文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Repost! The show came close to exposing Muller's lies, but the results were a waste of hope.

2023年12月25日 23時36分59秒 | 全般

The show came close to exposing Muller's lies, but the results were a waste of hope.
The following is from the latest book published on 12/31/2020 by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, entitled China and South Korea Lie Like They Breathe.
It is a must-read not only for all Japanese citizens but also for people worldwide.
In particular, those who make a living from and subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun, a foolish newspaper found nowhere else in the developed world, which not only takes pleasure in disgracing its own country to the world but will do any fabrication to do so.
It is primarily the so-called scholars telling us to learn from Germany.
Those who make a living from the South German newspaper have been writing anti-Japanese articles using this newspaper's anti-Japanese articles.
It is the people who subscribe to this newspaper.
And make a living from the T.V. station that airs the story of the Nanking Massacre fabricated by John Rabe as an annual event at the end of every year.
As a result, about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is a must-read for those in the U.S. who call themselves scholars, such as Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent.
It is without exaggeration that it is the best book in the world.

The Forest of Chernobyl was Blue 
The other day, a Nippon Television Network Corporation program was airing "Chernobyl Today."
In April 1986, a graphite-moderated light-water reactor No. 4 exploded in flames in northern Ukraine. 
It contaminated the area around the reactor with high levels of radioactive materials. The pine forests around the building were dying red, the thyroid cancer rate had increased 54-fold, and 110,000 people living within a 30-kilometer radius had been forcibly evacuated. 
The forest is lush, and the number of wolves, moose, and foxes threatened with extinction continues to increase.
As many as 120 wolves have been confirmed to be living here alone.
That means there are plenty of boars and rabbits for them to feed on.
In the nuclear power plant building's cooling water pool, a catfish nearly one meter in length was swimming leisurely, probably because the wolves don't catch it. 
The scene was too healthy to make us worry about high radioactive contamination.
There was something different about the story. 
The American geneticist Herman Muller originally stated that radiation is dangerous for living things, with a limit of one millisievert per year. 
When Drosophila was exposed to radiation, it interestingly produced deformities. 
The deformities were also inherited. 
This data was based on his experiments. 
The U.S., which had a monopoly on nuclear weapons, was delighted with this data and lobbied Sweden to emphasize the horror of radiation, which led to the Nobel Prize being awarded to Muller in 1946. 
However, DNA research has shown that Drosophila is an exception. 
In usual living organisms, including humans, radiation can help reverse the suicide (apoptosis) of "defective cells that cause cancer deformities. 
The show came close to exposing Muller's lies, but the results were a waste of hope.
They had the commentator conclude with a story about how the animals were running around fine, that "we don't know yet," and that deformities would be coming out.
NTV is supposed to be a news organization.
After going to the site and witnessing the effects of radiation, the conclusion was that "radiation is dangerous" and "nuclear power plants are a bad idea," which made me cry.

2023/12/23 in Kyoto
