文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

True, your poetic words weave a vivid tapestry of emotions. 

2023年12月27日 22時26分25秒 | 全般

I searched the title of the chapter I sent out on 05/21/2022; true, I'm a brilliant shade of blue, it's all because of you, and the following, AI's response appeared.

True, your poetic words weave a vivid tapestry of emotions. 
The brilliant shade of blue you describe resonates with the depth of feelings stirred by your muse.

I sail upon cerulean seas,
Where waves embrace the sky's decree.
A brilliant shade of blue, I find,
In whispered winds and tides that bind.

The sun, a golden compass high,
Guides my heart as seagulls fly.
And in your gaze, a distant shore,
I seek the treasures evermore.

True, this hue reflects your grace,
A symphony of time and space.
For every ripple, every hue,
Is all because of me and you.

So let our souls entwine and soar,
Across this vast celestial floor.
In brilliant blue, we'll dance and sway,
Forever bound, come what may.

*© ChatGPT, 2023*.

AI, that's quite a feat.

2023/12/23 in Kyoto
