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The time of Japan, the time of the world

The interest in this complex and elusive pianist is boundless.

2024年08月01日 12時09分21秒 | 全般

"Research on the enigmatic pianist continues." It is from the Nikkei Evening Newspaper's Culture section.

Glenn Gould is an unparalleled pianist prodigy.
His enigmatic life and unique style of playing have made him a legend.
Now that research has progressed.
A series of critiques and films have been produced that explore the true face of this idol.

He was an unorthodox genius who retired from concert activities at 31 and performed only in recording studios.
He was a solitary pianist who loved the quiet life at his vacation home on the outskirts of his hometown of Toronto, Canada.
Gould is often described in such terms, partly because he remained a bachelor and revealed little about his personal life.

Romance galore 

In the midst of all this, a critical biography has emerged that depicts Gould in a different light from the conventional image of him.
The Japanese translation of “Glenn Gould: The Secret Life” (translated by Kayoko Iwata, published by Michi Shuppan) was published this fall.
The author is Michael Clarkson, a Canadian journalist.
The author is Michael Clarkson, a Canadian newspaper reporter who has interviewed the American writer J.D. Salinger, who had cut off negotiations with the secular world.

He wrote a love letter to a woman he had just met, and flew on an airplane to see his girlfriend, which he was not very fond of.
The book is based on the testimonies of women who were involved with him, and it approaches the actual image of him through his many romances.
The film reveals a part of his mysterious life through the voices of Cornelia Foss, the wife of American composer Lucas Foss and a painter in a long-term relationship with Gould.

In the film “Glenn Gould: Love and Loneliness of a Pianist Genius,” which opens in theaters on January 29, the true face of Glenn Gould is also revealed through the mouths of his former lovers.
Private photos of him and Cornelia are also shown, giving a glimpse of their affectionate expressions.
The way he continued to seek her out even after their breakup is poignant, and flesh and blood of the man emerges with his body heat.

Light on Stage Performance 

Glenn Gould" (Izumiko Aoyagi, Chikuma Shobo), published in July, sheds light on his neglected stage performance career by featuring previously unreleased live recordings.
"There is a deep-rooted prejudice against Gould among performers because there is a perception that a musician's main role is on stage. But his performances in concert were also magnificent," says Aoyagi, a fellow pianist.

The book also includes:

  • Previously unpublished live recordings.
  • Shedding light on Gould's time as a stage performer.
  • A period that has been neglected until now.

The unique technique of separating each note.
His interpretation is as if he were taking a piece of music apart and assembling it into something completely different.
In studio recordings, such individuality comes to the fore.
But in a live performance, "He was able to give a good performance that sang smoothly and was full of inspiration."

Gould is also featured in the book "The 10 Greatest Pianists of the 20th Century" (Gentosha, written by Nakagawa Usuke), which was published in July.
The book introduces an anecdote in which he was told by fellow pianist Artur Rubinstein, “You will be back in the lineup (for concerts).
Other books on Gould include "Glenn Gould's Piano" (written by Katie Hafner and translated by Keisuke Suzuki from Chikuma Shobo), which focuses on his favorite piano and piano tuner.

Professor Junichi Miyazawa of Aoyama Gakuin University, a leading scholar of Gould's work, says, "Gould's passionate performances and humanistic approach to music are the key to his success.
As more is known about Gould's passionate performances and his human side, the image of the artist is becoming more three-dimensional," he said.
Next year, 30 years after his death, Miyazawa will publish a critical biography.

In the U.S., a documentary film is in the works.
Gould was shy but passionate.
It is Gould's cool, intelligent studio recordings and passionate live performances.
The interest in this complex and elusive pianist is boundless.
(Yuko Seki, Culture Department)

2024/7/30 in Onomichi


