Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (79)

2017-05-27 19:54:50 | 日記

27/05/2017 (Saturday, evening) It's cold today. Even in the middle of the day, it was 17 degrees at temperature. Miyuki had to wear her fat clothings. And many of DDMs wore light clothings as M & A predicted. Majority of Shirakawa faked residents have no recognition ability on the temperature, we confirmed.

  It was cloudy and sometimes rained. Almost all of them wore long T shirt, and some of them wore semi-sleaves normal T shirt. Someone wispered to them to put early summer clothings, and they obbeied to the recommendation. They are lacking of judging ability at all.

  She got out a bit earlier than 13:30 oclock from the house to avoid their attacking. And the powder. Always some tiny particles are flying in the ear.

  Oh, thus, my mother ordered me to tap any food in the kitchen table. Miyuki thought that to avoid YUKARI's stealing job. Probably, for the both sakes. YUKARI are fragile in decision, since she was young, Miyuki did know it well. And fragile means that easy to rely on others, especially on the superiors. And easy to choose the easiest way, indifferent from the relevant result. Thus YUKARI got addicted by the illegal medicines.

  And her mother did know it, thus, she wanted to avoid some powder to enter into the dishes, untapped ones.

  And she often ordered YUKARI to clean up the powder on the corredor and the stairs. Only these places was enough to clean up for her. And she didn't inform what is the powder to others. Cocaine, not. They are cracks or tablets. Powder means amphetamine.

  YUKARI wanted to take heroine anyway. And she made a reservation to get it. And the exact surgical clinic provided her the medicine. And YUKARI made a mistake, and she made a reservation for Alex, instead of Clare.

  Now, Alzheimer like confusion started. Her mother explained to Miyuki as if Clare were the patient to be treated, because of her foot injury. However, YUKARI made a reservation for Alex. Thus, they decided that Alex should go to the hospital.????

  For Alex, a kind of amusing process. "I am healthy, and they accused MIYUKI because of indifference of her daughter's injury and said, "you are desqualified as a parent. Evil wrongdoer, irresponsible one! Too cold-hearted!"

  And Miyuki replied calmly, "According to your excessive protectionalism, I would be an evil devil. However, I am liberalist, and now under the actual constitution, my opinion should be prevalent. In my opinion, you are the wrongdoers." And her mother declared her, "I hate you, stupid!". And Miyuki said calmly, "The same to you."

  how nice and cool!!! ADACHI really got passionated by her coolishness. Versity professor she is!!! Impressively, cool!!! Thus, I like you!!!

  "You are so cold-hearted!", they exclaimed, with the agonized face. For us all, they are cold-hearted evil wrongdoers.

   Miyuki delayed to recognize their intention to kill her by their own poison, and they prepared the D-Day for her. YUKARI would be killed soon after the dream gets realized, before her turning to be 49, because the number is so nasty.

  7 x 7 =  49. Lucky 7 should be fine for her death, and they already contracted the job with some her mates.

  Before 25, it's OK. However, after 25, you would be killed in any ocasion, when your superior orders. It was a hidden rule of MICCHIKU family. And Miyuki thinks that her family is far from MICCHIKU one. However, they believed that it were so. Oh, MICCHIKU family inside our own family.

  For her, not at all type rule. It's called homicide or suicide. And all believers should be punished by law.

  And they were killed. And now, the result. They just wanted to play the role of accumulated shames' holders.

  In case of execution, the criminals could choose which is which, 1-vanishing immediately, or 2-remaining for a while with the shames, without doing any more wrongdoing at all.

  And the both chose the second, and now, they are clean up the rooms. Powder would be the cause of my headache and vomitting. Too too strong, and nasty anyway. Avoidable poison. Anyone doesn't want to take because of the smell and stinky flavour.

  And they failed. Miyuki did know it, at first. Miyuki is accustomed to use it????, they believed, anyway.

  For her, just 2 shots were too too heavy, however, could survived from INFERNO. She was hospitalized in Kyorin Versity hospital, under the name of melancholy, in october 2015.

  Laughing. Why melancholy should be the reason of hospitalization? And they did the shots in her house, invading into her private house. She was trapped, and sexually abused, and got 2 shot, oppressed by 6 dark suits wearing male DDMic squad. Nightmare, yes. And the monitoring system is for it, Miyuki thought. However, the owner refused to offer it to our rightous army.

  Just concealing the black jobs, they used the technics. Squad was combined easily by them all, and they forgot that the tabboo, because of their forgetfulness or Alzheimer disease.

  When she was a school girl, on Monday she got slight headache. However, for her, school is a place to should attend except the really bad disease suffering, like fevers over 38.5 degree, or some bone broken cases. Always on Monday. Thus she thought that she was so disliking school after passing amusing weekends.

  Now, she got to know. Miyuki was targetted to be killed as always, because they had already substitute called YUKARI???

  For them, YUKARI is a strangest kid. Always she insisted something so strongly in her words. And they should accept her require, because her words were so persuasive. Thus, some kind of nasty seed of headache.

  And she has some heroine for punishing her as always. It is the fact of Japanese DDMic super power. They put it in case of necessity. They didn't know the system at all, and why in this country, DDMs are so prevalent, Miyuki was in wonder as always.

  When they wanted to punish some other member of the family, they put it a bit. And they forgot the fact. Just a bit is allowed by the government. They gained it at the cost of some money. And YUKARI was allowed to use it for her sake, also.

  Just a bit, they said. And they lost the last chance. 13:30, Clare departs, YUKARI said. What did it mean???

  For her confusing memory, she should leave earlier than that time. Just a preparation would be needed. And Clare is cleverest at this point. After YUKARI's harsh attacking regarding envelope, she believed that Miyuki would write it to the rightous team. And Miyuki did it, and after she left the house, because of the nasty smell.

  This is not suitable to work. However, no other suitable place instead of here. Thus, only several hours, I make a quick report what was done for us all, and take a walk for several hours, until to get dark.

  This is their life. Male working inside house should be punished. Thus, males should work outside, and female inside. Until some limited hour, male should remain outside.

  They disliked males entering into their house, and wanted to push away from the place, including some office in the house. Thus, they attacked Miyuki so harshly incessantly, and put several times the poison. And Miyuki was punished severely.

  for them, too too natural, and the governments, local and central, allowed them to do so.

  Thus, Miyuki's mother was so cautious on the trading of heroine or cracks in the residential area in Sao Paulo. She was so nervous to be damaged her peaceful family by the white poweder at that time. For Miyuki, "Oh, in Brazil, even in Residential place, illegal medicines are sold and bought. I didn't recognize it at all!"

  And who is the fat whitish hand holder? YUKARI herself? She wanted to play the roles of the seller and the buyer, altogether???

  Right hand. White Asian type plump hand with dimps of the finger. Fat lady, it would be.

  Alex? However, not so big as his hand. Plumpy, yes.

  Fat or not, it's a problem. Miyuki always looks her hands, like Takuboku ISHIKAWA's "A handful of sand".

  He was from TOHOKU or northern eastern part of Japan, like Miyuki, and always poor, and died so young. For TOHOKU type, poor and dying young are some kind of pair. Double unhappiness, combined fate, probably DDMic sosiety prepared for.

  Kenji MIYAZAWA is just the type also. He wrote some criative and prosaic literature. Unique, and naturalist. For her, his "Night of Galaxy Railway" was a spooky sobstory, and resembled "Dandilions Wine" by Ray Bradberry.

  Promissive rich kids were killed accidentaly in the tragetic way, was the same theme. They are nice, good, kind, quick and good looking. Popular among kids, even among poor kids. Why these boys should be killed so earlier?, Miyuki felt so nasty. Not so cheerful type, the kids are. Why???

  And the teller is their mate, not so promissive, however, good in perception type, and stronger than they, and prefered to live anyway type, and they were saved, and starts to tell the truth on the diceased young mate.

  YUKARI wanted to play the role of the teller, probably???? And she failed, and the promissive young one took the role, and it itself chose to play the role of the hero also. Oh, thrifty, she is!!! She is a writer, anyway. She wants to be a comic writer, with her own kinkiest illustration. And she was good at art!!! Promissive artist, when she was young. Anyway, criative and curious. And they all failed.

  YUKARI wanted to trace MIYUKI's life, and started to collect her memories, and started to steal her objects for the job. And gave up, because she couldn't write at all, anymore. And she allowed others to do so.

  Miyuki watched in Hachioji, that she wrote someting, and broke it in the same day on her bed. Everyday, like some ceremony, she did it. What? Probably her own diary, and she output her stress on the papers, Miyuki thought.

  And now, at night, YUKARI makes the sound of breaking papers. Every night, as a habit, she does so.

   Kinkiest habit. however, for output of her stress, undestandable, Miyuki thought. Anyway, as she likes, type trifle for MIYUKI.

   When she was drunken, she does it. They recognized it. Drinking beer? For YUKARI, beer would be fine to do so. And she bought some beer to do so. As she likes, Miyuki thought as usual.

  She drinks beer, was the sign. Already Marifana, Cocaine, and heroine now. And beer, also. Just a bit, YUKARI explained, however, cocaine combined with beer is her preference. Don't be violent. Don't harm us at all, including objects. The rest, as she likes, Miyuki thinks deeply.

  Miyuki is good in presumption. However, her imagination disturbes to reach the fact. heroine abuser, she is. Miyuki didn't recognize it!!!

  Oh, white powder!! It was not Cocaine. Cocain is more cristalized one, solid type. Oh, I watched the short movie shown by my pupil in AOYAMA Versity.

  Cristalized product doesn't eject any vormitting process. Just powder type.

  Thus, we suffered headache because of their punishment!!! They should be punished severely at this point. How many hours we wasted until recovering!!! Sometimes, we lost a promissive chance because of it!!!

  And anemia. Miyuki suffered from ANEMIA for long time. Lack of meat, she really thought. However, anemia was caused by heroine inhaling, including unintentional happening one.

  And for her mother, KINOHOLM was just a medicine for headache. She was not so cantious of the news on KINOHOLM, which causes Fetus's skewed shape.

  Miyuki got so astonished when she found a tiny bottle of KINOHOLM in her mother's sawing set box, to keep needles. Miyuki asked her, "Mother, did you take it when I was in your belly?" and her reply was, "I took it earlier than your conception. One year earlier, yes. No problem." And Miyuki noticed that she is indifferent from the danger of chemical product. Anti-scientific, and dangerous. Anyway, I was born with some healthy body, except some slight defects.

  Oh, thus, my legs are so short? And my head is skewed???

   Laughing joke, however, not laughable now. Anyway, her mother is ignorant from any danger of chemical product.

   At the same time, she was insistent not to use any madicine in case of headache or some nasty feeling. "Medicine would be avoidable. Another way should be taken, or, you would regret later!", in some threatning tone.

   Which is which? Indifferent from the side effect, however, you should put up with our punishment, it meant???

   When Miyuki got noise in mind in April in 1997, she took a rest for one week in Shirakawa, and she said that I am able to hearing some strange wispers incessantly, and I can't sleep more than a week at all. Do you have some good advice on it?, she said directly. Her reply was, "Anyway, avoid taking any modern medicine. I will bring you to Sister Carmen, a spanish nun in Catholic church. She will give you some advice."

  And Miyuki visited the church, and met her, and Sister Carmen talked her in Japanese, in plain one, and yelled her, saying, "Anyone fails sometimes. Don't worry. I will tell you some episode on a priest. He was a reliable and cheerful old guy, however, in the meat prohibition days after carnival, he accidentaly ate a piece of meat, then he recognized it, and asked to God, is he punished, with some fear. The reply of God was, "OK, you did it unintentionally. You are free from any accusation." And he got releaved, and did his job as usual, namely, helping others, without feeling any sin on this matter at all."

  She did use the word SUBERU or 滑る or fail in Japanese. And Miyuki felt strange. yes, your advice weighs a lot, for another ocasion. however, in my case, why you used such a mataphor???

  She now thought that her mother already explained her situation to the nun, according to her own interpretation, and her mother thought as if she had failed in some point.

   And her mother proposed Miyuki to go out to AMUKUMA-SHOUNYUUDOU or Cave produced by Ash Stones natural arts, with Miyuki. Miyuki really got afeared in the cave. Anyway dark. Yes, interesting, in other ocasion, yes. However, why not. She felt so thrilled and when she got out, she was almost blue in her face. Cold place, anyway. Good fredge, yes. however, too too dark, and suffocated, concealed by rocks.

   YUKARI was there, yes. Sometimes, her mother took YUKARI to her travel as an assistant, at the cost of her charge. YUKARI was just a follower, in her travel.

   And she bought a big package of spring KATSUO, and Miyuki liked it and ate a lot with raw garlic. It is the way to eat KATSUO in this season. She ate too much, thus, it caused stomach burning in the middle of night. She passed three hours of agory, however, she could put up with it, because she has already experienced it before, and knew how to do. Just take a rest, bending her knees on her belly. Puddinton's Scotch Candy situation, Miyuki really thought, every when she experienced the suffering. Every 5 years, she experienced, generally speaking. Suffering, yes. however, it was caused by Miyuki herself, and she knew the result well. A kind of "Act which should be responsible by herself in the moment of cause" like a Japanese penal law principle. Thus, she dared to eat it in the same style. 20% of danger, yes. However, I want to enjoy the seasonal pleasure of tongue, as I like, like determinated will, she had, as always.

   Each pain has some unique character, and we could presume the cause. And Miyuki's case, probably, some chemical product would be it. And according to her search on some medical site, lack of selotonin was main reason. And some products would disturb the exection of celotonin, a similar hormone to dorpamin.

  Thus, heroine would effect to block her dorpamine exection, and she felt nasty when her dorpamine was less than as usual. Thus, ampetamine is totally nasty medicine for her at all.

  Always, they put it against her will. Always in the slightest way. Put it on the table, in tea, in cooked food in a pan, and just faked nothing happened. They wanted to kill her as always.

  Oh?, I am not so distinctive scholar among them. different, yes. however, my way is so different from their "Always imitating predissesors" like way. They are copy & paste, for Miyuki. And she disliked to do so. It's not scholary job. For kids would like to do it in their craft working, as collage making like childish job, she thinks.

  Originality, they lacked. And they praised themselves to be so, saying, "I leanred it from Prof.XXX and he praised me because of the resemblance". Always her ex-collegues are this type, without exception. Oh, apple polishing faked promissive kids, they are!!! Thus, I attacked them all in a body!!!

  I hate Teachers' Pet type, she sent her mail to her pupils. And they got astonished, Oh, U2???

  She presumed that TAKAHARA was this type, thus, she sent directly to his name. And...Bomb!!! They vanished in a body! She disliked them!! It means "The boss ordered to be killed immediately by themselves." And they stuck, anyway.

  Amirosdosis causes sticking in a body, including brain. Thus, they stopped to move, and vanished immediately. Then, someone used the skin bag, before vanishing. Always, someone wanted to use it. Incessantly.

  Returning to the episode of Bonito eating, her mother was in a favour of garlic, instead of ginger, when she ate spring BONITO.

  However, when she bought spring BONITO, and provided her some sufficient pieces, she chose ginger. And Miyuki asked her, "Oh, mother, you don't use garlic?" And her reply was, "I always like to eat BONITO with ginger. Why you say such a nasty thing?"???

  For her, flavor change means a personality change. And now, someone came to the office, and did the deep breath. It means that it would vanish soon, and it should prepare for it. Some meditation mode, it is.

  For her, not at all type astonishng fact, the changeable personality is. however, for them, good to survive. And they failed in a body. Thus, it was a dangerous play for all of them.

  Clare disliked this play. however, they forced to participate in, and she amused at first. And then, she got nasty. Just a bit weighed a lot. Life time prison, she was declared by us all. If she would be better, she could be get out from her situation. however, if not, she would vanish, she was declared.

  Too too harsh for her, however, anyway, she confessed by her own way, and refused their last order. Kill your own mother, was their order. And she refused, anyway. She is a good guy type. Why I should kill her?, she asked, and they didn't reply at all. They have already vanished. And she sighed. I failed, and the punishement is really hard.

  She wanted to have blond hair, however, she should put up with light brown hair. And she wanted green eyes, however, she should be with her brown plain eyes. Lifetime long with this skin bag...Anyway, better than ordinal nasty Japanese plain old bug type...We should manage the situation...

  Old bug type one was replaceable, anyway. And Miyuki chose by her impression. Amusing type, she required, and accepted one skin bag. Amusing? Plain Asian type. And funny face. Cute, in a meaning. However, not so psomissive as a universal comedienne....Are you sure that it would be possible to play the role???

  Only one who offered the skin bag's suspect to Gods of Universe. And they assured, "Oh, yes, it all depends, however, possible more than other brilliant beautiful evidently marvelous at a glance type. Anyway, sustainable..."

  Miyuki did choose it, with some doubt. Even Gods would betray me??? Or, it would be nicer than now in the future????

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (78)

2017-05-27 08:54:10 | 日記

27/05/2017 (Saturday, morning) Miyuki got up 8:00 oclock in the morning. It's Saturday today. Gas Pipe Exchange faking workers would not come today, and SHIBUKI, KOJIMA, NAKAJIMA and SAKUMA were all quiet. Oh, weekday only type neighbours faking families?, Miyuki recognized it.

  Soon Miyuki awoke at 7:00 or so, her mother and YUKARI started to move, as on other days. This fanomenum happened in also HACHIOJI. There, when I woke, the neighbours' day started. Strange! Like they monitored me mentally, and my brain wave were connected with them or the bosses who ordered to them, just to show up their faked existance or power, like saying, "I would kill you, as you resist us, you know, we have a power to do so!" type threatening. And they were thrifty to use energy. Thus, each minute costed so expensive to their army. Miyuki presumed.

  After Miyuki changed her clothings to get out, Clare yelled to her grand mother. "Envelope!" and the grand mother yelled to YUKARI, "Clare said ENVELOPE! Where is an envelope, YUKARI?" And YUKARI, dashed from her chamber, and began to accuse Clare with her threatening voice, "You said you start at 13:30. I heard so. Why now? You stupid!!!!" in a total beast like expression.

  Why only an envelope caused her to get in rage so much? Is seemed like "You should not ask me such a trifle thing, you stupid! I am kind enough to do some service, selected by myself, on behalf of you, do you understand? Thus, you should not ask other things at all! And I heard that you start at 13:30, this, this is the true for us all. As I understand, you should behave, OK, lady? I don't care what you did say, however, I heard that it were 13:30. My understanding is superior to your saying, of course. You made a mistake. Big mistake. You shall die for your breaking of our compromise. I am so expensive, and you know well on it. Do you understand, stupid girl!"

  Why just an envelop would be the real threatnening accusation? And why Clare didn't ask an envelope for me, Miyuki. I have a lot of envelopes, and stock them all in the rightous place. I did already say to her, Alex and my father, that you can use any of the sutationaries in the corner located in the office. Why you didn't search it by yourself or why you didn't ask to your grand father, before asking to these old idiots in the main house???

  Clare wanted to play some game, probably. She unnecessarily yelled, "Envelope!" to the main house. And their responses were, in my mother's case, yelling to her reliable league member YUKARI, and in YUKARI's case, accusation directly to Clare, without any intervention of her mother. And my mother didn't say anything at all. It means that she left YUKARI accusing Clare, as much as possible, as she liked.

  This is the system. Spring or trigger for the mad dog's howling. YUKARI is for it, for my mother. Just to show up her authority, or rather, the possiblity of attacking others. "We could do kill you, remember, Clare!" type expression.

  Probably, envelope is some prohibitted word for them. And Miyuki remembered that almost one week ago, someone shat the window of the office, and put a memorundam or small envelope inside. Soon, YUKARI came back from outside, and took it, in front of me. I said nothing. And she got out with the envelope or the memorundum.

  Miyuki remember the hand. White fat hand. Alex? No. His hand is bigger than it. Soft plump hand. SHIBUKI's? Miyuki thought. They provided cracks? As their last measure, probably.

  And almost 2 monthes ago, an envelope on which the discription, "Thank you so much" in female like letters, were on the desk of my father, which Alex uses as usual. We, Miyuki, especially, Alex and Miyuki's father all igonored the fat envelope at all. Miyuki recognized the existance, however, never touched at all. For Alex, Miyuki thought. Someone praised him because of his nice performance, and put it on the desk, Miyuki understood like that, and left it as it was.

  Later, Miyuki presumed that it was the envelope of cracks in it. Someone took it, and now, Miyuki didn't know where it is, nor what it is, in reality.

  Inducing others' fingerprints?, Now Miyuki thinks so. Probably, Alex and his grand father already knows well on it, and avoided to touch it. And Miyuki? She warned to herself, "yes, if I opened, I could explain why I did it clearely. However, considering the situation, it would be better for us not touching in it. At least, you have no right to use this desk, in practice. You have your own desk, provisional use, yes. Thus, refrain from it, is a right answer."

  And she remembered the day it appeared almost. The period that Alex received a delivery from a faked one. Someone left it on it, just it. Not mine, al least. Thus, my curiocity should be concealed in this area.

  And it vanished, now. Suicide bombs for the two. You should take it, after your failing, it meant probably. And they ignored it completely.

  And almost 20 minutes ago, her grand mother appeared in the office, and asked Miyuki, "Is this frozen box of SHISHAMO yours? It's too old." And Miyuki denied immediately. "No, mother! I don't like SHISHAMO so much. I don't want to pay for it, ever! It not belongs to me!" 

  She said the date, "19 of January. too old now!" And Miyuki remembered that she asked her to cook SHISHAMO, and she did it. And she ate some, yes. As nurtrishing, she can eat it. She appreciates it, yes. However, not so much for pay her own precious money to the fish type. She added. "I bought two packages of MEZASHI, not SHISHAMO", suggesting, "You remember I did give one package to you, mother", outside the oral expression. And her mother kept silent, and left the office, with the package of SHISHAMO.

  Probably, YUKARI ordered her to dispose it as soon as possible, because it is prohibitted food for her. And her mother thought that it belonged to Miyuki, thus, she came to ask the fact. And she understood that Miyuki's memory is better than both of two.

  She denied immediately, because she knows what belongs to her or not well. In vegue expression, she gets confused, yes. however, with a concrete expression, she can remember, anyway.

  And she wrote some articles on her SHISHAMO eating. Nice food. yes, however, as a gift, nice. For paying, nothing at all type. Like rice pudding made by Cris of Sao Paulo, to Cris. She can eat it, and can appreciate it, however, she doesn't want to cook it as her own dish. Some kind of apple polishing including word, yes.

  Shishamo is delicious, yes. however, with expenditure, not at all type. Because the cheaper sardine is Miyuki's favorete. Why I should pay for the expensive fish, although there are many cheaper and more delicious fishes???

  This is Miyuki's choice. Thus, she never buys SHISHAMO, as her errand. Semi-dried Sardine, is my choice. Not SHISHAMO, except some special condition.

  Thus they failed. "Miyuki would accept our kind offer", they thought. We can dispose it, for cleaning up our precious fredge, and we could gain her all property for our kind offer. This is our life. Kindness is for it.

  And Miyuki has a stock of a package of semi-dried serdines in her own fredge.

  Before it happened, someone touched my actual fredge in the office. Miyuki doesn't know who it is. Anyway, someone opened, at least, by the sound. And she didn't say anything. Because, practically yes, however, as a theory, not mine. My father's. He just allowed me to use it. And there was a green tea bottle already in it. And Miyuki didn't put away the bottle at all. Someone put it under his accordance, like me. Thus, Miyuki remained it untouched.

  This is her choice. She is now in the situation of necessity to use it. However, there is a previous occupationer, ligitimate one. Thus, she respests it. This, she left someones's using. Now her own use. Others can use yes. However, no space, because of Miyuki's foods.

   Probably, they want to sell the fredge in the main house. They bought only several years ago. And now, for them, old, they claim, probably. And they want to use Miyuki's fredge. Miyuki's fredge is used in the backhouse. and Miyuki doesn't say anything at all at this point. Anyway, they use it type releaved feeling there. however, if the old bugs want to use it, instead of their actual one, I deny their use at all!!!

  For them, why not type ordinary days. Out of mind for others. No rule at all in their mind. Probably, from the begining, they have no brain, metaphorically saying. They are not prepared to be born. Just muck brain, they have. No difference of the rightous holder or not. Thus, they survived. Alzheimer patients have no sense of property, and all of their necessity is their own property. Occupation is property for them DDMs. Thus, they insisted so arrogantly to Miyuki, when she was in JP tower. "You have fundamental right, however, we have also the same", the faked clerk dared to say so to Miyuki, a Doctral Degree holder of Tokyo Versity, her major is law. Oh, they couldn't recognize the difference between occupation and property.

  They are not allowed to stay here, we tried to explain. however, they didn't recognize it. And they abused and abused. Even now, they want to insist that they were rightous power holders in the planet. Alzheimer combined with acheparos. Impulse only type.

  Always accusation mode today. It means that even Suturday, we should avoid to stay here!!!

  Thus, see you, us all!! We are protecting us each other!!! Miyuki would visit her friends today, with her failed food. At least, eatable. If you feel some strange smell, avoid it! Your choice! You can make some other products of it!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so nasty messy existance, and so cruel for us all!!! MIJIME or Le Miserable!!!!

  From Quartet MARC, with BIG LOVE!!!   

 She took a walk with a soaked rice in her hand. She soaked it to cook her special paellas, however, now she is prohibitted to use the kitchen, thus, she refrained from doing her cooking job in the kitchen.

  Miyuki gave it in KITAROUs, JIZOUs, and Yangue Tribe, and carps in the river, explaining the situation, predging the revenge against all DDMs.

  Probably, from the earilest of the goddamnit town, they did it, Miyuki thought. Now the stair was newly established several dacades ago, however, the shape was the imitation of old models. They killed their kids easily. The keen inclination of the stair represented the oldness of the evil doings.

  Kid killing vilage, Shirakawa was. Miyuki didn't know the system at all.

  They are desdained to live until 18 years old. Only promissive type could servive. Miyuki is versity goer, thus, such kind of danger was out of mind. And Miyuki disliked insurance type life at all. I myself do my best to earn money. Insurance was for the weakers. I want to continue to be strong, and to get more stronger for me, and for others.

  She liked so much the frase, "If not kind, we can't live. If not strong, either." Not be the monomoly king. For others, one who are suitable to be, should be strong. And I am suitable for being stronger and stronger.

  Carps in YANTA River is so big, comparing others in the same species. Miyuki thought that they were affected by radiation, and they took advantage of it to be bigger like GOZILLA.

  And carps laught at her gag like modernized deforme type imagination. We are big, as usual. You just didn't know it. And new white silver child member could get along with other black ones. They are young, all.

  In Tokyo, carps are smaller. Even the biggest ones, in the river, smallest ones. Why????

  And she remembered that the mouth and lips of Katsumi KANAZAWA resembled carp. Oh, fish type. And for Katsumi, her first impression is BEAR.

  Generally speaking, he was monky type, yes. however, his fisiolonomy is more carp, especially, under part of his face.

  She imagined, "Oh, his grand father would be this tribe!" Fish type. Carp, especially. Probably, more cheerful light type chose to be Crambons, and he chose to be animal, anyway.

  "He dropped off the bridge yesterday!", her mates informed Miyuki. And soon he appeared without injury. And Koichi YOSHIDA told the story of Katsumi's falling. Anyway, he escaped from the disaster. Probably because of his gymnastic ability, he was saved, good grief. Miyuki got assured.

  With a bicycle, he dropped into the river, near HACHIRYUUJIN, or eight dragon gods. And for her, snakes are the dragons' substitute. And here no snakes, even in early summer. Thus, carps would be substitutes, probably.

  Miyuki liked a bathing bear in Nishigo natural type small spa. She watched it on the rock, with a tie rope in the bar. And thought, "Oh, cute! Only 50cm or so. Black and a bit whitish hair." And he resembles Peggy Fortnum's puddington's illustration. Cute real bear!!!

  KUMA, Katsumi yelled her, and she said! "Stupid! What's wrong?!" and Katsumi made a strange song like refrain, using her remarks, "Bear, Bear, What's wrong?!, Bear, Bear, What's wrong?!" Nasty refain to get her in rage.

  thus, Miyuki thought, this mountain monky is soo nasty!!!! UZAI, in Japanese. Noisy is the same nuance word. Noisy like fries near fruits. Not so harmless, anyway, noisy, was her comments on him.

  And always, with him. for 6 years, she was with him and Takafumi. Why we are always in the same class? Some coincidence. the result of math possibility. Someone should be so. And my case, these really rural types.

  Rural wild boy, and rural TOHOHO type. And Miyuki? Both. Rural wild TOHOHO, with a bit of urbanized style.

  OK, we are the same, anyway. So simple, and straight, robably, rather than skewed "Adult" type. For her, especially, efficiency and rationality, were the reason to be so. And for them, oh, the same.

  Probably, they believed the same doctrine in their life time pledgeshe thought. I am right, why you don't recognize your failure? Oh, Alzheimer patient! Oh, you have reason at this point. Thus, you are so slow, and can't do anything at all. And they wanted to be called by another name of the disease. AMIRODOSIS, like Keio Rugby Team coach.

  For them, why Miyuki didn't recognize it type suggestions they gave. However, for her, the harshest words against DDMs should be suitable, and did as her princple. And now?

  for them, name doesn't matter situation. They want to move to another place. Yes, I felt it. Cleaning up, they are doing. And Miyuki's mother is only a tamer of YUKARI. YUKARI doesn't attack her at least physically.

  YUKARI would have no choice to be cured, everybody thought. However, her mother doesn't lose the possibility, and tries to train her to get work at least according to her order. However, after many words are exhausted, she can't remember any way of cook, and cleaning up, and washing at all. Memory loss, she had, they all recognized. And it was caused by the use of medicine was out of mind of type shocking to others, even now.

  Miyuki watched that she was comming from the office with a transparent vinil package of white powder in winter, and she was in a good mood. And she found a triangle ruler on the desk of Alex and a crack in Miyuki's slipper. Cocaine, she thought. Nasty vilil like smell.

  And she remember, for more than 25 years, the neighbour burn some vinil in its courtyard, against the prefactural law. Oh, it would be an early type abuser of cocaine, at that era.

  For some wrongdoers in this area, cocaine was already Re Adquered, probably. We didn't know that. Just, Oh, thirifty old idiots are burning the trash, avoid to pay for a vinil bag for the trash thrawal, as Miyuki's recognition.

  For her, Cocaine was a kind of "International Sindicate now in serach" type some gang movie like fictional existance until several years ago. Thus, the smell of the braising of it was so shocking for her. Oh, the lawyers use it in the middle of the center of the national laywers association called 弁護士会館 or BENGOSHI-KAIKAN. At first, marifana. I know the smell, already. And they use here, how audacious! was Miyuki's impression.

  Oh, Marifana was already allowed practically by the police to DDMs. Just we are prohibitted to use. Double standard inside one country. Another country, they lived in already. Thus, they have no spirit at all.

  For YUKARI's education, any medicine didn't work at all. And they tried the last resort. And YUKARI can't change at all. Now, they gave up her eduation forever. Always just accusing others in her threatening mode. And for her threatening, no excuse is needed. Envelop, Clare said, and she started her so harsh, because of her leaving time. ??? type answer, for Miyuki. however, for others, as usual. YUKARI has no limit, anyway.

  According to YUKARI's opinion, marifana user would have clear head rather than normal. Thus, she tried at first. And then, cocaine. To get more activity, she explained. And now, heroine. Anphetamine, according to her explanation. 覚醒剤, it is said rightously.

  Dorpamine indusing stimulation, according to the dictionary's difinition. And Miyuki revealed that Miyuki was suitable for the role, heroine avuser. For DDMs, it would be suitable to destroy my life, yes. however, for Miyuki, no thanks at all type proposal.

  Miyuki can manage her dorpamine, in her own method. She is more Latin type. Not similar to us all. Better than feeding harmful mad dog like stone lady with heroin addiction problem. Why her inner natural dorpamine should be the cause of her hospitalizaion????

  YUKARI used the last resort just for her excuse. And she did the dream, and all of them thought that she is really addicted and suffering from Alzheimer disease also. Double? No, Quartet! Alzheimer, Marifana, Cocaine, and Heroine. Thus, Quartet MACH!!!

  Rabby is provisionally substituted by Hero. Thus, Rabbit kicking was needed to kick off her magalomaniac desire.

  Each time, degradation only. She can't change at all. And she thought that she would be a cute pet inside the family. Thus, she behaved so arrogantly. Mad Dog spirit, she accepted, in stead of her skin bag selling.

  Thus, so anti-social, and violent, especially to Miyuki and Clare. Only one superior system, dogs adopted, YUKARI explained. She said to Miyuki, kids are a kind of dogs, thus, they judge immediately who is the boss in the situation, and immediately they obey the order of the only boss.

  Thus, always audacious under the protection of the boss. Heroine, was beyond the imagination of all of us. Cocaine was already for Miyuki, "No way!" type medicine. heroine??? Oh, the extremests they are!!!

  And the dust. So so nasty to others, to cause headache, so often. Thus, Miyuki should get out now. Always some tiny small fluffy thread was flying near her.

  It would better to avoid to stay here any more. Symptom!!!

  VANISH ! DDMs!!! You are so stupid!!!

  See you soon from my walking!!!

  From MARC, with BIG LOVE!!!