Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-08-20 | tweet
00:04 from Twitter for iPhone
00:29 from Twitter for iPhone
2. たまに英語から日本語に頭で訳している
3. 言いたいことが言い切れない=コミュニケーションの弊害あり
4. 日本語だと長くつぶやける


00:47 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @ChesterGregory
@ChesterGregory actually it is impressing that U can wear his Tshirt. Has he grown that fast?? lol
Miss his bright smiling face.
00:51 from Twitter for iPhone
@jarranmuse good for U!!
01:02 from Twitter for iPhone
Learned that it is soooo hard to live without ENGLISH.
My silly trial is over. Was frustrating & stressful lol
Now am relieved.
07:44 from Twitter for iPhone
Good morning. Will be sleepyyy day.
08:24 from Twitter for iPhone
5 hrs sleep is not enough for me but so many things coming up...
09:03 from Twitter for iPhone
Me: Where is my iPod? I left it here last night.
Mom: ...there! Your dad was charging it for U. He charged my cell too :)

Oh...ok. Thanx?
09:27 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @magnolianyc
@magnolianyc じゃっかん、ありがた迷惑な気も。。。
10:06 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @hossy82
@hossy82 がんばってください!
10:21 from Twitter for iPhone
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z. Now I can "say" ABC's. Next time, won't U sing w/me :)
12:00 from Twitter for iPhone
Missed the great show. RT@huny: @ChesterGregory & Erro are doing "Thriller" & CG is wearing a tshirt that says "Michael Jackson is not dead"
12:05 from Twitter for iPhone
Still hot but jeans is like my uniform when I go to school cuz have to stay in super chilly room for 4hrs.
Wanna wear summerish dress!
13:38 from Twitter for iPhone
最近言われた"リア充"という言葉。調べたら流行ったのは2007!! slang知らなすぎでしょう。http://tinyurl.com/26gtjux

Must learn more Japanese as well as English. smh.
14:15 from Twitter for iPhone
Will see one of my best friend tonight!!!! Can't wait can't wait can't wait! We haven't talked for 1.5 years.
15:35 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @missinglinkk
@missinglinkk その通りだと思います。リーダーなのに、現場にほぼ行けず、シフト管理してただけ笑
17:01 from Twitter for iPhone
Lecture, done. Now off to work.
Study, work and save money.
That is all I have to do here lol
19:34 from Twitter for iPhone
Spilt green tea in my bag. Actually the bottle was opened. Everything is drenched ???
23:17 from Twitter for iPhone
Had so much fun with Hitomi!! She knows me well.
23:21 from Twitter for iPhone
Not 100% sure that I can attend her wedding yet cuz there'll be so many haters but have to be strong for her.
by Kana_Jane on Twitter
