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2011-02-06 02:15:46 | Weblog
19:06 from TwitBird
NHK's evening top news was Sumo fix problem. It wasn't Egyptian problem. Which problem is serious? I think Egypt problem is more serious.
19:07 from TwitBird
ご注意を!RT @nikkeionline 太陽光パネル、積雪落下に注意喚起 国民生活センター http://s.nikkei.com/gLZHAo
19:58 from TwitBird
I'm going to see a movie with my wife. We are already in a theater. We'll see "Social Network" tonight.
20:05 from TwitBird
RT @DalaiLama In our daily life, tolerance and patience have great benefits: developing them will allow us to http://tl.gd/8k9m5c
23:26 from web (Re: @nnnnaominishida
@nnnnaominishida 気付いてもらえて良かったです。
23:45 from TwitBird (Re: @gejion
@gejion 私も何気にクリックしてしまいパニックりました。お役に立てて幸いです。
by tann2009 on Twitter

