文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!He was working for a WHO that China completely controlled.

2023年10月09日 11時00分11秒 | 全般

He was working for a WHO that China wholly controlled. The chapter I sent out on June 18, 2021, titled "He was working for a WHO that China completely controlled." was a crime of search obstruction. 
The following is a memorandum if you will.
The LDP must refrain from inviting academic experts to do things.
It was evident in the constitutional amendment case when they invited Hasebe, of all things.
When the Wuhan virus was spread worldwide, 99.99% of the Japanese people were unaware of the Omi who was invited.
It had to be a person of prime ministerial caliber and extraordinary ability to deal with this coronavirus disaster.
Few men of vision would have thought that he had such qualities.
His flaws were not exposed when he expressed his opinions to Prime Minister Abe.
As if to keep pace with the boycott of the Tokyo Olympics by the Asahi Shimbun and the Communist Party, Omi suddenly began to say and do the same.
He was a person who had never expressed his own opinions before.
The main reason for all the fuss in Japan, where the number of infected people is overwhelmingly tiny compared to other countries, is that medical care is in short supply.
It is something that every sane and intelligent citizen must have thought about.
Japan has the most significant number of inpatient beds globally, but they say more beds must be.
Omi is a medical doctor and medical industry insider.
He has never said there is a problem with how the Japan Medical Association and others handle the situation.
Today in the U.S., Otani's team, the California Angels, eliminated restrictions on spectators at ballparks in California.
On that memorable day, Ohtani pitched and became the winning pitcher.
Watching the game on TV was a usual scene, which is the charm of baseball as the "national pastime" in the United States.
On the other hand, Omi, who does not even smell of sports, said it was unusual to hold the Olympics like this.
This man has never said anything about the Beijing Olympics, such as, "Liberal countries should not participate.
He may have agreed with the Asahi Shimbun's editorial and others.
This time, he said that the Olympics should be held without spectators.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that sports have never been a part of his life.
The man who wanted to enter the University of Tokyo couldn't because it canceled the exam. 
Isn't that the trauma of his life?
What has bothered me from the beginning is that he worked for the WHO.
He was working for a WHO that China wholly controlled.
The magnitude of the damage to the national interest done by those who recommended such a person to head the subcommittee is immeasurable.
It all starts with one person.
Even the spectacular mismanagement is the fault of the LDP or whoever recommended him to the government.
