文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The U.S. has made its intention to defend Taiwan clear.

2022年04月19日 11時50分30秒 | 全般
The following is from a tweet by Mr. Rui Abiru, which I just discovered.
It is a contribution to an American newspaper followed by a French newspaper.
Mr. Abe is strongly encouraging the U.S. to do so.
Biden will remain in a daze if we don't say this much.
......Former Prime Minister Abe writes to a French newspaper, "The U.S. has made its intention to defend Taiwan clear."
Paris-Mina Mitsui
The French newspaper Le Monde on March 19, published an article contributed by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Mr. Abe compared Ukraine, which is under Russian aggression, to Taiwan and argued that the U.S. should clarify its intention to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.
The contribution pointed out that while the U.S. indicated that it would not send troops to Ukraine early on, the U.S. has not made its response clear concerning Taiwan.
The strategy of ambiguity worked when the U.S. had overwhelming military superiority over China, but "the times are changing. The ambiguous policy has become a source of anxiety in the Indo-Pacific region," he warned.
The contribution was distributed by Project Syndicate, an international commentary website.
It was also published in the U.S. newspaper Los Angeles Times before Le Monde.


