文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it is a clear mistake to think of the annexation of Korea as the colonization of Korea by Japan

2022年12月13日 22時29分48秒 | 全般

As a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014, I had yet to learn that Mr. Shoichi Watanabe was one of the world's most authentic scholars.
Most of the Asahi subscribers were the same way.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.


What about Japan's annexation of Korea makes it so thoroughly different from other colonial policies worldwide? 
On August 22, 1910, five years after the Russo-Japanese War, Japan annexed the Korean Empire under the "Treaty on the Annexation of Korea.
By doing so, the Emperor of Korea ceded the right to govern the Korean Empire to the Emperor of Japan.
It was the "Japan-Korea Annexation" (annexation of Korea). 
However, this annexation of Korea was something other than what Japan actively pursued.
Instead, it was an unexpected development.
There was a preliminary step.
In November 1905, immediately after the Russo-Japanese War, Japan concluded the Second Japan-Korea Agreement with the Korean Empire.
This agreement made Korea a protectorate of Japan.
The Office of the Chief Superintendent of Korea was established, and Hirobumi Ito was appointed as the first Chief Superintendent. 
Hirobumi Ito was opposed to the annexation of Korea because it would place a heavy burden on Japan.
The burden would be enormous if Japan were to annex Korea and defend the Korean peninsula.
In addition, it would be a significant undertaking to develop industry and infrastructure on the Korean peninsula, which had no industry of any kind.
Even though Japan had won the Russo-Japanese War, it was not in a position to manage colonies like the European powers.
Mr. Ito was well aware of this. 
However, Japan's national interests would be harmed if Korea's diplomacy remained unsteady forever.
In fact, the Korean problem was a significant factor in both the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War.
Therefore, it was decided to make Korea a protectorate of Japan, with diplomatic rights only for the time being, until Korea modernized and became wealthy and powerful.
Korea agreed to this, and the Japan-Korea Agreement was concluded.                         
However, in 1907, Korea sent a secret envoy to the International Conference for Peace held in The Hague, the Netherlands, to appeal for the restoration of its diplomatic rights, despite Japan being entrusted with diplomatic rights under the agreement.
However, this was met with general disapproval from the countries in attendance, and Korea was denied participation in the conference.
Furthermore, on October 26, 1909, Hirobumi Ito was assassinated at Harbin Station by a Korean terrorist, An Jung-geun.
This incident quickly swung Japan's public opinion toward annexing Korea, and the following year, the country was officially annexed.
The international community's reaction to the annexation was that all countries agreed that it was not in their interest to have an unstable Korean peninsula, and both the United Kingdom and the United States actively encouraged Japan to annex Korea.
The U.S., however, demanded full recognition of U.S. control of the Philippines in return for allowing the annexation of Korea.
On the other hand, Britain favored annexing Korea because it would be easier to protect its interests on the Chinese continent if Japan, its ally, was more potent.
However, Japan did not immediately jump at the recommendation of the U.S. and the U.K.
Japan decided to annex Korea only after thoroughly listening to the opinions of various countries, including Russia and the Qing Dynasty, and after confirming that not a single country would oppose the annexation.
The 11th edition of the popular but authoritative Britannica, published at the time, does not use the word "colonization" to describe the annexation of Korea.
It uses the word "annexation."
For example, annexation is a term used in the United Kingdom to refer to the land relations between England and Scotland.
While "colonization" means to take from an inferior country, "annexation" means to join together and try to become an equal country.
The relationship between England and Scotland cannot be described as England colonizing Scotland. 
In fact, Japan transferred significant administrative authority to Korea in a brief period.
Almost all members of the Japanese equivalent of prefectural assemblies were Korean at a very early stage, as well as the equivalent of prefectural governors.
At that time, a movement was also promoting annexation in Korea.
The largest political party in Korea at the time was in favor of the merger.
The most commonly used reason for this was the idea of the "Japan-Korea doctrine of common ancestry.
Japan and Korea have the same ancestors. I think this is partially true.
At the very least, Baekje and ancient Japan must have had a relationship that could be described as "common ancestry.
What makes Korea so different from other colonies in the world is that Japan is making a tremendous effort to bring Korea up to the same level as Japan by spending a great deal of money.
Japan created elementary and junior high schools, compulsory education, universities, and vocational schools, and even taught Hangeul, a language that until then was little known and, therefore, not used by anyone.
The royal family remained kings until the last generation, the crown prince remained the crown prince, and the official Ryouban, or traditional nobility, of Korea, became the nobility of Japan.
These things could never have happened in the European colonies.
An Indian or Burmese aristocrat could never have become a British aristocrat, and an Indonesian village chief could never have become a Dutch aristocrat.
Therefore, it is a clear mistake to think of the annexation of Korea as the colonization of Korea by Japan. 
The annexation of Korea ended with Japan's defeat in the war, which lasted only 30 years or so.
During that time, both the population and products increased dramatically.
Since it was only over 30 years, there may have been some parts that did not fit together.
However, if it had been 50 years or even 100 years, the difference between the two countries might have been like the relationship between England and Scotland.
It was this kind of relationship that Japan was aiming for.
Japan believed this was the only way to serve the national interests of both countries in the world situation of the time.


