文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Because if you don't do it, you will never know the truth of things.

2019年03月10日 07時56分00秒 | 日記

I will re-post the chapter entitled, 'Though TV-Asahi didn't have the broadcast license ever confiscated from a government against the broadcast law and didn't result in the situation which the broadcasting is stopped by, but it seems that they did not reflect' at 2018-05-01.
In the monthly magazine 'Sound Argument' released today, the Takayama Masayuki series column <Record at a season> is in the beginning. His thesis of this month's issue is also a splendid thing that hit the mark, it is proving that he is a one and only journalist in the post war world completely.
The Japanese whole people must head for the subscription right now in a nearest bookstore.
Because if you don't do it, you will never know the truth of things.
When I was watching the wide show on the day before the last holiday, it went on a big success of Otani Shohei 2 days ago, both the A, B and C stations, the next was the power harassment tumult of Mr. Sakae Kazuhito who bullyed Ms. Icho Kaori.
It was a reworked version I did on the previous day, and I did not pick up talk of Syria in tense society around the world.
Television including NHK has embarrassing characteristics.
It is the form of making a program with reference to the newspaper all the time because there is no coverage capability.
However, it makes a program, sometimes doing ostentatious.
Will NHK's '731 troops' played last year be a good example?
In the fourth year after the war, a war criminal court was held in Khabarovsk, Japanese soldiers confessed human experimentation.
It found the audio tape.
NHK broadcast in a hilarious look, saying 'the Japanese military were cruel'.
This draft continues.

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