文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It will not be necessary to say that it is an owner with equal intellect,

2016年06月08日 10時10分27秒 | 日記

Because, the media in Japan that the Asahi was the representative is because it was only reporting the illusion which the Japanese were having for a long time to China by telling no actual state of the Chinese.

They were telling about China, it says that understanding Chinese writing is culture, it is incorrigible and it is absurd, being only telling their own elitism, Ms.Tanizaki lets me know excellently.

Tanizaki isn't exaggerated about China even if it says that it is the best savant in Japan after the war.

It will not be necessary to say that it is an owner with equal intellect, too, at all with Tadao Umesao and me.

Indeed, in that there was a great human being, I came without knowing at all.

Peruse only the Asahi and so on like a fool, in the human being like Oe Kenzaburo, it knows the no actual state of him, bringing a respect.

This article continues.

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