Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-09-02 | tweet
06:17 from Twitter for iPhone
Good Morning.
Slept at the desk last night :-/
08:15 from Twitter for iPhone
Unwrapping my new CDs.
08:22 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @yonasu
@yonasu some original sound track of broadway musical.
08:23 from Twitter for iPhone
Importing new songs to #iTunes ♪♪♪
10:31 from Twitter for iPhone
My mom is a kinda shopaholic lol
She only buys my stuff tho...I am still her baby ?
10:43 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @magnolianyc
@magnolianyc 私も。リーダーなのに、なぜか。そういう時期なのかもね。でも、ものすんごくYAという団体を客観視できるようになった。
16:02 from Twitter for iPhone
September 1st. The Great Kanto earthquake struck the Kanto plain 77 years ago.
by Kana_Jane on Twitter