文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

make repeated calls on them, even if curtly turning another far away at the gate

2017年08月18日 11時21分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter
Japan Veterinary Association feared
Kake Gakuen Okayama University of Science, based in Okayama City, managed to enter the new field somehow and to have a new faculty of veterinary medicine approved.
It was a veterinary department of a new concept, pursuing life science purposely, taking into account the "anomalies of the biological world" that go beyond medical treatment of industrial animals and pets.
Besides, there were no veterinary schools in Shikoku.
Ehime Prefecture Imabari City will be attracted to provide land for free, preparations began.
However, MEXT in Kasumigaseki and Agriculture and Municipal Department make repeated calls on them, even if curtly turning another far away at the gate or front door.
On the contrary it has been put out to the faculty of veterinary medicine tells the notice of prohibition of new construction by MEXT.
As a legal system, they made it impossible to establish a faculty of veterinary medicine in the first place.
Since Japan is a legal nation, this cannot move at all.
Everyone concerned who struggled to newly establishment cried.
I knew this kind of things in the interview of "Abnormalities in the living world".

This draft continues.

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