文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Almost 100% of the traces of his being caught in a honey trap should come to light.

2021年07月05日 11時07分33秒 | 全般

The former Niigata governor was the man who repeatedly called the chairman of TEPCO to the Niigata prefectural office and bullied him, exposing the stupidity and diminutive nature of his humanity.
As the facies said, this was a man who had been engaging in prostitution on every business trip to Tokyo.
That's why he resigned as governor of Niigata Prefecture.
He was a man whose only selling point was that he graduated from the University of Tokyo. 
The other day, news broke that he had married a woman who is one of the fools (that is, one of those who avenge Japan) of the Asahi Shimbun and who makes her living from TV shows that are not only the height of stupidity but also harmful to Japan. In this country, the turntable of civilization is turning. 
The woman's ex-husband was not only the man who makes his living by serving the Asahi Shimbun but was also one of the creators of the SEALDs, a group that was the height of stupidity.

As a matter of course, graduates of the University of Tokyo are a mixed bag, with a wide range of differences.
Many are useless.
Now, Kawakatsu is a graduate of Waseda University.
Since this university has many students, there is a greater variety and mixture of wheat and chaff than at Tokyo University.
Kawakatsu must have visited China countless times.
Those who make a living by selling articles to the weekly Bunshun must immediately investigate how he visited China.
Did he have a beautiful interpreter or guide during his visit to China, and which hotel did he stay at?
It is a clear fact that former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto was caught in a Chinese honey trap.
Even Ryutaro Hashimoto acts like this, and Kawakatsu much more so.
Almost 100% of the traces of his being caught in a honey trap should come to light.
Weekly Bunshun, isn't there any better scoop than this?


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