someone put the wrong tag, and they repeat the error. Thus, sometimes, highly cheap ingredients she could gain.

  Always she encounters with cheap products. Why? They are in doubt. Miyuki knows the answer. Because she walkes a lot.

  She compares the prices, and chose one, within the limit. Thus, she is economic, and thrifty.

  She is a good cook, probably. however, she takes a lot of time. Specialite, she thinks of. And they are always not for their sake. for satisfying her own curiosity, probably. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki knows well. She is independent from her family. Friend, probably. And she wants to get some suitable site to resume her life time objects!!!!

  Where are my files? Where are my documents? Where are my books? Where are my suvenirs? Where are my stationaries?

  Many of them are stocked in her place, however, the rest would be stolen, probably. and the list. The thieves forced her to make the list of the lost things. Detailed one. Time consuming. A kind of tortures.

  And Miyuki watched the scene in MARUNOUCHI department of Tokyo Metropolitan Office's Police, and Tokyo Bay Detention. They repeated to make the list again and again, in vain? For inventory? I am alive? Why they want to make it so eargerly?

  They like to do so.

  And now, her dinner time! Today, she got to learn how to cut Japanese little sardine called MA-AJI. She tried 6, and could do it! This is the second attempt to cut the same fish. The first time, anyway eatable type struggle.

  This time, she could understand that for decise the fish, some anatomical knowledge is required. Thus, Black Jack is Fishery related man!!!

  Decising should be careful, and it would be better to destroy the inner organs of the fish. In the future, she would take advantage of the lever of fish as SHIOKARA or satly lever pasted sea food like squid or bonito.

  However, for a while, she learns to cut without inner organs the fish. SASHIMI, she decided, because the fish looked so fresh.

  And she refrained from buy US$0.47 sea bleam rest at BENIMARU Yokoyama block. Yes, eatable. However, I want to have more fresh one for raw eating. This package is not for it. Just for heating type.

  Thus they failed. She would buy any cheap good, they thought. and they tried to make some packages with their residues. And she avoided to buy them.

  For someone, good. However, my standard is not. Someday, if I think of heated dish, I would try, probably.

  Thus, she knows well the sytem. They gained some from others for free, and they put on the shelves. A kind of warehouse with big freezers, Miyuki thought.

  Thus, there are many big supermarkets here and there, indifferent from the number of possible consumers. Miyuki is targetted by her thrift way of buying. Why she is so nasty? Because she is a common people. Thus, they failed.

  IKKYO wanted to make a kingdom for their own. Alzheimer patients' autonomy, they did, and failed. "Vasipid of Ivan" land appeared here in Shirakawa.

  Anyone can't recognize another. Always compliments only world. She experienced it in Tokyo, and again in Shirakawa.

  YUKARI is a founder of this project, they said. Because she is an earlier case of this pattern. Tokyo versity graduate has the same pattern. Thus, Miyuki was also targetted and they wanted to take advantage of her innocence.

  She likes to be a bird! They astonished. her dream when she was a school girl of primary school. Why not?

  IKKYO believers don't imagin at all. This is the worst degradation, she really thinks so. Lack of imagination syndrome, they were called. Imagination is our necessity. It makes us to feel sympathy, in case of necessity. Some kind of effort is required, however, we can think as if we are the other existance.

  Miyuki thought that she is good at imagination. Not so promissive, nor skillful. However, a sense of gag, Top Class! ADACHI likes her because of it.

  Too many resemblances surrouding her. However, her kinkiest imagination is too too wonderful among them!!!

  And Miyuki really thought that these 4 are altogether, because other 3 came to Miyuki's IGNOLANDIA, in spite of their preference, especially at appearance. Miyuki is not my kind, they claimed. However, they are all curious and like her anyway. Not my type, however, amusing! is her impression.

  At a glance, Miyuki is a kind of deep ocean existance. Miyuki could imagin it. And they like to play with her. She knows well every thing with her 70% understanding. A bit on the matter. Almost everything. And unknown things, curiocity induces her to act.

  Thus, they came to her land. Anyway, come here! This is our place. No one could believe it, however, this is the No.1 for you! Recruiting was just like IKKYO. I am not such a kind, ADACHI refused. Oh, prof? I hate it. And Miyuki's reply was, Oh, you too?

  For IKKYO believers, she was an imaginable strange existance at all. Why she changes her wear? So nasty. Cute lady turns to be an old boy. Why???

  And she likes to do so. Relax with old boy type clothings. However, for her adventure, more active type!!!

  This gap would be fine for us all!!! Miyuki is really old guy, in this evening. Much older than 80, they said. ADACHI trained for it. Her appearance is too too much for it! Nice old guy type for old rural YUSAKU!

  Waltz with Masao SEN. A rich singer got married with an younkie lady. And they got along with each other. And separated. OK, it happened. Sometimes, people love each other, and then change. Thus, change the members. Normal for us all.

  And YUKARI didn't understand it. She came after Miyuki started to cook, and she removed Miyuki's fish in the middle and YUKARI began to cook as if she were only one to have right to do so. Miyuki watched the oclock. 17:30. Oh, she declared that she started to cook exactly at 17:30, presumably. Punctual YUKARI, here she comes! Like OOKAWA the dean of the faculty. Oh, in the last stage she is.

  Punctuality was his only one merit for several months. and he lost it finally, and vanished. Time is money, they said, and gained from non working system. Thus, OOKAWA wanted to attack Miyuki.

  She is not good at time keeping, was his execuse for the prepared attack. And he got unpunctual more than Miyuki, when he started the real evil attacking on Miyuki. Always they delayed. After the losing, they did the more wrongdoings.

  Thus they should die for it. All losers, who wanted to survive after their execution declaration.

  Miyuki is satified with her victory of "perfect eating of all the samples in the biggest three confectionaries in Shirakawa along the road."

  My mates wanted to do it, probably. And only I could do it, probably. They failed, because they were punished in the middle of this game.

  Just a game. And they themselves openly said, "take as you like. It's free." Even though, Shirakawa DDMs wanted to chase her to punish her wrongdoing. For them "for free" means "You should pay after."

  We don't care of their strange interpretation. They should be punished immediately. IKKYO world would be induced by them. TOKYO admirers, they were.

 Miyuki was an admirer, yes. She imagined that TOKYO were more fair rather than unfair town called SHIRAKAWA.

  And they failed. MICCHIKU was their ideal living model. Miyuki disliked it. And now, she was in the danger of this kind like as KAWAMURA.

  She wanted to behave as herself. however, how? No model at all. And found some models, watching arround her on the roads. Town watching is the training of recovery of her fashion sense. MAGAZINE? She bought several. And she found that Japanese magazines for her age are totally useless. The price, at first. And their fashion. For old bugs with plump body shape only type. And she could find many opportunities to brash up her sense of mode. Thus, they failed.

  KIMONO wear was her favorite, they decided. Why? I wore in a special ocation. And I am good at wearing it. However, for common use, I hate it. For indulged Madam type wearing.

  And they failed. This is her buying day. They set the mode. And she bought some decided ones. Some seasonal exceptions, yes. And her trianph!!! She really is strong!!!! Cesar!!!Emperor is good. However, the tone of sound "TEIOU" is more stronger, anyway. Emperor is more formal, authentic. Also good. However, TEIOU is more popular and sounds strong. No.1 type expression. Yelled one. "Oh, Teiou of the night life!" like that. KOUTEI of night life, not suitable. Teiou knows well the system, and functions well. Thus, TEIOU, in Japanese now.

  Miyuki found a lot of residues of IDIOCRACY in Japan. Really nasty. They did it type astonishing stories here and there.

  Just a trifle matter, OMANKO journalists write. However, the important things were totally concealed from our sight at all.

  Where are my ex-mates? Are they OK? And they failed. Miyuki remembers the days of her own school days. On the subject, a bit. however, their faces, of that age, are unforgettable.

  They thought that Miyuki suffered from Alzheimer disease, because she couldn't remember ABC in English. Oh, who said? Anybody. And Alex would have believed it.

  She can't speak English at all, was their reply. Oh, strange. If I need, I speak. However, in Shirakawa, even foreigners speak Japanese so well.

  Thus they failed. Why she works so hard? She should be unproductive type. And she is the sister of her DDMic younger sister. Of course! And they failed.

  For them, one member is DDM, means DDMic family. For them, yes, probably. However, for us, not at all. Out of mind type stupid illogical presumption, we could say.

  And they failed. YUKARI's family, they called Sato Family. And they tried to attack all of the other members, because YUKARI disliked them all.

  And YUKARI forgot the attempts at all. Alzheimer patient, she is in really. Killing was her jobs, not ours, was IKKYO's reply. They all in the same hole of INFERNO, Miyuki thinks so.

  Now, our delicious dinner time! Already raw fish is ready to eat. And it fits with lemmon juice!!! Prepare for her attacking of your sense of deliciousness!!!!



  See you soon! We will come back soon after the dinner time!!!!

  Big LOVE from MARC!!!ぁぃ(。・ω・。)ノ♡


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (22)

2017-05-02 08:49:58 | 日記

02/05/2017 (Tuesday, morning) Miyuki found the new usage of AINU leek. It turns to be Chinese leek, when it is boiled, while it Garlic, when fried. Roast well, up to be crispy. You can use it as a fried shredded garlic! It gets to be a crispy cruton like snack!

  A discovery which deserves to be Cordon Blue prize!!!

 Now Rabby's news comments hour.

 The first one:

 Oh, now? Miyuki got to realize why IKKYO faked policemen asked her to list up all of her belongings with the exact prices. They wanted to put them in auction called MerCali, or Mercado Livre.

  They think that receipts are kind of proofs, which deserve to be sold. Thus, they put them on the auction, and they all fell down! 🎶

 Thus, they put cash on the same auction site, which we previrously informed to you!

 The second news:

 Look! They can't recognize the difference between site and branch.

  The OMANKO writer says, "A branch was closed and the company ended up for it. Now new site is re-opening!"

  Stupid. They can't understand the easy system of Company organization. Under IQ 29 type writer, he is.

 See you soon! We are always with you!!!!

 From MARC with Big LOVE!

Miyuki came back from her audacious works. She did the accomplishing of tasting all of the sweets of the big 3 confectionaries in the town.

 The first target was KASHIWA-YA. Three tasting's targetts were there. MISO-an or Soy paste added white stewed beans enrolled with sticky rice dough. MISO flavour is strong type. Good.

  And two orthodox MANJUU or thin skin bread covered stewed red beans sweets. The red beans tasted like mine. Probably, I reached the level as professional, in the field of stewed red beans.

  I immitated the flavour of TAMAYA, a private small shop near my house. I hate the shop actually, however, I respected the authentic elegant flavour. Thus, I got the flavour of the read beans paste, anyway.

  Dough is too too amature, however, the content is professional, they recognize. Thus, Miyuki is a kind of rival against them.

   I brought a cup of green tea taken at the supermarket near it. However, I was not criticised at all, at least. The other tasting samples were withdrown today. Probably, I had already delivered the comments, especially on the old eggs.

  Then I visited SANMANGOKU-FUJIYA. And I tasted 6 varieties of the sweets. Good. Today, my favorite was Exison Pie. It resembles Gateau de Roi on 6th of January. And the ingredients were reformed.

  When I was young, it smelled margarine. Good taste, however, this smell of margarine disturbed the flavour, I thought. Today, no strange smell. It smelled butter rather. A bit salty. however, I repeated one more piece to confirm the flavour. And It was confirmed. Better than before.

  I put on the way to BENIMARU in MEGA-STAGE Shopping Mall, and took a cup of tea. And I visited ENDOU confectionary again.

  I was already full of stomach, however, I wanted to challenge this game. And I had to win, anyway. Thus, I decided to enter. And I ate all of the samples. And left there without buying, of course.

  Immediately after my leaving, a Ms. Responsible followed me, and asked me, "Do you have any reason not to buy our products at all?", with a threatning voice.

  I ignored her, and went to right to the direction to SHIRAWAKA. Soon, the number 1001, white wagon, followed me. It means that ENDOU car wanted to catch me.

  This is Miyuki's report on the 3 confectionaries, and she found the law of degradation. Localization means narrow hearted.

  KASHIWAYA is nationally renoun. And the attitude is most open.

  SANMANGOKU-FUJIYA is prefecturally famous. The clerks didn't say nothing. It was good for me. They can ignore non-buying consumer. Their right, yes.

  ENDOU is only for SHIRAKAWA use type. And when MIYUKI visited, the clerks started to criticise her, using their own codes. She felt it, and thus she hurried up the process. Total eating was her ordered task. And she did it.

  And the chasing, above she wrote. Oh, in this region, "Taste these samples!" means, "If you don't buy, we would lynch you! Prepare to be anihilated!", I got to know.

  Thus, they failed again. Many naughty boys were killed by this way. Car chasing the kids' bicycles. Do you believe it? However, it is the fact. They, the kids, were Miyuki herself.

  And they were abandoned like trash. She watched a big trash collecting blue car, which open widely for this object. A box, would be fine to conceal their tiny bodies. Terrible rough works in chain.

  Chinkoro was a kind of them. They are the same tribe. A bit naughty, and popular among kids, while the aim of hatred of adults. Miyuki was such a type. She could survive because of her chicken character. Not so instinctive, but she was just lucky. However, more audacious type were killed like that. Promissive ones. Miyuki feels really so.

  Thus, JAPAN shrank. They chose the wrong way. They got narrower heated gradually. And she was afraid to be caught again. No more at all. Thus, she turned the way, and chose to another way to investigate.

  Locality means conservative unfairness only world. They protested their own richness. Promissive poor kids were the real threatning factors against them. Thus, they killed as soon as possible.

  Alex would have been a target if he had continued to stay here in SHIRAKAWA after the big quake. They fell down at that time. They sold their spirit and obeyed the evilest existance called IKKYO.

  They were the saver of this region, they said to others. However, any common sensed people got doubt on it. Strange kinky erotic religion, they thought. However, some of them got to enter into the religion.

  And astonishingly, YUKARI did it twice. She was already the believer, and after the big quake, she went to the church and did it. And when she came back from HACHIOJI, expulsed by MIYUKI, started to do the work, according to their instruction.

  As you like, as much as possible, because you are the superior to your family. In YUKARI's case, versity degree was her pride, anyway.

  And now, she got to know, that Miyuki is also superior to her in every meaning. "She is costive. She earns lots of money. Thus, she is extravagant" was YUKARI's remarks. However, no one believes it. She is thrifty, anyway. ENDOU wants to catch her because of her thrifty tasks. Why she is thought as extravagant type?

  She likes to compete with super markets. Who would be the cleverest in this town?, she always participates in this race. And she likes to gain the prize. "Economist, she should be!" They are astonished.

  Her comments are too too severe for them all. They know the limit, however, they should produce the sweets anyway. This is the problem. Amature like, however, good anyway, was prohibitted for them all.

  Miyuki said so in her belly, when she ate the typical confectionary sweet of ENCOU called AGUE-MANJUU or fried bread daugh covered red stewed beans paste, critisicing, "Good, however, for old authentic type gourmont, it would be KARINTOU like crispy taste would be criticised."

  And they got upset. It was true. Miyuki is honest especially in her belly. Thus, they chased.

  Kids are honest, and it should be. We think so. And adults? Lip service would be fine as a smoother among societies. However, lies should be avoided. These two types of conducts are totally different.

  Then they failed. Miyuki ate Moon of Shirakawa, and said in a belly, "Better than the last time. It was salty, while this is not so much." However, they were not satisfied with the qualification. They should be fine all.

  Their activities. Not mine. They should make an effort to accoumplish the result.

  Miyuki is free from their intention at all. Objective investigation, she should do.

  This is her first theme today.

  And some evil wrongdoings here and there. She finally could enter into the IKKYO cemetery in SANBONMATSU or 3 pine trees area. She was astonished at knowing that the cemetery is run by Catholic Church, rented by Shirakawa municipality. Public property used by religious group. Unconstitutional. Even OMANKO Supreme Court admitted it.

  And found the worst mark of their wrongdoings. Foreigners killed in the town. The tumbs were for it. Their names were concealed and Miyuki got to know that behind the actual tumbs, there were lots of other victims. They were unknown, in their real names. Contries varie, also. However, at least, some of Vetnamese were killed and berried. And some Chinese and Latin ones also were killed here.

  MIYUKI was in doubt, when she heard Portugues in NISHIGOU area in 1997. They could speak Japanese, however, they were excluded from the society. Even in SAKUMA-GUMI, a big local construction company in front of her, used some peruvians, she presumes now.

  "Pedro! Come here!" the colleagues called him. And the kids of Latinos were near the RYUUZOUJI temple. The two kids, quiet, however, quick type, lived there. She once played with them on the street near the temple. Racing car, remote controling type, they had. Alex was interested in it. And they moved it to show him how to move. And a crash! It was broken. Miyuki felt sorry, however, she didn't know how to behave? Alex didn'y touch it, however, they showed it for Alex. Miyuki should pay for it??? She got agonized, and they came back to supposed their house with the broken toy. Miyuki felt that they were latin type.

  and when Alex entered into the primary school, she searched them in a block club. They were not the members. Why? She was in doubt.

  She, sometimes thought that she were suffering some illusional hearing. Thus, "Pedro!" should be other common name, she thought.

  However, when she recognized all of the cruel facts in Japan, she got to know, there were many latin americans near here in her local town.

  There was a big tumbs with the name of SAKUMA Family. Several female names were there on the stone curved. For female, latin male name like Francisco Xavier. Terrible. However, at least a residue.

  They were killed after the big quake for the greedy family called SAKUMA. AKUMA is devil in Japanse.

  She has heard that many Brazilians and Peruvians had come back to their homeland after the end of the bubble. However, not so much. Some of them prefered to live in the local towns in Japan. Sometimes, they had special reasons to choose the way.

  They didn't know the IKKYO religion was so black and nasty. They thought that it were just a kind of Christian Church. Thus, they participated in the religious activities. And they lost their precious spirits.

  they are victims. Not so evil IKKYO proper believers. They believed the kindness of common people, even in thid goddamit country called Japan. Miyuki is the same. And they all failed.

  Betrayed by the Christians, they thought. They lied and took the advantage of the name of Christianity. Hospitality not at all type. Always "Money, Money, Money", they pursuited. ABBA.

  Ave Maria!!! Nossa Senhora!!! They got astonished at the reality. No future for JAPAN, they confirmed.

  Miyuki remembered the song called "AVE MARIA", a religious faked love song of sob MICCHIKU story. A young female gets married with old ugly boy according to the instruction of their boss of the family. Beautiful song, however, not so emotional type. Nasty feeling, as always. She betrayed the real love and chose her wrong way.

  Thus, she would be punished. She would be MINAKO SATO type, Miyuki imagines. Vague. As you like, type. SHINOBU, also. Beautiful girls, however, they had no passion at all. Just obey their superiors type. Doll like life, they lived, Miyuki resumed. This is the song for you, MINAKO and SHINOBU, Miyuki thought.

  French chanson, probably. however, Miyuki felt the same sensation, when OOTA confessed his belief to her. "Stupid! No life nakid king!" was her remarks on them all!!!

  The cemetery was located in a concealed area. Public, however, the entrance was now disturbed to enter in by the ropes with parking lots. It means "No one should enter in this place." And Miyuki found another small ally to construct the cemetery. Thus, she could get out from the cemetery legally entirely.

  And on the top, she found a big tumb of a PADRE, canadian priest called XX Mary XX. He died at 1974. Probably he would be the father of KEMEKO or Mikiko FUJITA and her younger sister and brother.

  PADRE can't have a baby, however, he had. And Mr.Fujita adopted with some compromise, probably. Oh, Canadian! Quebec, probably. Not American. Sorry, Kemeko!

  The same father, they had, presumably, because the 3 brother and sisters were so alike, Miyuki thought. And now, the riddle was resolved.

  For her, natural. Male and female, did it, sometimes, and the fruits. Better than aborthon. It happens sometimes. Look at the example of Paraguayan President! He was Arch-Bishop, and had lots kids!!!

  Alex is totally different from Clare at a glance. They don't seem brother and sister. Racially different, Miyuki thinks so. However, they have the same female parent, namely, Miyuki. And they don't resemble her at all.

  Thus, when Miyuki's family are in the same place, IKKYO thinks that they are 3 individuals, un related each other.

  This is the fact. They can't recognize that Miyuki is the real mother of them, two. Who is your mother? IKKYO kids asked Clare many times. Clare responded each time, differently. Probably, a guy. Probably, a girl. Probably, an old boy.

  And they believe it. For them, any response is fine. Objectivity at all.

  Clare is the superior in her class, bacause they don't come. And she has to put up with the time consuming torture until 14:00. However, better than inside the house. YUKARI is more unendurable.

  Thus, they are doing their faked pupils' job, every morning.

  Miyuki is respected by the kids of IKKYO. She can speak with birds, they understand. OK, I can, she replied!

  Her smiling is dangerous, they say each other. However, not nasty at all. Looks kind for everyone. Familiar.

  Thus they all fell down! 🎶

 OK, IKKYO kids! Kill your superiors! Thus, you would have chance to survive, probably! She likes to say them. And they stop working. IKKYO kids are adults, Miyuki thought. And now, their chorus. Adult like unison. Why???

  When they sing, their voice came down to their real age. Thus, Moony sisters and brothers.

  Many kids were killed in Shirakawa, here and there. And today, she found a lot of residues of the tragedies. Probably, the marks of artificial flowers or sticks at the corner of the house are replacement of the JIZOU or their own kids. With solar energy generationg system, a petit version. The residents can't feel any sadness to the death of their kids. Just a mark.

  And probably, the cheapish disposable chopstics, which was put at the corner of the changing room in front of the bath room by YUKARI would be substitutes of predicted tumbs. For Alex and Clare, probably. She is preparing the ceremony for them.

  For pets, she said, and now, she is thinking of their death. Nasty unobedient resisting boy and girl, who invide my peaceful universe, she recognizes them.

  YUKARI is the representative of DDMs, Miyuki think so in depth. She sold her spirit many years ago. Until her last word, we have to work in this problem.

  Nasty girl turned to be a killer. She is an example of the local IKKYO world.

  And today, Miyuki found a lot of Downward Penis flowers here and there. Silver Personal Resourcing Center, BANIMARU SHOWAMACHI shop, Gift Center HARIKA, and so on. Today, yellow ones are distinctive. Big Rural Bosses died, was the meaning.

  Of course, she took the pictures!!!

  And she found a skill to occupy the public road for private use. First, they occupied the road beside their courtyard, then they constructed the other space on their field. Thus, streight road turned to be a curved one. Two hills like back cammel road, they named! KITAROUs are good at finding these special places.

  And she liked to take the proofs. They hasitated to do so, because they were so confused by the reality. Our parents could do it???? We also thought so. And finally, unfortunately, it was totally true.

  They were on the parade. With reluctant faces each. Anyway, our supporters, however, why they were so powerless??? And now, she really understood that the ordial was done, and they should be the real winged figures!!!

  And she found a lot of her boyfriends and girlfriends in phillipine usage, in the sky. Swallows, sparrows, AJISASHIs, Crows, and the long reached big guy! His main colour is white, however, in the wedge, it is black, and under the wings, all blacks. Oh, her son!!! Oh, she got upset at our friendship! Oh, just like human being's world!!!

  Even to his mother, Miyuki approached and induced to play with her. She got upset, and disliked her...Oh, her son!!!

  A bit confusional story between them. She love her boy, and he, put his priority on Miyuki, thus, she got upset, and got away, and appeared on the river side of ABUKUMA river. And Miyuki thought that "She is beautiful. However, alone. And she lost the love game..."

  Sometimes total confusion caused by Miyuki's bad understanding. Thus, she was cold to her.

  OK, now, she has lots of friends!!!! They are all promissive....

  And her steady partner Mountain Dove was not found among them. OK, he would be kept for me, as a safety net.

  And crows praised Miyuki's audacious victory against three big confectionaries!!! She ate all of the sweets samples!!! And found that the system existed in reality. For them, sample eating without buying was prohibitted and illegal, she proved!!!

  For us all, too too natural behaviour, however, for them, too too unusual, Miyuki thought.

  KIKOO Company, the plate was written. KIKKOO means kinky behaviour in Japanese. And when she went to search, she found that this evil company was doing the devastation business, openly, showing up to us.

  When she came from the proof collecting task on the company, a car passed beside her toward the dead end of the devastate road, which stops in the middle of the process. Another proof of wi-fi using inducing to follow her on the road.

 Terrible, however, the fact. They want to continue to play with this way. Time consuming stupid nasty game called IKKYO believers' shame collection, PRE'Te Porte type. Already made.

  Now she would take some pictures of other wrongdoings.

  Hurry up, Miyuki! your friends are waiting for you, there!!!!


  See you on our blog!!!

  From MARC, with Big LOVE!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (22)

2017-05-02 08:49:58 | 日記

02/05/2017 (Tuesday, morning) Miyuki found the new usage of AINU leek. It turns to be Chinese leek, when it is boiled, while it Garlic, when fried. Roast well, up to be crispy. You can use it as a fried shredded garlic! It gets to be a crispy cruton like snack!

  A discovery which deserves to be Cordon Blue prize!!!

 Now Rabby's news comments hour.

 The first one:

 Oh, now? Miyuki got to realize why IKKYO faked policemen asked her to list up all of her belongings with the exact prices. They wanted to put them in auction called MerCali, or Mercado Livre.

  They think that receipts are kind of proofs, which deserve to be sold. Thus, they put them on the auction, and they all fell down! 🎶

 Thus, they put cash on the same auction site, which we previrously informed to you!

 The second news:

 Look! They can't recognize the difference between site and branch.

  The OMANKO writer says, "A branch was closed and the company ended up for it. Now new site is re-opening!"

  Stupid. They can't understand the easy system of Company organization. Under IQ 29 type writer, he is.

 See you soon! We are always with you!!!!

 From MARC with Big LOVE!