Life is Sweet.....

Days with Pudgy & Ooloo Bonzo

誰もかなわないフレンチブルドッグの飼い主さん。Nobody can compare with Karl - the real Bully lover !

2012年01月31日 | Weblog

去年の暮れの夕方のことです。yuipooのおうちのそばのマルエツに買い物に行ったとき、かわいいコンバーティブルのクルマの後にフレンチブルドッグのステッカーが貼ってあり ”ああ、きっとフレンチブルドッグの飼い主さんなんだねえ” とか言っていたら、ちょうど持ち主の方が買い物を終えてクルマに乗り込んだところだったようで、車の中から ”そうですよ~!フレンチブルドッグ飼ってますよ~!” って声が聞こえました。


It happened just after Christmas, when we went shipping with my grand daughter at her nearby super market, we caught the eye of  a French Bulldog sticker on the trunk lid of a convertible coupe at the parking lot. We talked about it and I said " The car owner must have French Bulldog!"  and it seemed the car owner had just got back into the driving seat  and we heard him saying  " Yes ! I have ! "   The guy was Mr.Karl Neubert, free-lancing film maker based in Tokyo, also a lecturer in film at a university.


それで、フレンチブルドッグの話をチョットして、別れ際に ”パッジー・ボンゾで検索して下さいねえ!” ってお願いしたところ あとで連絡がきて 早速、 facebookのお友達になりました。


And we talked a little about our dogs and I asked him to check my website.  The next day he got in touch with me and we've got a facebook pal each other ! Checking his pictures in facebook, It was a big surprise that his family had kept French Bulldogs for 4 generations !  Following photo is his great-grandfather and his dog, "Bussi". He started to have a dog in 1920's. You know what, Karl has also lived with 8 French Bulldogs in his life so far ! I've never seen such a  French Bulldog lover, Amazing! 


Now let us open the history books. The lady is Anna Maria Sacher from the famous Viennese hotel Sacher with two of her famous "Sacher Bullys" .She was one of the first French Bulldog breeders in Austria. - I tell you, ”Sacher-Torte" the famous Austrian chocolate cake was originally from the hotel !-   Her Frenchies in pix look similar to Bussi who actually was one of them. This picture was shot in 1908 . At that time The physical standard of French Bulldogs has been almost confirmed  and got in all the rage in America. Steiff's Bully - stuffed French Bulldog doll- was available around the same time.

 ↓1978年 カールさんと当時の愛犬『Hubsi』です。

Karl and his "Hubsi" in 1978

↓1984年 カールさんと『Hubsi』です。

Karl and his "Hubsi" in 1984


Karl and his Prinzi & Herzi, recent shot on the beach of  Izu area 

↓でも、残念なことに 一番上の写真の子、『Herzi』は去年の9月に亡くなってしまったそうです。4歳のお誕生日の2日前のことだそうです。


So sad to say, Herzi has passed away last fall.. It was just 2 days before his 4th birthday. He was a grandchild of  the world champion Valentino De la Parure. I can see how Karl feel... So sorry about him.........

Prinzi stands by Karl!

また是非カールさんにあいたいなあ・・・ 会ってたくさんフレンチブルドッグの話を聞きたい!

It's really great he always lives with French Bulldogs in his whole life. I hope I could see Karl soon and hear much about French Bulldog.
(all pictures are posted on approval of Mr. Karl Neubert)


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
どうもありがとう! (カール)
2012-02-02 23:20:29
カールさんへ (Pudgy & Ooloo Bonzo)
2012-02-03 00:59:43
