文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

And so, we must urgently fortify the defenses of Japan.

2022年10月20日 00時15分46秒 | 全般

The chapter I sent out on 05/09/2022 is being re-submitted with some modifications.
The following is a reminder of things to write about in the future.
Every year, I check the dates when the cherry blossoms, wisteria, roses, and Iris laevigata at Kinkakuji Temple are fully bloomed.
This year, as I wrote before, the essential work of the "Turntable of Civilization" has been suspended because the person in charge of the scanner, who is in order of the crucial piece, got an eye disease.
As a result, this year, I took the best pictures in the history of the flowers mentioned above.

I also take pictures of the weeping cherry trees in the Heian Jingu Shrine Garden every year.
This year, however, the weeping cherry blossoms here were relatively poor.
When I go to Heian Jingu Shrine, I walk along the Shirakawa River from Higashiyama Sanjo Subway Station.
This year I went alone.
The Someiyoshino cherry trees at this location are also an excellent place to take pictures.
At the torii gate of the Heian Shrine, a young Chinese woman asked me to take her picture. I accepted with some reluctance.
When I asked her where she was from, she told me she was from Hong Kong.
When I asked her if she was a talented young lady who had graduated from Hong Kong University, she told me that she had graduated from an average university and worked in Hong Kong but was now working in Japan.
I told her that Hong Kong was in trouble and should stay in Japan, but she must have been a supporter of Xi Jinping.
"China is a strong country, so we can't help it."
My heart froze when I heard this one phrase.
I instantly reaffirmed that the average Chinese person is a follower of Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, a supporter of the communist one-party dictatorship, and a follower of power alone.
When they asked me to take their picture, their attitude was also the opposite of the Japanese.
It oozed arrogance.

Italy (Rome), a leading tourist nation, was the first country where the turntable of civilization turned (it is no exaggeration to say that this was 2,000 years ago).
France (Paris) was the country where the turntable turned several hundred years ago.
In other words, both countries are glorious countries of the past.
The United States and Japan are countries that are turning on now.
For at least the next 170 years, the turntable of civilization is turning in Japan and the United States.
Japan and the U.S. are not countries that need to become tourism-oriented countries.
They left the super-strong yen when they were under the Democratic Party of Japan due to being controlled by the Asahi Shimbun.
As a result, Japanese companies invested in China.
The hollowing out of domestic industry began.
Deflation deepened.
With the weak yen, Japan has only one thing to do: bring Japan's world-class companies back to Japan.
Japan needs to make substantial capital investments in Japan to make the country and its people wealthy.
It is the reality I have mentioned many times, and it is time to end the unmitigated folly that has been enriching China.
And so, we must urgently fortify the defenses of Japan.
The time has come for Japan to realize that it is no longer acceptable to be a foolish nation that turns a blind eye to the modern-day "Genko" that is being repeated daily.
It is not an exaggeration to say that tourism, as typified by Thailand and other countries, is a result of the developing world.
Japan and the U.S. are also natural economic powers built on intelligence, freedom, and technological and financial strength.
As a result of the postwar rule of the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014, Japan is ruled by politicians, academics, and those who make their living in the media who are too stupid to understand even the fundamentals of things.
One of their attitudes is to use words like "inbound" and "global" without question, as well as the climate change issue started by Chinese and Canadian international fraudsters and the SDGs, etc., which are integral to this issue.
It is no exaggeration to say that what Japan needs to do to restore and enhance its national strength, such as inbound tourism, is not only wholly irrelevant to its essence but also has a negligible effect on Japan's GDP.
It is no exaggeration to say that those who rely on Chinese and Koreans for business are not good people.
Of course, those who try to do business only following the latest fads will repeatedly have ups and downs.

The most significant advantage of living in Osaka has Kyoto, Shiga, and Nara as my garden.
The only benefit that the Corona disaster has brought is that the Chinese and Koreans, pouring in like grasshoppers, have stopped coming, as the foolish politicians have forgotten the fundamentals or lack the intelligence to realize the fundamentals.
Kyoto, Nara, and Shiga, the best places for Japanese people, have returned to their natural state.
Nothing is more foolish than to let the Chinese and Koreans, raised on Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, overrun the best parts of Japan.
Until they stop their Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, they should not be given useless entry permits.
Until they become citizens of a genuinely democratic nation, they should not be allowed to unconditionally enter Japan's supreme beauty.
Even elementary school students do not give "pearls cast before swine."
But Japan, ruled by the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014, has continued to give pearls cast before swine.
And now, without question, they are giving it again under the guise of inbound consumption, etc.
It is long overdue for the Japanese people to realize folly.
To be continued.


