文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The newspapers are threatening him, not with their pens, but with their parties.

2020年11月27日 05時43分45秒 | 全般
What kind of coverage did the mainstream media provide during the presidential election to refute that fake news is usually a frame-up? It is the chapter I sent out on 2018-11-12 titled: Fake News is a Frame-up.
The following is a book recommended to me by a friend who is a leading reader.
It beautifully reveals the facts that all of our people and the rest of the world need to know.
Published on October 23, 2018, under the title "No more media and political parties like this," the book is a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama, a former reporter for the Sankei Shimbun, and Masamune Wada, a Diet member who was an NHK announcer.
Introduction: Anti-Abe and Anti-Trump Reporting in Japan and the U.S. Can Only Be Disgusted
The Boston Globe is considered one of the leading newspapers in the United States. 
There is also the Scoop.
They boast that their article accusing a Catholic priest of sexually assaulting 130 children was the "Scoop of the Century.
It seems that it has made a big ripple in Christian society, but it is said that it has a certain amount of newspaper power.
There were also stories about Japan.
Only this newspaper reported how Koreans in the United States subjected Yoko Kawashima Watkins, author of "Far Far Away in the Bamboo Grove," to a kangaroo court.
When she was 11 years old, the Japanese lost the war.
Yoko's family, living on the outskirts of what is now North Korea, retreated to Japan via Gyeongseong, but on the way, the Koreans who had been cringe-worthy yesterday attacked, killed, robbed, and raped the Japanese who were on their way out.
The English version of the story, "So far from the bamboo grove," summarizes the experience of escaping through it.
In 1986, the National Board of Education designated it as an excellent supplemental reader for middle and high school students. 
However, in 2006, a Korean student in the U.S. who read the supplementary reading book asked his parents about it.
The following is an article from the Globe: "Hey, are Koreans this cruel? The parents reported the incident to the Korean community and made a big deal out of it.
A parent reported to the Korean community, and in a big uproar, they called the then 73-year-old Yoko to Boston and subjected her to a kangaroo court to tell her why she was writing a lie.
A Korean newspaper correspondent and Korean diplomats in the U.S. also crowded the venue, taunting her and making her apologize," the article says, "and another faction shouted at the U.S. Board of Education to take her book out of the supplementary reading list. 
And finally, it expressed sympathy for the abandoned Yoko, saying, "For some reason, there was not a single Japanese consular official or correspondent in the hall.
*As a Foreign Ministry graduate, Mr. Miyake is not qualified to argue about the nation. Prime Minister Suga is a competent man, but it was a mistake to make him a counselor. This fact also proves the correctness of my editorial that I wrote and sent out yesterday. It shows how incompetent the Japanese Foreign Ministry has been. *
Newspapers with that kind of decency went very crazy this summer.
They called on newspapers across the U.S. to "make a broad anti-Trump appeal in their August 16 editorials. 
The mainstream media," Trump said, "only run fake news.
If the newspapers all come together to refute that, Trump will behave himself a bit.
It would put pressure on them.
That's the aim.
Or, given the timing, we could see it as an anti-Trump offensive with the November midterm elections in mind.
But from the side, it looks like a madman who has lost sight of the newspaper's independence.
The newspapers are threatening him, not with their pens, but with their parties. 
But to my surprise, 350 newspapers, including the New York Times, followed suit and launched a series of criticisms against the U.S. president. 
I was dumbfounded.
* I had no idea that this was the case, as I had been following NHK and others' news reports. Most Japanese people, and people around the world, had never heard of it before*.
What kind of coverage did the mainstream media give to the presidential election to argue that fake news is a frame-up? 
They treated Trump as a frothy candidate all through the campaign, getting at most 8% of the vote.
And yet, they brought up the women's scandal, from allegations of tax evasion to evading the Vietnam War draft, against the supposed bubble candidate, Trump. 
If so, what about Bill Clinton?
He became a Rhodes Scholar in England, ran away to Oxford University, and managed to evade the draft while doing marijuana. 
The American public knows that they did biased reporting against Trump.
After the supposedly bubbly Trump won the presidential election, the "newspaper's credibility" dropped to 32% in a Gallup poll.
But there is no remorse for that in the mainstream media.
They don't even acknowledge their biased reporting, and now they write about things like the Russian allegations surrounding the president, and in the process, openly exercise their freedom to not report on Hillary's dubious crimes when they are exposed for the opposite. 
On top of that, they are also busy destroying social media, including the social networking sites that allowed Trump to win.
Pro-Trump and anti-globalization sites have refused to be distributed, calling them fake and erasing them from the public eye. 
GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon), the globalism-riding companies, are at the forefront of this trend. In particular, the anti-Trump coverage in the Amazon-owned "Washington Post" is beyond the norm for newspaper people.
It seems as if there is no longer any decent journalism in the United States.
It's hard not to laugh at the fact that Japanese newspapers are showing the same symptoms.
At least Trump's coverage of the presidential election was a dead copy of the U.S. media, and the Trump-bashing that followed was incredible.
It's like a flatterer who has lost awareness of the Japanese media. 
And that's not all.
They hate a priest, and you will hate his very vestments, or even Abe Shinzo, who is a friend of Trump's, tries to make it four.
The Asahi Shimbun is the worst of them all.
To be continued in this article.
