文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Where else in the world can such foolishness be found?

2021年12月13日 11時02分12秒 | 全般

The taxpayer feeds many pseudo-scholars from China and South Korea, countries whose raison d'etre is anti-Japanese propaganda and whose regimes make it impossible for decent academics to exist.
It is the chapter I sent out on October 12, 2018.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
I am re-disseminating it with corrected paragraphs, etc.
However, there is an urgent need for the world to read Professor Hiroshi Furuta's historical masterpiece promptly.
In particular, the United Nations and U.S. historical societies have been dominated by anti-Japanese propaganda forces in China and the Korean Peninsula.
In particular, the New York Times, where Norimitsu Onishi has been writing anti-Japanese articles.
The Washington Post has been doing the same.
In particular, the Süddeutsche Zeitung has used the Asahi Shimbun and the Japan Times for their nefarious schemes.
I have been working on the English translation, hoping to expose their lies as soon as possible.
I became firmly convinced of something while translating the next chapter into English.
In 2018, NHK was showing the female members of the opposition party daily.
This woman was the founder of Peace Boat.
How could a student arrange a round-the-world boat trip with a stopover in North Korea?
I was 100% sure that she was an agent of North Korea.
But still...
Isn't there a severe flaw in Japan as a nation?
The same can be said about the state of universities all over Japan.
I once wrote about how I was surprised when I searched for a specific department at the University of Tokyo for some reason.
There are two professors, each from Korea and China, in the humanities department for some reason.
I guessed that they probably have a quota like that.
The above situation was the most harmful effect of the dominance of the Asahi Shimbun over the Japanese academic world until August four years ago.
Most of the public universities in Japan must be in the same state as the humanities department of Tokyo University.
What about private universities? The same is true for private universities, as they are heavily subsidized.
The taxpayers pay for many pseudo-scholars from China and South Korea, countries where anti-Japanese propaganda is the raison d'etre and where there is no possibility of proper academic study, to brainwash university students with their anti-Japanese propaganda.
Where else in the world can such foolishness be found?
After studying at Ritsumeikan University as the top student of a man who was 100% a spy for North Korea, he joined the Asahi Shimbun.
The fact that someone like Tetsuya Hakoda, who studied at Yonsei University from the Asahi Shimbun and continues to write unbelievable articles on insulting Japan and following Korea, is at the center of the mass media.
The time has come for the Japanese people to realize that there is no such hair-raising story in any other country in the world.


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