Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-08-21 | tweet
00:22 from Twitter for iPhone
Dad: Let's go to see the Heights or Memphis.
Me: Monday is all I have there.
Dad: means?
Me: we see the Heights.

Saw it a month ago tho.
00:27 from Twitter for iPhone
@jarranmuse yes I know but I haven't seen broadway musical here. DG was an exception lol
But how come U know so well about Japan tour?
00:49 from Twitter for iPhone
♪( ´θ`)ノ lalalalalalala~
00:58 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @key_mo
@key_mo glad U made it safe.
06:05 from Twitter for iPhone
Meeting and school day.
Wanted to sleep more.
09:26 from Twitter for iPhone
Headed to Orlando Meeting. Being busy is good cuz that means U have things to achieve.
09:29 from Twitter for iPhone
09:32 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @ChesterGregory
@ChesterGregory I'll see the show again too on Monday with my dad!! 2 In the Heights in a month lol
09:33 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @jarranmuse
@jarranmuse saw the schedule of ITH japan tour. They have 9 shows a week! Crazy...anyway I will go to see Jordin Sparks on Monday w/ Dad ;-D
09:38 from Twitter for iPhone
@sakkoo えりにtwitterすすめてみた。
12:44 from Twitter for iPhone
The Project for Orlando is getting bigger than I imagined. Thankful but so hectic!!!!!!!!
13:07 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @heiflat
@heiflat アメリカのどちら?
13:09 from Twitter for iPhone
Got a guide for Orlando hospital inspection. FULL information was in. Timezone, weather...blah blah blah. I can survive w/o that but thanx.
14:05 from Twitter for iPhone
"Medicine is not merely a science, but an art." - Paracelsus
14:07 from Twitter for iPhone
I can be an artist :-) RT @Kana_Jane "Medicine is not merely a science, but an art." - Paracelsus
16:06 from Twitter for iPhone
Favorite part of the Oath of Hippocrates:
"I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts."
16:15 from Twitter for iPhone
Headed to @YOUNGAMERICANS second last WS in Japan. This will the last for this summer.
21:43 from Twitter for iPhone
Friends are friends forever no matter where we are. The distance dosen't matter at all.
I LOVE MY FRIENDS in all over the world.
21:50 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @jarranmuse
@jarranmuse have fun with your family :-)
22:50 from Twitter for iPhone
Full of energy. This is the power of kids.

BTW JR's Japanese is just amazing!
He is cho sugoi!! http://twitvid.com/2KSMH
23:25 from Twitter for iPhone
Skype chat, FB chat and working at the same time lol
23:37 from Twitter for iPhone
E-mail, Txt, Facebook, Twitter and Skype... So many tools to connect with friends in the world.
What is your fav. communication tool?
by Kana_Jane on Twitter
