文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Recently, I watched a TV program that made me laugh out loud.

2024年06月12日 08時11分54秒 | 全般

It was the kind of show that Naomi Trauden and the program producers, who wanted to criticize and humiliate Japan and make the viewers follow their SGDS beliefs, left feeling ashamed of.
September 23, 2023
The following is a rough draft. 
But it is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the most important papers of the 21st century.
It is an undeniable fact that the Ministry of Finance (MOF) practically dominated and controlled the "nightmare Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration," which was the worst administration in history.
Furthermore, it is no exaggeration to say that the cabinet of Eijiro Katsu, the head of the Ministry of Finance at that time, was the cabinet of the Democratic Party of Japan.
Mutuo Mabuchi, who graduated from Kyoto University, joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, served as ambassador, and retired from the ministry, refers to the existence of the "Deep State."
The Davos meeting, started by a German who was Kissinger's number one disciple (a nightmare, so to speak), is now bizarrely setting the world's current trends.
Last year, I was watching a TV program with a big smile on my face.
I am still determining the reason, but her father is a German professor at Kyoto University.
In particular, TV Tokyo = Nihon Keizai Shimbun suddenly started to emphasize a female university student named Naomi Trauden. 
It started to lead the world with strange and beautiful phrases about sustainability, SDGs, etc.
Recently, I watched a TV program that made me laugh out loud.
It was a TV program based on Japan's Edo period, with Naomi Trauden as a reporter. The creators created it from the viewpoint of SDGs, aiming to criticize and destroy Japan.
However, the Edo period in Japan was a wonderfully sustainable and SDG society in which the leftist pedophiles started to achieve their ambition of world domination, which would make a kindergarten student's essay about sustainability and SDGs look like a joke.
Everything was ideally reused, down to the manure.
So Japan was the cleanest city and country in the world at that time.
Naomi Trauden and the producers of the program, who wanted to corrupt Japan, left the show in red shame.
Many people must have been stunned to learn that the creator (general producer) of the NHK historical drama "Dare Ieyasu" is a Korean living in Japan who has said that the Emperor should be the King of Japan.
No wonder Cheongju Castle looked so filthy.
In the current development, people who know the reality of the Iga Ninjas must be thinking, "I see...they want to discredit Japan anyway, so they made up Hattori Hanzo and others as significant characters and portrayed the Iga Ninjas in a bizarre and filthy manner.
It is no exaggeration to say that Japan finally stopped its massive ODA to China in March last year, which was the most significant economic and technological aid from one country to another in history.
During this period, China was engaged in an extraordinary military buildup, controlling the United Nations and spreading money around Africa and Latin America to expand China's interests.
The UN initiated the climate change issue, a scheme hatched by China and Canadian international fraudster Maurice Strong, with the complicity of US Democrat Al Gore, to make it a global trend (Masayuki Takayama).
These aspects prove that Mr. Mabuchi has hit the nail on the head in his editorial.
The title of Yoshiko Sakurai's column in the latter part of today's issue of weekly Shincho is Abe's "Memoirs," a record of a life of continuous battles.
Based on the recent Diet deliberations and other events, many people must have been convinced that the Ministry of Finance was the source of the "Noritake" issue that the Asahi Shimbun fabricated to attack the Abe administration.
Mr. Abe's "Memoirs" reveals that he was an irreconcilable enemy not only of China and the Korean Peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, but also of the Ministry of Finance.
Goro Hashimoto, a leading Yomiuri Shimbun reporter, completed it after a lengthy interview with Mr. Abe while he was still alive.
However, Mr. Abe had stopped its publication.
It is a clear fact that the stress caused by the relentless and vicious attacks from the Asahi Shimbun and others aggravated Abe's chronic illness, leading to his resignation.
It is a well-known fact that Mr. Abe recovered, became the head of the largest faction of the LDP, and reigned as the most influential person in the political world.
Many people hoped and were convinced that Mr. Abe would be reinstated.
As long as Mr. Abe was alive and well, Japan would be fine; most public thought so.
The fact that the mass media, the worst left-leaning press in history, fabricated the voices of a minimal number of leftist pedophiles as if half of them existed was also exposed in the light of day the other day.
They had repeatedly reported that about half of the public was opposed to Abe's state funeral,
It was a fabricated figure, made up of a small number of anti-Japanese who repeatedly and abnormally posted their opinions alone.
In the postwar crunch, many zainichi Koreans and leftist pedophiles infiltrated the Japanese media.
Leftist pedophiles still control universities.
It is no exaggeration to say that many who subscribe to and read the Asahi Shimbun, studied at the Red University of Tokyo, graduated from law school, and joined the Ministry of Finance have leftist sympathies.
A certain transcendence came to me this morning when I read the above article by Yoshiko Sakurai.
In addition to China and the Korean Peninsula, the Ministry of Finance?
As readers know, I have been saying for some time now that the Ministry of Finance is the Asahi Shimbun of the Kasumigaseki area.
It is an obvious fact that even an elementary school-level brain can understand that the real perpetrators of Mr. Abe's assassination were the Asahi Shimbun, China, and the Korean Peninsula.
Those who created the motive, those who had 100% reason to kill him, all have one thing in common: evil, twisted, and childish ideology.
Who would have thought that the Ministry of Finance would join them?
This article continues.
As for the economy, it is evident that most of the so-called academics, Prime Minister Kishida, and most of the reporters in the economic section of the media are at the beck and call of the Ministry of Finance.
Unlike those who are at the mercy of the Ministry of Finance and make a living from the knowledge they receive from the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Hideo Tamura and Mr. Yoichi Takahashi are two of Japan's most precious human beings, or "national treasures" as Saicho defined them, who continue to deliver editorials that hit the nail on the head based on their own studied insight.
He sheds light on hidden and concealed truths, elucidates, and teaches us about them.
In other words, they are "national treasures" who continue to work to illuminate a corner of the world.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Ministry of Finance has degenerated into an organization of second-rate people who think only of their interests.
While forcing the Japanese people to pay higher taxes, even to the point of increasing defense spending, as if they have no interest in overcoming deflation, the ministry spends large sums of money on foreign countries, perhaps in line with the wishes of the United States.
The Japanese government has been crushing its dairy farmers recently while providing large sums of money to foreign countries to promote agriculture.
It is a digression from the main point, but the "Morning 8" project started by Mr. Naoki Momota and Ms. Kaori Arimoto is also an epoch-making event.
It is an attempt that is not too much to say that it is a crime itself.
It is not only the height of folly but also an organization composed of sufferers of leftist pedophilia and anti-Japanese ideologues with a massive view of self-flagellation, including Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo, and NHK. 
The local newspaper only publishes articles from Kyodo News and the major newspapers. 
TV broadcasters, which are subsidiaries of the companies, these mass media have ruled Japan.
Their reality was revealed in full force in August 2014.
Yet, they are still in their ambition to dominate Japan.
In July 2010, this column appeared for reasons readers know.
I recently subscribed to the July supplement of the monthly WiLL magazine, and I was struck by the global trends that have continued with global warming, electric cars, and solar power, as well as the coronavirus disaster and the lack of pursuit of the source of the problem,
Finally, the coronavirus was over, and we were back to our routine, but then, all of a sudden, the "let's eat crickets" press appeared.
The Davos Conference was at the root of all this.
Simply put, the Davos meeting was the brainchild of the organizer, Klaus Schwab, a German-born Swiss national.
This Davos meeting, or rather, this man and those who sympathize with him, such as Bill Gates,
Japanese politicians and those who work in the mass media sympathize with them.
To prevent Japan from being brought down by them, Naoki Hyakuta and Ms. Kaori Arimoto have invested their private fortune and finite time and energy, which is precious to everyone, starting at 8 a.m.
The people of Japan, a country where the "turntable of civilization" is turning and where the people are among the best in the world, responded in kind.
Since its launch, Morning 8 has been the number one channel watched at 8:00 a.m. in Japan.
In other words, this is the will of the Japanese people and the majority opinion.
It is now an obvious fact that the above media are, in fact, propaganda broadcasters and newspapers of the Japanese minority.
What did the G7 declare against China?
Hideo Tamura looked at the summit declaration document to see what it says about China.
At the end of the 66-item, 40-page document, in the "Regional Situation" section, items 51-52, he finally came across a paragraph on China.
See the attached article.
As for "economic intimidation" by China, it avoids naming China and mentions nothing about countermeasures.
I see.
This article by Hideo Tamura reveals that only some people who live in the mass media mentioned above have read this document carefully.
Therefore, their coverage should have reported the facts that Hideo Tamura elucidates in this article.
Mizuho Fukushima, Kiyomi Tsujimoto, and others were the masterminds behind the passage of the LGBT bill.
It is also an obvious fact that these women are anti-Japanese Diet members who are in contact with an anti-Japanese nation.
In other words, their past words and actions prove they have "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" in their DNA.
They are exploiting the fact that legislation by lawmakers does not require deliberation by the Diet.
They have created this bill by flirting with low-skilled female legislators of each party, who are only flirting with pseudo-moralism = rhetorical flourishes.
The only supporters of this bill are the less than 5% of the public who support the Constitutional Communist Party.
Several polls conducted by volunteers on the Internet ask for approval or disapproval of the LBGT bill.
All of them are over 95% against.
On the contrary, the reality is that it is around 98%.
There is no element of arbitrary leading questions, etc., in the polls that are up on the Internet.
As you know, they ask yes or no questions.
In other words, only supporters of the Constitution and the Communist Party answered yes.
The LDP's special-interest politicians have supported the new public money choo-choo system orchestrated by left-wing activists.
The pitfall of legislators' legislation that can be passed without deliberation!
It was organized by one German-born Swiss, Klaus Schwab! Davos International Conference.
One of the leading members is Bill Gates, a man of greed. 
He destroyed TRON, invented by Ken Sakamura, one of the most remarkable men ever born in Japan, and conquered the world with Windows.
As a result of the destruction of TRON, which was supposed to be the heart of Japanese-made PCs in the coming PC era, Japan's world-class consumer electronics makers have all fallen on hard times.
The situation has reached the point that the profits of all Japanese home appliance manufacturers cannot keep up with those of Samsung alone.
Kishida, who hurriedly welcomed Bill Gates, who recently visited Japan, to the prime minister's residence, was not the right person to be the prime minister of Japan. 
In this country, the "turntable of civilization" is still turning.
It is obvious that the Japanese mass media, including the Nikkei Shimbun, are following the orders of the Davos Forum.
At one point, the Nikkei began to argue that the number of female Diet members was low and should be increased.
The bill, which is not only stupid but also aims to divide and dismantle Japan, was introduced by anti-Japanese Diet members such as Mizuho Fukushima and Kiyomi Tsujimoto and female Diet members recommended by the Nikkei. 
These members exploited the pitfall of legislation passed by Diet members without deliberation.
We do not want to see such foolishness in increasing the number of female Diet members!
Nikkei should concentrate only on analyzing the economy!
Never again talk about fiscal issues as per the Ministry of Finance or international politics as per the directives of the Davos Forum!
Komeito should leave Japanese politics and go to China!
Kishida must step down immediately!
You are not qualified to be involved in Japanese politics!
Everyone should be outraged as to why and when the world became so foolish, including the foolishness of the LGBT bill.
I searched the other day to find out what the Davos conference was about.
I was astonished to learn that Klaus Schwab, a Swiss who grew up in Germany and studied under Kissinger at Harvard, is the organizer.
The world is now, of course, going communist.
The world is now, of all people, going against the "turntable of civilization," the providence of God.
Who has led the world in this ridiculous direction?
Incredibly, it was a joke of a conference called Davos.
Bill Gates, the greedy, control freak who used the US government to crush Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution in Japan.
He was the one who drove all of Japan's world-class electronics manufacturers into a terrible predicament.
Like him, a few people, as a mass of greed and lust for control, have taken advantage of the Internet age and are now wealthy beyond the national budgets of small and medium-sized nations.
The French pharmaceutical magnate who established the Wuhan Virus Research Institute in China has profited astronomically from producing vaccines and other products containing the coronavirus caused by the Wuhan virus.
It is unbelievable that these kinds of people have gathered together to determine the world's politics.
It is no wonder that the world has become so foolish and is heading toward the extinction of humankind.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


