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チェルシー、ボルトンに引き分け 四冠は風前の灯 その3

Q: Jose, realistically that is the end of the title hopes?

JM: Not yet, not yet. Of course the five points is different from three (points). In this moment we need to win every game and we need Man United to lose two of them, of course we played them so, but still it depends on their one defeat is much more difficult, realistically, ALMOST, but in football, almost is nothing. Only when mathematically over is when is "over".

Q: You may six changes today, you said you forehanded for the risk. Do you regret it now?

JM: You know, I regret because the - because we drawed the game and lost 2 points. but the reality is that there are no miracles if I don't do that maybe (shrugging his shoulders) maybe the team played better if I played with other players, I don't know, for example today I play- Joe Cole, Joe Cole was not better than people that was before, he was tired. Lampard was the same, so I can imagine if I played them all, maybe the team wouldn't play better today, and maybe for Tuesday I put them even in our situation, but I'm a manager and when things are going not in the right direction, of course the responsibility is always mine.

Q: What did you say just to players?

JM: I told players basically, in football "almost" means nothing, and who knows? we have to fight, we are champions, you will be the champions untill the end of this season you will have to fight like champions did, every single minutes of this Premiership, and we have to win the next three matches, and see what happens.
I also told them that the good thing of the situation you to believe 2 days we have a new day for competition, and we have a every game to play on Tuesday, is easier to do it to forget this bad result and this bad moment, it's easy to forget, because you have the Champions League semi-final to play there.

Q: The score from Goodison Park being on board, once say Manchestre United 2-0 down, did you have another aspect to team, more pressures on them?

JM: I cannnot say that, I don't know, to be fair I don't know, I can't tell you, because I told you before the game when you are speaking to me about I'm going to watch or to listen Man United, I said no, because it is such a difficult game to win, that we have to win, the end of the game I don't know the result, of course I know the screen was there and crowd's reaction was so on, but I was always focus on our game and the game was always difficult, that the game I was focused on.

Q: Finally, you get the big game against Liverpool next week, Ricaldo Carvalho came off injured, you tell me he is fixed or not, Micheal Ballack as well?

JM: No, I cannot tell you, I can tell that when you leave the game like he did, normally is the injury that you cannot play the next game. That is everything I can tell you now.

Q: Thank you. I wish you good luck.

JM: Thanks, I think so.


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