文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a task that must be done immediately, as a decent country must lead the world.

2023年12月16日 17時00分25秒 | 全般

You must clarify the hiring process for these individuals.
December 13, 2015
The UN Human Rights Council should best read the following paper.
This woman is a Korean living in Japan and said in the paper that she was also a lecturer at a Japanese university.
In Korea or China, there is no way that this woman would be standing on a university faculty and giving such a lecture with impunity.
It goes without saying why.
Because in Korea and China, fundamental human rights, the human rights that you have often advised Japan against as if you are the rightful owners of those rights, fundamental human rights, do not exist.

At the same time, almost 100% of the Japanese people have never heard of a person such as Hideaki Uemura, who has the right to speak in your place.
Or Shigeki Sakamoto, whom you employed as a jury member, is likewise a person that almost 100% of Japanese did not know.
Almost 100% of the Japanese people need to learn how you hired such a person.
Since you have repeatedly recommended human rights to Japan, a country with the world's highest level of intelligence and freedom on par with the U.S., you must reveal the recruitment process of these individuals.
With rights always come obligations.
You probably selected these individuals after asking the Asahi Shimbun to do so.
At the same time, the nation of Japan and the Japanese people need to investigate how they were recruited.
It is a task that must be done immediately, as a decent country must lead the world.
It would be a simple and easy task for the Human Rights Council to translate the following Japanese lecture into various languages.


