

用語解説 3

2009-05-15 11:02:30 | 日記
② The repeat bond has several rules.


It would be better for people to spend the repeat bonds people received within the year. The government confiscates an amount of repeat bonds people were not able to spend, and applies these repeat bonds to a trickle down system.


The end of the year and the beginning of the year are different among countries.


All the period people buy the government bonds are treated within the year.


For example, if we decided January is the beginning of the year and December is the end of the year, the same amount of repeat bonds are transferred to the personal account even if we buy them on October or December.


If people bought the government bond at the end of December, we guess they can spend the repeat bond only a little.


The government confiscates the amount of repeat bonds people left unused and applies to the trickle down system, but in an instant, transfers the repeat bond to the personal account at the beginning of next year.


It is prohibited that the repeat bond is assigned among personal accounts. The government can know the all movement of repeat bonds because the server manages this movement, therefore, people cannot do wrong.
