ニュース news 24h


生活保護の生活扶助 一部世帯で5%引き下げ

2017-12-23 10:15:51 | 日記
生活保護の生活扶助 一部世帯で5%引き下げ
Living relief for welfare protection 5% cut in some households






世帯別の生活保護費 合計額はどう変わる







Regarding livelihood assistance such as food expenses and utilities expenses of welfare protection, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced a new standard amount, such as reducing the amount by 5% in some households of big cities. As a result of this review, households with two-thirds of the total are expected to reduce their living assistance expenses.
The standard value of living aid such as food expenses and utilities bill of living protection is reviewed once every 5 years after comparing with the living expenses of general low-income households, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on 22nd, We published a standard amount.

According to it, the household of a couple who has two children of junior high school students and elementary school children in big cities is 176,000 yen, which is now reduced by 9000 yen (-5%), and for single-person households 65 years old is 70,000 6000 yen, and 4000 yen (-5%) from now, mothers' families with 2 high school students and 2 junior high school students will have a reduction of 155,000 yen, 8000 yen (-5%) from now. For these households, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare initially considered considerable reductions, but the members of the expert conference opposed one after another, and the reduction was only 5% in both cases. On the other hand, in maternal families raising one elementary school child in local towns and villages, they are raised by 100,000 yen, 12,000 yen, 13% in proportion, and children 1 to 5 years old from 1 to 5 years old Households of couples raising people can raise 12,000 yen and 6000 yen, 5% in rate, by 5%. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, this review will result in 67% of the total, about two-thirds households are expected to lose their daily assistance expenses. The review of the standard amount is carried out gradually over three years from October next year, whereby the burden of living assistance is reduced by 1.8% at the rate of about 16 billion yen in 3 years It will be. How will the total welfare payment cost by household change? As a result of this review, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will determine how the total amount of welfare expenses, including the lifestyle aid, educational aid and the upper limit of housing assistance, will change for each household Respectively.

According to it, in the case of a 30-year-old couple who raises one child from 3 years old to 5 years old, it is 226,000 yen in a large city such as 23 wards of Tokyo and decreases by 1.6% from now, In towns and villages, it increases by 3.5% to 176,000 yen.

In the case of a 40-year-old couple who is raising two children of junior high school students and elementary school children, it is 281,000 yen in the big city, 3.1% less than now, local municipalities also decreased 214,000 yen, 2.4% To do. In the mothers' households where mothers in their 30s raised one elementary school child, the major cities increased by 0.1% from the current level to 218,000 yen, the local municipalities increased 177,000 yen, 4.7% I will. In a single-person household with

65 years of age, the metropolitan area is 131,000 yen, 3% less than it is now, down to 94,000 yen in local towns and villages, down 0.2%. In a household of a couple

65 years old, the big city is 184,000 yen, it is 0.5% lower than now, the local towns and villages will increase by 140,000 yen, 5.3%.

Review of these welfare expenses will be carried out step by step from autumn next year over three years.

新幹線の台車に亀裂 センサー使用など検査方法見直しへ

2017-12-23 10:15:41 | 日記
新幹線の台車に亀裂 センサー使用など検査方法見直しへ
To inspection method such as use of crack sensor for shinkans bullet train







In response to the problem that a crack was found in the truck of the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen, Ishii MLIT said at a press conference on 22nd, 'It is a serious matter that could lead to a serious accident if you make a mistake, We looked for cracks, and revealed the idea of ​​proceeding with reviewing the inspection method of the trolley.

On the 11th of this month, a crack was found in the dock of the Tokaido / Sanyo Shinkansen headed for Tokyo from Hakata on the 11th, there is a possibility that the truck may be broken in 3 centimeters and the National Transportation Safety Commission is the first major shinkansen We are certifying as an incident and investigating the detailed causes. As for this, Ishii Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism said at a news conference after the Cabinet meeting on February 22, 'It was a serious incident that could lead to a serious accident if you make a mistake,' and the idea of ​​proceeding with a review of the inspection method for trolleys I made it clear.

Currently, the inspection of the bogie of the Shinkansen is done visually every 2 days, things carried out by disassembling the parts one at a time every time the mileage reaches 1.2 million kilometers within 3 years, etc. There is it, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport manually shows it. However, this time, for the place where a crack was found, no abnormality was found by visual inspection on the day of operation, and in the disassembly inspection it was not manually checked. For this reason, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism plans to review inspection methods, such as clearly indicating in manual how to find scratches and cracks using sensors, for cracks found.

みかじめ料脅し取った疑い 指示役の暴力団幹部ら逮捕

2017-12-23 10:15:32 | 日記
みかじめ料脅し取った疑い 指示役の暴力団幹部ら逮捕
Arrested executives of organized crime groups who suspiciously threatened the street fee






Two gang members, including executives of gangsters who are seen as a new commander, were arrested in the case of 10 arrested members of Sumiyoshi's group of gangsters, who said they threatened cash as a preliminary fee from a restaurant in Tokyo / Akasaka. The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating further about the actual situation of the collection of the preliminary fee.
Two people arrested, including Sumiyoshi group gang group executive Masayuki Nagabuchi (53). According to the Metropolitan Police Department, Nagabuchi suspected that extortion was extorted as a threat to about 3.5 million yen as a preliminary fee from multiple restaurants in Minato-ku Akasaka from January to September, It is. In this case, 10 people including Sumiyoshi - kai gangsters have been arrested so far, the Metropolitan Police Department was investigating the misdeed on executives of the organized crime groups etc. According to the

survey, the gangsters to which Nagabuchi belongs is suspected of having used at least 40 million yen in Akasaka as a preliminary fee after fundamental loss, making it a source of funds.

The Metropolitan Police are investigating further about the actual condition of the preliminary fee collection. According to

the police department, Nagabuchi suspects to investigate, 'I can not affirm or deny it at this stage' and so on.

リニア談合事件 4社の受注額ほぼ同額 均等に調整か

2017-12-23 10:15:23 | 日記
リニア談合事件 4社の受注額ほぼ同額 均等に調整か
Order value of 4 rigid bid rigging cases Adjusted equally to the same amount





In the bid-rigging case surrounding the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen, it was found by the interview with the stakeholders that the total contract amount of the construction contracts that the four major general contractors ordered so far was close to 60 billion yen It was. The four companies have ordered nearly 70% of the work ordered so far, and the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Department and others are investigating as they suspect that they have adjusted the contract amounts evenly . Regarding the construction work of the Linear Central Shinkansen ordered by
JR Tokai etc., the major general contractors of 'Obayashi,' 'Kajima Construction,' 'Shimizu Corporation' and 'Taisei Corporation' have made rigging such as deciding the winning bidder in advance The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office and the Fair Trade Commission are proceeding with investigations by searching headquarters of each company for suspected violations of the Antimonopoly Act. () Of the linear-related constructions ordered so far, nearly 70% of the general contractors of the four major general contractors have ordered nearly 70% of the construction work of the stations and tunnel construction, but almost all of the construction work ordered by each company The total amount of the contract amount was nearly 60 billion yen each, it was understood by the interview with the stakeholders. According to the officials, it seems that the officials of executive class such as former executive vice president of 'Obayashi' who was a classmate of the university and 'former managing director of Taisei Construction' were involved in unfair orders adjustment by the four companies, The special investigation department and so on are that the initial letters of the four alphabet letters were allocated next to the list of the works scheduled to be ordered before the search, from the officials of Obayashi.

Special Prosecutors' Department is looking at it as suspected that there was a doubt that the contract amount of the work which the four executives ordered are evenly adjusted

津波被害の中学校 修復された校銘板が新校舎に 福島 いわき

2017-12-23 10:15:13 | 日記
津波被害の中学校 修復された校銘板が新校舎に 福島 いわき
The tsunami-injured junior high school restored school nameplate is in the new school building Fukushima Iwaki






The wooden board that wrote the name of the school, which was in junior high school in Iwaki City, Fukushima prefecture that was damaged by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Great Earthquake, was restored and it was decided to be attached to the new school building to be relocated.
At the Toyama Middle School in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, which was located tens of meters from the coast at the time of the disaster, the first floor part was largely broken by the tsunami.
In this, the wooden 'school nameplate' written with the name of the school produced by print artist Mr. Isamu Sakamoto nine years ago was left behind without being washed away though what was used in the water.

Although it was scratched by the influence of the tsunami, it faded, but Sakamoto-san started restoring in order to convey the memory of the disaster, and it was handed over to the students learned at the newly built school building on the inland hill on the 22nd It was done.

Sakamoto also attended the commemoration ceremony, student council president Sanmi Ayumi said 'I want to work hard to overcome difficulties like the school nameplate that survived the tsunami' It was.

The raised school nameplate is attached to the entrance of the new school building. At the time of the earthquake, Mikui who was a second grade of elementary school talked after ceremony, 'I want to cherish the nameplate of the school building where my seniors passed and tell the memory of the earthquake disaster'