文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I can't help feeling that Ueno-san and Asahi are also typical of 'Japanese-style liberals.'

2024年09月10日 08時09分31秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
When you look at a woman who is shouting "Opposition against sexual harassment at work," there are many who would like to say, "You aren't touched."
Well, I am an exceptional being (laughs).
Recently, I watched "Why is this happening? Feminism before and after" (deleted), which was flowing on the Internet. Still, when a person who was a beautiful woman by nature becomes a feminist, she comes to choose a fashion that does not detract from men.
Does the feminist group inspire them?
Everyone is going to be not popular.
I have heard of the former Asahi Shimbun reporters, but the women's reporters of the Asahi will gradually become less attractive (laughs).
Similarly, Ueno-san also told the University of Tokyo girls, 'You are not popular because you are the University of Tokyo.' But it's not your fault. It's a bad guy who doesn't think of intelligence. Ultimately, Japanese society is not good, and without telling how to become simply popular, expelling the word of the curse, trying to infect the girl who has low self-esteem.
I want to say, "You are preying on women in the 8 trillion yen gender equality industry!"
There are many beautiful women at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
On the contrary, the level is higher than the general population.
It could be that it's social status is high or rich enough for a father to get a beautiful wife.
As a result, it may mean that the daughter has both brains and beauty, which is the picking of the best parents.
I can't help feeling that Ueno-san and Asahi are also typical of 'Japanese-style liberals.'
Ideals and ideas come first.
There is a part of Ueno's congratulatory message that mentions the "Unauthorized entrance exam" or "The University of Tokyo student rape case." Still, it can be said that it is just a target.
There is a thought that women are discriminated against and abused, and she takes up examples and data that are appropriate to them.
Japanese-type liberals are still clinging to the communist system even if it collapses.
If it is for thought, fabrication, falsification, or concealment, do not hesitate.
This manuscript continues.

2024/9/5 in Onomichi

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