Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-07-11 | tweet
07:52 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @mame003
@mame003 隣の女の子の大きいカバンに舌打ちと体当たりしてる酔っ払いさんがこわかっただけで、私は無事です。ありがとうございます。
08:10 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @fourleafclovert
@fourleafclovert 直接の被害者じゃないので、大丈夫です:-) ありがとうございます。
08:22 from Twitter for iPhone
Bought my lunch at favorite market and found Arizona green tea!!! See?? That's why I like that market.
16:41 from Twitter for iPhone
17:42 from TwitBird

18:27 from Twitter for iPhone
Just saw a former prime minister.
18:49 from Twitter for iPhone
Done Asakusa exploring and headed to farewell party for @marie_on.
18:50 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @Syesha
@Syesha love that! Where did U get it??
20:30 from Twitter for iPhone
It's fun to meet new ppl :-)
21:09 from Twitter for iPhone
I am drunk so I think I have to leave...lol
22:28 from Twitter for iPhone
Was a good party!! Thanks @marie_on :-) U rock!!
22:39 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @ChesterGregory
@ChesterGregory totally agree. Especially ewwwww for 3.
22:42 from Twitter for iPhone
Like historical & cultural place.
by Kana_Jane on Twitter