文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Comments on the do not go beyond the obvious decision  by the US to stop funding WHO:

2020年04月15日 22時34分12秒 | 全般

Those who were watching NHK watch nine on April 15th should have convinced that caster Arima was a Chinese agent.
Comments on the do not go beyond the obvious decision  by the US to stop funding WHO:
He made it clear that he was a Chinese agent.
Not only him, but the newly appointed caster Wakuda also revealed that she was a human being no different from a radio geisha at the level of what she had learned at the University of Tokyo.
The people who control the NHK news department are definitely the people under the control of China.
In the words of President Trump, they hate, they are fake news storytellers.


