

個人向け国債の販売 5

2009-05-21 22:01:00 | 日記
Probably, almost all people do not come up with this idea because it is beyond the wall of common sense and the wall of habit that they do believe money decreases if they spend it.


We hope that readers get to understand that they can manage the government by the time these readers finish reading this book.


If B course penetrates the world electorate, nobody pays or goes shopping by using currency no longer. Everyone ought to impress this tendency remarkably as the time passes.


All people’s treasure trove changes A course, and people go through the formalities of B course before they use currency.


The repeat bonds each government issues give an influence on various type of business which wholly devoted to currency.


People will pay the gas rate, the water rate, the power rate, from public utility charges down, and a house rent, lease fee and so on, by the repeat bonds.


個人向け国債の販売 4

2009-05-21 17:02:00 | 日記
If we set rate of converting 1 to 1, we just need A course.


We need B course because we set rate of converting 4 to 1. If we buy the government bond whose cost is 200 thousands yen, we get 200 thousands repeat bond.


The person who makes a living with 200 thousands yen per month is forced to make a living with 50 thousands yen per month temporarily and he cannot make a living, therefore, he cannot buy the government bond if he wants to buy it.


Then B course was devised.


In B course, people can borrow the repeat bonds for four years in advance on the month when they buy the government bond. If people buy the government bond whose cost is 200 thousands yen, they can borrow 800 thousands repeat bond in advance.

歴史と文化の散歩道 9

2009-05-21 16:07:13 | 日記

学名 Artemisia princeps(アルテミス プリンセス)
ギリシャ神話の女神の Artemis(アルテミス)にちなんでつけられたとか・・・

かくとだに えやはいぶきの さしも草

さしも知らじな 燃ゆる思ひを


百人一首には 「さしも草」とか「させも」 と呼ばれたりしていました。



天ぷら ヨモギかゆ ヨモギ餅 ヨモギ青汁



個人向け国債の販売 3

2009-05-21 13:00:00 | 日記
How much does the amount of currency people spend each nation all over the world at present?
One day, one month, one year, ten years, hundred years… the currency society has continued like this.


How much do people spend on a consumer’s lifestyle from when they started to get salary to when they could not work and did not get salary?


Our life every year is getting rich, in ten years, twenty years, thirty years…, if we can get the repeat bond by adding these currencies every year.


The repeat bond as the same amount as the government bond people bought by salary is transferred to the personal account at the beginning of next year even if people cannot get salary and cannot buy the government bond. The repeat bond is transferred for life.


If this kind of system exists when people started to get salary, all people want to buy government bonds. And everyone will be their old age gorgeously.


個人向け国債の販売 2

2009-05-21 10:00:37 | 日記
The repeat bond is much more reliable compared to any other financial goods private companies sell, and rate of converting 25 percent means that we can get a 25 percent annual interest of currency.


People are of great advantage if they have the government bond rather than having deposit or a treasure trove on condition that they can get everything they want by using the repeat bond as long as the nation exists.


We show that A course enables people to do these acts. When the treasure trove which is each country’s currency people have all over the world changes to all government bonds for individual of each government, how much does money gather? I would like readers who are the electorate to imagine that.


Let’s think about B course next.
