文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but here in Japan, LGBT people exist culturally and in everyday life without discrimination

2023年03月17日 21時35分53秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Kazu Sakanashi, Prince of Inari, which we just discovered.
Kazu Sakanashi, Prince of Inari
JCPP Chairman Shii
I have been an LGBT person for over 50 years.
Neither my friends nor I have been discriminated against for being LGBT in Japan.
Please leave us alone and don't use us as a political issue.
You say that a developed country, but here in Japan, LGBT people exist culturally and in everyday life without discrimination.
Please don't make a law if you don't know the actual situation.
I oppose the #LGBT bill!

Quoted tweets
Kazuo Shii
Mar. 16
According to interviews with several diplomatic sources, the ambassadors to Japan from six of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations (excluding Japan) and the European Union (EU) jointly signed a letter to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida urging the establishment of laws to protect the human rights of sexual minority (LGBTQ) people.
The Prime Minister needs to make a decision quickly!

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