Miyuki's Report from Shirakawa (4)

2017-05-04 21:02:21 | 日記

 Miyuki came back from the kitchen. Beans soup she made with a smoked sausage, shredded leek and carrot. Delicious. The Sausage is now good for roasting and boiling also. She made it, because of her slight headache. Now it is softened a bit.

 And a saucer for royal milk tea turned to be a cafe au lait bowl. "Ooops! I did it!" a slight touch with a plastic cup made it to have a broken handle. Thus, now it became a bowl. Not ideal, however, we can use as a bowl. For rice bowl OK. Simple and cream white. Useful all around type. Anyway, the conutener. I can't abandon useful thing at all. Someday, I would attach the handle again. Until now, a bowl, it would be.

 Now, turning to the report. Faked family system is produced by Todai related, probably. Thus, "I am happy, anyway." Was OOTA's last words to Miyuki. He became hard soon after her shout. And for her, sleeping pose. Why he doesn't move at all?, she thought. And Miyuki didn't know the system. When they fail, they should become stone, as soon as possible. The final try, it is called. Miyuki did it three times. Oh, the third? Which one? to Masaki???

 Miyuki did two, yes. She knows it well. However, the third???

  She is indifferent from our vanishing! They cried. She didn't even recognize it. They claimed. And now, she knows. Where she got this ability???

  When she recognized it, she was already with the power. And she started to amuse it. Anyway, good to protect us all!!! And she is sadistic type. Her recognition delayed so much. Even slow type ADACHI got to recognize it. Only she didn't know it. Why almost all of many judicial persons who contempted me vanished after I left? She got to understand it. However, since when?

  As far as natural person, Koichi YOSHIDA was one of her ability's proof. She disliked him so much. Every her mates know it. And yes, she didn't know it after several years of his death. Anyway, almost all of her related judicial persons were destroyed. Why? And how?

  Probably, always slight wheat stoke type. The last one to trigger the gun. Explosion's ignition machine. Anyway, when she recognized it, she started to use it for us. Hatred is enough. And expression. She needed to express it in public, at least. Thus she did. And failed. It means that evil existance disturbs her mission organizationally. In this case, the system of the organization whole should be destroyed.

  Thus, lawyers were destroyed with their system and the association altogether. Thus, all "士" or public qualification system was destroyed. Many of them are unnecessary and created just for MICCHIKU's benefits.

  Monopoly combined with time consuming study. Todai straight course only type. Miyuki was astonished that even funeralists are allowed to be qualified excellent by Ministry of Health and Labour. Why? Probably, MICCHIKU related wanted to conceal the fact of their assasin and needed qualified reliable funeralists to do so.

  Japanese system is so rotten. Why she excuses so much? They all thought. Why? Because she was idiot!!! She didn't know it at all. Concealed by them, DDMs, and isolated in a versity called Kyorin. In Hachioji? A suburban city in Tokyo, however, it takes 45 minutes from Center of Tokyo to Hachioji. She explained to others. Tokyo is so long? They thought. 50 km or so. She replied, calculated from the minutes. And found. The trains are too too slow. And the rail is skewed. Now she realized the fact. Tokyo is not so long. More round type. Thus, 100 km each from south to north, and from west to east. Vast areas.

 It takes 3.5 hours from Tokyo to OOSAKA. It is said 500 km or so. Big space is occupied by Tokyo probably. ???

 Miyuki believed that YAMANOTE like were 50 km. And she could walk 100 km in a day and night. And she calculated that she could go to IZUMI-san's house by foot, if she could take a sufficient nap there. Impossible, they thought. Only 40 km from Shirakawa, according to the map. If it is fine...

  OK, Tokyo is not so big, and not populous at all. Almost vacant. No man's land also. Like Shirakawa. Japan is totally no man's land. No industry at all. Just accumulated shames against universal fundamental rights protection system.

  Thus they failed finally. Only Alzheimer patients were left because of their incapacity.

  And now, smart cars are vanishing rapidly. Today, the broad streets in Shirakawa were almost no car day like GUINZA on Sunday or Harajuku. Pedestrian deck, they turned to be naturally. She took several photos. And they came suddenly only on one road. Station side line. Only. Other streets are empty.

  And yesterday, she found that weeds won against asfart!!! Macadam road is soft. Thus, weeds could grow, cracking down it. And other followers are doing the same strong job!!! Miyuki yelled them, saying, "You are so brave! You would be praised by our army, and you are the pioneer!!!"

  They are brave and strong, we already know it. however, asfart were thought a hard type, thus, they were too too hard for them to grow, thus, we need to crack by hands or by heavy duty vehicles, Miyuki planned.

  Now, just picking jobs are necessary. And it would be used for energy in winter.

  Coal Tar was produced in Shirakawa when Joumon people lived here...the Shiwakawa Historians said in a book called "History of Shirakawa." And IZUMI-san got astonished!!! Oh, petroleum also! Oh, Mountain of treasure!!!

  She and Miyuki wanted to be a discoverer of natural resources. Especially gold, Miyuki wanted. One of her favorite colour and anyway, precious, and it doesn't change easily. And Gold Bar was admired by her.

  She tried to take it by hand in a musium. "Probably it would be a fake with the same weight. Anyway, this is the same shape of Gold Bar, Alex and Clare!" And also they liked Gold.

 Preciousness at appearance. Diamond also. Natural type only.

  They chose to enter into the chemical study club in junior high. Only one club for OTAKU type. Art is their favorite, yes. however, it was for craft type.

  They wanted to produce some precious materials from cheap ones. Atomic change! They thought. Chemical change would not be suitable for it, however, anyway, a kind of change. At first, some experience would be needed to be.

  Thus, a Archemist, she wanted to be. A title of Paulo Coelho, and some comics recently. Why? They thought strange. We wanted to be, and Miyuki bought some books on a middle aged Archemists. 白水社 or HAKUSUI-SHA and みすず 書房 or Editora Misuzu or Editora Athena published such kind of kinky works. Good at design also. A bit expensive, however, she bought and read them. Finally, she got to recognize the fact. They couldn't produce gold, and produced other cheaper materials. And their experience weighs a lot. Thus, now, we can enjoy some sufficient easy life.

  however, some materials are not so suitable for our life. And sometimes harmful. Like culinary. Now she is experiencing cooking chemical change through her limited materials.

  Now she found the mistery of potatoes. Powder of dried potatoes are transparent and smooth and soft. However, they starts to get hard soon. And finally, gum like hard type they turned. This is the system.

  They used to wear their skin bags, and used potato powder to fill it, instead of muck!! Oh, we thought that they were muck!!!

  Then they concealed the fact. Potatoes would be used for energy, yes. Alchool it turned to be. Sugar corn is also used for it. and some kind of radish also. and now potatoes yes.

  Japanese government didn't say that their energy is made of potatoes, and explained as if they were made of hydroid and oxigen. Hydro bombs are on the road? Miyuki got astonished. Ignission means explosion. Too too dangerous. However, they explained so. And electricity is needed for it, they explained. Gasolineless society and kind to nature, they said.

  No gasoline smell, yes. Why? Lighter type, Miyuki thought. And got to know that petroleum is US$0.78 and gas is US$1.28 as usual.

  Stable price. Why? According to OMANKO journalim, the price of petroleum got down and up easily. However, in Shirakawa, always same price practically.

  OMANKO journalists lie a lot. Always in Shirakawa, the situation differs from the news. Why? Totalitarian world here is, was our discovery. IKKYO believers stay here for long periods. The colony, here is.

  And found some IKKYO complexes here and there. The same type. And flat boxes for their own funerals, faked ones.

  They were stuck when failed. Strange chemical system they adopted. Potatoes they are, we said so. M & A thought Muck, however, a bit different. Sticky anyway. Delicious when it is hot, however, once getting cold, it would get hard like erastic gum.

  Amirodosis is related with amiro B protain's sticking process. Their brain gets like that. Non use causes it. Thus, they couldn't move immediately. She stops at standing pose, Miyuki recognized. When YUKARI passes in front of Miyuki, YUKARI gets stuck. Why she doesn't move? Miyuki thought. She hates Miyuki, thus, she should avoid Miyuki. Miyuki moves swiftly, while she stopps and doesn't move for a while. Delayed in mind, Miyuki presumed. Only impulse makes her move, she understands. Recently, YUKARI dashes soon after Miyuki's arrival. She dashes into Miyuki without necessity. Today, when Miyuki was cooking, She dashed from her chamber and washed her hands screwing a tap of water in front of Miyuki. Why? Miyuki thought. Soon she went to the toilet in the office. She could wash her hands there. Why she needs to wash her hands here now?

  Just impulse type, she is now. Strange. however, the fact. IKKYO related was made by potatoes. And rice eating is their character. Potatoes should be yes, thus they eat lots of mashed potatoes. Once a week, YUKARI made a lot of mashed potatoes. And she has various potatoe mashers. Why? Lots of rice spatulas.

  She bought many same cheapy things as they required, and she said only yes to them. Do you want to have this one?, they asked, and she said so. "Where is the scoop?" was her distinctive words. Always she searched the schoops. Why? Because she lost one when she was a child. She was scolded it by her mother, and she got traumatised. And she repeated to buy it. Trauma or only way to learn the lesson. Thus, she bought many same cheap things.

  Now, Miyuki wants to sleep to avoid any future risk of headache. She would have better mind tomorrow.

  Thus, sorry, we have to stop working now.

  See you tomorrow!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Espacially, DDMic Vehicles!!!

  From MARC with big LOVE!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (27)

2017-05-04 13:02:31 | 日記

 Miyuki tried to make transparent summer style soy powder sweet called WARABI-MOCHI. She failed, however, eatable the result was. She understood that this process would be applied to make KUZU-KIRI or black suger liquid with transparent noodle. Anyway, hard, was their comments. However, delicious combination, anyway. Some different food would be good.

 Thus, she thought of buying black sugar. Or, caramel she would make in a pan. Not so different. Just a smell. Similar and delicious, as always.

  She got to know that YUZU-MIZO is similar to Sauce Holandese. Japanese Holandese Sauce is YUZI-MISO. Egg york is requisit type salad dressing sauce they are.

  Thus, Cordon Blue prased her discovery. Resemblance between western foods and Japanese oriental ones. Her theme in her whole life.

 Good choice! The theme is ideal for any one in the universe. Spontaneously, they got to approach each other. Like Capelette's discovery. Old one, however, the essence is Constitutionality should be kept in any judicial system. Thus, she got to be praised by Cappelette himself!!! Mauro! Oh, you too!!!

  Marco isn't. however, he came in Japan with his dearest grand child. For her, common. Some countries pay for the family. Alone? Why? They asked. Because Japan is poor, Miyuki thought. She has family members. However, she continues to be a scholar. Thus, she left her country for the privileged mission. Paid by the nation. Glory for her. Kyorin staff had jealousy against her. Irony, disturbence, as always. Two themes? Impossible! And they ignored her as always. Thus, she was too too busy to accomplish her own sacred missions. Glory for her, however, seeds of contemption for them all.

  Thus, they started to plan to attack her. She is Todai related, thus she is so privileged. Thus, we should unite anyway, was theit catch frase. And they failed. Why I can't work diligently? Strange working ambient I have. She claimed to the public agency related to this matter. Three times, she went. And then, Kyorin staff punished her severely.

  For MICCHIKU world, she should be punished, including by way of killing. For us, not at all! Who are they? We all got confused. Why she couldn't be praised, but be lynched? They got to know that the real objective of this system of informants limited is, "Go sign by Ministry of Labour to killing her."

  Do you believe it? However, in Japan, it was normal. Thus, they are doing such a wrong business even now.

  This morning, she would have been killed again by her own family. Thus, Alex got up.

  Who wanted to kill her? He wanted to know the fact. And YAMATO delivery service came to attack her. She is half relying on the service. However, Alex got to know that this service depends on person. Thus, killers would be hired of course. And he was escaped from the disaster. She refused to accept it, and he was reluctant. However, she said, "Your ordered object."

 Thus, he realized. They wanted to deliver now to him. He wanted to buy earlier, and now, not at all type out of season or interest type delivery, they did.

  Why now? And we are in Shirakawa, not HACHIOJI. Why?

  And they failed. HACHIOJI and SHIRAKAWA are the same type anti-constitutional towns, in every meaning. The kids vanished because of it. MIYUKI didn't know the reason, and Miyuki got to know that we are all faked relatives????

 Miyuki didn't know the system, thus, Miyuki believed that MIYABI, Miyuki's grand mother's younger sister's grand daughter would be one of IKKYO kids. She was born one month earlier than Alex, however, she is the top of the primary school. She played the conductor of the brass band of the school. It means that she was a leader.

 And she refused to enter into ASASHI high school and entered into IT course of Business School. IT course is not so benefitted building, Miyuki monitored it from outside. and Business School was called Agricultural School before, she really remembers. IT class for what? No use.

  And 尚志 high school in front of JR Shirakawa station has no pupil nor suitable facility at all. Vacant building like others surrounding it. No pupils land, Shirakawa is. Where they are???

  And she got to know, "Discharge" "Moving" "Study abroad" "Getting marrige" "Go back to the country side" all means "being killed by someone".

  Oh, you too? Alex asked sometimes to his ex-mate. And got to know, that Gods of Justice protect us. Tiresome, however, we should do it. They should survive, anyway.

  IKKYO believers are here and there even now. They are vanishing yes, however, they want to continue to live as always. It means that they want to do wrong as usual. Terrible. Until the last one vanish, we refrain several times. It is the fact. They abruptly want to kill us all, by impulse. Thus, Sato family is always in danger.

  YUKARI wants to kill MIYUKI, yes. However, Miyuki likes to pass ordinary days and nights. We deserve to do so, she thinks, and she acts by her nature. And they try to lynch her, again and again.

  Why they are so forgetful?, was Alex's question. Because you are good in memory was YUKARI's reply. And they are jealous against cleverer people. Thus, they want to irradicate us all.

  They are different spiece, we said. And they understand it. The same skin bags, we wear, however, the contents are totally different. And YUKARI should move at least from here, we all agreed. And YUKARI doesn't move. For her, moving is not good. Synonimous to death. Thus, they tried to persuade her. However, she couldn't understand. And she ordered again and again the squad. And today, alone. Killer should be. however, he said, "Mr.AKI is here?" Thus Miyuki replied, "Wait a minute. I will call him." And he came. A big boy. He got astonished. Big boy with a wild face. Thus he gave up his attempt.

  Oh, he remembered his mission??? Miyuki got in wonder. Of course, he should have...however, facing to a big boy....

  AKI is a confusing name. Girl like pronunciation. Alex likes it because of it. Miyuki wanted to have a boy name, and Alex, her counterpart. Thus, they agree all at once. Not so bad. Amusing confusion!

  Clare has the same type of amusement. KAI is her first name in Japanese. And KAI is more used to males in Japan. And she is big. Sometimes, she is thought as if she were a boy. My face is female type. Beautiful, they say! Why they get confused me with a male?

  KAI ATOU was a recently diceased actor. Old man, yes. Her Japanese name resembles in pronunciation. Probably for it, she gave up explaining the difference. Old guy type, she is said.  OK, I accept it. Anyway, go quick!

  And now, here and there, wrongdoings. Ridiculous red and white paintings on public guardrails. By their preference. Too too crazy.

  And confusing yellow signals they put on the public road protections. Yellow is for comming, while white is for going, Miyuki thought. However, in Shirakawa, in track road, the signals are the contrary. Error inducing system under the name of FUKUSHIMA prefecture. They did know SHIRAKAWA's abuses. And they were the clients, probably.

  Tea tribe should be providers. They chose boys and girls for the old erotic evil devils with public position. Thus, they wanted to establish their own tea ceremony house in NANKO place. OMANKO building, a ruray version, ADACHI and MIYUKI wispered. And they failed at once.

  For them, good choice. however, for us all, oh another bigger toilet!!! Oh, you too? Adachi? I want to do it!!!

  And Miyuki entered into the toilet. And the name is called 翠楽園 or SUI-RAKU-EN, or Garden of Mirror Water and Pleasure.

  SHIRAKAWA is the dirtiest place in the world, they said. She came from there, thus, she should know the system, they expected. And she didn't know anuthing at all.

  Korean like mates were here and there. 金澤 was one of preverent family names for them. KIM, probably. And adults didn't say so directly. Just a suggestion, "You would know it after you grow up" type vague expression.

  And Miyuki likes to go clearly. And she suffers lot because of it. however, knowing is the first step to reform it.

  Reforming Japan, especially public system is impossible. She got to know two years ago. Thus, she and ADACHI proposed total raid on KASUMIGASEKI by OSPLAY. They themselves wanted to drop the bombs directly to the public buildings. It would be fun, and good exercise for her, she smiled.

  And they failed. Reformation impossible was declaration of death. After this saying, they started to run away with their shames. Why they move with the big lagguages?, was Miyuki's question. I was sarcastically laughted by OHTA, when I came to the party with a big traveling lagguage. I needed to bring all of my necessities in a traveling bag, because I worked in Hashioji, and passed weekends in Shirakwa. It was Saturday, thus I needed to bring all of my necessities. And he said, "Oh, you look like shopping bag lady!"

  OK, for him, I am a jobless homeless, probably, with a lot of shopping vinil bags. OK, you would be less than us. Miyuki behaved too cool at that remark. "Oh, I am a kind of." was her remark. Anyway, I am working, like her.

  And they, why she didn't know, were moving with the lagguage. She imagined that they were allowed to come back only once to collect their shameful staff like ADULTS VIDEOs taken by others as their mamories, and some adults toys and so one.

  And yesterday, she found almost 10 DVDs of this type. Adult videos, probably. She wanted to observe them, because she thought that they were music CDs. From the selection, she could know the generarion of the holders. And if it were a good choice, I would listen...And she entered into the inside of the guardrail, and found that "Oh, DVDs!!! Oh, they wanted to sell them! You Tube generation wouldn't buy it. They can watch for free." And they failed.

 They wanted to produce them, and tried, and failed, and collected them, and crashed on the bridge. Vanishing, the both vagons were. and only shames were left under the bridge.

  She wispered. I don't collect them now. However, my colleagues of our army would collect them as the proofs. Wait a minute.

  And they all fell down! 🎶

 Miyuki is now in mood. Slight headache would pass with a cup of cafe ou leit. And she got to understand that milk should be protected from their attacking. They drink and delute after not to be recognized their stealing jobs. It got thinner. Bad taste. However, no alternatives. Terrible deluting service put by YUKARI. Just stealing is better than dilute system added type wrongdoing. Bad taste, she made.

  And they fell down again. Miyuki suffered a lot from YUKARI, and they all feel so sorry for her. YUKARI is the last one type. She wants thus she does type wrongdoings here and there. Why she doesn't know her limit, was their question. And she doesn't know how they think at all. Always she is an idol among her family.

  She doesn't know anything, and lies as always. Miyuki thought. However, for her, amusement provided by her. She is a queen type, by her recognition. OK. However, I am out of your play, YUKARI. You are just an idiot Alzheimer patient.

  Thus they failed. Just a nasty Aunt, they thought before. However, too too evil for Miyuki. She suffers some mental problem, was her remark. And Miyuki was caught by Kyorin hospital. Thus, they believed her remark.

  And they all fell down! they got to know how YUKARI was evil to do so. Deluting is the best of her service. Anyway, the quantity added. And they got upset her wrongdoings. She speaks it proudly, as if she were cleverest among the family.

  No medicine for her, except it. Thus, they failed again. She wanted to move in mood. Thus, she dashes. And she wants to move again and again. Go! And do it! They induced. And she forgets what to do, next.

  And Miyuki did a good success for them all. Discovery is her habit. Someone suffers sometimes for it, however, it's nice to know that Japanese sweets are not so difficult to cook, at least in taste.

  She has a good taste, and curious to make an esperiment, however, the result...Ummm...type. OK, I will challenge, Makiko said and did it, and failed. 99% of sweat type. And IZMI-san is more discrete type. She doesn't bit when there is a possiblity to faild type. Thus, they failed.

  MIYUKI is too too right to think of summer KUZU-KIRI with black sugar. It would find in DAISO. It would be fine to know that the accomplished products are there also. And they failed. She wants to know how to cook, by her own experiment. Thus, she would buy some black sugar for it.

  And probably, tomorrow, she revisit the river side park to eat her own KUZU-KIRI with them. Our deciest friends, in their infancy. They would not have eaten before, however, probably they would like it. River like transparent thin smooth noodles with liquid black sugar. Miyuki wanted to make KASHIWA-MOCHI, however, she gave up now. Too too time consuming. And KUZU is quick and easy type. Just prepare liquid sugar is enough. We will have in the park. We all. In 4 and birdies, and some more. And we would put some other places. Easty, not expensive, and seasonal. Just put in the plastic boxes.

  There are lots of plastic boxes, petit types on and under the tables in the living room. however, now, practically not at all . Where they are? OK, I will find some, and use for the event. Tomorrow is Kids' Day special. I found a suitable one for the day.

  She bought KUZU-KIRI at US$6 when she was in Platinum Dormitory. Expensive, however, has its value. At least, I wanted to know the flavour. And tried and liked. A jelly like more hard one. GUMI like erasty.

  And she found that MANNAN LIFE KONNYAKU Jelly would be produced in the family. Common sweets in Japan. If evil existance knew it, they would have use it to choke their own kids, probably. And their own parents and grand parents.

 Knowing well is a power to develop, however, it pains a lot.  Yes. Good to know. Miyuki dreamed a big wordlobe, almost vacant, however, filled with pretty well made East Asian kids wears. Raced ones, delailed designed ones and so on. 20 shirts and brouses in total. Probably, the number of the kids, or vistims of our army. The scene changed abruptly. A owner of bar failed in business, and the owner of the house succeeded the business, practically. Miyuki refered to it, however, he refused. And he also failed in business. Miyuki found the same clothings in the same wordlobe again. Exactly what they were.

 Repeatedly, they did it. The kids were abused as their habitual toys. They were faked parents, and decided to kill them to conceal the fact. Revenge, we pledge. However, for kids, their own parents. Thus, they avoided to say so, thus they were so quiet in the parade.

 Miyuki is free from prejudice. Don't hesitate to say the fact. You are older than she, anyway, at the field. Oh, 5 years old?? Oh, 54 years old lady? Oh, she is TOHOHO! Oh!!! Stupid!!!

 For them, nasty experience. However, some happy end should be. Some of them could get married normally. Both cases are not so bad. Within them, and with some residents, normal common people.

 Miyuki would believe that Latinos are similar to phillipinos, in ther life style. Energetic, and cheerful. Enjoy our life type. Why not?, Miyuki thought. Falling in love is so rare in Japan. Japanese get married for money. They are right at this point.

 Miyuki should find some different spiecies to do it. Yes, it's difficult to do it with them. Good nice guys they are. However, some shapes and sizes...

  Miyuki's size means in a broad rainge of size. 10cm in hight, weight 100g. OK, it is just the size of it. Not body shape in total!!!

  The chick! OK, for me, however, I can't feed you. You would find better ones among your specie or similar ones. And now, she found that the parents are already dead...????

  Only one guy was left. He was threatening to be killed. Why only one? Where are others? They were born the same day, probably. And where are his parents? Near him, not at all. Why? And Miyuki found that the chick knew how to conceal in the weeds. Oh, good. You can do it. I will ask a help to other guys. And she did so. And some of them are interested in their job.

  Feeding is a difficult job. What he eats? She should ask to others. Or he himself. Smell the flavour is the best manner. She could do it with a batterfly. KITATEHA, or reddish brown designed wings type. And she found that he has silver points on the reverse side. two, tiny couple of point with metalic colour. Like Solar Morpho type brilliant metalic colour he has!!!

  Probably they were to protect themselves from being the food of Birdies. Brilliant eyes were the protection against evil eyes.

  Thus, they islamic girls made eye cosmetics, especially under eyes part. and their eyes looked so big with the black impressive colour. And attractive at the same time.

  Miyuki's eyes were not such a type. She tried several times, and failed again and again. And the result is, "My eyes are concealed by doubled eye lids. Thus, contemptious eyes cosmetics is suitable for my shape. Islamic makeup is not formy type.

  However, recenly, in Japan, these black circle like eye paintings were too too common among girls. 👀

 Why? Probably to conceal the bad result of their plastic surgery, was her reply.

   Why they did it? Because their boss ordered to do so. And they thought that it was good for them all.

  for us all, plastic surgery for others is incredable. However, in MICCHIKU world, it was too too common, presumably, considering my own experience.

  It would better change your body and personality. It was a frase that Miyuki was said by kinky old PENIS Worm Yoshihiko KOGA, a medical doctor and provessor responcible of Kyorin Versity.

  Why you dared to say so? I am totally denying your suggestion, Miyuki asked. His reply is, "You don't know yourself. We know it better than you."

  We can't have interprete ourselves, it means. Others decide your body and mind. You are just a skin bag. "We don't need your own spirit. We want your skin bag with your name. Then we put muck into your skin bag like us all." Miyuki got chilled instantly. Why we live? Where is value to live as being ourselves? They are aliens! Miyuki wanted to run away from the hospital immediately. however, if she did so, they would chase her, and put her in the hospital again, because of her kinkiest behaviour.

 They were prevalent majority in Japan. And they were managed by Tokyo Versity related. They are the same existance in the end. They transmitted their own disease each other by way of their own wrongdoing plays.

 She should know it, however, how? And Miyuki failed. She was too too sturbarn to believe this fanomena. Why our staff is so forgetful and slow?, was her discovery.

  "Alzheimer", when she heard the refrain of this word, she instinctively thought that, "I should take care of not to be an Alzheimer patient. If I were one of them, I should recover at the result. Performance would be a good for exercise to train my mind." Thus, she started to struggle against the slow functioning of her mind. They wanted to say other things. They infromed the fenomenum of all Alzheimer society. Miyuki was out of mind of the society. All crazy world? Yes, in a part. In KYORIN versity, there are many suspected ones. however, not so many.

 And finally, all of them were suffering from the same disease. Cruel, she thought. however, a reality.

  My sister is Alzheimer patient. Help! She wrote in the second floor of AEON, a big IKKYO shopping mall. They wanted to conceal the fact. Too too nasty to be know to others. Thus, SHIRAKAWA hired IKKYO groups from other places. They tried to conceal the fact, and failed every time. For them, every thing is trifle. Like a piece of smoke. And they are practitioners of wrongdoings.

  She has to buy some ingredients for tomorrow. See you soon!!!!

  MARC will make an errand!!!! Bye for now!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!!

Miyuki's Report from Shirakawa (3)

2017-05-04 10:19:25 | 日記

04/05/2017 (Thursday, morning) Miyuki is so shocked at the facts found yesterday through her river side walking, thus, she has to take a rest in her house for a while, considering these tremendously cruel results.

  Pederasty in Shirakawa? She couldn't imagine it at all. Thus, she played the game of "Faked young lovers and me". She thought that this ridiculous game would be astonishing other common people, and finally, she and her kids would get big applause of this theatorical performance, they all thought.

  Thus, she played the role of faked mother, who adopted  a couple of wild animals, who had been in the different zoos, in Sao Paulo and in Auckland.

  He were my boyfriend, and she were my girlfriend, and they were versity students, and I am a versity professor who has two lovers!!!, was HACHIOJI version. And the kids took advantage of it for their desire to buy some precious things. For Alex, figures, while for Clare, brand clothings. SHIMAMURA and UNIQLO, mainly. Sometimes, Repipi-Armario and Love Toxic, or some resembles. They got a consumtion from Miyuki's play. She is a really good performer, they thought. How she could put on such scandalous clothings in a conservative region? Because she played the role of kinky professor of law, they agreed.

  They know well that she didn't look like a lover. Just like, "We take care of this tiny wild animal as a kinky pet! We can't afford to pay, and she is rich, according to her, thus, she should pay for us. However, we should be paid for her egoistic theatrical performance..."

  And Miyuki got a success. Just a play, for her. Because the reality is a diligent worker with small income. Her profession is the same, however, poor family itself. Thus, some kind of "Prince and Begger" like situation. Mark Twein.

 Anyway, dirty place, we live. And she is satisfied with the situation. She doesn't know the fact at all. For her, comical role play game, however, for us two, just a reality itself. They sighed. Miyuki should know the fact.

  Thus, she got caught, and got to know how this world is really crazy and evil and cruel.

  In Shirakawa, pederasty was a business of power holders. White River has several BRODELs along it. And Miyuki got to know that the kindergarden with strange combination in two different architectural styles was the site of kids' providers.

  A dome like yellow hall with authentic Japanese style wooden big houses. And the similar buildings were located in both side, one to another. Why? They wanted to have chance to kill the kids.

 Miyuki didn't see any kids there. They were always vacant when she was in Shirakawa. Why they were established? Probably 10 years ago or so. She presumed.

 She remembered that several kids, moreno and morena type were playing in the river near there. Miyuki thought, "How vivid and audacious! Like our generation in our days. However, this river is dirty. I should tell it, however, they are playing in front of their house, thus, probably, their parents allowed them to play there. And she didn't say anything to them. And thought that they resembles to her ex-mates Shimazaki brother and sister. Good looking vivid guys with light brown skin.

 Are some latinos or east asians live here in Shirakawa? She got in wonder. Possible. Sometimes foreigners find their partners in local towns and live there as family, mainly, wives...She imagined.

 And now, she understands that her imagination was too too soft. The reality was too too cruel.

 They came from some south eastern countried, bought, in short. And they believed that they were brought up as their kids, with affection and love. however, they were brought to do it, or to be killed by their faked families for their income through insurance payment.

 Their family business, probably. Thus, they were so cold to us, common consumers. The zone belongs to Primary School Shirakawa II. And they were orphans. Shirakawa II had their own junior high called the same name. Why they have their own junior high, was question of other kids. Miyuki now undestands the reason. The junior high reduced the number abruptly, because many kids were killed after graduation of Primary School.

 Cruel. Out of imagination. They were totally different from living creatures. Yes, our shapes are resebling, however, we are totally out of their cold-hearted choice. No morality nor any universal right protection at all. No man's land here, Shirakawa is really.

 The same species should punish themselves at first. Thus, we, common people were chosen for the job. However, we couldn't manage the situation. They are totally different! Miyuki's shout was expression of their cruelity!!!

 Why the American scholar should commit suicide on behalf of this stupid dull jamhead ugly unattractive Tokyo Versity degree holders, soon before her visit to Japan to see him????

 Probably, she was killed to avoid the fact revealing. She got to know the fact, and wanted to inform to someone in Japan. Not to OHTA, but to some common people type. however, OHTA got the information on her, and he ordered to kill her.

 He made a betrayal in USA. Out of Japan, he could do it!, he thought. And he did it. And then, they separated. Normal, for us all. Not so affectionate love. Oh, you too? I am in mood. OK, here we go! type happening. Natural among us.

  However, for OHTA, only once, he did it. Thus, he thought that he were privileged to say that she were my ex-lover.

  And he wanted to kill other possible competents. Thus, Miyuki got his target. Oh, you too?! Just like Kyorin staff. They are too too jealous and they wanted to kill me, yes. And they are all ALZHEIMER patients!!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN!!!!

 Thus, they failed at once. This disease was caused by their degraded morality. Indulged young boy type. And in rural area, there were lots of examples. Almost all of ther ex-mates should be this type, Miyuki got to know.

 For her, love between philipinas and Japanese male workers were too too common. They are kind and charming, and do it type. Hot, warm specie. Thus, they fall in love and get married. Natural and normal. Urban area and rural one. They could be.

 And they failed. For her, love is common. However, thinking of their situation, love is so rare in Japan, thus Miyuki is alone, even now.

 ADACHI wispered, "Oh, Miyuki, you can do it?! And Miyuki replied, "Oh, you too? I want to try anyway!" And they started to prepare for it. Miyuki's choice is, "Buy it for it. I pay US$1 for our protection. I put my US$1 here on the table. " And they ate together. Anyway, dinning together is important to do it, Miyuki thought. And in the middle, another mission started, and they couldn't accomplish their interesting experiment. Failed.

  Love is ended before it begins!!! When I fall in Love, Frank Sinatra.

 Miyuki's oldies hit parade. Why so rare in this world? In Brazil, here and there! Miyuki is not their favorete, thus, she couldn't gain any lover there. However, for playing, she is poplular among any generation. And she is satisfied with such kind of popularity.

  Rural XUXA, probably. She doesn't wear such a Bras Band leader type clothings however, tunic seemed a skirt for od guys.

 She bought a chocolate paffe in a small transparent plastic cup at US$0.88, and thought. A bit expensive, however, for Holiday of BITCH CONSTITUTION, it would be fine. And started to eat in the big supermarket. She moved from exterior to inside, because she already knew that there were special sample service of some defenite local foods like UTSUNOMIYA Chinese Meat Pies and some sea foods, especially. She thought that they were samples for consumers. And watched them. No letters of "Free for tasting", and she circles three times again and again arround the corner. And any of them yelled her to induce her shopping. Quiet. Some faked consumer tried to buy the dried seafoods, and the faked clerk recommended him to try a handful of the same food. After buying? Miyuki got in wonder. And such a mount? A bit, before buying, is the rightous way. Why they performed so bad? Miyuki got in wonder.

 They were all downward eyes holders. Silent at all. One old kinky guy audaciously to her, "Oh, girl! You are eating nice icecream!", and she thought, "Oh, you want to get icecream from me? You are seller, and I am a promissive consumer. Why you don't provide me your food sample at all? And tried to get my own precious icecream??"

  And she understood. They induced the picking crime. Each tiny dish has a mount of food. Looked like sample, however, for them, not at all type gesture. Many kids, who didn't understand the Japanese system were killed by this reason.

  Thrifty guys, they claimed. In our country, they provided us for free. Japan is messy and poorer than our country!, they thought and said so to them. And they were killed. "King is nakid!" They cried, and they were killed.

 After the declaration of the fact, how they were treated after?, was common question for us all. And for Miyuki, finally, the kids should be praised a lot, party, festival, and the heroes! And they should gain a lots of money, of course!!!

  Thus they failed. King was nakid, yes. However, they shouldn't say the fact to them, was their understanding. Thus, they were killed of course. Minimum, immediate type punishment. And we should gain from compensation. Revenge, anyway.

  Miyuki decided to visit there tomorrow on the exact day of Kids' Day. Brillient Spring River side. Why there were lots of benches and parks appeared suddenly in the river side, was Miyuki's question, when she was strolling the baby chair with her kids. Anyway, my kids whould be strong. Thus, physically, at least, they should walk with me as much as possible.

  And they thank her now. Anyway, walkable. IKKYO kids only drive a car. Walking is their weakpoint. Strange. Like YUKARI. Walkers were here and there, in urban sites, and in rural ones. However, now, since winter, the number diminished anyway.

 They degraded physically, Miyuki thought. Thus, they dislike to walk arround in the hot summer like spring beautiful day!

 And she failed. Not at all! They vanished! Oh, better!!! And Miyuki get pleased with the participation of common people as their common principle holders. At least, cruelity should be excluded. Totalitarianims should be irradicated.

  Protectionists should understand liberalism. Miyuki is minimum type, and honest to her belief. Thus, we should learn her rule, at least. Miyuki tried to understand their protectionism. Not for me, however, I respect your choice type attitude.

  I am not you, mother. Thus, I want to get my independence. And now, I need to work more. And I can work for them and us all.

  For protectionists, others' should be protected yes, if they are living creatures. For liberalists, others should manage their situation as much as possible. If they can't do so, we help you type attitude. Not so difficult. Just a different conducts we prefer. Miyuki is not so kind enough, however, sufficiently kind.

  Alex claimed, "Please pay the money to the dilivery service instead of me, because I am with sleeping face." And Miyuki refused his asking. "You should pay by yourself." And she entered into the same place to start her own job. The same place. Not so incovenient. Why not? was his question. You should receive your ordered thing, as much as possible. And sleeping face is highly common to delivery men, because it's holiday today.

  It was a harsh attacking on them all! They should not appear in front of their superior with the sleeping face. If they were not good at appearance, they should refrain from meeting them, even they use lie, were their preference.

  Lip service is OK, however, lie is not allowed, is Miyuki's policy. And now, for delivery service attendence, why you should be neet to him? And Alex understood. She is so rough at this point. Sleeping eyes were not good in appearance yes. However, not so bad to attend to the service men. Her recommendation.

  New system needs some standard. Twice is worse than once. Thus, sleeping face is prefereble for common workers. Thus Alex was persuaded to receive the gift from himself to himself. We should praise ourselves, sometimes. Treat, yes, like Chocolate Paffe of yesterday.

  The resemble icecreams were there. Miyuki compared them. Name is more attractive of that of MORINAGA, while, the % of fat mild is higher of that of MEIJI. And found their factories far from here. KYUSHU area. Oh, the center of the economy sifted already?

  And paied her precious US$0.88 for the TREAT. And icecream is nice not to disturb the flavour of chocolate, and chocolate is good, especially, crispy black bits!!!! And she ate all. Sometimes, she got tired to eat all. In the middle, she stops eating. This time, she ate all, soon. And started to lick until the wall of the plastic cup. She wanted to arrange her wear correctly, thus she entered into the toilet again, and she changed her mind to try eating icecream in toilet to call attention of IKKYO politeness believers. however, it smelled. Thus, she put it in the trash box, before entering into.

  She asked the register clerk to put a tape on the cup, because she used the automatic payment service in cash. She received the receipt as her habit. However, in the vision, the frase, "Please ask the clerk to put the tape on the bought objects." Thus, she dared to ask her to put. She hesitated at that moment, and Miyuki induced to put it on the cup.

  and Miyuki understood, the clerks refused or ignored to put the tape on the bought objests, and they were caught as thieves. Bought, however no proof at all! They claimed. And their excuse were denied. Always, they were killed by them, rural residents related IKKYO believers. They are snypers and attackers. MICCHIKU combined with IKKYO belivers. This is Japanese society.

  OMANKO journalists for it. They faked the news, and informed the wrong ones. Always they lied. And figures. They didn't check at all. MICCHIKU related were responsible at this field, however, MICCHIKU reduced abruptly, thus, IKKYO believers started to the same jobs, and now, they are revealing their way of understanding of our world.

  Thus, they were believed that they are already dead in brain and heart. In mind, we could say.

   Miyuki likes to play the role of IKKYO believers???? Not at all! I am against Totalitarianism. Just a Testacles Pet's imitation.

  And they can't recognize age nor sex correctly, Miyuki found. She was treated as an infant or low grade primary school girl!!!!

  I am taller than you, old Alzheimer boys! However, they didn't understand it. Yes, from far sight, Miyuki's shape looks like theirs, 7 years to 10 years of Boy or Girl type. When she put skirt, she looks girl, and when with jeans, boy. Too too stero-type. And sometimes they came in a car. Oh, for it, she understood. Low hight car, now why? And the reply is, "watching inside the skirt of the kids".

  Thus, super cars were liked by the rural boys. Miyuki and OKINO thought that the low sight were for reducing wind pressure. Too too logical, however, for them, not at all. Just to monitoring their favorite parts.

  Now she is a bit hungry. She is not so nice today. She should make her mind in order. And she will recover soon. Anyway, she should buy a carton of mill in the afternoon.

  See you soon!!!

  MARC should go to the kitchen!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Especially sly ones!!!

  With LOVE, from MARC!!!

  Miyuki now came back from her errand. And in the downtown, she found a lot of traceable marks of killing kids. And many faked big families she encountered with, and took some pictures of them.

 Faked families in big old authentic version. 3 generation families, probably. And they made loud voice to show up their family accompany. Nothing interesting, however, they should make a noise, anyway. Thus, they did use big hall like vacant houses.

  Miyuki got to know that Sakuma Buildings are actually for this use. 3 stories modern office buildings type they were. Now two big Japanese taste housed in 3 floors. And from the back house, the sound of laughing voices were heard by Miyuki. Oh, just like a tunnel No.6 of Shirakawa, she thought of.

  The tunnel is good to do chorus work. She sings alone, and echoes follows a bit later. Big Echo, itself!!!

  She sang "YAMA-NO-IBUKI" or "Blow of Mountain" which she learned when she was a member of Chorus Club in Shirakawa III primary school. Vivrate is fine for this tunnel. She liked and wants to visit to her chorus by herself alone type concert.

  For free. A bit dangerous, because sometimes tracks pass. Anyway, good for training. Better than bath room.

  And Sakuma houses are this type. Probably, no wall in the house inside. And several people meet together and play the role of each member of family. Near age is enough to pretend to be one. Similarity is just superficially required. All theatrical play, they do.

 Any conversation would be fine, and sometimes, they have to laugh. They can do it, because they train it already.

  Laughing YUGA was for it. KAKISHIMA induced MIYUKI to go to one of the YOGA school in OOMIYA. MIYUKI was not so interested in the school. For laughing, why we should waste time? Just say something funny. It is enough. However, she wanted to take MIYUKI to the school anyway. And KAKISHIMA changed her mind from Laughing YOGA school to Super public bath called SASA-NO-YU in Itabashi Ward.

  Other faked big families tried to play the role of the original ones. however, non residencial house without name plate was not suitable for a couple with 4 kids with south eastern faces. They spoke in Japanese, however, they were different, and especially thier mother played bad. Indifferent at all in case of danger of their faked kids. And their faked father was more evier than she. He induced their kids to play in the road, and put him in the stable position, and the vehicle came. Miyuki wanted to watch the result and tried to take a picture. And the vehicle evased to hit the kid.

  Oh, we could do it, Miyuki thought. Kids are amusing type. Probably they don't know the system. Just they should play the role of their kids. They should call the adults "PAPA" or "MAMA". Reluctant faces in the adults. Nasty idol type like YUKARI, they are, Miyuki thought. Especially, the wife, faked one, was always watching smartphone, just like a believer to consult her own problem to her special superiors. Worried attitude for her own sake. And her faked husband with cold appearence. Anything OK type.

 Afther them, Miyuki found another Big family faking in front of JR Shirakawa station. They were also three dults and 3 or 4 kids. Adults were 30 years or so. Kids, 10 years arround. They crossed the road unnecessarily in a hurry, and walked turning arrround the block, and came back toward the station. Why? I don't know. They were collected to fake a family, however, something happened, and found that there was no reatanrant open today at all. Thus, they decided not to do eat outside, Miyuki presumed.

 Miyuki should eat to nourish her body. See you soon again!


 From MARC, with BIG LOVE!!!