文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was terrible and cruel, not something like a system.

2022年01月29日 09時50分35秒 | 全般

I watched Nikkei News 9 on BS Tokyo last night, appalled.
Japan's immigration law is the laxest in the world (friendly to the subject), as anyone who knows the actual situation in the world knows.
It is also common knowledge that Japan's immigration law is the most human rights-conscious globally.
However, this program tried to make viewers believe that Japan's immigration law has many problems, which is a ridiculous idea.
The program used students from the Law Department of Aoyama Gakuin University is also highly malicious.
The program announced the professor's name, leading the students to criticize Japan and the government from the perspective of self-tormenting historical views so that they would not notice it.
"Dr. Shin"?
I searched and found Shin Hae Bong is a Japanese international law professor. D. (Law) and a law professor at Aoyama Gakuin University School of Law. After serving as Secretary-General of the International Society of Human Rights Law, she became the 10th President of the Society.
It is undisputed that she is a member of the so-called human rights lawyers and other groups.
As is evident from her name, she is probably also a Korean living in Japan.
In addition, Aoyama Gakuin University even has an outrageous professor who waged a campaign against a genuine and correct article by Harvard professor Ramseyer.
Within two weeks, Shepherd, Stanley, Sayaka Chatani (Assistant Professor at Singapore-National University), and Chelsea Sendy (Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University)-all Japanese Studies scholars in the Humanities-all co-submitted a 30-page request to the journal to retract my article.
Are parents sending their children to the Aoyama Gakuin University School of Law know this?
What the hell is wrong with Japanese universities? 
How far have the academics and the media been corrupted by the left!

Aoyama Gakuin University is not the brightest high school student, but pure and innocent Japanese children.
It is located in the heart of the fashion town of Shibuya, so the theory is that it is home to many fashionable students.
It has become famous for the Hakone Ekiden (relay race) in recent years.

Before Japan annexed the peninsula in 1910, the Korean peninsula had one of the worst penal and prison systems in history.
It was terrible and cruel, not something like a system.
The descendants of these people have become professors at the universities mentioned above. They are cleverly brainwashing students who do not even question the professors' ideas and backgrounds that Japan is wrong.
He is the most eloquent man among the students who seem entirely brainwashed by this professor.
This man's experience of working part-time at the immigration office (probably recommended by the professor) is his absolute strength and weapon. 
In the mock courtroom, where the roles of the citizen and the authority are played, the student on the citizen's side completely defeats his opponent, and the student on the citizen's side ultimately wins.
The female student on the citizen's side responded to the interview with an expression of complete infatuation, saying, "We were sure of victory because he was on our side.

As I was writing about the broadcast of the mock courtroom, I was reminded of the infamous mock trial held by North Korean spies, the infamous Yayori Matsui, a female reporter for the Asahi Shimbun, Eriko Ikeda, and Satoru Nagai, both of whom were anti-Japanese NHK employees.

The second night of NHK's ETV special series "How to Judge War" broadcast on January 30, 2001, "Wartime Sexual Violence Questioned" (Women's International War Crimes Tribunal (abbreviated as Women's International War Crimes Tribunal, hosted by VAWW-NET Japan), a mock tribunal to judge the Japanese military sexual slavery of the people's court (mock tribunal) that deals with the comfort women issue, etc.)

Perhaps this Professor Shin was a supporter of this tribunal.
It is no exaggeration to say that Ikegami is one of the most vicious people who allowed such a thing to be aired for a long time as the program's main feature.




