文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

What kind of Japan does the CDP, which wants to overturn Japan fundamentally,

2024年04月21日 21時15分33秒 | 全般

Ryusho Kadota
The "Marriage Equality Bill" submitted by The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (abbreviation: CDP) is an extraordinary bill that calls for " couples, husbands, and wives to be called 'parties to a marriage'" and "fathers, and mothers" to be called "parents.
The leftist forces want to destroy the family, the smallest unit that has supported Japanese society, and the family register system.
What kind of Japan does the CDP, which wants to overturn Japan fundamentally, want to "build" beyond that?

Why don't they just let same-sex couples do so on their own?
There's no need to ban the words "couple, husband, wife, parents" for all Japanese citizens ⁉️😡💢.
You must be an idiot ⁉️😅really

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