文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! The unbelievability of the "IYI" is a must-read article.

2024年08月16日 15時06分31秒 | 全般

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To Google LLC and its parent company, Alphabet Inc.
In response to the chapter I am submitting to Goo, this offender continues to commit the crime of search obstruction in this manner in an incredibly persistent manner.
If your company takes action, this offender will be convicted of a felony (recidivism) and punished severely.
Only then, or only then, will this crime stop.
If similar criminals exist on the Internet, they will not disappear unless you expose them and punish them severely.
In other words, the Internet will never be normalized.
Thanks to the Internet, your company has become one of the world's leading Internet companies. 
It is your duty and obligation to eradicate these criminals.

The Japanese Constitution is the ultimate unequal treaty imposed by GHQ to keep Japan from rearming.
Jul 12, 2019

Although I told my friend that the May issue of Voice, a monthly magazine released on 4/10/2018, was a whole of papers to read, I realized I had left out many of them.
The following is from Kent Gilbert's article "The Depression of Japan and the U.S. Poisoned by the Bureaucracy, and the Sins of the Educated Elite Who Cannot Objectively Correct Their Behavior.
Although the monthly magazine Voice is priced at 780 yen, it is full of these articles.
Every Japanese citizen with a thirst for knowledge should make a beeline to the nearest bookstore on May 10 to secure their subscription to 'Voice '.
Otherwise, you will never know the truth of things.

The following is a chapter that was sent out on 2018-05-09.
This chapter is a must-read article, especially for Arima and Kuwako, who are still determining if they are genuine Japanese who control the NHK news department. 
The NHK news department is controlled by red union activists and "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder equal to the Japanese branch of the China National Broadcasting Corporation regarding China and the Japanese branch of the South Korean National Broadcasting Corporation regarding South Korea.

The unbelievability of the "IYI" is a must-read article.
The Incredible Spread of "IYI
During the presidential campaign, Hillary insulted half of Trump's supporters as racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, etc.
It is the very definition of "hate speech" against Trump supporters.
Liberals themselves, however, believe that they never engage in "hate speech.
While not doubting their righteousness, liberals are characterized by a thoroughgoing "spirit of intolerance" toward differing opinions. 
The civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which sought to eliminate racial discrimination, was essential for America.
I firmly believe that the movement symbolized by Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech delivered in August 1963 in Washington, D.C., set the right course for an "antiquated America" where racism was still rampant. 
However, I wonder if liberals in recent years have not twisted Dr. King's ideals.
Dr. King spoke in his speech: I have a dream that one day my four little children will live in a nation where they will be judged not by their skin color but by their character's content.
Dr. King's speech was about making America a great nation that does not discriminate based on race or color.
However, the current policies of the liberals to protect the rights of minorities in the U.S. are leading to reverse discrimination and division in the U.S. The Obama administration, for example, is trying to make the Hispanic community more inclusive of Hispanics. 
The Obama administration, for example, has been vocal in calling for more rights for Hispanics (mainly Latinos).
However, many Hispanics already considered their identity to be American.
As the first, second, and third generations of immigrants passed through the generations, the sense of Hispanic identity became less and less.
The Obama administration, however, dared to classify them into the "Hispanic" category, regardless of their own will, as if their rights were being infringed upon. 
The same is true for blacks.
For example, in the U.S., when a black high school student drops out of school, the argument that it is because whites once enslaved blacks is so far-fetched and logical.
Essentially, efforts should be made to reduce the high school dropout rate among blacks.
Nonetheless, "Blacks continue to be discriminated against!" Why is it that people keep shouting, "Give aid to blacks who have been discriminated against!" Why is it that they are always shouting, "We are still being discriminated against! 
To protect their interests, liberals are directing society toward "dependency," which is the opposite of "independence," the spirit in which America was founded.
They can lose the "goose that lays the golden egg" if the discrimination problem is solved.
In "Liberal Poisoning: The Melancholy of Japan and the U.S.," I put particular emphasis on how this "victim business" is undermining the United States. 
Finally, as the situation on the Korean Peninsula grows tense, some opposition parties in Japan refuse to allow the Diet to debate the issue and repeatedly criticize the Abe administration in conjunction with the media.
The Japanese Constitution is the ultimate unequal treaty imposed by GHQ to prevent Japan from rearming.
We cannot help but be painfully aware of the unbelievable spread of the "IYI," which is nestled in Nagatacho, Kasumigaseki, the media, and universities, dragging down the Abe administration's efforts to revise the Constitution.
*IYI" means" highly educated but incompetent.
It is an abbreviation of the English term "intellectual yet idiot."
There are people in the world who, for some reason, cannot do their jobs despite being highly educated or having low ability.
In English, such people are collectively called "intellectual yet idiots," and "IYI" is an abbreviation of that term.
There has been no such term in Japan until now, but Mr. Kent Gilbert introduced it.

2024/8/8 in Fukuyama


