文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But history has taught us that illiberal people will take advantage of too much tolerance.

2024年05月12日 11時58分08秒 | 全般

For some reason, the Komei Party was less than enthusiastic, and the bill was stripped bare bones. 
Understandably, the party and China are good friends and tolerant parties.
March 29, 2021

It is from today's Sankei Sho. 
While I was working remotely, the latest fad, over the weekend (although I was watching a live horse race on the side), I heard a ringing tone on my cell phone. 
I looked at the number and saw that it was an acquaintance who was very picky when it came to ignoring me. 
I had no choice but to answer it, and a triumphant voice jumped into my ear, "Oh, no, I'm so glad. 
I kept my mouth shut because nothing good had happened recently, and he asked me, "Have you been watching the high school baseball games? Tokai University Sugo won the game with a sayonara, and I didn't have to listen to that school song!" 
He started to ramble on. 
That school song is the song of Kyoto International High School, which has been the talk of the town on the Internet. 
The school is a private school, formerly a Korean school, and the school song is still in Korean. 
As you know, "East Sea" appears at the beginning of the lyrics, and "Donghae" is a word the Korean government has used to force countries worldwide to change the name of the Sea of Japan to this designation. 
My acquaintance is upset that the Korean government has brought politics into high school baseball. 
When Kyoto International won its first game, the Korean media made a big fuss, saying, "The school song in Korean echoed all over Japan. NHK, annoyed by the excitement and the excitement of the game, translated the lyrics into Japanese as "Sea of the East," which was amusing. 
One wonders what would happen if high school students in Seoul sang "Takeshima is..." in Japanese. 
Japan is truly a tolerant country. 
Foreign capital is free to buy important land for security reasons, such as land near Self-Defense Force bases and nuclear power plants. 
The government finally did the heavy lifting and submitted a bill to the Diet to regulate land use around critical infrastructure facilities. 
Still, the New Komeito party was unenthusiastic about the bill, and it was scrapped. 
It is understandable that Komeito and China are friendly and tolerant parties. 
But history has taught us that illiberal people will take advantage of too much tolerance.

2024/5/11 in Kyoto
