文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If the LGBT law is passed, public money-sucking NPOs will pop up again, and taxes will disappear

2023年02月20日 15時12分24秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. Kadota Ryusho's tweet that I just discovered.
Diet members are positive about LGBT laws that endanger women and children who should be protected.
However, Japanese parliamentarians must be aware of issues affecting people's lives.
If the LGBT law is passed, public money-sucking NPOs will pop up again, and taxes will disappear.
In a country where taxes are taken as much as possible, and the national burden rate is the highest globally, consumption does not grow and sinks.
No one says the need for Doko Rincho = Administrative Reform. 
It is a dying country.

quoted tweet
China's spy balloons are discussed with great effort because they are not shot down, but North Korea's missiles are hardly discussed in the Diet.
LGBT and Unification Church stories are good, but... don't they have different priorities? Teachers.
Which is more dangerous, balloons or missiles?


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