文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It isn't exaggerated even if it says that it is the writer whom only the dilettante knows.

2015年09月22日 21時40分14秒 | 日記

People who are alive that the mass media say with 100% credit, people who have sent a life together with the mass media, it will not permanently to those people to know that the following.

Here there are one of the writer, he is believed to be a foreign writer compared to other writers of Japan.

He began life as the writer as the translator of some short story writer in America.

This short writer is never a flagrant writer.

It isn't exaggerated even if it says that it is the writer whom only the dilettante knows.

A lot of people did not know him at all.

When there is this short story writer, he has edited the works of talented writers of the United States. Genuine female writers had that I came to mention in it.

He knew the authoress who is a genius in the real thing in the U.S. in the process.

As for this authoress, most of the owners with the first-class intellect of the U.S. will be known existence but aren't exaggerated even if it says that it isn't known at all in Japan.

It will be same in the world.

Because, there was not that the publishing company in the U.S. made her flagrant intentionally at all. 

Therefore the lowbrow all over the world doesn't know her at all.

This article continues.

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