文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is also said to be in league with the infamous Davos conference.

2023年02月18日 09時39分19秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Koyu Nishimura and Mr. Himasoraakane that I just discovered.
It is a fact that no one can deny.
Even a schoolboy can understand it by looking at the U.S. today.
It is none other than the Democrats who pander to and promote Political Correctness Fascism and the Cultural Revolution of Cancel Culture that has been dividing the U.S.
It is also said to be in league with the infamous Davos conference.

Quote tweet
If the LGBT bill passes, hell will come to you.
If "men with dicks who self-identify as gender identity" enter women's locker rooms and bathrooms and are kicked out, "lawsuits will be filed by lawyers for discrimination," and NPOs of these support groups will choo-choo for public money! 

How can tens of millions of public money flow into NPOs and general incorporated associations in such a lawless state, where there seems to be no ministry to oversee them?
They seem to be just sucking on the sweet juice without being exposed to any good competition.
Is the juice under the banner of LGBT support tasty?

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