文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

On top of that, the Chinese were using Japanese money to go abroad and provide aid

2021年02月07日 14時18分11秒 | 全般
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, published on 1/15/2021.
This book is also one of the best books in the world, just like his previous books.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore and buy it right now.
I will do my best to make the rest of the world aware.
This chapter is 100% proof of this column's correctness, which has mentioned that global warming is a trap set by China and that the world is stupidly falling for it.
The government and people of Japan, the media such as Asahi and NHK, the governments and media of countries worldwide, and those who make their living from the United Nations must all read this article with care.
They should all feel such unbearable shame that they would want to crawl into a hole.
The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
The Reality of ODA in China as Revealed by Shinjiro Koizumi 
The air in China is dirty.
Soot and smoke, exhaust gas, and the dreaded PM2.5 are all mixed in. 
But the amazing thing about the Chinese is that they thought it could use such dirt to make money. 
So, the Chinese have teamed up with a Canadian con man, Maurice Strong, wrote Souki Watanabe in the Sankei Shimbun the other day. 
They first spread the theory that climate change, including the recent hot winter, is caused by "too much C02. 
The reason why it has become so dense is that "Japan and other industrialized countries have been emitting it for many years," and they want us to reduce our emissions.
If you can't reduce emissions, buy C02 emission credits from less developed countries. 
However, China, which currently emits the most C02, is not responsible because it is a "backward country. 
Strong became the Secretary-General of the Rio Earth Summit and spread the scam in the United Nations' name with China's support.
Chinese NGOs became his hands and feet.
Japan, which is vulnerable to the U.N., was fooled and pays 100 billion yen to China every year in the name of emission credits. 
Strong's true identity has recently been exposed, and the biological community has advised that if C02 is reduced any further, plants that depend on it for nourishment will die out. 
The odds are against it; China has brought in Greta Thunberg, the climate change girl. How is the effect?
*NHK's reporting was abysmal when a female analyst named Kuwako and Arima were hosting NHK's watch9.
I shudder to think of the many occasions when Kuwako praised Greta in a pseudo-moralistic manner without even realizing that she was utterly ignorant of the situation.
Before the Nobel Peace Prize announcement, he commented with a look of hope on his face that she would get it.
In other words, they were utterly working as China's pawns.
The same must be true of the world's mass media.
Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, also proved how Trump, who knew who Greta was at that time, had the right insight.
Why are the world and the world's mass media and the so-called cultural people who follow them so foolish?
As I have mentioned many times, it is because they are trapped in pseudo-moralism and PC.
China has been using this to its advantage to win you over.*
There was another international scam of this kind in the 1990s.
The scammer was Clare Short, Director General of the British Agency for International Development.
The victim was also in Japan. 
It took place in a sub-Saharan country where HIV was raging at the time.
Patients came one after another to the former sovereign countries such as Britain and France in search of adequate medical care. 
The cost of social, medical care in Britain and France was crushing.
They want to get rid of the HIV refugees, but that would make them look like an ungrateful person. 
Claire thought about it.
What if the industrialized countries were to forgive the sub-Saharan countries for their paid aid claims?
The poor countries could use the money to build local hospitals.
It is no more trips to the U.K. 
It's a beautiful story, but the amount of aid from the U.K. is zero.
The biggest donor was Japan, which gave a trillion dollars.
If we forgave the debt, she would be bowing to Japan, but she said the opposite: 'Japan is Tied aid. They are ruthless dinosaurs who prey on the poorest countries,' she said. 
Tied aid is only about 10% of the total amount in specialized fields such as medicine to Japan's credit. 
It was only an accusation, but the UK-backed NGO, Jubilee 2000, spread it.
In Japan, the Tokyo Catholic Church and the Asahi Shimbun spread Clare's lies, saying things like "lean on the weak. 
In the end, Japan abandoned a total of 6 trillion yen in paid aid and other aid that was due to expire in 10 years from 2003, and at the same time decided to abolish so-called Tied aid. 
On the other hand, the U.K. used Japan's forgiven debt to build hospitals in the region, playing a former sovereign nation close to the weak and prevented medical refugees. 
Speaking of being close to the weak, Japan has Shinjiro Koizumi. 
As soon as he became the environment minister, he stood up to the fishermen of Fukushima and said, "We will not release tritium even if it is harmless. 
The fishermen get their fishing rights for free from the government.
There is a way to terminate them or buy them out.
But he doesn't do anything that would cause a problem. 
Besides, at COP25, climate change NGOs insulted us with fossil awards.
Couldn't he have said that China, their employer, deserved it more?
The other day, Shinjiro, who can't do anything about anything, complained unusually loudly about aid to Vietnam to construct thermal power plants. 
He was just a good boy, saying that he would not allow the export of thermal power plants that emit C02, but then he asked a simple question, "Why are all the orders for the construction of these thermal power plants coming from China? 
After Japan stopped providing Tied aid, almost 1 trillion yen of ODA was awarded to China every year. 
We have given yen trillions in ODA to China, and we have also bought C02 emission credits.
On top of that, the Chinese were using Japanese money to go abroad and provide aid. 
China's prosperity bloomed on Japan's stupidity. 
I have had enough of China.
If we can learn to accept the facts that Shinjiro has brought to light, restore Tied aid, and revive nuclear power plants that do not emit C02, no one will be able to call us stupid anymore.                                                              (February 20, 2020 issue)


