Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-09-03 | tweet
05:24 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @jarranmuse
@jarranmuse I woke up with stomach ache too lol And nausea as well...
08:01 from Twitter for iPhone
Didn't know Hello Kitty wanted to be on BROADWAY as a cast of CATS lol
08:57 from Twitter for iPhone
私も見てた。今日の話良かった。自分と重なった。RT @naokofrb 長い人生ちょっと休んでもいい。人生で大事なのは養生じゃ。byゲゲゲの女房・水木しげるの父
13:58 from Now Playing Song
#nowplaying "Let's Be Together" by Chester Gregory
18:34 from Twitter for iPhone
Installing iTunes 10. Gee, my laptop might be too old :-/ Please survive till I get new one next spring!!
18:34 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @sakkoo
@sakkoo それは本当に悲劇だね :-( お大事に。
19:16 from Twitter for iPhone
I might go too see "In The Heights" Japan tour...was just informed my friend has extra tix.
Should I? Or shouldn't I?
by Kana_Jane on Twitter